Israeli citizens are barred

Israel has been a mortal threat to the people who lived there and all of the neighboring countries. Their divine right to live there does not hold water.

You are right----that lousy jew----Jesus ben Joseph was a very dangerous filthy jew---he should have been aborted. Someone should have knocked him off as
soon he ate lunch without washing his hands---------mary failed as a mother.

Well, they did execute him.
...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

  • 23px-Flag_of_Algeria.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Brunei.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Iran.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Iraq.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Kuwait.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Lebanon.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Libya.svg.png
Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Yay! Let's be like them! :clap:

"Yay! Let's be like them! :clap:"

Elaborate or else it's just another One Line Troll comment from you.

Elaborate why and also explain the hypocrisy of your fellow Leftists.
Israel has been a mortal threat to the people who lived there and all of the neighboring countries. Their divine right to live there does not hold water.

You are right----that lousy jew----Jesus ben Joseph was a very dangerous filthy jew---he should have been aborted. Someone should have knocked him off as
soon he ate lunch without washing his hands---------mary failed as a mother.

Well, they did execute him.

for eating lunch without washing his hands? -------sheeesh -----those romans were as bad as my mom
...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.
...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

left is left and right is right------and ALWAYS the twain doth meet
...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

It's their latest "cause" and reason to bitch, whine and moan.
...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

Putting America First is racist or something though :rolleyes-41:

The Leftist Maniacs who are protesting at American airports, they belong to the group who wants to put America Last.
I disagree. They want America to continue to welcome refugees, that's all. Simple as that.
As to the term "Palestinian" ----from approximately 300 AD to 1948 the term referred EXCLUSIVELY to jews living in the land that the romans had once called JUDEA and then-----about 300 AD ----changed to "PALESTINA". It is a greek word. One can write it out in Hebrew letters but it is OBVIOUSLY a word foreign to Hebrew. It is so foreign to Arabic that arabs cannot pronounce it. What point are you struggling to make?

So Palestinians are Jews? And because "Hebrew" was a very primitive language, the Roman Empire did not exist? :p
The primary theme of this thread is the number of countries that ban Israelis (Jews) from travelling to their countries.

The secondary theme of this thread is Scumbag Leftist silence on that subject.

Amateurish, transparent Leftist Scum attempts at distraction notwithstanding.

Stay on topic, please.

Well, you're "correct" Beagle.....We should INVADE and OCCUPY all those Muslims countries who ban Jews.....

But here's a novel idea for you nitwits....rather than just banning Muslims from coming to the U.S., why don't we ban U.S. soldiers from invading and occupying Muslim countries......Just a thought..
...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.

I am pretty sure that Israel prevents her citizens from going to every single one of the countries on your list. They require "special permission", which, at this point, is never given. And Israel bans individuals from 25 countries, including every one of the countries on the list, from entrance without, again, the "special permission" that is not given.

And this is twice in the last two days that some absolutely retarded Trumpanista has attempted to make an argument based on this false comparison. I don't care about all those other countries, I care about MINE.

Besides, here is the same type of argument. You Trumpanista's all complain about universal health care, how health care is not a right. Well then why are you not protesting the fact that Israel has universal health care and considers health care a RIGHT?

"I care about MINE."

Well if you care about yours then you should have no problem with President Trump's EO placing a 90 day block on the admission of people from some of the most dangerous and unstable nations in this world all wanting to just walk into America without any Extreme Vetting process in place.

Why do you Leftists want these people in IMMEDIATELY? What's the rush?

It's better to be safe than sorry, yes or no?

No, I am not SKEERED. I don't make decisions based on fear. Show me one, one case of terrorism that would have been stopped by this order. I don't think you can. I believe we would be better served by immediately picking up and questioning all redneck white boys with bowl cuts.

On the other hand, can this travel ban give ISIL an effective recruiting tool? Of course. Hell, just like Bush before him, Trump has pretty much said "Bring it on".

"redneck white boys"

Why are you singling out white males? What about including black males also?

Simple really. How many terrorist attacks came from individuals entering through the means we are temporarily banning.


How many terrorist acts were committed by redneck white boys with bowl cuts?

Winston, do you consider black boys with shaved heads murdering, raping and stealing stuff a problem? I notice black boys with full afros are less inclined to commit crime. Thoughts?
As to the term "Palestinian" ----from approximately 300 AD to 1948 the term referred EXCLUSIVELY to jews living in the land that the romans had once called JUDEA and then-----about 300 AD ----changed to "PALESTINA". It is a greek word. One can write it out in Hebrew letters but it is OBVIOUSLY a word foreign to Hebrew. It is so foreign to Arabic that arabs cannot pronounce it. What point are you struggling to make?

So Palestinians are Jews? And because "Hebrew" was a very primitive language, the Roman Empire did not exist? :p

from approximately 300 AD (CE) ----the land known as Judea by Romans was renamed PALESTINA by the Romans who had conquered it. Jews living in the
area became called PALESTINIANS----by jews themselves. From that time until 1948 the word "Palestinian" meant --a jew living in the land that the romans had renamed "PALESTINE". Is there something about this fact that confuses you?
...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.
We didn't need it. This could have been looked into, intelligently, without interrupting those who have already been thoroughly vetted. If additional vetting was found to be needed, they know how to find those people. It will most likely be found that our vetting processes are as good as can be had. It has kept any terrorists from entering through our refugee program. There was no reason to stop it. It doesn't make sense. I don't know why people in Europe are protesting. I just know why I, in my country, think it was a bad idea.
Last edited:
Apparently you are missing the point as usual. It is about the left condemning the Administration on a temporary ban while the other countries are not condemned for permanent bans

Well, SURE, should be the left's responsibility to condemn other countries for being fucked up, while we practice the same xenophobia because.....well, because "we're special".........

...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.

I am pretty sure that Israel prevents her citizens from going to every single one of the countries on your list. They require "special permission", which, at this point, is never given. And Israel bans individuals from 25 countries, including every one of the countries on the list, from entrance without, again, the "special permission" that is not given.

And this is twice in the last two days that some absolutely retarded Trumpanista has attempted to make an argument based on this false comparison. I don't care about all those other countries, I care about MINE.

Besides, here is the same type of argument. You Trumpanista's all complain about universal health care, how health care is not a right. Well then why are you not protesting the fact that Israel has universal health care and considers health care a RIGHT?

"I care about MINE."

Well if you care about yours then you should have no problem with President Trump's EO placing a 90 day block on the admission of people from some of the most dangerous and unstable nations in this world all wanting to just walk into America without any Extreme Vetting process in place.

Why do you Leftists want these people in IMMEDIATELY? What's the rush?

It's better to be safe than sorry, yes or no?

No, I am not SKEERED. I don't make decisions based on fear. Show me one, one case of terrorism that would have been stopped by this order. I don't think you can. I believe we would be better served by immediately picking up and questioning all redneck white boys with bowl cuts.

On the other hand, can this travel ban give ISIL an effective recruiting tool? Of course. Hell, just like Bush before him, Trump has pretty much said "Bring it on".

9/11. They were all refugees. Imagine a world without Islam. Would the world be safer, more peaceful, without or with the "religion of peace"?

An honest answer to that question shows the fallacy of your position and justifies the President's ban.
...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

They have no common sense or ability to think rationally. Europe's muslim experience should have been a clue to them, as well as how muslims have wreaked havoc on western civilizations for centuries, but no. This inclusiveness and everybody's equal stuff has been drummed into our weaker minded Americans since at least the early 60's.
Winston, do you consider black boys with shaved heads murdering, raping and stealing stuff a problem? I notice black boys with full afros are less inclined to commit crime. Thoughts?

Sure I do. But let's be real. For the most part, the black boys, afro or bald, usually kill other black boys. And most of the time, they do it one at a time. Them redneck white boys with bowl cuts are the ones that take people out by the handful, and they target "innocents" as opposed to other gang members.
Apparently you are missing the point as usual. It is about the left condemning the Administration on a temporary ban while the other countries are not condemned for permanent bans

Well, SURE, should be the left's responsibility to condemn other countries for being fucked up, while we practice the same xenophobia because.....well, because "we're special".........


I live in a VERY ethnically diverse part of the USA-------like EVERYONE is either here or ----gets here eventurally. In all of my EXCITING life-----I have encountered only two Saudis. We do not have much of an IMMIGRANT POPULATION from Saudi Arabia. We get visitors now and then
Winston, do you consider black boys with shaved heads murdering, raping and stealing stuff a problem? I notice black boys with full afros are less inclined to commit crime. Thoughts?

Sure I do. But let's be real. For the most part, the black boys, afro or bald, usually kill other black boys. And most of the time, they do it one at a time. Them redneck white boys with bowl cuts are the ones that take people out by the handful, and they target "innocents" as opposed to other gang members.

true-----but there are actually very few of them

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