Israeli minister wants to deport families of Palestinian "terrorists" to Syria

LOL, yet more Palestinians have been killed, than Jews have in the conflicts.

Irrelevant. Its the cause and effect that you guys are all mixing up. If Palestinians stop trying to kill Jews, then there will be no more deaths or injuries or even imprisonment. We'd be done. Its on you.
LOL, yet more Palestinians have been killed, than Jews have in the conflicts.

Irrelevant. Its the cause and effect that you guys are all mixing up. If Palestinians stop trying to kill Jews, then there will be no more deaths or injuries or even imprisonment. We'd be done. Its on you.

Well, it's no wonder why some resist invaders of their land.
Well, it's no wonder why some resist invaders of their land.

Exactly. That is where team Palestine always falls back to -- they are resisting the invasion of their land and have the right to kill people in order to accomplish it. And the mere presence of a Jew in that land is reason enough to kill them.

Congratulations. You have successfully created an existential threat for the Jewish people. (Yay you!)

Now, what are the Jewish people to DO when facing an existential threat? What are their options?

1. Permit themselves to be extinguished. Never again.
2. Commit genocide on the Palestinians.
3. Separate themselves from those who wish to kill them.

None of them are good options. But of the three, #3 is the least horrible.

Now, what Israel really wants to do is go for option #4 -- share. But that seems to be WAY too much for the Palestinians to cope with.
Oh, and btw, the Jewish people are ALSO resisting invaders on their lands. Do you think it is acceptable for Jewish people to murder innocent people to achieve that goal? Why or why not?
How to make Palestinians not stabbing Jews:
1 - don´t bomb their families
2 - don´t expel their families
3 - don´t oppress their families

You are reversing cause and effect. If Palestinians stopped trying to kill Jews, right now, today, not a single other Arab Palestinian would die in the conflict. Not one. We'd be done. Gradually, all of the restrictions put in place by the consequences of Arab violence would be removed.
This is not believed. We can be sure the next destruction of Gaza and other cities will come and thousands of civilians will die again. Then you will have "arguments" why this is righteous and wonder why a Palestinian would ever stab an Israeli. Not defending the stabbing, just stating it´s the weapons they have. When a 14 year old girl goes out to stab a Settler who occupies her country, we can imagine the atmosphere of oppression and fascism, land grabbing, white phosphorus and cluster munitions. What´s a knife against this?
Looks like the Zionist regime assumes absolute power. Now it wants to decide if people can be deported from their own land and unloaded to another.

Israeli minister seeks to deport families of Palestinian 'terrorists' to Syria

Absolute power ? and why wouldn't a sovereign nation have authority over its own land. Even if you use the occupying power ruse you end up with authority granted by the Geneva Conventions to the controlling power. So either way your complaint is hollow at best.

The Geneva Conventions, which Israel is deferring to in this case, clearly states that those who assist combatants or are suspected of assisting combatants, may be considered, and therefor treated as combatants. It also clearly states that families should be maintained as a group whenever possible. So Israel not only has the right to repatriate combatants at its discretion, exactly as defined within the Convention, but it also has the right to declare family members who's assisted the combatant as combatants themselves. At that point it would be the humanitarian thing to do to repatriate families of combatants.

I would think the Arab combatants being repatriated would be thankful their families were not only sent with them but at no cost to themselves for their return to their homelands.

You can spin it however you want and there's always a certain number of ignorant souls who will jump up and down at the incitement, but the reality is most Arabs in Israel immigrated there in the early 20th century.

Cheers ;-)
The Gaza Strip is not Israel.

Yes it is so is Judea and Samaria. About time they kill the land squatters out

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Most of them are from Syria, Egypt, and Jordan anyway.

Oh right, back to the whole idiocy of that the Palestinians apparently did not exist, they somehow created the 1929 attack on Jews in Hebron, but didn't exist, and came as immigrants from Syria, Egypt, and Jordan after Israel's creation.

It is true you stupid ****. The lands were sparsely populated in the 1800s. During this time and early 1900 years term Palestinian was levied at the Jews. After the war the Jews started to come home and built a rose out of the desert. The neighboring Arabs saw the success and during the British white paper era is when the majority of the people who call themselves Palestinians came to the lands.

So get an education you ignorant fuck!

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This is not believed. We can be sure the next destruction of Gaza and other cities will come and thousands of civilians will die again.

If Gaza doesn't attack Israel then there will be no response. No NEED for a response. Just stop trying to kill Jews. And its done. Cause. Effect.
This is not believed. We can be sure the next destruction of Gaza and other cities will come and thousands of civilians will die again.

If Gaza doesn't attack Israel then there will be no response. No NEED for a response. Just stop trying to kill Jews. And its done. Cause. Effect.
You know its bullshit. Your "responses" are just murder, nothing else. Fucking mass murder.
You know its bullshit. Your "responses" are just murder, nothing else. Fucking mass murder.

Maybe. I might even have space to agree, if I wasn't constantly arguing with blatant antisemites. If Coyote or Humanity asked what I thought Israel should do with respect to Gaza, I might have an entirely different answer.

But you....the fundamental PROBLEM is with Palestinians not only killing Jews, but feeling JUSTIFIED in killing Jews. The solution to the Gaza problem is EASY. It is the easiest conflict on the whole fricking planet to solve. Just recognize Israel. Stop attacking Israel. Make trade agreements with Israel. Make a freaking amazing tourist spot for Israelis to come to. Develop the economy. Spend your aide money on fricking electricity and water for your people. Again, why is this so HARD?
You know its bullshit. Your "responses" are just murder, nothing else. Fucking mass murder.

Maybe. I might even have space to agree, if I wasn't constantly arguing with blatant antisemites. If Coyote or Humanity asked what I thought Israel should do with respect to Gaza, I might have an entirely different answer.

But you....the fundamental PROBLEM is with Palestinians not only killing Jews, but feeling JUSTIFIED in killing Jews. The solution to the Gaza problem is EASY. It is the easiest conflict on the whole fricking planet to solve. Just recognize Israel. Stop attacking Israel. Make trade agreements with Israel. Make a freaking amazing tourist spot for Israelis to come to. Develop the economy. Spend your aide money on fricking electricity and water for your people. Again, why is this so HARD?
You won´t hit me with your anti-semtism mace. I will treat you with it the whole fucking day until you´re cured.

So let´s stay serious. I do not intent to re-discuss the issue over and over again. Hamas recognized Israel in 2006 and Israel´s response was war because Israel would not allow a development that would end with Israel recognizing Palestine.

March 2006: Olmert affirms demand for acknowledgment:
"Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Wednesday that he would not wait years for Hamas to recognize Israel, a precondition for peace talks, and that he was prepared to take unilateral steps in the meantime."
Olmert: We`won't wait' for Hamas to recognize us

June 11 2006: Hamas ready to recognize Israel:
"The Hamas movement is ready to recognize agreements signed with Israel, and in fact recognize Israel, but only within the '67 borders, senior Hamas member Khaled Suleiman said Wednesday."
Ynetnews News - Hamas: We’ll recognize Israel within '67 borders

June 28 2006: Israel attacks Gaza:
Operation Summer Rains - Wikipedia

It´s now up to Israel to offer the recognition of Palestine.
June 28 2006: Israel attacks Gaza:
Operation Summer Rains - Wikipedia

Oh give me a break. Are you trying to pretend that Israel withdrew from Gaza and then attacked her again with NO cause? Come on. Do better.

From the Wiki link:

Israel's stated goals in Operation "Summer Rains" were to suppress the firing of Qassam rockets from Gaza into the western Negev, and to secure the release of Corporal Gilad Shalit, who had been captured by the Palestinian militant group Hamas on June 25.[3][4] The soldier was captured amid a background of violence between the IDF and Palestinian militant groups since the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. According to statistics published by the Israeli government, 757 missiles from Gaza hit Israel between the withdrawal and the end of June 2006.
This is not true. Israel reserves the right to intervene and e.g. arrest people for itself. This cannot be accepted by the Palestinians.

Its not true that Israel disengaged from Israel? Its not true that Israel gave up all control of Gaza? Its not true that Israel unilaterally made Gaza Judenrein?

Israel goes into Gaza and arrests people?

Are you for real?
Israel's stated goals
You know it´s nonsense.

Israel's stated goals are just big fat lies. Oops. Your antisemitism is showing again. Weren't we going to "stay serious"?

Are you claiming that there were REALLY NO rockets fired at Israel from Gaza between September 2005 and June of 2006 and that Gilad Shalit wasn't REALLY captured?
Israel should employ the Geneva Conventions to the letter and repatriate as many of the Arab population as qualify as enemy combatants, people who've assisted enemy combatants or family of enemy or people who've assisted enemy combatants.
How about repatriating Jews to Moldova and other former Soviet republics on the grounds of their terrorist activities in the Occupied Territories?

LOL that would assume the controlling power is antisemitic. But since the controlling power is Judaic, the enemy combatants would be Arab ;-)

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