Israeli Army Forces Enter Gaza, Open Fire On Palestinian Farmers

Idiot, we're talking about the 5 Arab states surrounding Israel. They had nothing to do with the Israel-Palestinian hostilities. The day after Israel declared independence, they attacked. Wtf is so hard to understand about this? Are you brain dead? You cannot re write history. I win. You lose. Again
First off, you had 10% of the population, declaring independence over 70% of the land. And second, Arabs attacked when the British left the area leaving no government authority to protect the indigenous, non-Jewish residents of that area, from being subject to violence and mass murder at the hands of Jewish terrorist groups and after 40 years of watching the hostility ramp up to the level it was, just before the war.
Billo_Really, et al,

I don't read and interpret it the same.

Yes, the 5 Arab states amstarted the war. They attacked Israel, not the other way around. And maybe one of their intentions was to ensure the rights of the non Jews (bullshit), BUT one of their other intentions was definitely to destroy Israel and push the Jews to the sea, as they had threatened right before the war.
BTW, those Jewish 'terrorist' groups would not have come into existence had the Arabs not attacked the local Jews.
Unfortunately, that's not what happened.

The decision on the Mandate did not take into account the wishes of the people of Palestine, despite the Covenant's requirements that "the wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory".

The indigenous people of Palestine, whose forefathers had inhabited the land for virtually the two preceding millennia felt this design to be a violation of their natural and inalienable rights. They also viewed it as an infringement of assurances of independence given by the Allied Powers to Arab leaders in return for their support during the war. The result was mounting resistance to the Mandate by Palestinian Arabs, followed by resort to violence by the Jewish community as the Second World War drew to a close
The mounting resistance to an unfair Mandate, followed by a "resort to violence" by the Jewish community.

The historical record clearly shows it was the Jewish community who started all the violence. Now, fuck off!


First, your "quote" on the selection of the Mandate has nothing to do with the Issue. In fact, who would have the Palestinians chose as a Mandatory if not the UK?

Second, it says the Arab Palestinian resistance to the Mandate was "followed by" a "resort to violence" by the Jewish community.


April 4–7 - The 1920 Palestine riots – violent 4-day riot against the Jews in Jerusalem's Old City. Muhammad Amin Al-Husayni was charged with inciting the Arab crowds with an inflammatory speech and sentenced by military court held in camera (private) to ten years imprisonment in absentia, since he had already violated his bail by fleeing to Transjordan to avoid arrest.

May 1–7 1921- Jaffa riots resulted in the deaths of 47 Jews and 48 Arabs, with 146 Jews and 73 Arabs being wounded. Most Arab casualties resulted from clashes with British forces attempting to restore order.[15] Thousands of Jewish residents of Jaffa fled for Tel Aviv and were temporarily housed in tent camps on the beach.​
    • October 4 1923 - Secretary of State for the Colonies, the Duke of Devonshire, proposes the setting up of an Arab Agency to have equivalent status to the Jewish Agency.
    • December 11 1923 - Arab Agency unanimously rejected by Palestinian Arab leaders.
The 1929 Palestine riots erupt due to a dispute between Muslims and Jews over access to the Western Wall. 133 Jews killed and 339 wounded (mostly by Arabs); 116 Arabs killed and 232 wounded (mostly by British-commanded police and soldiers).​
    • 1929 Hebron massacre: 67 Jews are massacred by Arabs. Many incidents of rape, torture, and mutilation are reported.
1930 - The Black Hand Islamist group, led by Syrian Shaykh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam begins a campaign against Jewish civilians and the British in Mandatory Palestine.
I'm not sure what Timeline you are using, but maybe you can enlighten me again on which violent event the Jewish took first.

Most Respectfully,

Excellent post Rocco. I have, on many occassions posted those attacks against Jews that you did to show the deluded pro Palestinians who really started the violence. Their excuse is always that those attacks were justified resistance because the Jews were trying to take over their 'country'. But when Jewish attacks against Arabs are brought up, they are made out to be initial agression .
Billo_Really, et al,

I don't read and interpret it the same.

Yes, the 5 Arab states amstarted the war. They attacked Israel, not the other way around. And maybe one of their intentions was to ensure the rights of the non Jews (bullshit), BUT one of their other intentions was definitely to destroy Israel and push the Jews to the sea, as they had threatened right before the war.
BTW, those Jewish 'terrorist' groups would not have come into existence had the Arabs not attacked the local Jews.
Unfortunately, that's not what happened.

The decision on the Mandate did not take into account the wishes of the people of Palestine, despite the Covenant's requirements that "the wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory".

The indigenous people of Palestine, whose forefathers had inhabited the land for virtually the two preceding millennia felt this design to be a violation of their natural and inalienable rights. They also viewed it as an infringement of assurances of independence given by the Allied Powers to Arab leaders in return for their support during the war. The result was mounting resistance to the Mandate by Palestinian Arabs, followed by resort to violence by the Jewish community as the Second World War drew to a close
The mounting resistance to an unfair Mandate, followed by a "resort to violence" by the Jewish community.

The historical record clearly shows it was the Jewish community who started all the violence. Now, fuck off!


First, your "quote" on the selection of the Mandate has nothing to do with the Issue. In fact, who would have the Palestinians chose as a Mandatory if not the UK?

Second, it says the Arab Palestinian resistance to the Mandate was "followed by" a "resort to violence" by the Jewish community.


April 4–7 - The 1920 Palestine riots – violent 4-day riot against the Jews in Jerusalem's Old City. Muhammad Amin Al-Husayni was charged with inciting the Arab crowds with an inflammatory speech and sentenced by military court held in camera (private) to ten years imprisonment in absentia, since he had already violated his bail by fleeing to Transjordan to avoid arrest.

May 1–7 1921- Jaffa riots resulted in the deaths of 47 Jews and 48 Arabs, with 146 Jews and 73 Arabs being wounded. Most Arab casualties resulted from clashes with British forces attempting to restore order.[15] Thousands of Jewish residents of Jaffa fled for Tel Aviv and were temporarily housed in tent camps on the beach.​
    • October 4 1923 - Secretary of State for the Colonies, the Duke of Devonshire, proposes the setting up of an Arab Agency to have equivalent status to the Jewish Agency.
    • December 11 1923 - Arab Agency unanimously rejected by Palestinian Arab leaders.
The 1929 Palestine riots erupt due to a dispute between Muslims and Jews over access to the Western Wall. 133 Jews killed and 339 wounded (mostly by Arabs); 116 Arabs killed and 232 wounded (mostly by British-commanded police and soldiers).​
    • 1929 Hebron massacre: 67 Jews are massacred by Arabs. Many incidents of rape, torture, and mutilation are reported.
1930 - The Black Hand Islamist group, led by Syrian Shaykh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam begins a campaign against Jewish civilians and the British in Mandatory Palestine.
I'm not sure what Timeline you are using, but maybe you can enlighten me again on which violent event the Jewish took first.

Most Respectfully,

"(Zionists) behave towards the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, infringe upon their boundaries, hit them shamefully without reason, and even brag about it".

Achad Ha'am

David Goldberg The 1907 writings of one traveller to Palestine vividly describe the roots of the region s enmity Comment is free The Guardian
Billo and Monti:

Both of you have failed miserably. First off, Rocco proved to both you delusional morons that the Arabs instigated the violence. Add to what he posted the Safed Pogroms before 1900. You cannot refute these facts.
Billo claims that Israel started the 6 day war to capture the West Bank. First off, the West Bank was controlled by Jordan , and Jordan attacked Israel first even after Israel warned them not too.
JordN ATTACKS Israel first, the. You whine that Israel captures their territory? Pathetic.
And the 1948 war was started by the surrounding Arab countries who attacked Israel first, NOT the ofher way around.
I have alreadh proved this many times and no matter how many times you guys try and try to refute it, it won't work. You cannot re write history.
Idiot, we're talking about the 5 Arab states surrounding Israel. They had nothing to do with the Israel-Palestinian hostilities. The day after Israel declared independence, they attacked. Wtf is so hard to understand about this? Are you brain dead? You cannot re write history. I win. You lose. Again
First off, you had 10% of the population, declaring independence over 70% of the land. ...
I don't believe it! Israel is ruling Jordan now! Why don't jordanians bitch about it?
Billo and Monti:

Both of you have failed miserably. First off, Rocco proved to both you delusional morons that the Arabs instigated the violence. Add to what he posted the Safed Pogroms before 1900. You cannot refute these facts.
Billo claims that Israel started the 6 day war to capture the West Bank. First off, the West Bank was controlled by Jordan , and Jordan attacked Israel first even after Israel warned them not too.
JordN ATTACKS Israel first, the. You whine that Israel captures their territory? Pathetic.
And the 1948 war was started by the surrounding Arab countries who attacked Israel first, NOT the ofher way around.
I have alreadh proved this many times and no matter how many times you guys try and try to refute it, it won't work. You cannot re write history.

It is you and Rocco that are trying to rewrite history. Europeans invaded Palestine not the other way around. As Achad Ha'am confirmed, the Europeans (Jews) attacked the Christians and Muslims as soon as they arrived in Palestine, in the mid to late 1800s.
"(Zionists) behave towards the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, infringe upon their boundaries, hit them shamefully without reason, and even brag about it". Achad Ha'am 1891

David Goldberg The 1907 writings of one traveller to Palestine vividly describe the roots of the region s enmity Comment is free The Guardian
[yawn] What about our arab settler-squatter "sheiks" and their sheikanigans, bth?

The squatters are the Jews.
It is you and Rocco that are trying to rewrite history. Europeans invaded Palestine not the other way around. As Achad Ha'am confirmed, the Europeans (Jews) attacked the Christians and Muslims as soon as they arrived in Palestine, in the mid to late 1800s.
Funny drivel.
Billo and Monti:

Both of you have failed miserably. First off, Rocco proved to both you delusional morons that the Arabs instigated the violence. Add to what he posted the Safed Pogroms before 1900. You cannot refute these facts.
Billo claims that Israel started the 6 day war to capture the West Bank. First off, the West Bank was controlled by Jordan , and Jordan attacked Israel first even after Israel warned them not too.
JordN ATTACKS Israel first, the. You whine that Israel captures their territory? Pathetic.
And the 1948 war was started by the surrounding Arab countries who attacked Israel first, NOT the ofher way around.
I have alreadh proved this many times and no matter how many times you guys try and try to refute it, it won't work. You cannot re write history.

It is you and Rocco that are trying to rewrite history. Europeans invaded Palestine not the other way around. As Achad Ha'am confirmed, the Europeans (Jews) attacked the Christians and Muslims as soon as they arrived in Palestine, in the mid to late 1800s.

I already proved your 'invasion' allegation to be a lie. The British controlled the land, NOT the Palestinian Arabs. The British INVITED the European Jews and facilitted their immigration. That's not an invasion you moron.
And you have yet to link me to any attacks, massacres of Arabs that preceded the attacks Rocco posted. Your quote is useless.
The problem with you is that you are incapable of admitting you're wrong.
Either way, I have proved all your allegations to be wrong, and no matter how many times you repeat your lies, they will never become true...
[yawn] What about our arab settler-squatter "sheiks" and their sheikanigans, bth?
The squatters are the Jews.
Arab settlers-squatters, calling others settlers. Isn't that funny?

The Jews from Europe are the squatters, the Muslims and Christians were living in Palestine for generations by definition can't be squatters. It's simple logic.

They are called Israelis, not Europeans. They are living in their country.

Are Chinese people living in America squatters?
Are Iranian people living in Canada squatters?
Are Burnese people living in Brazil squatters?

And more importantly, will there ever be a day where you don't spread lies??
Excellent post Rocco. I have, on many occassions posted those attacks against Jews that you did to show the deluded pro Palestinians who really started the violence. Their excuse is always that those attacks were justified resistance because the Jews were trying to take over their 'country'. But when Jewish attacks against Arabs are brought up, they are made out to be initial agression .
That's because Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived for century's in that area side-by-side, peacefully, with no recorded events of major violence between the two groups, until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century.

That pretty much proves Zionists imported the violence along with their illegal immigration into the area.

It is called returning to the homeland, and they were invited by the ottoman and arab leaders.
Excellent post Rocco. I have, on many occassions posted those attacks against Jews that you did to show the deluded pro Palestinians who really started the violence. Their excuse is always that those attacks were justified resistance because the Jews were trying to take over their 'country'. But when Jewish attacks against Arabs are brought up, they are made out to be initial agression .
That's because Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived for century's in that area side-by-side, peacefully, with no recorded events of major violence between the two groups, until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century.

That pretty much proves Zionists imported the violence along with their illegal immigration into the area.

It is called returning to the homeland, and they were invited by the ottoman and arab leaders.

No, it's called an invasion from another continent. People from Europe do not have a homeland in the Middle East.
Excellent post Rocco. I have, on many occassions posted those attacks against Jews that you did to show the deluded pro Palestinians who really started the violence. Their excuse is always that those attacks were justified resistance because the Jews were trying to take over their 'country'. But when Jewish attacks against Arabs are brought up, they are made out to be initial agression .
That's because Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived for century's in that area side-by-side, peacefully, with no recorded events of major violence between the two groups, until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century.

That pretty much proves Zionists imported the violence along with their illegal immigration into the area.

It is called returning to the homeland, and they were invited by the ottoman and arab leaders.

No, it's called an invasion from another continent. People from Europe do not have a homeland in the Middle East.

It was a migration back to their historic lands. In the beginning they were welcomed, till the mufti wanted them killed (a genocide)
Excellent post Rocco. I have, on many occassions posted those attacks against Jews that you did to show the deluded pro Palestinians who really started the violence. Their excuse is always that those attacks were justified resistance because the Jews were trying to take over their 'country'. But when Jewish attacks against Arabs are brought up, they are made out to be initial agression .
That's because Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived for century's in that area side-by-side, peacefully, with no recorded events of major violence between the two groups, until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century.

That pretty much proves Zionists imported the violence along with their illegal immigration into the area.

It is called returning to the homeland, and they were invited by the ottoman and arab leaders.

No, it's called an invasion from another continent. People from Europe do not have a homeland in the Middle East.

Uhhhh, most Americans are of European heritage.
Another fail by Monti
Excellent post Rocco. I have, on many occassions posted those attacks against Jews that you did to show the deluded pro Palestinians who really started the violence. Their excuse is always that those attacks were justified resistance because the Jews were trying to take over their 'country'. But when Jewish attacks against Arabs are brought up, they are made out to be initial agression .
That's because Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived for century's in that area side-by-side, peacefully, with no recorded events of major violence between the two groups, until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century.

That pretty much proves Zionists imported the violence along with their illegal immigration into the area.

It is called returning to the homeland, and they were invited by the ottoman and arab leaders.

No, it's called an invasion from another continent. People from Europe do not have a homeland in the Middle East.

Uhhhh, most Americans are of European heritage.
Excellent post Rocco. I have, on many occassions posted those attacks against Jews that you did to show the deluded pro Palestinians who really started the violence. Their excuse is always that those attacks were justified resistance because the Jews were trying to take over their 'country'. But when Jewish attacks against Arabs are brought up, they are made out to be initial agression .
That's because Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived for century's in that area side-by-side, peacefully, with no recorded events of major violence between the two groups, until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century.

That pretty much proves Zionists imported the violence along with their illegal immigration into the area.

It is called returning to the homeland, and they were invited by the ottoman and arab leaders.

No, it's called an invasion from another continent. People from Europe do not have a homeland in the Middle East.

Uhhhh, most Americans are of European heritage.
They were never welcomed by the common people. I don't think that the English would appreciate the settlement and overrunning of England by Americans of English descent claiming that England was their historic land.

As Ahad Ha'am understood back in the late 1800s.

"(Jews) behave towards the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, infringe upon their boundaries, hit them shamefully without reason, and even brag about it". The Arab did indeed respect strength, but only when the other side used it justly. When his opponent's actions were unjust and oppressive, then "he may keep his anger to himself for a time ... but in the long run he will prove to be vengeful and full of retribution". Prophetic words.

In 1913, after a correspondent had complained of the contemptuous attitude of settlers and the Zionist Organisation's Palestine Office, Ha'am wrote back, "When I realise that our brethren may be morally capable of treating another people in this fashion and of crudely abusing what is sacred to them, then I cannot but reflect: if such is the situation now, how shall we treat others if one day we actually become the rulers of Palestine?"
Excellent post Rocco. I have, on many occassions posted those attacks against Jews that you did to show the deluded pro Palestinians who really started the violence. Their excuse is always that those attacks were justified resistance because the Jews were trying to take over their 'country'. But when Jewish attacks against Arabs are brought up, they are made out to be initial agression .
That's because Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived for century's in that area side-by-side, peacefully, with no recorded events of major violence between the two groups, until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century.

That pretty much proves Zionists imported the violence along with their illegal immigration into the area.

It is called returning to the homeland, and they were invited by the ottoman and arab leaders.

No, it's called an invasion from another continent. People from Europe do not have a homeland in the Middle East.

Uhhhh, most Americans are of European heritage.

Yes, how quickly you are catching on.

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