Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15

... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
Still no actual argument, I see. Why not show some integrity? Just say, Yes, I was wrong. Blood sacrifice is an element of Judaism.

And to really impress me, you can add, "Yes, you are right. Indeependent is a sniveling little rat-animal."
You are correct...
You have presented no real arguments; just dumb-ass out of context verses.
But that’s Christinity for you!
You claimed blood sacrifice was not an element of Judaism. I cited a verse from your holy book showing it clearly is. You respond that I've presented no argument. LOL, ok, then, sonny.
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ et al,

I'm still trying to visualize the connection you are making here, relative to the topic at hand.

  • Is there a question in all this?
  • Is there an allagationin all this?
  • Is there a pattern of behavior we should be able to see?

What is it you are trying to convey???

Most Respectfully,
... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
Still no actual argument, I see. Why not show some integrity? Just say, Yes, I was wrong. Blood sacrifice is an element of Judaism.

And to really impress me, you can add, "Yes, you are right. Indeependent is a sniveling little rat-animal."
You are correct...
You have presented no real arguments; just dumb-ass out of context verses.
But that’s Christinity for you!
You claimed blood sacrifice was not an element of Judaism. I cited a verse from your holy book showing it clearly is. You respond that I've presented no argument. LOL, ok, then, sonny.
You cited a verse...
Read the prior 2 verses and following 2 verses and learn how your “religion” trains you to read out of context.
You claimed blood sacrifice was not an element of Judaism. I cited a verse from your holy book showing it clearly is. You respond that I've presented no argument. LOL, ok, then, sonny.

Funny how we've gone from "G-d needs appeasing which can only be obtained by the shedding of innocent blood" to "blood sacrifice was not an element of Judaism".

One of your early posts was:

... I don't subscribe to the idea that a real God would demand the shedding of innocent blood. ...

Hey, guess what. Neither do Jews. It really is that simple.
What is it you are trying to convey???

Most Respectfully,

That Jews murder innocent people because ... Joooooooos.

And that its okay to lie to present Jews as evil because ... Joooooooos.

The question that should be asked is what (objectively) is the correct moral and legal response to a protest/riot of many thousands of people at your "border" who:

  • reject your right to sovereignty of any kind
  • declare the intent to remove your sovereignty
  • permit, at the least and incite, at the worst, acts of violence, cross "border"
  • threaten escalated action
  • hold you responsible for any measures taken
  • call on the international community to condemn you for any measures taken
  • demonize you for any measures taken
"RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Shusha, et al,

This topic of "sacrifice" (Human Sacrifice is so very different from Blood Atonement) is only problematic for the analyst that has only a self-taught insight.

Human Sacrifice is not found anywhere in written history as a ritualist practice of the Jewish People. I was just reading in the (so-called) "Watcher Files that they said: "The knowledge of Jewish ritual murder is thousands of years old. It is as old as the Jews themselves. Non-Jews have passed the knowledge of it from generation to generation, and it has been passed down to us thorough writings."

What is it you are trying to convey???

Most Respectfully,

That Jews murder innocent people because ... Joooooooos.

And that its okay to lie to present Jews as evil because ... Joooooooos.

The question that should be asked is what (objectively) is the correct moral and legal response to a protest/riot of many thousands of people at your "border" who:

  • reject your right to sovereignty of any kind
  • declare the intent to remove your sovereignty
  • permit, at the least and incite, at the worst, acts of violence, cross "border"
  • threaten escalated action
  • hold you responsible for any measures taken
  • call on the international community to condemn you for any measures taken
  • demonize you for any measures taken

The first Hebrew was (of course) Abraham. Thus we say, "the God" of Abraham."

Jacob, at least a grandson down the chain of descendants, was the first Israelite.

Between 850 and 750 BC, one son of Jacob, from Judah, coined the phrase "Jew" or "Jewish." This was a result of the elimination and destruction of all the other tribal leaders of descendants of Abraham.

In order to tie a Ritualistic Practice of Self-Sacrifice (not atonement) by Jews → one would have to find something newer than the time of Jacob's son (having an origin within the last 3000 years); going no further back that the House of Judah (one of three remaining tribes out of the twelve). The House of Israel, not existing today, having been decimated about two-and-a-half centuries ago.



You would be hard-pressed to find the ritualist killing of the innocent in Mosaic Law (Law of Moses). AND surely nothing ongoing in the Middle East by the Israelis has anything to do with "Ritualistic Sacrifice and Murder) as promoted by religious law. The is is a peace of propaganda to demonize the Jewish State of Israel and the attempt to discredit Israeli right to sovereignty and territorial integrity.

I am of the opinion that Arab Palestinians are making an all-out-effort to slander the Establishment of the Jewish State with such ridiculous ideas. This is not so dissimilar to the "baby Killing" labels used on is during the Vietnam War.

Most Respectfully,
I am of the opinion that Arab Palestinians are making an all-out-effort to slander the Establishment of the Jewish State with such ridiculous ideas. This is not so dissimilar to the "baby Killing" labels used on is during the Vietnam War.

Most Respectfully,

We agree. I might argue that the all-out-effort is not so much to slander the establishment of the Jewish State as it is to slander Jews and Jewish-ness in general.

It is extremely troubling that both the PA and Hamas seemed to be emboldened at the moment to make increasingly extremist and outrageous claims and statements. Some of them, and I am aware of the irony here, about the necessity of "blood sacrifice" in order to further their political goals.

My sense of this (and I've expressed this before) is that there is an increasing polarization in the Islamic/Arabic world. Arab Palestinian leadership appears to be declaring a side.
"RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Shusha, et al,

This topic of "sacrifice" (Human Sacrifice is so very different from Blood Atonement) is only problematic for the analyst that has only a self-taught insight.

Human Sacrifice is not found anywhere in written history as a ritualist practice of the Jewish People. I was just reading in the (so-called) "Watcher Files that they said: "The knowledge of Jewish ritual murder is thousands of years old. It is as old as the Jews themselves. Non-Jews have passed the knowledge of it from generation to generation, and it has been passed down to us thorough writings."

What is it you are trying to convey???

Most Respectfully,

That Jews murder innocent people because ... Joooooooos.

And that its okay to lie to present Jews as evil because ... Joooooooos.

The question that should be asked is what (objectively) is the correct moral and legal response to a protest/riot of many thousands of people at your "border" who:

  • reject your right to sovereignty of any kind
  • declare the intent to remove your sovereignty
  • permit, at the least and incite, at the worst, acts of violence, cross "border"
  • threaten escalated action
  • hold you responsible for any measures taken
  • call on the international community to condemn you for any measures taken
  • demonize you for any measures taken

The first Hebrew was (of course) Abraham. Thus we say, "the God" of Abraham."

Jacob, at least a grandson down the chain of descendants, was the first Israelite.

Between 850 and 750 BC, one son of Jacob, from Judah, coined the phrase "Jew" or "Jewish." This was a result of the elimination and destruction of all the other tribal leaders of descendants of Abraham.

In order to tie a Ritualistic Practice of Self-Sacrifice (not atonement) by Jews → one would have to find something newer than the time of Jacob's son (having an origin within the last 3000 years); going no further back that the House of Judah (one of three remaining tribes out of the twelve). The House of Israel, not existing today, having been decimated about two-and-a-half centuries ago.


You would be hard-pressed to find the ritualist killing of the innocent in Mosaic Law (Law of Moses). AND surely nothing ongoing in the Middle East by the Israelis has anything to do with "Ritualistic Sacrifice and Murder) as promoted by religious law. The is is a peace of propaganda to demonize the Jewish State of Israel and the attempt to discredit Israeli right to sovereignty and territorial integrity.

I am of the opinion that Arab Palestinians are making an all-out-effort to slander the Establishment of the Jewish State with such ridiculous ideas. This is not so dissimilar to the "baby Killing" labels used on is during the Vietnam War.

Most Respectfully,
A Chri
No mystery why the world focuses on that tiny strip of sand.
Gods chosen people live there.

I've been in the West Bank, you?

When are Christians going to get over worshipping Jews, they do not think much of Christians.

The Jew Hater speaks again. There have been plenty of threads about Christian Anti Semitism going on for over 2000 years and she ignores them all
Let's see....Jews murdered the first Christian, and it's Christians with the history of hatred?
Please. Jesus was not murdered, so either learn or shut-up.
Right. Murdered isn't quite the word. Jesus was lynched.
A Christian and you don't know that he was crucified and not lynched? With a best friend who is a Palestinian :777:
Some Chr
Please explain the barbarism of Judaism.
It is virtually impossible in Jewish law to find someone guilty of a capital crime.
I understand you do not know the complexities of Jewish law and arriving at a guilty verdict.
In the meantime, the RCC was using the Roman Empire to murder at will.
So much for Catholicism being the religion of love.
I would be happy to engage you in debate over whether the sacrifice of an innocent played a role in the development of Judaic law, but you are not an honest debater. You don't have the strength of character to grant a debate opponent a point earned, as I've learned.
Which innocent?
I have no clue as to who you are referring.
We could start with the appalling story of Abraham willing to sacrifice his son to please "god".
Obviously a poser troll.

You atheist freak haters are hilarious.

View attachment 185943
I believe in God. I just don't believe in magic books.
Some Christian you are. Do you make it up as you go along?
... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
He isn't Christian. He thinks Jesus was lynched and he believes in God but not in "books". Sound like a Christian to you?
A Chri
When are Christians going to get over worshipping Jews, they do not think much of Christians.

The Jew Hater speaks again. There have been plenty of threads about Christian Anti Semitism going on for over 2000 years and she ignores them all
Let's see....Jews murdered the first Christian, and it's Christians with the history of hatred?
Please. Jesus was not murdered, so either learn or shut-up.
Right. Murdered isn't quite the word. Jesus was lynched.
A Christian and you don't know that he was crucified and not lynched? With a best friend who is a Palestinian :777:
Crucified is how Jews did their lynchings back then. Or stoning.

And what is it with the Jewish aversion to accuracy? I never said my "best friend" was Palestinian.
... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
He isn't Christian. He thinks Jesus was lynched and he believes in God but not in "books". Sound like a Christian to you?
Look at it this way: Christianity was a modernization of Judaism. It absorbed the far superior and more advanced Greek thought and produced a religious revolution. A few nasty left-overs from Judaism survived, for example, the barbaric anti-religious sacrificial interpretation of Christ's life and teachings, but for the most part, Christian teaching, particularly that of St Paul, is more Greek than Hebrew.

My Christianity is to primitive Christianity as primitive Christianity is to even more primitive Judaism. See?
... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
He isn't Christian. He thinks Jesus was lynched and he believes in God but not in "books". Sound like a Christian to you?
A Chri
The Jew Hater speaks again. There have been plenty of threads about Christian Anti Semitism going on for over 2000 years and she ignores them all
Let's see....Jews murdered the first Christian, and it's Christians with the history of hatred?
Please. Jesus was not murdered, so either learn or shut-up.
Right. Murdered isn't quite the word. Jesus was lynched.
A Christian and you don't know that he was crucified and not lynched? With a best friend who is a Palestinian :777:
Crucified is how Jews did their lynchings back then. Or stoning.

And what is it with the Jewish aversion to accuracy? I never said my "best friend" was Palestinian.
What is it with Christians quoting verses out of context?
... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
He isn't Christian. He thinks Jesus was lynched and he believes in God but not in "books". Sound like a Christian to you?
Look at it this way: Christianity was a modernization of Judaism. It absorbed the far superior and more advanced Greek thought and produced a religious revolution. A few nasty left-overs from Judaism survived, for example, the barbaric anti-religious sacrificial interpretation of Christ's life and teachings, but for the most part, Christian teaching, particularly that of St Paul, is more Greek than Hebrew.

My Christianity is to primitive Christianity as primitive Christianity is to even more primitive Judaism. See?
The Greeks?
They’re gone.
The Jews?
We’re still here and pissing you off.
... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
He isn't Christian. He thinks Jesus was lynched and he believes in God but not in "books". Sound like a Christian to you?
Look at it this way: Christianity was a modernization of Judaism. It absorbed the far superior and more advanced Greek thought and produced a religious revolution. A few nasty left-overs from Judaism survived, for example, the barbaric anti-religious sacrificial interpretation of Christ's life and teachings, but for the most part, Christian teaching, particularly that of St Paul, is more Greek than Hebrew.

My Christianity is to primitive Christianity as primitive Christianity is to even more primitive Judaism. See?
The Greeks?
They’re gone.
The Jews?
We’re still here and pissing you off.

Greece is still here and so is their writings, and Christianity is closer to Greco-Roman than Judaism. Paul wrote his first books to Greece due to the Maccabean Revolt to deter the gentiles from becoming Jews. The maj of OT save the Torah from Ezra on is wrote in Greek and Aramaic.
... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
He isn't Christian. He thinks Jesus was lynched and he believes in God but not in "books". Sound like a Christian to you?
Look at it this way: Christianity was a modernization of Judaism. It absorbed the far superior and more advanced Greek thought and produced a religious revolution. A few nasty left-overs from Judaism survived, for example, the barbaric anti-religious sacrificial interpretation of Christ's life and teachings, but for the most part, Christian teaching, particularly that of St Paul, is more Greek than Hebrew.

My Christianity is to primitive Christianity as primitive Christianity is to even more primitive Judaism. See?
The Greeks?
They’re gone.
The Jews?
We’re still here and pissing you off.

Greece is still here and so is their writings, and Christianity is closer to Greco-Roman than Judaism. Paul wrote his first books to Greece due to the Maccabean Revolt to deter the gentiles from becoming Jews. The maj of OT save the Torah from Ezra on is wrote in Greek and Aramaic.
The Greeks are still here.
I guess Samuel Clemens is an idiot.
Perhaps you’re the idiot.
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... I long ago learned few Jews have the strength of character to concede a point ....

Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
He isn't Christian. He thinks Jesus was lynched and he believes in God but not in "books". Sound like a Christian to you?
Look at it this way: Christianity was a modernization of Judaism. It absorbed the far superior and more advanced Greek thought and produced a religious revolution. A few nasty left-overs from Judaism survived, for example, the barbaric anti-religious sacrificial interpretation of Christ's life and teachings, but for the most part, Christian teaching, particularly that of St Paul, is more Greek than Hebrew.

My Christianity is to primitive Christianity as primitive Christianity is to even more primitive Judaism. See?
The Greeks?
They’re gone.
The Jews?
We’re still here and pissing you off.

Greece is still here and so is their writings, and Christianity is closer to Greco-Roman than Judaism. Paul wrote his first books to Greece due to the Maccabean Revolt to deter the gentiles from becoming Jews. The maj of OT save the Torah from Ezra on is wrote in Greek and Aramaic.
The OT?
What’s that?
The N’viem are in Greek and Aramaic?
Are you trying to prove you’re an idiot?
The K’suvim are in Greek and Aramaic?
Wash, rinse, repeat question.
Yeah, and I know too many Christians who drop a cherry-picked verse, declare victory and vanish.
He isn't Christian. He thinks Jesus was lynched and he believes in God but not in "books". Sound like a Christian to you?
Look at it this way: Christianity was a modernization of Judaism. It absorbed the far superior and more advanced Greek thought and produced a religious revolution. A few nasty left-overs from Judaism survived, for example, the barbaric anti-religious sacrificial interpretation of Christ's life and teachings, but for the most part, Christian teaching, particularly that of St Paul, is more Greek than Hebrew.

My Christianity is to primitive Christianity as primitive Christianity is to even more primitive Judaism. See?
The Greeks?
They’re gone.
The Jews?
We’re still here and pissing you off.

Greece is still here and so is their writings, and Christianity is closer to Greco-Roman than Judaism. Paul wrote his first books to Greece due to the Maccabean Revolt to deter the gentiles from becoming Jews. The maj of OT save the Torah from Ezra on is wrote in Greek and Aramaic.
The OT?
What’s that?
The N’viem are in Greek and Aramaic?
Are you trying to prove you’re an idiot?
The K’suvim are in Greek and Aramaic?
Wash, rinse, repeat question.

Yep most of the writings since Ezra. Septuagint - Wikipedia

Most Hebrews didn't even read Hebrew in the first century. Aramaic was the normal language.

Back to Israel killing the Palestinians.
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