Israeli citizens are barred

Fully realizing that you're upset that we are not MORE like the countries you listed, ask your half brain WHY, the Trumpster did not ban Saudis from entering the U.S.???

Currently, the criteria as developed during the Obama Administration does not apply to Saudi Arabia. The core criteria are strife, conflict, and instability where agents seeking to do harm the US reside. Trump did not create this on his own. He is enforcing it. If you think SA and other countries should be added, please advise.

For the record-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi

Fake News

Rosie is correct, Osama bin Laden was more Yemeni than Saudi Arabian, his father Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was Yemeni and the bin Laden family were of and are still of Hadhrami origin.

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Note the bin Laden Family reference in Hadhrami people Saudi Arabia:

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Not that we educated people expect people such as you Winston darling to know about any of this stuff :smoke:

Edited to add the second link.

That argument is ignorant. OBL was born in Saudi Arabia, raised in Saudi Arabia, and educated in Saudi Arabia. His father left Yemen at the age of about ten and his father died there. He was no more Yemen than I am German.

His insane mother was Yemeni----and large parts of his extended family are Yemeni------now ask me how a mother and her family has an EFFECT on children in that culture (my hubby was born in Yemen) Both Saudis and Yemenis ARE TRIBAL--------think Yemeni tribe. How german are you-------do you eat BLUTWURST?
Why are American protesters obligated to take to the streets and protest human rights violations everywhere in the world? Are we not supposed to be putting AMERICA FIRST?

concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

They have no common sense or ability to think rationally. Europe's muslim experience should have been a clue to them, as well as how muslims have wreaked havoc on western civilizations for centuries, but no. This inclusiveness and everybody's equal stuff has been drummed into our weaker minded Americans since at least the early 60's.

Well yes, there is a lesson in Europe's experience. But I am quite sure that "lesson" is flying right over your head.

"Well yes, there is a lesson in Europe's experience. But I am quite sure that "lesson" is flying right over your head."

Well the lesson isn't flying right over my head, considering I am a European, so as such I think I know more about my own Continent than some barely educated person from the Backwoods such as yourself does.
Currently, the criteria as developed during the Obama Administration does not apply to Saudi Arabia. The core criteria are strife, conflict, and instability where agents seeking to do harm the US reside. Trump did not create this on his own. He is enforcing it. If you think SA and other countries should be added, please advise.

For the record-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi

Fake News

Rosie is correct, Osama bin Laden was more Yemeni than Saudi Arabian, his father Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was Yemeni and the bin Laden family were of and are still of Hadhrami origin.

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Note the bin Laden Family reference in Hadhrami people Saudi Arabia:

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Not that we educated people expect people such as you Winston darling to know about any of this stuff :smoke:

Edited to add the second link.

That argument is ignorant. OBL was born in Saudi Arabia, raised in Saudi Arabia, and educated in Saudi Arabia. His father left Yemen at the age of about ten and his father died there. He was no more Yemen than I am German.

His insane mother was Yemeni----and large parts of his extended family are Yemeni------now ask me how a mother and her family has an EFFECT on children in that culture (my hubby was born in Yemen) Both Saudis and Yemenis ARE TRIBAL--------think Yemeni tribe. How german are you-------do you eat BLUTWURST?

His father was also Yemeni, I just posted about bin Laden's father and the bin Laden family origins.

Re. Blutwurst normal people do not eat, well my family and our friends would never eat this disgusting thing.

Now Käsekrainer we adore, they are a type of Brühwurst, they're parboiled sausage, Käsekrainer traditionally contain Emmentaler cheese and are lovingly smoked over apple wood giving them a divine experience on the palate.

They look like this.


Currently, the criteria as developed during the Obama Administration does not apply to Saudi Arabia. The core criteria are strife, conflict, and instability where agents seeking to do harm the US reside. Trump did not create this on his own. He is enforcing it. If you think SA and other countries should be added, please advise.

For the record-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi

Fake News

Rosie is correct, Osama bin Laden was more Yemeni than Saudi Arabian, his father Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was Yemeni and the bin Laden family were of and are still of Hadhrami origin.

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Note the bin Laden Family reference in Hadhrami people Saudi Arabia:

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Not that we educated people expect people such as you Winston darling to know about any of this stuff :smoke:

Edited to add the second link.

That argument is ignorant. OBL was born in Saudi Arabia, raised in Saudi Arabia, and educated in Saudi Arabia. His father left Yemen at the age of about ten and his father died there. He was no more Yemen than I am German.

His insane mother was Yemeni----and large parts of his extended family are Yemeni------now ask me how a mother and her family has an EFFECT on children in that culture (my hubby was born in Yemen) Both Saudis and Yemenis ARE TRIBAL--------think Yemeni tribe. How german are you-------do you eat BLUTWURST?

Well, I believe we have uncovered the problem. See, I don't give much salt in to whatever womb someone climbed out of. Hell, you don't get to pick which one, why should you get credit for, or be punished by, that non-choice.

And how German am I? I reckon about the same as Scottish, and Irish, and English, and Catawba, and Spanish, and French. The most recent member of my family to come to America was a Casquette girl. Which puts it at three hundred years.
concern for victims of atrocity world wide is not INCONSISTENT with a policy of
AMERICA FIRST. America first does not mean------shit on the rest of the world
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

They have no common sense or ability to think rationally. Europe's muslim experience should have been a clue to them, as well as how muslims have wreaked havoc on western civilizations for centuries, but no. This inclusiveness and everybody's equal stuff has been drummed into our weaker minded Americans since at least the early 60's.

Well yes, there is a lesson in Europe's experience. But I am quite sure that "lesson" is flying right over your head.

"Well yes, there is a lesson in Europe's experience. But I am quite sure that "lesson" is flying right over your head."

Well the lesson isn't flying right over my head, considering I am a European, so as such I think I know more about my own Continent than some barely educated person from the Backwoods such as yourself does.

The problem is assimilation. Although part of the blame can be placed on the Muslim people themselves, some of the blame must be shouldered by the European nationalistic barriers to incorporating the new immigrants into their society. It has always been the fundamental difference between the United States and every other country. Our ability to take immigrants and accept them as "Americans".
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Possibly because these countries do not recognize the state of Israel. They do not let Arab-Israeli's into their country either, so it's not a religion based issue.

If they do not recognize Israel, then Israeli passport are meaningless.

I not saying this is right, I'm just pointing out the flaw in your logic.
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

They have no common sense or ability to think rationally. Europe's muslim experience should have been a clue to them, as well as how muslims have wreaked havoc on western civilizations for centuries, but no. This inclusiveness and everybody's equal stuff has been drummed into our weaker minded Americans since at least the early 60's.

Well yes, there is a lesson in Europe's experience. But I am quite sure that "lesson" is flying right over your head.

"Well yes, there is a lesson in Europe's experience. But I am quite sure that "lesson" is flying right over your head."

Well the lesson isn't flying right over my head, considering I am a European, so as such I think I know more about my own Continent than some barely educated person from the Backwoods such as yourself does.

The problem is assimilation. Although part of the blame can be placed on the Muslim people themselves, some of the blame must be shouldered by the European nationalistic barriers to incorporating the new immigrants into their society. It has always been the fundamental difference between the United States and every other country. Our ability to take immigrants and accept them as "Americans".
Horseshit. Immigrants are required to assimilate. Host nations are not required to change one damn thing to accommodate them. How many immigrants live in your house and at your expense?
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
No. I believe that, too. Which is why I oppose the current "temporary" ban.

Why are Leftists across the planet freaking out about a "temporary" ban? It just illustrates how completely insane the International Left now is.

They have no common sense or ability to think rationally. Europe's muslim experience should have been a clue to them, as well as how muslims have wreaked havoc on western civilizations for centuries, but no. This inclusiveness and everybody's equal stuff has been drummed into our weaker minded Americans since at least the early 60's.

Well yes, there is a lesson in Europe's experience. But I am quite sure that "lesson" is flying right over your head.

"Well yes, there is a lesson in Europe's experience. But I am quite sure that "lesson" is flying right over your head."

Well the lesson isn't flying right over my head, considering I am a European, so as such I think I know more about my own Continent than some barely educated person from the Backwoods such as yourself does.

The problem is assimilation. Although part of the blame can be placed on the Muslim people themselves, some of the blame must be shouldered by the European nationalistic barriers to incorporating the new immigrants into their society. It has always been the fundamental difference between the United States and every other country. Our ability to take immigrants and accept them as "Americans".

"some of the blame must be shouldered by the European nationalistic barriers to incorporating the new immigrants into their society."

We have no blame, the simple fact is we DON'T WANT these hostile people from the 7th Century Death Cult.

"It has always been the fundamental difference between the United States and every other country. Our ability to take immigrants and accept them as "Americans"."

Yes Americans bizarrely are proud to call themselves Mongrel's but I'm sorry others have more respect for their Ancestors and do not wish to become Mongrel's, a Mongrel is of unknown Ancestry as it's Ancestry has been bred out of it.

Mongrel - Wikipedia

That American's happily choose to be Mongrel's is your business, we choose to respect and honour our Ancestry and we intend to keep it that way regardless of what any International Bedwetting Organisation thinks. There is nothing wrong about respecting your Ancestry and Heritage, it's the most purest of honour that a human being can possess.

Our Common Ancestry and Heritage is what has kept up together as a people for more than a thousand years and NO fucking International Globalist POS is going to change this.

Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Possibly because these countries do not recognize the state of Israel. They do not let Arab-Israeli's into their country either, so it's not a religion based issue.

If they do not recognize Israel, then Israeli passport are meaningless.

I not saying this is right, I'm just pointing out the flaw in your logic.
sure it is. Your own comment suggest it is. you said even Arab-Israeli's what exactly makes an Arab an Israeli if not religious thought?
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Yes, I find it hilarious the double standard put on Trump. What a bunch of hypocrites that exist in the world.
For the record-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi

Fake News

Rosie is correct, Osama bin Laden was more Yemeni than Saudi Arabian, his father Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was Yemeni and the bin Laden family were of and are still of Hadhrami origin.

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Note the bin Laden Family reference in Hadhrami people Saudi Arabia:

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia

Not that we educated people expect people such as you Winston darling to know about any of this stuff :smoke:

Edited to add the second link.

That argument is ignorant. OBL was born in Saudi Arabia, raised in Saudi Arabia, and educated in Saudi Arabia. His father left Yemen at the age of about ten and his father died there. He was no more Yemen than I am German.

His insane mother was Yemeni----and large parts of his extended family are Yemeni------now ask me how a mother and her family has an EFFECT on children in that culture (my hubby was born in Yemen) Both Saudis and Yemenis ARE TRIBAL--------think Yemeni tribe. How german are you-------do you eat BLUTWURST?

Well, I believe we have uncovered the problem. See, I don't give much salt in to whatever womb someone climbed out of. Hell, you don't get to pick which one, why should you get credit for, or be punished by, that non-choice.

And how German am I? I reckon about the same as Scottish, and Irish, and English, and Catawba, and Spanish, and French. The most recent member of my family to come to America was a Casquette girl. Which puts it at three hundred years.

you do not salt the womb?------well----YEMENIS DO
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Are Israeli Citizens traveling the same thing as a Refugee?

My friend's family moved away from genocide they are muslim "in name only" really they fled Somalia. Is that the same thing a citizen traveling , a person leaving because their life is in danger?
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Yes, I find it hilarious the double standard put on Trump. What a bunch of hypocrites that exist in the world.

Exactly it's President Trump they are protesting, they didn't protest when Obama used the same law SIX TIMES to bar people from six Muslim nations and they didn't protest when Obama suspended the Iraqi Refugee Programme for six months and they didn't protest when Obama ended the Wet Foot, Dry Foot policy on Cuban Immigration.

It's President Trump they are protesting, they've protested this man since the day after he beat Hillary, they think people are as stupid as they are that we don't know the reason for their absolute hypocrisy.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Yes, I find it hilarious the double standard put on Trump. What a bunch of hypocrites that exist in the world.

Exactly it's President Trump they are protesting, they didn't protest when Obama used the same law SIX TIMES to bar people from six Muslim nations and they didn't protest when Obama suspended the Iraqi Refugee Programme for six months and they didn't protest when Obama ended the Wet Foot, Dry Foot policy on Cuban Immigration.

It's President Trump they are protesting, they've protested this man since the day after he beat Hillary, they think people are as stupid as they are that we don't know the reason for their absolute hypocrisy.

I don't remember OBAMA talking about it----he seems to have done it quietly-------trump needs to learn the word "quiet"
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Are Israeli Citizens traveling the same thing as a Refugee?

My friend's family moved away from genocide they are muslim "in name only" really they fled Somalia. Is that the same thing a citizen traveling , a person leaving because their life is in danger?

Define Refugee.

Many of these people are not going to be Refugee's, they are going to be Economic Migrants, we on the European Continent already have experience with this, where predominantly they are Economic Migrants who have travelled across ten nations that are not at war in order to get to the richest European nations eg. they don't want to be in Greece or Italy or Cyprus or Bulgaria or Macedonia or Malta all nations that are not at war.

A Refugee from a war torn region doesn't CARE what nation they land in, just as long as it's a safe nation, a Refugee also DOESN'T get to CHOOSE what nation they go to and then throw a violent tantrum when they are told they can't go to that nation.

They are not Refugees, most are Economic Migrants.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Are Israeli Citizens traveling the same thing as a Refugee?

My friend's family moved away from genocide they are muslim "in name only" really they fled Somalia. Is that the same thing a citizen traveling , a person leaving because their life is in danger?
why do they think they can come here?
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
That's different.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Are Israeli Citizens traveling the same thing as a Refugee?

My friend's family moved away from genocide they are muslim "in name only" really they fled Somalia. Is that the same thing a citizen traveling , a person leaving because their life is in danger?
why do they think they can come here?

So they can live like a parasite off your tax money and the fat of your land.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Are Israeli Citizens traveling the same thing as a Refugee?

My friend's family moved away from genocide they are muslim "in name only" really they fled Somalia. Is that the same thing a citizen traveling , a person leaving because their life is in danger?

Define Refugee.

Many of these people are not going to be Refugee's, they are going to be Economic Migrants, we on the European Continent already have experience with this, where predominantly they are Economic Migrants who have travelled across ten nations that are not at war in order to get to the richest European nations eg. they don't want to be in Greece or Italy or Cyprus or Bulgaria or Macedonia or Malta all nations that are not at war.

A Refugee from a war torn region doesn't CARE what nation they land in, just as long as it's a safe nation, a Refugee also DOESN'T get to CHOOSE what nation they go to and then throw a violent tantrum when they are told they can't go to that nation.

They are not Refugees, most are Economic Migrants.
Or, more simply, they are muslim freeloaders seeking out the biggest sugar tit.

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