Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15

Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Sovereignty remains in the hand of the people.
Tossing around that slogan you cut and paste into multiple threads doesn’t address your misunderstanding.
I notice that you did not refute anything I said.
I notice you NEVER mention the attacks the attempted attacks and the indiscriminate attacks by Pals.
The Palestinians were at home. How do you attack anyone from at home?
So all the rockets all the IEDs all the tunnels are a figment of Israels imagination? All the rock throwing slingshots rifle fire Molotov Cocktails are imagined to right?
Tossing around that slogan you cut and paste into multiple threads doesn’t address your misunderstanding.
I notice that you did not refute anything I said.
I notice you NEVER mention the attacks the attempted attacks and the indiscriminate attacks by Pals.
The Palestinians were at home. How do you attack anyone from at home?
So all the rockets all the IEDs all the tunnels are a figment of Israels imagination? All the rock throwing slingshots rifle fire Molotov Cocktails are imagined to right?
Ya pointing out you are a fucking liar is always a deflection right?
You guys can argue history all you want but history is in the making right now.


لم اقل لكم..؟ مايجري في سوريا مجرد مقدمات لاسقاط نظام الملالي. نعم صحيح اني توقعاتي كانت مستعجلة لاني كنت اتوقع ضرب ايران في سورية منذ شهرين مضيا وان اسقاط ايران سيكون خلال شهرين مستقبلا من الان. اعترف اني كنت مستعجلا زمنيا

Didn't I tell you..? It is in Syria just the introduction to overthrow the mullahs system. Yes it is true that my expectations were in a hurry because I expected to hit Iran in Syria two months ago and the overthrow of Iran will be in the next two months now. I admit I was in a hurry, but a Syrian hit was just a drill.


Get out there and watch it as it happens or lose sight of it and keep discussing what happened... all the way back to the beginning of the book. /s​


I've learned so much about the Gulf cooperation from our last exchange.
This is mostly interesting and significant, the timing to the info You'vepresented couldn't be better.

You guys can argue history all you want but history is in the making right now.


لم اقل لكم..؟ مايجري في سوريا مجرد مقدمات لاسقاط نظام الملالي. نعم صحيح اني توقعاتي كانت مستعجلة لاني كنت اتوقع ضرب ايران في سورية منذ شهرين مضيا وان اسقاط ايران سيكون خلال شهرين مستقبلا من الان. اعترف اني كنت مستعجلا زمنيا

Didn't I tell you..? It is in Syria just the introduction to overthrow the mullahs system. Yes it is true that my expectations were in a hurry because I expected to hit Iran in Syria two months ago and the overthrow of Iran will be in the next two months now. I admit I was in a hurry, but a Syrian hit was just a drill.


Get out there and watch it as it happens or lose sight of it and keep discussing what happened... all the way back to the beginning of the book. /s​


I've learned so much about the Gulf cooperation from our last exchange.
This is mostly interesting and significant, the timing to the info You'vepresented couldn't be better.


You have my regards.

K'vodo malei olam, m'shartav sho'alim zeh laze ayei m'kom kvodo.

You guys can argue history all you want but history is in the making right now.


لم اقل لكم..؟ مايجري في سوريا مجرد مقدمات لاسقاط نظام الملالي. نعم صحيح اني توقعاتي كانت مستعجلة لاني كنت اتوقع ضرب ايران في سورية منذ شهرين مضيا وان اسقاط ايران سيكون خلال شهرين مستقبلا من الان. اعترف اني كنت مستعجلا زمنيا

Didn't I tell you..? It is in Syria just the introduction to overthrow the mullahs system. Yes it is true that my expectations were in a hurry because I expected to hit Iran in Syria two months ago and the overthrow of Iran will be in the next two months now. I admit I was in a hurry, but a Syrian hit was just a drill.


Get out there and watch it as it happens or lose sight of it and keep discussing what happened... all the way back to the beginning of the book. /s​


I've learned so much about the Gulf cooperation from our last exchange.
This is mostly interesting and significant, the timing to the info You'vepresented couldn't be better.


You have my regards.

K'vodo malei olam, m'shartav sho'alim zeh laze ayei m'kom kvodo.


Palestinian terror groups seethe over Saudi crown prince’s pro-Israel comments
PA silent on Mohammed bin Salman's remarks recognizing Israel's right to homeland; Hamas, PFLP, Islamic Jihad rage against Riyadh

Palestinian terror groups on Wednesday accused Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of paving the way for “normalization” between the Arab countries and Israel.

Salman, in an interview published Monday, recognized Israel’s right to exist and extolled the prospect of future diplomatic relations between his kingdom and the Jewish state.

His remarks, which have enraged many Palestinians and Arabs, were made during an interview with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg.


They're are enraged? Wow big difference.
They wanna fight on the side of Iran? Meet the consequences.
Pro Palestine protesters yelling "Heil Hitler" in Calgary

Theres no other way this can end.


"You shall remember what Amalek did to you on the way, when you went out of Egypt,
18how he happened upon you on the way and cut off all the stragglers at your rear, when you were faint and weary, and he did not fear God.
19[Therefore,] it will be, when the Lord your God grants you respite from all your enemies around [you] in the land which the Lord, your God, gives to you as an inheritance to possess, that you shall obliterate the remembrance of Amalek from beneath the heavens. You shall not forget!"

Devarim 25
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Gaza is still the land of the Philistines. Ever shall it be so. They came with a non Semitic speaking land.

That's where it comes from.

The evil. That makes humans use their own children's bodies and lives for political purposes.

Pure evil.

Both beliefs know this.
Gaza is still the land of the Philistines. Ever shall it be so. They came with a non Semitic speaking land.

That's where it comes from.

The evil. That makes humans use their own children's bodies and lives for political purposes.

Pure evil.

Both beliefs know this.

Hussein too thought he was Nebuchadnezzar...
If bedouins want to identify as invading 'sea people' , so be it.

For every well they try to seal, we'll build two and repair the broken.
Gaza is still the land of the Philistines. Ever shall it be so. They came with a non Semitic speaking land.

That's where it comes from.

The evil. That makes humans use their own children's bodies and lives for political purposes.

Pure evil.

Both beliefs know this.

If bedouins want to identify as invading 'sea people' , so be it.
For every well they try to seal, we'll build two and repair the broken.

Hussein too thought he was Nebuchadnezzar.
They can call themselves whatever they want. They can change their religion, language and customs and...

...they're still Philistines with evil built to the bone....and they desire to congregate there.

Just as we are drawn to Yerushalyim for other reasons.
Gaza is still the land of the Philistines. Ever shall it be so. They came with a non Semitic speaking land.

That's where it comes from.

The evil. That makes humans use their own children's bodies and lives for political purposes.

Pure evil.

Both beliefs know this.

If bedouins want to identify as invading 'sea people' , so be it.
For every well they try to seal, we'll build two and repair the broken.

Hussein too thought he was Nebuchadnezzar.
They can call themselves whatever they want. They can change their religion, language and customs and...

...they're still Philistines with evil built to the bone....and they desire to congregate there.

Just as we are drawn to Yerushalyim for other reasons.

Are we drawn to Jerusalem more,
than they're drawn to sacrifice their children for moloch?
Gaza is still the land of the Philistines. Ever shall it be so. They came with a non Semitic speaking land.

That's where it comes from.

The evil. That makes humans use their own children's bodies and lives for political purposes.

Pure evil.

Both beliefs know this.

If bedouins want to identify as invading 'sea people' , so be it.
For every well they try to seal, we'll build two and repair the broken.

Hussein too thought he was Nebuchadnezzar.
They can call themselves whatever they want. They can change their religion, language and customs and...

...they're still Philistines with evil built to the bone....and they desire to congregate there.

Just as we are drawn to Yerushalyim for other reasons.

Are we drawn to Jerusalem more,
than they're drawn to sacrifice their children for moloch?

They are drawn to sacrifice all children. The choice is binary. They made theirs long ago and it still follows. There's no fuzzy logic. There's no escape for them. They know this.

Gaza is still the land of the Philistines. Ever shall it be so. They came with a non Semitic speaking land.

That's where it comes from.

The evil. That makes humans use their own children's bodies and lives for political purposes.

Pure evil.

Both beliefs know this.

If bedouins want to identify as invading 'sea people' , so be it.
For every well they try to seal, we'll build two and repair the broken.

Hussein too thought he was Nebuchadnezzar.
They can call themselves whatever they want. They can change their religion, language and customs and...

...they're still Philistines with evil built to the bone....and they desire to congregate there.

Just as we are drawn to Yerushalyim for other reasons.

Are we drawn to Jerusalem more,
than they're drawn to sacrifice their children for moloch?

They are drawn to sacrifice all children. The choice is binary. They made theirs long ago and it still follows. There's no fuzzy logic. There's no escape for them. They know this.


It's impolite to reject "wedding invitations".
Especially when they invest so much effort and money in the ceremony.

I've seen P F Tinmore post a video where a Gazan incites the young to kill the Jews and go die together. They should have no helmet if they wanna keep banging their head into the wall.
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So what about PF? He's nothing special. A communist useful idiot who changes his story. ie...liar.

There's a lot of insanity that is promulgated by evil... and it only uses discussion as a method to foment baser emotions.

That's why I don't come down here and when I came here first?

It was 1000 times worse.
And the discussions are useless since both Arabs and Jews have decided how to deal with the Palestinian question long ago.

The left were the barrier to peace.

Egypt and Jordan are enough proof for me but if I need more, I just have to look at all the Communists in the West Bank...who are still listening to 0... and naming their streets with filth.

I think you can tell already, that this I/P forum is not a good place for me.

I think you can tell already, that this I/P forum is not a good place for me.


And in that short time You've visited here I've learned a lot.
Glad to hear You're coming home. May Hashem succeed in all Your ways.
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This might be the case for some of the Mandates, but certainly not all of the Mandates.

The Allied Powers made the determination of the day and the disposition of territory relinquished by the defeated enemy powers.
Indeed, and they decided not to annex the territories and to establish independent nations for the inhabitants.
THE PRINCIPLES OF THE MANDATORY REGIME: Mandate System LoN/1945.VI.A.1 of 30 April 1945 said:
The Palestine Mandate is of a very special character. While it follows the main lines laid down by the Covenant for "A" Mandates, it also contains a number of provisions designed to apply the policy defined by the "Balfour Declaration" of November 2nd, 1917. By this declaration, the British Government had announced its intention to encourage the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. The Mandate reproduces the Balfour Declaration almost in full in its preamble and states that "recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country".
SOURCE: LoN/Series of League of Nations Publications


BUT, whatever you think the Allied Powers → decided to do in the beginning, → decided to attempt throughout the Mandate period, by early 1947, the Mandatory, faced with an irreconcilable conflict of principles → decided to refer the problem to the United Nations. In Arpil1946, the was dissolved in the belief by many that league was inefficient and incapable of enforcing its resolutions and sanctions (the very same complaint and reputation the UN holds today).


If the Allied Powers had wanted to "annex territory" at the close of the hostile conflict → they could have without any trouble it all..

Most Respectfully,
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH for heaven sake!!!

Article 1(2), UN Charter: To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;

Article 2(4), UN Charter: All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

You keep banging on about sovereignty being the purview of a government or state. States come and go. Governments change. However, what is consistent is the people's rights to their territory.

Whenever you see the mention of standard rights: The right to self determination, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity, they are always attributed to the people in a defined territory. Governments and states are never mentioned.

Yes Empires, States, and Governments do come and go. And the fact that each shift in territorial government does not reqirewhole sale genocide, is often observed.

The Concept of Sovereignty
Jens Bartelson
The European Journal of International Law Vol. 17 no.2 © EJIL 2006; all rights reserved
The first view, the sovereign state is unlikely to remain the main locus of political authority and community in the future. It is challenged by new constellations of authority and community which transcend the divide between the domestic and the international spheres, and will soon be replaced by new forms of political life that know nothing of this distinction.

The second view, the sovereign state is likely to remain a potent source of authority and community even in the future. Those emergent constellations of authority and community that allegedly challenge the predominance of the sovereign state are ultimately only manifestations of its successful sovereignty claims. They are thus indicative of the remarkable endurance of this concept in both theory and practice. When properly understood, therefore, the concept of sovereignty retains much of its explanatory power and normative relevance.

Written By: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Sovereignty, in political theory, the ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order. The concept of sovereignty—one of the most controversial ideas in political science and international law—is closely related to the difficult concepts of state and government and of independence and democracy.​

Most Repectfully,


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Zeig Billo.

You're not allowed into the game.

All you can do is watch... happen.

And Arabs are doing it, not Jews. Isaac is just helping Ishmael.



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