Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Accuses The Entire World of Anti-Semitism

As long as our younger generations are being miseducated, we will continue manufacture totalitarians and anti Semites. And our evil MSM backs everything these buffoons teach. Houston, we have a problem. Back to MAGA.
Bibby made a grave miscalculation IMO when he gave in to the far right of his government in not allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza early on. Their fear of Hamas getting all the aid in the North still couldn't justify their actions. That was the moment that world opinion started to shift and he gave oxygen to protesters. Hamas needs to be destroiyed but their populations also need to find lasting peace. It is almost assured now that there will be another generation of radicalized citizens in Gaza,.the ability to win their hearts and minds stymied.with that decision. How wll.peace ever be achieved now? Bibby also.said that he will not accept an International military force as.a buffer stating that IDF.must be that force. It theory but the Gazans and the region will see this buffer as.a land grab. The quicker Hamas is gone the better and.the focus on groiund incursions has.finally begun so hopefully they can nullify Hamas capabilities in short order. Some are pushing Israel to go quickly to protect their own domestic political agenda even if it places more IDF AND innocent Gazan citizens more at risk. With speed comes errors.
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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Accuses The Entire World of Anti-Semitism​

A kosher snowflake is still a snowflake.
He is only half right
Nutty Yahoo should be asking himself Why so many feel that way .
And if you are right and your estimate is more likely true, we must help the misinformed half to the right conclusion by teaching them about Deep State and International Banking .
Anything that helps .
Have a good day .
A kosher snowflake is still a snowflake.
Yeah? If some Liberal Hater bursts into your house at sunrise, rapes your wife while putting your baby in the oven to cook to death, and sets your toddler on fire to burn to death, saws off the head of your other little kid, and then captures your 8-year old as a hostage and is doing Gd knows what to her, and you DARE express anger that nobody cares, we will call YOU a snowflake.

GD these liberals.
Yeah? If some Liberal Hater bursts into your house at sunrise, rapes your wife while putting your baby in the oven to cook to death, and sets your toddler on fire to burn to death, saws off the head of your other little kid, and then captures your 8-year old as a hostage and is doing Gd knows what to her, and you DARE express anger that nobody cares, we will call YOU a snowflake.

GD these liberals.
We WILL have to fight them in the Streets when they set it off .
Yeah? If some Liberal Hater bursts into your house at sunrise, rapes your wife while putting your baby in the oven to cook to death, and sets your toddler on fire to burn to death, saws off the head of your other little kid, and then captures your 8-year old as a hostage and is doing Gd knows what to her, and you DARE express anger that nobody cares, we will call YOU a snowflake.
If that happened it'd probably be because I'd kept it in a ghetto in an open prison for all its life.
If that happened it'd probably be because I'd kept it in a ghetto in an open prison for all its life.
So in your liberal mind, a child who lives with his parents, goes to school, plays “stab the Jew” with other kids is better off than an innocent baby who is put in an oven and baked to death by Muslim savages.

Quote scary how you liberals excuse and tolerate the most disgusting display of Jew-hate in 100 years.
So in your liberal mind, a child who lives with his parents, goes to school, plays “stab the Jew” with other kids is better off than an innocent baby who is put in an oven and baked to death by Muslim savages.

Quote scary how you liberals excuse and tolerate the most disgusting display of Jew-hate in 100 years.
What is funny is the queers for Palestine division of the Liberal Pali supporters, morons who don’t know that Palestinian punishment for being queer is DEATH. The savages will either push you off a rooftop, or shoot you and drag your dead body behind a motor cycle through the streets.
So in your liberal mind, a child who lives with his parents, goes to school, plays “stab the Jew” with other kids is better off than an innocent baby who is put in an oven and baked to death by Muslim savages.

Quote scary how you liberals excuse and tolerate the most disgusting display of Jew-hate in 100 years.
Oh, the eternal victim...

What happened to
some Liberal Hater
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