Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15

Israel settled for far less land than was promised to it.

How many Arab armies attacked the fledgling state after said state was founded? Do you know?

And do you know the reason/rationale for taking the Golan? Without any of your revisionist nonsense?
Israel was given 70% of the land, when they made up only 30% of the population.

You call that fair?

BTW, none of the violence started until Zionists moved in to the area with their racist, apartheid policies.
you must have zero knowledge on combat/war/warfare
civilians usually always get killed in war zones/conflicts !!!!! this is just a fact !!
please do some reading on the subject
Aah, the old war is hell, argument. It is true, civilians die in war. That doesn't change the fact that it is illegal to deliberately target them.

You apparently, are okay with that.

BTW, the IDF also shot people carrying white flags.
LOL you are BEYOND retarded, the Arabs announced the threat and ordered the Arabs out on pain of death, historical fact that you want to ignore, pathetic.
That's the big Israeli lie you keep telling, because you are a little Israeli bitch, doing what you're told like a good little whore!

Someone (you've never seen before), comes to your house and tells you to leave, are you gonna go?
Israel had no territory under the armistice agreements.

You never did explain who had the territory under the armistice agreements.
Not Israel. The UN had no territory. The Mandate had no territory. So, where did Israel get it?

I notice you never explain who held the territory after the armistice agreements.
Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Sovereignty remains in the hand of the people.

Awesome, so who made the agreements?
Most people know who signed the armistice agreements but few know what they said.

Most people know who signed the armistice agreements

Great. Who signed them?

but few know what they said.

Double secret armistice agreements?
In 1948, Israel took more land than that was allocated to it.

Yup, they kicked some Arab ass.

In 1967, Israel took the West Bank, Golan Heights, Gaza and East Jerusalem in that war.

Yup, kicked Arab ass again.

That's the land Israel occupy's to this date.

And they're gonna keep most of it.
I see you're a fan of Hitler.

Because you just argued it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.

I'm sure the Krauts had snipers shooting Poles, as well.

It's a small world after all.

I see you're a fan of Hitler.

Did he also kick Arab ass?

Because you just argued it was okay for Germany to annex Poland.

Poland attacked Germany?
LOL you are BEYOND retarded, the Arabs announced the threat and ordered the Arabs out on pain of death, historical fact that you want to ignore, pathetic.
That's the big Israeli lie you keep telling, because you are a little Israeli bitch, doing what you're told like a good little whore!

Someone (you've never seen before), comes to your house and tells you to leave, are you gonna go?
When 5 Armies order you out and threaten to kill you if you stay only the brave refuse to leave.
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You keep trying to make these two points in the wrong political language. Let's try again to get it right for you.

The Right to Sovereignty without interference was mangled by the invasion of the Arab League Forces in the same time frame.
How so?

I'm going to speak of "state sovereignty" outside the realist and globalization paradigms. In the arena of "state sovereignty" [in the hands of the people (the US is an indirect democracy, and therefore its sovereignty is representative at the national level) → or not (Saudi Arabian, the sovereignty is clearly not in the hands of the people) is irrelevent] is a foundational principle of international law. For our discussion:

Section 7:The Need for International Institutions and their Challenge to Notions of Sovereignty

Sovereignty denotes full and unchallengeable power over a specific territory; as protected by Chapter 1 of the UN Charter. Sovereignty is an umbrella term that indicates the rights and duties that a state is accorded by international law at a given time (part of which is the Montevideo Convention). These sovereign rights and duties constitute "state sovereignty."

State Sovereignty has absolutely nothing to do with who handles it. State Sovereignty is as valid in Saudi Arabia (a Monarchy) as it is in Monoca (constitutional monarchy), as it is in the UK (parliamentary constitutional monarchy; a Commonwealth realm) or in China (communist party-led state) --- or as it is in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (single-party state; official state ideology of "Juche"). The each know the boundaries of there nation and claim (with few exceptions) state control. And there are more. And each of these Sovereignties has territorial integrity in which that government claims sovereignty and no other. This differs from the Arab Palestinians who argue that they have no territories where their government expresses the supreme authority.

Not Israel. The UN had no territory. The Mandate had no territory. So, where did Israel get it?

There is a chain of custody over the territory which stretches back further than the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), and may even to the Armistice of Mudros (1918).


Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

The provisions of the present Article do not prejudice any special arrangements arising from neighbourly relations which have been or may be concluded between Turkey and any limitrophe countries.

Without regard to what you might think today, the fact of the matter is that the International Laws were largely written by the Allied Powers of the day. And their mean was interpreted largely by what the Allied Powers said it was to mean.

No matter how you might want to interpret it, the Arab Palestinians (mostly hostile in nature), formerly a population of the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration were not a party to the treaty; they were not promised anything, and the Allied Powers were not obligated to the former population of the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration.

The Allied Powers made the determination of the day and the disposition of territory relinquished by the defeated enemy powers.

Most Respectfully,
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please read more carefully/ it again
  1. 1.
    a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
    "the eternal conflict between the sexes"
    synonyms: dispute, quarrel, squabble, disagreement, dissension, clash;
So you're equating fucking with murder?

I've killed some pussy in my time, but...
Not Israel. The UN had no territory. The Mandate had no territory. So, where did Israel get it?

I notice you never explain who held the territory after the armistice agreements.
Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Sovereignty remains in the hand of the people.
Tossing around that slogan you cut and paste into multiple threads doesn’t address your misunderstanding.
I notice that you did not refute anything I said.
I notice you NEVER mention the attacks the attempted attacks and the indiscriminate attacks by Pals.
The Palestinians were at home. How do you attack anyone from at home?
When 5 Armies order you out and threaten to kill you if you stay only the brave refuse to leave.
Except for the fact that they didn't do that.

When you are there to protect someones land rights, why would you force them off that land?

That's just a bullshit Zionist lie, that you bought hook, line and sinker.
When 5 Armies order you out and threaten to kill you if you stay only the brave refuse to leave.
Except for the fact that they didn't do that.

When you are there to protect someones land rights, why would you force them off that land?

That's just a bullshit Zionist lie, that you bought hook, line and sinker.

When you are there to protect someones land rights, why would you force them off that land?

Arabs aren't known for their brains.
When 5 Armies order you out and threaten to kill you if you stay only the brave refuse to leave.
Here you go, buddy boy...

The Expulsion of the Palestinians, 1947-1948
At the beginning of the strife in late 1947, it is likely that the Jewish political leadership in Palestine would have rejected any formal plan to expel the Palestinians. (Although that would change by the following June, as discussed below, when the new Israeli government prohibited the return of all Palestinian refugees.)

There was, however, a shared belief by many of the Jewish (later Israeli) military leaders during the war that the entire Palestinian population was the enemy.

Acting on that belief, the Jewish militias (the official Haganah and the unofficial Stern Gang and Irgun) engaged in a consistent course of conduct that was intended to--and did--cause the Arab population to flee. (The Israeli myth that the Palestinians left on instructions from Arab leaders has long since been shown to be a fabrication.)

The Allied Powers made the determination of the day and the disposition of territory relinquished by the defeated enemy powers.
Indeed, and they decided not to annex the territories and to establish independent nations for the inhabitants.
Refugee - Arab states told Arabs to leave Israel in 1948 war

Set to get rid of the Jews in 10 days, be ready to meet the consequence.

Hashem is One and most just.
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You guys can argue history all you want but history is in the making right now.


لم اقل لكم..؟ مايجري في سوريا مجرد مقدمات لاسقاط نظام الملالي. نعم صحيح اني توقعاتي كانت مستعجلة لاني كنت اتوقع ضرب ايران في سورية منذ شهرين مضيا وان اسقاط ايران سيكون خلال شهرين مستقبلا من الان. اعترف اني كنت مستعجلا زمنيا

Didn't I tell you..? It is in Syria just the introduction to overthrow the mullahs system. Yes it is true that my expectations were in a hurry because I expected to hit Iran in Syria two months ago and the overthrow of Iran will be in the next two months now. I admit I was in a hurry, but a Syrian hit was just a drill.


Get out there and watch it as it happens or lose sight of it and keep discussing what happened... all the way back to the beginning of the book. /s​
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You keep trying to make these two points in the wrong political language. Let's try again to get it right for you.

The Right to Sovereignty without interference was mangled by the invasion of the Arab League Forces in the same time frame.
How so?

I'm going to speak of "state sovereignty" outside the realist and globalization paradigms. In the arena of "state sovereignty" [in the hands of the people (the US is an indirect democracy, and therefore its sovereignty is representative at the national level) → or not (Saudi Arabian, the sovereignty is clearly not in the hands of the people) is irrelevent] is a foundational principle of international law. For our discussion:

Section 7:The Need for International Institutions and their Challenge to Notions of Sovereignty

Sovereignty denotes full and unchallengeable power over a specific territory; as protected by Chapter 1 of the UN Charter. Sovereignty is an umbrella term that indicates the rights and duties that a state is accorded by international law at a given time (part of which is the Montevideo Convention). These sovereign rights and duties constitute "state sovereignty."

State Sovereignty has absolutely nothing to do with who handles it. State Sovereignty is as valid in Saudi Arabia (a Monarchy) as it is in Monoca (constitutional monarchy), as it is in the UK (parliamentary constitutional monarchy; a Commonwealth realm) or in China (communist party-led state) --- or as it is in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (single-party state; official state ideology of "Juche"). The each know the boundaries of there nation and claim (with few exceptions) state control. And there are more. And each of these Sovereignties has territorial integrity in which that government claims sovereignty and no other. This differs from the Arab Palestinians who argue that they have no territories where their government expresses the supreme authority.

Not Israel. The UN had no territory. The Mandate had no territory. So, where did Israel get it?

There is a chain of custody over the territory which stretches back further than the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), and may even to the Armistice of Mudros (1918).


Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

The provisions of the present Article do not prejudice any special arrangements arising from neighbourly relations which have been or may be concluded between Turkey and any limitrophe countries.

Without regard to what you might think today, the fact of the matter is that the International Laws were largely written by the Allied Powers of the day. And their mean was interpreted largely by what the Allied Powers said it was to mean.

No matter how you might want to interpret it, the Arab Palestinians (mostly hostile in nature), formerly a population of the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration were not a party to the treaty; they were not promised anything, and the Allied Powers were not obligated to the former population of the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration.

The Allied Powers made the determination of the day and the disposition of territory relinquished by the defeated enemy powers.

Most Respectfully,
You keep banging on about sovereignty being the purview of a government or state. States come and go. Governments change. However, what is consistent is the people's rights to their territory.

Whenever you see the mention of standard rights: The right to self determination, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity, they are always attributed to the people in a defined territory. Governments and states are never mentioned.
I notice you never explain who held the territory after the armistice agreements.
Occupations do not acquire sovereignty. Sovereignty remains in the hand of the people.
Tossing around that slogan you cut and paste into multiple threads doesn’t address your misunderstanding.
I notice that you did not refute anything I said.
I notice you NEVER mention the attacks the attempted attacks and the indiscriminate attacks by Pals.
The Palestinians were at home. How do you attack anyone from at home?
So all the rockets all the IEDs all the tunnels are a figment of Israels imagination? All the rock throwing slingshots rifle fire Molotov Cocktails are imagined to right?

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