Israeli armed bulldozers are running over Palestinian civilians right now

@EuroMedHR "Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor" has expressed its shock at the footage, showing an Israeli military vehicle intentionally running over a displaced civilian, who was fleeing to the south of Gaza.

According to the human rights group, the man went through a route that Israel announced as safe. However, Israeli soldiers shot him before mutilating his body.
They shouldn’t have done that. What they should have done is set him on fire while he was still alive and watch him burn to death 💀
They shouldn’t have done that. What they should have done is set him on fire while he was still alive and watch him burn to death 💀

Are you calling for burning civilians?
Geneva – In a statement released today, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor expressed shock and horror over video footage showing an Israeli military vehicle deliberately trampling the body of a dead Palestinian civilian who died trying to cross Israel’s “safe corridor” in Gaza.

According to the Euro-Med Monitor team’s investigation, the man had been attempting to flee Israeli violence via the “safe corridor”—Salah al-Din Street, the Gaza Strip’s main road—that the Israeli army allegedly allocated for the use of displaced Palestinian civilians travelling south from Gaza City and other northern areas. The man was shot and killed before being deliberately trampled on by the military vehicle, said the human rights organisation.

Since the start of Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip on 7 October, Euro-Med Monitor has documented numerous brutal Israeli violations, including mutilating the bodies of dead Palestinians by harassing corpses on camera, dragging them, urinating on them, and even cutting off their limbs.

The rules of international law stipulate the necessity of respecting and protecting the bodies of the dead during armed conflicts, in accordance with Rule 115, which states that, “The dead must be disposed of in a respectful manner and their graves respected and properly maintained.” The Fourth Geneva Convention also stresses that, “Each party to the conflict must take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled. Mutilation of dead bodies is prohibited.”

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor wholeheartedly denounced the Israeli soldiers’ boasts of mutilating the bodies of the dead, and their publishing of video clips documenting these horrific practices. The Geneva-based rights group views these acts as reflections of the severity of the soldiers’ sadism and their flagrant violation of the rules of war, and called on the international community to immediately intervene.

Hamas propaganda ^^^^^
Israeli armed bulldozers are running over Palestinian civilians right now in Gaza
Warning: Graphic

Where were you when "crime against humanity' violations of International Law were committed by firing rockets into civilian areas of Israel to start all this
Biden is sending horrific weapons to Ukraine that are so evil that 100 countries have banned them

"Joe Biden has defended the “difficult decision” to send widely banned cluster munitions to Ukraine, after he was condemned by human rights groups and a fellow Democrat said it was “unnecessary and a terrible mistake”. Cluster munitions are prohibited by more than 100 countries."

YOur ignorance of this is sinful if I may opine
When you behead babies and put them in ovens, rape women and kill innocent men (such as Hamas does) this kind of retaliation is to be expected.
Except when you make things up to cover your military strategic failure.



Israel now admits that

About 200 of the bodies they said were Israelis turned out to be "so badly burned" bodies of "Hamas fighters"!

The question then is: who burned them?!?

Where were you when "crime against humanity' violations of International Law were committed by firing rockets into civilian areas of Israel to start all this

Where were you when Israel occupied Palestine and killed thousands of Palestinians and forced the survivors into concentration refugees camps?
Where were you when Israel occupied Palestine and killed thousands of Palestinians and forced the survivors into concentration refugees camps for 77 years?
BS. Ottomans owned the place. Fought with Germany and lost. Lawrence of Arabia fought but was insignificant in large battles.

Almost all the Middle East was Ottoman. There was no Jordan, Syria....etc.

Nomads were in Gaza and refugees from WW1. Palistine didnt exist. Was called Phillistines from Roman Times.

You distort history with your Pravda nonsence.
BS. Ottomans owned the place. Fought with Germany and lost. Lawrence of Arabia fought but was insignificant in large battles.

Almost all the Middle East was Ottoman. There was no Jordan, Syria....etc.

Nomads were in Gaza and refugees from WW1. Palistine didnt exist. Was called Phillistines from Roman Times.

You distort history with your Pravda nonsence.
So, after all, no one have stolen any land?


So, after all, no one have stolen any land?

View attachment 862179

Every Nation on earth is for the most part is there because of War.

Why is N.Africa primarily Muslim?? Because it was taken by Muslims. The same Muslims were going to take Europe but the Hammar stopped them.

Egypt had Gaza and left leaving Palis there because they knew it would be a pain in the ass to Israel.
Israelis. Yes. They also use white phosphorus, an incendiary weapon; in their ongoing genocide.
You'd figure after 40 years of "genocide" there would be LESS MOOSE LIMB FILTH, as opposed to more. If Israel is committing genocide, they're doing it wrong.

You cock suckers are TRYING TO COMMIT GENOCIDE, and you're failing, because you suck and should be destroyed.


Israelis. Yes. They also use white phosphorus, an incendiary weapon; in their ongoing genocide.
Meh, your terrorist propaganda is old and moldy. Burning babies and raping women is not “resistance”. Israelis are angels compared to the animals you defend.
@EuroMedHR "Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor" has expressed its shock at the footage, showing an Israeli military vehicle intentionally running over a displaced civilian, who was fleeing to the south of Gaza.

According to the human rights group, the man went through a route that Israel announced as safe. However, Israeli soldiers shot him before mutilating his body.

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