Israeli citizens are barred

Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

  • 23px-Flag_of_Algeria.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Brunei.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Iran.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Iraq.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Kuwait.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Lebanon.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Libya.svg.png
Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Fully realizing that you're upset that we are not MORE like the countries you listed, ask your half brain WHY, the Trumpster did not ban Saudis from entering the U.S.???

Currently, the criteria as developed during the Obama Administration does not apply to Saudi Arabia. The core criteria are strife, conflict, and instability where agents seeking to do harm the US reside. Trump did not create this on his own. He is enforcing it. If you think SA and other countries should be added, please advise.

For the record-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi

Fake News
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Not only that, but having an Israeli stamp inside my US Passport prevents me from entering most of those nations.

The one nation that the International Leftists hate, Israel, is the one nation that Western nations should look to for how to deal with the fundamental threat we all now face.

Israel has been dealing with the mortal threat of Islamism for nearly 70 years, decades of attempting to be moderate and relatively civil with Islam got Israel nothing but daily suicide bomber attacks and Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad attacking at will.

Israel then to much International Bedwetting from everyone from The UN to Human Rights Groups, decided to drastically limit access to Israel from Islamists and also they built a mega wall and since those measures were adopted there has been a radical reduction in attacks within Israel's borders.

The West either adopts Israel's approach or the West will regret forever not adopting Israel's approach.

I add that Bibi has thrown his support to President Trump regarding The Wall.

Netanyahu backs Trump's Mexico wall, touts similar one on Egypt border as 'great idea'

"Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday expressed his support for President Trump’s controversial plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, saying the barrier he built along his country’s southern border “stopped all illegal immigration” and was a “great idea.”

Trump on Wednesday signed executive actions to start the construction of a continuous, “physical” wall, making good on a campaign promise to keep out illegal immigrants from Mexico, particularly “rapists” and drug dealers.

"Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders," Trump declared. "We are going to save lives on both sides of the border."

Trump has forged ahead on the wall promise, despite Mexico refusing to pay the bill, as Trump said it would."

Here's the rest of the article.

Netanyahu backs Trump's Mexico wall, touts similar one on Egypt border as 'great idea'
I've been thru the wall in Israel, very impressive and very effective. I hope Trump hires Israel as consultants in the completion of the southern wall here.

OH THAT "WALL" for jooos like me---
"THE WALL" means that thing near the giant yellow pustule of the rock
from approximately 300 AD (CE) ----the land known as Judea by Romans was renamed PALESTINA by the Romans who had conquered it. Jews living in the area became called PALESTINIANS----by jews themselves. From that time until 1948 the word "Palestinian" meant --a jew living in the land that the romans had renamed "PALESTINE". Is there something about this fact that confuses you?

1. The Romans really could not have cared less about one of the Saudi Arabian tribes (the "Jews") in the regions they conquered and controlled. There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries.

2. Why would Jews change their name when their deities such as Yahweh forbade that?

Israel (or Judea or Palestine) is not Arabia. The statement >>>
"There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries". is very vague and senseless. You have not even defined "PALESTINE"-----you are playing with semantics ----in GOBBELIAN manner
I believe the bible mentions three states, that coexisted, Judea, Israel, and Palestine. Judea and Israel did have wars with each other.

Palestine is not mentioned in the bible---it is mentioned in later jewish writings. Judea and Israel did war with each other---sorta---sometimes---later on they merged

Actually, that would be an interesting history lesson to find out why they fought each other and then why they merged.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Fully realizing that you're upset that we are not MORE like the countries you listed, ask your half brain WHY, the Trumpster did not ban Saudis from entering the U.S.???

Currently, the criteria as developed during the Obama Administration does not apply to Saudi Arabia. The core criteria are strife, conflict, and instability where agents seeking to do harm the US reside. Trump did not create this on his own. He is enforcing it. If you think SA and other countries should be added, please advise.

For the record-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi

Fake News

what is "fake news"?
...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.

I am pretty sure that Israel prevents her citizens from going to every single one of the countries on your list. They require "special permission", which, at this point, is never given. And Israel bans individuals from 25 countries, including every one of the countries on the list, from entrance without, again, the "special permission" that is not given.

And this is twice in the last two days that some absolutely retarded Trumpanista has attempted to make an argument based on this false comparison. I don't care about all those other countries, I care about MINE.

Besides, here is the same type of argument. You Trumpanista's all complain about universal health care, how health care is not a right. Well then why are you not protesting the fact that Israel has universal health care and considers health care a RIGHT?

"I care about MINE."

Well if you care about yours then you should have no problem with President Trump's EO placing a 90 day block on the admission of people from some of the most dangerous and unstable nations in this world all wanting to just walk into America without any Extreme Vetting process in place.

Why do you Leftists want these people in IMMEDIATELY? What's the rush?

It's better to be safe than sorry, yes or no?

No, I am not SKEERED. I don't make decisions based on fear. Show me one, one case of terrorism that would have been stopped by this order. I don't think you can. I believe we would be better served by immediately picking up and questioning all redneck white boys with bowl cuts.

On the other hand, can this travel ban give ISIL an effective recruiting tool? Of course. Hell, just like Bush before him, Trump has pretty much said "Bring it on".

9/11. They were all refugees. Imagine a world without Islam. Would the world be safer, more peaceful, without or with the "religion of peace"?

An honest answer to that question shows the fallacy of your position and justifies the President's ban.
Why didn't you answer, Winston. A muzzie got your tongue?

from approximately 300 AD (CE) ----the land known as Judea by Romans was renamed PALESTINA by the Romans who had conquered it. Jews living in the area became called PALESTINIANS----by jews themselves. From that time until 1948 the word "Palestinian" meant --a jew living in the land that the romans had renamed "PALESTINE". Is there something about this fact that confuses you?

1. The Romans really could not have cared less about one of the Saudi Arabian tribes (the "Jews") in the regions they conquered and controlled. There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries.

2. Why would Jews change their name when their deities such as Yahweh forbade that?

Israel (or Judea or Palestine) is not Arabia. The statement >>>
"There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries". is very vague and senseless. You have not even defined "PALESTINE"-----you are playing with semantics ----in GOBBELIAN manner
I believe the bible mentions three states, that coexisted, Judea, Israel, and Palestine. Judea and Israel did have wars with each other.

Palestine is not mentioned in the bible---it is mentioned in later jewish writings. Judea and Israel did war with each other---sorta---sometimes---later on they merged

Actually, that would be an interesting history lesson to find out why they fought each other and then why they merged.
It's all right there fully explained in the Bible.
As to the term "Palestinian" ----from approximately 300 AD to 1948 the term referred EXCLUSIVELY to jews living in the land that the romans had once called JUDEA and then-----about 300 AD ----changed to "PALESTINA". It is a greek word. One can write it out in Hebrew letters but it is OBVIOUSLY a word foreign to Hebrew. It is so foreign to Arabic that arabs cannot pronounce it. What point are you struggling to make?

So Palestinians are Jews? And because "Hebrew" was a very primitive language, the Roman Empire did not exist? :p

...Let me get this straight , you are measuring the behavior of the USA with a bunch of dictatorships ? That's who you want to emulate ?
You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

I do not like being called a lefty because I voted for Clinton, but it makes it more unsafe for us, the lone attacks in the US are American grown who become angry, and Trump knew it, its all part of a plan. Piss off the arabs from those countries, or Muslims, and they will attack, if not do a false flag and blame it on them, and then you have a reason to take Iran out,

he recently talked to Bibi and Bibi told him how its done.
from approximately 300 AD (CE) ----the land known as Judea by Romans was renamed PALESTINA by the Romans who had conquered it. Jews living in the area became called PALESTINIANS----by jews themselves. From that time until 1948 the word "Palestinian" meant --a jew living in the land that the romans had renamed "PALESTINE". Is there something about this fact that confuses you?

1. The Romans really could not have cared less about one of the Saudi Arabian tribes (the "Jews") in the regions they conquered and controlled. There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries.

2. Why would Jews change their name when their deities such as Yahweh forbade that?

Israel (or Judea or Palestine) is not Arabia. The statement >>>
"There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries". is very vague and senseless. You have not even defined "PALESTINE"-----you are playing with semantics ----in GOBBELIAN manner
I believe the bible mentions three states, that coexisted, Judea, Israel, and Palestine. Judea and Israel did have wars with each other.

Palestine is not mentioned in the bible---it is mentioned in later jewish writings. Judea and Israel did war with each other---sorta---sometimes---later on they merged

Actually, that would be an interesting history lesson to find out why they fought each other and then why they merged.

ask a Talmudist------you might get some sort of answer-----the nation seems to have started out as a loose federation of
tribes-----then got together and broke up again a few times-------depending on various rulers---and stuff like that. The area was situated between WARING nations------east, west and north----and even south (edom) very tumultuous
As to the term "Palestinian" ----from approximately 300 AD to 1948 the term referred EXCLUSIVELY to jews living in the land that the romans had once called JUDEA and then-----about 300 AD ----changed to "PALESTINA". It is a greek word. One can write it out in Hebrew letters but it is OBVIOUSLY a word foreign to Hebrew. It is so foreign to Arabic that arabs cannot pronounce it. What point are you struggling to make?

So Palestinians are Jews? And because "Hebrew" was a very primitive language, the Roman Empire did not exist? :p

You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

I do not like being called a lefty because I voted for Clinton, but it makes it more unsafe for us, the lone attacks in the US are American grown who become angry, and Trump knew it, its all part of a plan. Piss off the arabs from those countries, or Muslims, and they will attack, if not do a false flag and blame it on them, and then you have a reason to take Iran out,

he recently talked to Bibi and Bibi told him how its done.
Then what leftist policies do you abhor? Here's your chance to prove that you're not a brain dead anti-American leftist.

Proceed, please...
As to the term "Palestinian" ----from approximately 300 AD to 1948 the term referred EXCLUSIVELY to jews living in the land that the romans had once called JUDEA and then-----about 300 AD ----changed to "PALESTINA". It is a greek word. One can write it out in Hebrew letters but it is OBVIOUSLY a word foreign to Hebrew. It is so foreign to Arabic that arabs cannot pronounce it. What point are you struggling to make?

So Palestinians are Jews? And because "Hebrew" was a very primitive language, the Roman Empire did not exist? :p

You do not yet have "it straight", little LibTard...

The entire point of the exercise is to demonstrate that Jews are banned from travel throughout the Muslim world, yet you Leftist LibTards say nothing about that.

Your burqa is showing, pissant.
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

I do not like being called a lefty because I voted for Clinton, but it makes it more unsafe for us, the lone attacks in the US are American grown who become angry, and Trump knew it, its all part of a plan. Piss off the arabs from those countries, or Muslims, and they will attack, if not do a false flag and blame it on them, and then you have a reason to take Iran out,

he recently talked to Bibi and Bibi told him how its done.

you got the transcript, penny, dear?
1. The Romans really could not have cared less about one of the Saudi Arabian tribes (the "Jews") in the regions they conquered and controlled. There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries.

2. Why would Jews change their name when their deities such as Yahweh forbade that?

Israel (or Judea or Palestine) is not Arabia. The statement >>>
"There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries". is very vague and senseless. You have not even defined "PALESTINE"-----you are playing with semantics ----in GOBBELIAN manner
I believe the bible mentions three states, that coexisted, Judea, Israel, and Palestine. Judea and Israel did have wars with each other.

Palestine is not mentioned in the bible---it is mentioned in later jewish writings. Judea and Israel did war with each other---sorta---sometimes---later on they merged

Actually, that would be an interesting history lesson to find out why they fought each other and then why they merged.
It's all right there fully explained in the Bible.

Then along came the Maccabee revolts and from then a country full of civil wars and fighting the Greeks and zealots fighting non zealots. Rome finally put an end to it. It was a major trade route, from Egypt to Syria and from China , Persian to Greece and Rome. Also a costal land. Is it any wonder that was a major area of fighting.
As to the term "Palestinian" ----from approximately 300 AD to 1948 the term referred EXCLUSIVELY to jews living in the land that the romans had once called JUDEA and then-----about 300 AD ----changed to "PALESTINA". It is a greek word. One can write it out in Hebrew letters but it is OBVIOUSLY a word foreign to Hebrew. It is so foreign to Arabic that arabs cannot pronounce it. What point are you struggling to make?

So Palestinians are Jews? And because "Hebrew" was a very primitive language, the Roman Empire did not exist? :p

Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

I do not like being called a lefty because I voted for Clinton, but it makes it more unsafe for us, the lone attacks in the US are American grown who become angry, and Trump knew it, its all part of a plan. Piss off the arabs from those countries, or Muslims, and they will attack, if not do a false flag and blame it on them, and then you have a reason to take Iran out,

he recently talked to Bibi and Bibi told him how its done.
Then what leftist policies do you abhor? Here's your chance to prove that you're not a brain dead anti-American leftist.

Proceed, please...

leftists do NOTHING about the lecture hall ----seat with attached writing platform DESIGNED to accommodate RIGHT HANDED PEOPLE ONLY.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Fully realizing that you're upset that we are not MORE like the countries you listed, ask your half brain WHY, the Trumpster did not ban Saudis from entering the U.S.???

Currently, the criteria as developed during the Obama Administration does not apply to Saudi Arabia. The core criteria are strife, conflict, and instability where agents seeking to do harm the US reside. Trump did not create this on his own. He is enforcing it. If you think SA and other countries should be added, please advise.

For the record-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi

Fake News

Rosie is correct, Osama bin Laden was more Yemeni than Saudi Arabian, his father Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was Yemeni and the bin Laden family were of and are still of Hadhrami origin.

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Note the bin Laden Family reference in Hadhrami people Saudi Arabia:

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Not that we educated people expect people such as you Winston darling to know about any of this stuff :smoke:

Edited to add the second link.
Last edited:
As to the term "Palestinian" ----from approximately 300 AD to 1948 the term referred EXCLUSIVELY to jews living in the land that the romans had once called JUDEA and then-----about 300 AD ----changed to "PALESTINA". It is a greek word. One can write it out in Hebrew letters but it is OBVIOUSLY a word foreign to Hebrew. It is so foreign to Arabic that arabs cannot pronounce it. What point are you struggling to make?

So Palestinians are Jews? And because "Hebrew" was a very primitive language, the Roman Empire did not exist? :p

Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

I do not like being called a lefty because I voted for Clinton, but it makes it more unsafe for us, the lone attacks in the US are American grown who become angry, and Trump knew it, its all part of a plan. Piss off the arabs from those countries, or Muslims, and they will attack, if not do a false flag and blame it on them, and then you have a reason to take Iran out,

he recently talked to Bibi and Bibi told him how its done.
Then what leftist policies do you abhor? Here's your chance to prove that you're not a brain dead anti-American leftist.

Proceed, please...

Watch and learn, and remember what I said.
1. The Romans really could not have cared less about one of the Saudi Arabian tribes (the "Jews") in the regions they conquered and controlled. There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries.

2. Why would Jews change their name when their deities such as Yahweh forbade that?

Israel (or Judea or Palestine) is not Arabia. The statement >>>
"There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries". is very vague and senseless. You have not even defined "PALESTINE"-----you are playing with semantics ----in GOBBELIAN manner
I believe the bible mentions three states, that coexisted, Judea, Israel, and Palestine. Judea and Israel did have wars with each other.

Palestine is not mentioned in the bible---it is mentioned in later jewish writings. Judea and Israel did war with each other---sorta---sometimes---later on they merged

Actually, that would be an interesting history lesson to find out why they fought each other and then why they merged.

ask a Talmudist------you might get some sort of answer-----the nation seems to have started out as a loose federation of
tribes-----then got together and broke up again a few times-------depending on various rulers---and stuff like that. The area was situated between WARING nations------east, west and north----and even south (edom) very tumultuous

I am not lucky with the talmudists. The only Jew guy I know calls the Talmud stupid. I know a Jew girl too, but she calls it stupid too. Go figure.
As to the term "Palestinian" ----from approximately 300 AD to 1948 the term referred EXCLUSIVELY to jews living in the land that the romans had once called JUDEA and then-----about 300 AD ----changed to "PALESTINA". It is a greek word. One can write it out in Hebrew letters but it is OBVIOUSLY a word foreign to Hebrew. It is so foreign to Arabic that arabs cannot pronounce it. What point are you struggling to make?

So Palestinians are Jews? And because "Hebrew" was a very primitive language, the Roman Empire did not exist? :p

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

I do not like being called a lefty because I voted for Clinton, but it makes it more unsafe for us, the lone attacks in the US are American grown who become angry, and Trump knew it, its all part of a plan. Piss off the arabs from those countries, or Muslims, and they will attack, if not do a false flag and blame it on them, and then you have a reason to take Iran out,

he recently talked to Bibi and Bibi told him how its done.
Then what leftist policies do you abhor? Here's your chance to prove that you're not a brain dead anti-American leftist.

Proceed, please...

Watch and learn, and remember what I said.
So you chose not to defend not being a leftist...even though you don't like being called one. Are you ashamed of who you are?

As far as remembering something you've posted, you must first post something worthy of being subjected to memory.
Israel (or Judea or Palestine) is not Arabia. The statement >>>
"There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries". is very vague and senseless. You have not even defined "PALESTINE"-----you are playing with semantics ----in GOBBELIAN manner
I believe the bible mentions three states, that coexisted, Judea, Israel, and Palestine. Judea and Israel did have wars with each other.

Palestine is not mentioned in the bible---it is mentioned in later jewish writings. Judea and Israel did war with each other---sorta---sometimes---later on they merged

Actually, that would be an interesting history lesson to find out why they fought each other and then why they merged.
It's all right there fully explained in the Bible.

Then along came the Maccabee revolts and from then a country full of civil wars and fighting the Greeks and zealots fighting non zealots. Rome finally put an end to it. It was a major trade route, from Egypt to Syria and from China , Persian to Greece and Rome. Also a costal land. Is it any wonder that was a major area of fighting.

no----it is no wonder that a land situated east of Egypt and west of Babylon and Syria----and south of Lebanon would be a site of violent encounter between those
nations. Persia did not actually cause much trouble in Judea/Israel---but Babylon did and later on Assyria did.
Greece was variable trouble and Rome and later Arabia and then GENGHIS KHAN was a bloody disaster for the entire world.
Israel (or Judea or Palestine) is not Arabia. The statement >>>
"There were tons of middle east tribes in and out of Palestine over the centuries". is very vague and senseless. You have not even defined "PALESTINE"-----you are playing with semantics ----in GOBBELIAN manner
I believe the bible mentions three states, that coexisted, Judea, Israel, and Palestine. Judea and Israel did have wars with each other.

Palestine is not mentioned in the bible---it is mentioned in later jewish writings. Judea and Israel did war with each other---sorta---sometimes---later on they merged

Actually, that would be an interesting history lesson to find out why they fought each other and then why they merged.

ask a Talmudist------you might get some sort of answer-----the nation seems to have started out as a loose federation of
tribes-----then got together and broke up again a few times-------depending on various rulers---and stuff like that. The area was situated between WARING nations------east, west and north----and even south (edom) very tumultuous

I am not lucky with the talmudists. The only Jew guy I know calls the Talmud stupid. I know a Jew girl too, but she calls it stupid too. Go figure.

nothing stupid about the Talmud-----you expressed an interest in HISTORY of that
period of time-----people who actually know the Talmud-----know the history because it is very important in being able to interpret that Talmud which was written
over a long period of time and in different places-----parts in Babylon and parts in
what eventually got named Palestine. ---
It is not just the history recorded therein---but also the use of language
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Fully realizing that you're upset that we are not MORE like the countries you listed, ask your half brain WHY, the Trumpster did not ban Saudis from entering the U.S.???

Currently, the criteria as developed during the Obama Administration does not apply to Saudi Arabia. The core criteria are strife, conflict, and instability where agents seeking to do harm the US reside. Trump did not create this on his own. He is enforcing it. If you think SA and other countries should be added, please advise.

For the record-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi

Fake News

Rosie is correct, Osama bin Laden was more Yemeni than Saudi Arabian, his father Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was Yemeni and the bin Laden family were of and are still of Hadhrami origin.

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Note the bin Laden Family reference in Hadhrami people Saudi Arabia:

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Not that we educated people expect people such as you Winston darling to know about any of this stuff :smoke:

Edited to add the second link.

That argument is ignorant. OBL was born in Saudi Arabia, raised in Saudi Arabia, and educated in Saudi Arabia. His father left Yemen at the age of about ten and his father died there. He was no more Yemen than I am German.
As to the term "Palestinian" ----from approximately 300 AD to 1948 the term referred EXCLUSIVELY to jews living in the land that the romans had once called JUDEA and then-----about 300 AD ----changed to "PALESTINA". It is a greek word. One can write it out in Hebrew letters but it is OBVIOUSLY a word foreign to Hebrew. It is so foreign to Arabic that arabs cannot pronounce it. What point are you struggling to make?

So Palestinians are Jews? And because "Hebrew" was a very primitive language, the Roman Empire did not exist? :p

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

I do not like being called a lefty because I voted for Clinton, but it makes it more unsafe for us, the lone attacks in the US are American grown who become angry, and Trump knew it, its all part of a plan. Piss off the arabs from those countries, or Muslims, and they will attack, if not do a false flag and blame it on them, and then you have a reason to take Iran out,

he recently talked to Bibi and Bibi told him how its done.
Then what leftist policies do you abhor? Here's your chance to prove that you're not a brain dead anti-American leftist.

Proceed, please...

Watch and learn, and remember what I said.

it is difficult to remember gibberish which is why I did a lot better in math than memorizing the names of rivers and capital cities

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