Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15

Alright, you worship a God one of whose attributes is a demand to be appeased by the shedding of innocent blood. Appalling, primitive, and indefensible. Your turn.

Your understanding of Judaism is faulty. G-d requires no such appeasement. But check Christianity for that.
Really? Sacrifice--the shedding of innocent blood as a means of atonement--plays no role in the development of Judaism?
I would be happy to engage you in debate over whether the sacrifice of an innocent played a role in the development of Judaic law, but you are not an honest debater. You don't have the strength of character to grant a debate opponent a point earned, as I've learned.
Which innocent?
I have no clue as to who you are referring.
We could start with the appalling story of Abraham willing to sacrifice his son to please "god".
Obviously a poser troll.

You atheist freak haters are hilarious.

View attachment 185943
I believe in God. I just don't believe in magic books.
So? Satan believes in God too. And from your posts, looks like you agree with him a lot.
Go away, little boy.
Alright, you worship a God one of whose attributes is a demand to be appeased by the shedding of innocent blood. Appalling, primitive, and indefensible. Your turn.

Your understanding of Judaism is faulty. G-d requires no such appeasement. But check Christianity for that.
Really? Sacrifice--the shedding of innocent blood as a means of atonement--plays no role in the development of Judaism?

The shedding of blood is not the means of atonement (and certainly not the ONLY means of atonement). Nor is it required to achieve atonement. (And you don't even understand what atonement means). Those are all Christian thoughts. Not Jewish ones.
Alright, you worship a God one of whose attributes is a demand to be appeased by the shedding of innocent blood. Appalling, primitive, and indefensible. Your turn.

Your understanding of Judaism is faulty. G-d requires no such appeasement. But check Christianity for that.
Really? Sacrifice--the shedding of innocent blood as a means of atonement--plays no role in the development of Judaism?

The shedding of blood is not the means of atonement (and certainly not the ONLY means of atonement). Nor is it required to achieve atonement. (And you don't even understand what atonement means). Those are all Christian thoughts. Not Jewish ones.

Then why don't you explain it to me. Start with Leviticus 17:11:

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.​
Please explain the barbarism of Judaism.
It is virtually impossible in Jewish law to find someone guilty of a capital crime.
I understand you do not know the complexities of Jewish law and arriving at a guilty verdict.
In the meantime, the RCC was using the Roman Empire to murder at will.
So much for Catholicism being the religion of love.
I would be happy to engage you in debate over whether the sacrifice of an innocent played a role in the development of Judaic law, but you are not an honest debater. You don't have the strength of character to grant a debate opponent a point earned, as I've learned.
Which innocent?
I have no clue as to who you are referring.
We could start with the appalling story of Abraham willing to sacrifice his son to please "god".
You mean God, the creator and sustainer of existence, asking a 100+ year old Avraham to offer his healthy 37 year old son as a sacrifice and his 37 year old son, who believes in God and is a prophet, goes along with God’s request?
Yeah, we can discuss that.

Alright, you worship a God one of whose attributes is a demand to be appeased by the shedding of innocent blood. Appalling, primitive, and indefensible. Your turn.
Thanks for admitting you know nothing.
Now go study the Torah and come back in 5 years.
Alright, you worship a God one of whose attributes is a demand to be appeased by the shedding of innocent blood. Appalling, primitive, and indefensible. Your turn.

Your understanding of Judaism is faulty. G-d requires no such appeasement. But check Christianity for that.
Really? Sacrifice--the shedding of innocent blood as a means of atonement--plays no role in the development of Judaism?

The shedding of blood is not the means of atonement (and certainly not the ONLY means of atonement). Nor is it required to achieve atonement. (And you don't even understand what atonement means). Those are all Christian thoughts. Not Jewish ones.

Then why don't you explain it to me. Start with Leviticus 17:11:

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.​
I have a better idea...start from Genesis 1:1.
You know, context.
Alright, you worship a God one of whose attributes is a demand to be appeased by the shedding of innocent blood. Appalling, primitive, and indefensible. Your turn.

Your understanding of Judaism is faulty. G-d requires no such appeasement. But check Christianity for that.
Really? Sacrifice--the shedding of innocent blood as a means of atonement--plays no role in the development of Judaism?

The shedding of blood is not the means of atonement (and certainly not the ONLY means of atonement). Nor is it required to achieve atonement. (And you don't even understand what atonement means). Those are all Christian thoughts. Not Jewish ones.

Then why don't you explain it to me. Start with Leviticus 17:11:

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.​
There is no sacrifice for a trespass committed intentionally.
The unintentional sin offering is to remind you to keep on your toes the next time around.
Continue reading verses out of context as you're very good at it.
Then why don't you explain it to me. Start with Leviticus 17:11:

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.​

What?! You pulled Leviticus 17:11 out of your Christian hat in order to "prove" your case?! I'm shocked! Never have I EVER had a Christian quote that passage about blood! What am I to DO?! /sarcasm (Somehow, I feel like this is NOT your first rodeo and you are well-practiced at cherry-picking Judaism through a Christian lens and attacking with it. But, look, if you are genuinely ignorant about Torah, I apologize for the sarcasm. And I would be happy to assist you in learning, with what little I can help you with.)

Leviticus 17:11 is a prohibition on the consumption of blood. It prohibits the use of blood for nutrition. Its does not describe the process by which one is brought into rightness with G-d. There are dozens of examples in Torah of being right with G-d that have nothing to do with blood. Even one of those is enough to prove that you have it wrong.

This thread, however, is about the current events in Gaza and this will be my last response on the topic of blood and atonement. If you want to talk more about blood and atonement, start a thread on one of the religious boards and tag me. I'll join you there. (Though, seriously, this is an easy one, requiring no nuance at all and the reading of only a few passages of Torah. I'd suggest you just google it.)
It is Arabs-Moslems who are instigating hostilities.

And the Palestinian who was shot BEFORE the march whilst working on his land?

Ah, the IDF didn't like the way he was digging I guess!

No, the IDF did not like the way he was digging with his accomplice UNDER the fence.

Tell me, why would a farmer be digging UNDER a fence?

You have evidence of this?

The army said that the “two suspects approached the perimeter fence… and engaged in suspicious behavior on the ground alongside it. In response, an IDF unit fired at them with a tank.” Source

Now. Where is your condemnation of the acts of violence committed by Gaza?

"Witnesses said he was working his land near the border when the shells hit."

The army said that the “two suspects approached the perimeter fence… and engaged in suspicious behavior on the ground alongside it. In response, an IDF unit fired at them with a tank.”

Just two segments from your link...

Is shelling "suspects" with tanks normal behavior for a civilized nation?
It is Arabs-Moslems who are instigating hostilities.

And the Palestinian who was shot BEFORE the march whilst working on his land?

Ah, the IDF didn't like the way he was digging I guess!

No, the IDF did not like the way he was digging with his accomplice UNDER the fence.

Tell me, why would a farmer be digging UNDER a fence?

You have evidence of this?

The army said that the “two suspects approached the perimeter fence… and engaged in suspicious behavior on the ground alongside it. In response, an IDF unit fired at them with a tank.” Source

Now. Where is your condemnation of the acts of violence committed by Gaza?

"Witnesses said he was working his land near the border when the shells hit."

The army said that the “two suspects approached the perimeter fence… and engaged in suspicious behavior on the ground alongside it. In response, an IDF unit fired at them with a tank.”

Just two segments from your link...

Is shelling "suspects" with tanks normal behavior for a civilized nation?

Is planting bombs?

Why won't you condemn Palestinian violence?
This thread, however, is about the current events in Gaza and this will be my last response on the topic of blood and atonement.
Haha, I accept your surrender.

Lol. Too
to start a thread on the proper board, huh?
This thread, however, is about the current events in Gaza and this will be my last response on the topic of blood and atonement.
Haha, I accept your surrender.

Lol. Too View attachment 186105 to start a thread on the proper board, huh?
What are you. 12? That's ok. Go back to worshiping your bloodthirsty vengeance-freak. I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point, let alone admit blame.
This thread, however, is about the current events in Gaza and this will be my last response on the topic of blood and atonement.
Haha, I accept your surrender.

Lol. Too View attachment 186105 to start a thread on the proper board, huh?
What are you. 12? That's ok. Go back to worshiping your bloodthirsty vengeance-freak. I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point, let alone admit blame.
The fact that the Arabs are multiplying like rabbits is proof enough.
RE Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15

Wow, what is this nonsense. You tend to cast a shadow over your credibility when you do this.

... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
Still no actual argument, I see. Why not show some integrity? Just say, Yes, I was wrong. Blood sacrifice is an element of Judaism.

And to really impress me, you can add, "Yes, you are right. Indeependent is a sniveling little rat-animal."

ad hominem attack.png

Most Respectfully,
... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
Still no actual argument, I see. Why not show some integrity? Just say, Yes, I was wrong. Blood sacrifice is an element of Judaism.

And to really impress me, you can add, "Yes, you are right. Indeependent is a sniveling little rat-animal."
You are correct...
You have presented no real arguments; just dumb-ass out of context verses.
But that’s Christinity for you!

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