Israeli fighter jet crashes after being 'shot down'

Syria´s elections are observed by monitors from dozens of countries. There are no levers or names. There are cards with the pictures and names of the candidates and voters put their thumb print under the picture of the candidate of their choice and put the card into the ballot box.
In parliamentary elections, anyone can run and they are directly elected.

Dude, I just can't decide weather You're really joking or saying this with a straight face...

First they wanted to put a picture of Putin, but he was shy.
You see..with STRAIGHT FACE agha

Assad is a respected hero of humanity while Netanyahu faces corruption charges. What about Putin?
And sadly You say this with a straight face.

Yes in Israel we elect our prime ministers, we also investigate, judge and jail then when found guilty.
In Syria they have Assad the father dying in his office after 29 years, and now Assad son who rules for the last 18 years. Can You see a difference? :itsok:

And ironically - it's a clear sign of a dictator when his people are trained enough to use labels such as "Magnificent Hero of Humanity" while he starves and kills them by the thousands :confused:
They also usually cry and joyfully pee their pants so that we can all believe.
The fact that only hardcore Zionists have ruled Israel so far, proves everything. And no, there are no investigations and jail. This is only for the public and to whitewash the suspects. The fake democracy is worse than anything else. And your al-Qaeda propaganda only proves whom Israel sides with in Syria.
Assad was confirmed in office regularly by the way. But know the system has been changed anyway. Something that will never happen in Tel Aviv.

In a real democracy, a President or Prime Minister doesn't serve more than 8 years. Netanyahu is in his 9th year, so he's stretching it a bit, but that's still not like 18 or 29 years. Also, democracies are not monarchies. Sons don't succeed their fathers.

You need a history lesson.
Innocent Palestinians? LOLOL!
You mean those same Palestinians who launch rockets at Israel just about every day? The same "INNOCENT" Palestinians who were offered everything they asked for, if they would renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist, yet turned it down? Or, maybe, it was the innocent Palestinians who were killed when Israel responded to and destroyed rocket launchers DELIBERATELY placed in population centers? You're either a complete buffoon, or a troll. Maybe both?

How are Israelis innocent?
They stole Palestine from the people of Palestine, for goodness sake.
There is, nor has there ever been, a Palestine. What we had was a bunch of refugees from other countries, squatting on land that belonged to the Jews. All the Jews did was return to their ancestral home.

In the 1517 census only 1.7% of Palestine / Israel was even Jewish.

Clearly the bunch of refugee squatters are the Israeli Jews.

Sure doesn't have to do with any war or invasion...

Maybe You can tell me the % of indigenous people in the US?

I'm not very good at math but, from what I've read, there are about 5 million Native Americans in the U.S., out of a population of 350 million ppl.
about the same % then as Palestinians to Jews circa 1900 Fore,so your point was.....
Considering Begin was Head of the worst Zionist Terrorist Group who slaughtered Innocent Palestinians...His comment is true and consistant....O how the Zionist Rabble on here try to DENY THEIR FILTHY LEADERS me a Zionist and I'll show you a COMPULSIVE LIAR
Innocent Palestinians? LOLOL!
You mean those same Palestinians who launch rockets at Israel just about every day? The same "INNOCENT" Palestinians who were offered everything they asked for, if they would renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist, yet turned it down? Or, maybe, it was the innocent Palestinians who were killed when Israel responded to and destroyed rocket launchers DELIBERATELY placed in population centers? You're either a complete buffoon, or a troll. Maybe both?

How are Israelis innocent?
They stole Palestine from the people of Palestine, for goodness sake.
There is, nor has there ever been, a Palestine. What we had was a bunch of refugees from other countries, squatting on land that belonged to the Jews. All the Jews did was return to their ancestral home.

In the 1517 census only 1.7% of Palestine / Israel was even Jewish.

Clearly the bunch of refugee squatters are the Israeli Jews.
Clearly, you'll believe only what you want to spite of the facts. I ask again. Who are the Palestinians? Where is their country on a map? Did it have a government? A police force? A standing army? Did they collect taxes or provide social services?
Police Force YES,Government YES,Standing Army No....BUT THE ZIONIST DID NOT HAVE ANY OF THESE THINGS AS THEY WERE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS...So your Point is ??????Zilch as USUAL
Haha, election results in Syria? What a joke! The voting booths there have only one lever in them, and Assad's name is on it.
Syria´s elections are observed by monitors from dozens of countries. There are no levers or names. There are cards with the pictures and names of the candidates and voters put their thumb print under the picture of the candidate of their choice and put the card into the ballot box.
In parliamentary elections, anyone can run and they are directly elected.

Dude, I just can't decide weather You're really joking or saying this with a straight face...

First they wanted to put a picture of Putin, but he was shy.
You see..with STRAIGHT FACE agha

Assad is a respected hero of humanity while Netanyahu faces corruption charges. What about Putin?
And sadly You say this with a straight face.

Yes in Israel we elect our prime ministers, we also investigate, judge and jail then when found guilty.
In Syria they have Assad the father dying in his office after 29 years, and now Assad son who rules for the last 18 years. Can You see a difference? :itsok:

And ironically - it's a clear sign of a dictator when his people are trained enough to use labels such as "Magnificent Hero of Humanity" while he starves and kills them by the thousands :confused:
They also usually cry and joyfully pee their pants so that we can all believe.
The fact that only hardcore Zionists have ruled Israel so far, proves everything. And no, there are no investigations and jail. This is only for the public and to whitewash the suspects. The fake democracy is worse than anything else. And your al-Qaeda propaganda only proves whom Israel sides with in Syria.
Assad was confirmed in office regularly by the way. But know the system has been changed anyway. Something that will never happen in Tel Aviv.

I'm sorry but this is idiocy,

just 2 posts ago You used the investigation against Netanyahu as an argument against Israel, now there isn't any investigation.:bye1:
And even those whom You call "hardcore Zionists" said government and rulers must change, Begin was very specific about it, that people SHOULD LEAVE THEIR SEATS, unlike the NEVERENDING ASSAD.

Now let's look at the numbers, and compare Syrian govt to Israeli govt.
We had 12 PM's , the longest serving 13 years (combined) was Ben Gurion, second is Netanyahu serving 11 years (combined). Golda Meir resigned, Ehud Olmert was tried and jailed.

In the current Knesset there're 17 parties:
only 9 are Zionist on a wide spectrum of views
5 Non- Zionist ranging from Green parties to Conservative religious
3 Anti-Zionist mostly Pan-Arab and Islamist

Q. Now Your turn about Syria, what is the prevailing system/party that has and is ruling Syria, aside from military?
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How are Israelis innocent?
They stole Palestine from the people of Palestine, for goodness sake.
There is, nor has there ever been, a Palestine. What we had was a bunch of refugees from other countries, squatting on land that belonged to the Jews. All the Jews did was return to their ancestral home.

In the 1517 census only 1.7% of Palestine / Israel was even Jewish.

Clearly the bunch of refugee squatters are the Israeli Jews.

Sure doesn't have to do with any war or invasion...

Maybe You can tell me the % of indigenous people in the US?

I'm not very good at math but, from what I've read, there are about 5 million Native Americans in the U.S., out of a population of 350 million ppl.
about the same % then as Palestinians to Jews circa 1900 Fore,so your point was.....

My point is that as much as an average American understands that he's not a native of Milwaukee, the same goes for the Arabs who still call the land "the Jewish Desert".

And BTW those same Arabs already tried to cede this land to King Faisal of Syria,
A confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to turn state’s witness in one of several corruption investigations posing a serious threat to the conservative leader’s political survival, local media said.

Shlomo Filber’s decision to testify for the state against his former boss is a dramatic turn for Netanyahu, whose inner circle had so far seemed watertight. Filber’s change of heart could leave the tough-talking Netanyahu at his most vulnerable yet, with one critic writing him off as a “political corpse”.
Confidant of Israel's Netanyahu turns state witness in corruption...
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections
In wake of recent developments in investigations against the prime minister and his close associates, leader of the Labor party prepares members for possibility of early elections; 'The criminal house of cards the prime minister has built in recent years is crumbling down on top of him and his close circle,' he says.
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections
In wake of recent developments in investigations against the prime minister and his close associates, leader of the Labor party prepares members for possibility of early elections; 'The criminal house of cards the prime minister has built in recent years is crumbling down on top of him and his close circle,' he says.
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections

You clearly don't understand Israel. That's good.
A confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to turn state’s witness in one of several corruption investigations posing a serious threat to the conservative leader’s political survival, local media said.

Shlomo Filber’s decision to testify for the state against his former boss is a dramatic turn for Netanyahu, whose inner circle had so far seemed watertight. Filber’s change of heart could leave the tough-talking Netanyahu at his most vulnerable yet, with one critic writing him off as a “political corpse”.
Confidant of Israel's Netanyahu turns state witness in corruption...
Fanger I met this or was introduced to the Nit and Yar Who? here in Australia years ago when he was Begging for money,mainly from Jewish Business etc,...I took an instant disliking to him then,and my opinion has never differed,,,,,back then I thought this Guy couldn't LIE straight in bed even with two Mack Trucks hanging off the end of his feet......He's a Hustler and as guilty as hell...not a nice man and talks like the A TYPICAL glutteral Front Wheel...Zionist SLOB...steve
Last edited:
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections
In wake of recent developments in investigations against the prime minister and his close associates, leader of the Labor party prepares members for possibility of early elections; 'The criminal house of cards the prime minister has built in recent years is crumbling down on top of him and his close circle,' he says.
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections

What a remarkable process. Unlike your theocractic totalitarian islamic paradises where a mullahocracy will rule (until the competing tribe assembles enough weapons and ammo to over-the Head Mullah in Charge), some of us have a political process for change of leadership, and it doesn't involve gangs of Islamic-loons.
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections
In wake of recent developments in investigations against the prime minister and his close associates, leader of the Labor party prepares members for possibility of early elections; 'The criminal house of cards the prime minister has built in recent years is crumbling down on top of him and his close circle,' he says.
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections

You clearly don't understand Israel. That's good.
Oh but he does and this where you err rylah....steve
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections
In wake of recent developments in investigations against the prime minister and his close associates, leader of the Labor party prepares members for possibility of early elections; 'The criminal house of cards the prime minister has built in recent years is crumbling down on top of him and his close circle,' he says.
Gabbay to Labor: Netanyahu era has ended, prepare for elections

You clearly don't understand Israel. That's good.
Oh but he does and this where you err rylah....steve

Well...investigation or not its either Netanyahu finishing his term until elections or a guy of a more recent military experience taking the seat. Think about it.

Then again our strength has never been in the military or in this or that politician.
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Megalomaniacs would rather start a War than lose power

We don't need war, let us clear Iran and Hezballah away from our villages, that's all.

And Netanyahu has a lot of criticism for allowing so much of their presence to build up.
A confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to turn state’s witness in one of several corruption investigations posing a serious threat to the conservative leader’s political survival, local media said.

Shlomo Filber’s decision to testify for the state against his former boss is a dramatic turn for Netanyahu, whose inner circle had so far seemed watertight. Filber’s change of heart could leave the tough-talking Netanyahu at his most vulnerable yet, with one critic writing him off as a “political corpse”.
Confidant of Israel's Netanyahu turns state witness in corruption...
Fanger I met this or was introduced to the Nit and Yar Who? here in Australia years ago when he was Begging for money,mainly from Jewish Business etc,...I took an instant disliking to him then,and my opinion has never differed,,,,,back then I thought this Guy couldn't LIE straight in bed even with two Mack Trucks hanging off the end of his feet......He's a Hustler and as guilty as hell...not a nice man and talks like the A TYPICAL glutteral Front Wheel...Zionist SLOB...steve

Oh, come now. You're just angry because he didn't tip you enough for parking his car.
Syria´s elections are observed by monitors from dozens of countries. There are no levers or names. There are cards with the pictures and names of the candidates and voters put their thumb print under the picture of the candidate of their choice and put the card into the ballot box.
In parliamentary elections, anyone can run and they are directly elected.

Dude, I just can't decide weather You're really joking or saying this with a straight face...

First they wanted to put a picture of Putin, but he was shy.
You see..with STRAIGHT FACE agha

Assad is a respected hero of humanity while Netanyahu faces corruption charges. What about Putin?
And sadly You say this with a straight face.

Yes in Israel we elect our prime ministers, we also investigate, judge and jail then when found guilty.
In Syria they have Assad the father dying in his office after 29 years, and now Assad son who rules for the last 18 years. Can You see a difference? :itsok:

And ironically - it's a clear sign of a dictator when his people are trained enough to use labels such as "Magnificent Hero of Humanity" while he starves and kills them by the thousands :confused:
They also usually cry and joyfully pee their pants so that we can all believe.
The fact that only hardcore Zionists have ruled Israel so far, proves everything. And no, there are no investigations and jail. This is only for the public and to whitewash the suspects. The fake democracy is worse than anything else. And your al-Qaeda propaganda only proves whom Israel sides with in Syria.
Assad was confirmed in office regularly by the way. But know the system has been changed anyway. Something that will never happen in Tel Aviv.

I'm sorry but this is idiocy,

just 2 posts ago You used the investigation against Netanyahu as an argument against Israel, now there isn't any investigation.:bye1:
And even those whom You call "hardcore Zionists" said government and rulers must change, Begin was very specific about it, that people SHOULD LEAVE THEIR SEATS, unlike the NEVERENDING ASSAD.

Now let's look at the numbers, and compare Syrian govt to Israeli govt.
We had 12 PM's , the longest serving 13 years (combined) was Ben Gurion, second is Netanyahu serving 11 years (combined). Golda Meir resigned, Ehud Olmert was tried and jailed.

In the current Knesset there're 17 parties:
only 9 are Zionist on a wide spectrum of views
5 Non- Zionist ranging from Green parties to Conservative religious
3 Anti-Zionist mostly Pan-Arab and Islamist

Q. Now Your turn about Syria, what is the prevailing system/party that has and is ruling Syria, aside from military?
No, it was an argument against Netanyahu.

I have checked the Israeli party landscape and there is not so much diversity despite many parties. It is similar to Germany were dozens of irrelevant parties scuffle around.
In Syria, it is Assad or Muslim Brotherhood, respectively al-Qaeda. I wonder, what your problem as Israeli with Assad is. Israel could make peace with Syria, instead they side with Saudi Arabia, the worst country on earth in matters of freedom. It is a Zionist agenda to confront Syria and Israelis do not profit from this.
A confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to turn state’s witness in one of several corruption investigations posing a serious threat to the conservative leader’s political survival, local media said.

Shlomo Filber’s decision to testify for the state against his former boss is a dramatic turn for Netanyahu, whose inner circle had so far seemed watertight. Filber’s change of heart could leave the tough-talking Netanyahu at his most vulnerable yet, with one critic writing him off as a “political corpse”.
Confidant of Israel's Netanyahu turns state witness in corruption...
Fanger I met this or was introduced to the Nit and Yar Who? here in Australia years ago when he was Begging for money,mainly from Jewish Business etc,...I took an instant disliking to him then,and my opinion has never differed,,,,,back then I thought this Guy couldn't LIE straight in bed even with two Mack Trucks hanging off the end of his feet......He's a Hustler and as guilty as hell...not a nice man and talks like the A TYPICAL glutteral Front Wheel...Zionist SLOB...steve

Oh, come now. You're just angry because he didn't tip you enough for parking his car.
O Hollie...I love your mirth and although I cannot agree with much you say,that is because on here you seem one dimentional on here but I know there is much more to you.

My Jewish friends explained that the Nit and his party,likud as I remember were on the bones of their ass(not that they used such a phrase)and were seeking funds throughout Australia...............Hollie If I had Parked Cars,I would have made a point,during my valet days of never parking Hire or Borrowed cars..BECAUSE THERE WOULD BE NO TIPS...LOL...........steven
Dude, I just can't decide weather You're really joking or saying this with a straight face...

First they wanted to put a picture of Putin, but he was shy.
You see..with STRAIGHT FACE agha

Assad is a respected hero of humanity while Netanyahu faces corruption charges. What about Putin?
And sadly You say this with a straight face.

Yes in Israel we elect our prime ministers, we also investigate, judge and jail then when found guilty.
In Syria they have Assad the father dying in his office after 29 years, and now Assad son who rules for the last 18 years. Can You see a difference? :itsok:

And ironically - it's a clear sign of a dictator when his people are trained enough to use labels such as "Magnificent Hero of Humanity" while he starves and kills them by the thousands :confused:
They also usually cry and joyfully pee their pants so that we can all believe.
The fact that only hardcore Zionists have ruled Israel so far, proves everything. And no, there are no investigations and jail. This is only for the public and to whitewash the suspects. The fake democracy is worse than anything else. And your al-Qaeda propaganda only proves whom Israel sides with in Syria.
Assad was confirmed in office regularly by the way. But know the system has been changed anyway. Something that will never happen in Tel Aviv.

I'm sorry but this is idiocy,

just 2 posts ago You used the investigation against Netanyahu as an argument against Israel, now there isn't any investigation.:bye1:
And even those whom You call "hardcore Zionists" said government and rulers must change, Begin was very specific about it, that people SHOULD LEAVE THEIR SEATS, unlike the NEVERENDING ASSAD.

Now let's look at the numbers, and compare Syrian govt to Israeli govt.
We had 12 PM's , the longest serving 13 years (combined) was Ben Gurion, second is Netanyahu serving 11 years (combined). Golda Meir resigned, Ehud Olmert was tried and jailed.

In the current Knesset there're 17 parties:
only 9 are Zionist on a wide spectrum of views
5 Non- Zionist ranging from Green parties to Conservative religious
3 Anti-Zionist mostly Pan-Arab and Islamist

Q. Now Your turn about Syria, what is the prevailing system/party that has and is ruling Syria, aside from military?
No, it was an argument against Netanyahu.

I have checked the Israeli party landscape and there is not so much diversity despite many parties. It is similar to Germany were dozens of irrelevant parties scuffle around.
In Syria, it is Assad or Muslim Brotherhood, respectively al-Qaeda. I wonder, what your problem as Israeli with Assad is. Israel could make peace with Syria, instead they side with Saudi Arabia, the worst country on earth in matters of freedom. It is a Zionist agenda to confront Syria and Israelis do not profit from this.

Pretty difficult to keep up with so much lies is it?
" No investigation yes investigation" You just invent on the go.

That's exactly why You don't wanna bring numbers - they're embarrassing, as the number of Syrian civilians Assad is willing to kill to stay in power.

Q. Now tell me which party has ruled the most in the Syrian govt and which party is representing Muslim Brotherhood?

If You still don't understand why different countries form an alliance against Iran, then You're really blind to what's going on.

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Megalomaniacs would rather start a War than lose power

We don't need war, let us clear Iran and Hezballah away from our villages, that's all.

And Netanyahu has a lot of criticism for allowing so much of their presence to build up.
Syria and Lebanon want to clear the Israeli invaders from their lands too, Golan and Shebaa farms

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