Israeli Rescue of Syrian & Iraqi Migrants

So nice to see this remarkable Israeli gesture for peace in saving lives of Syrian refugees. Have Palestinians also saved any lives of Syrian refugees trapped between the evil of Assad & ISIS?
So nice to see this remarkable Israeli gesture for peace in saving lives of Syrian refugees. Have Palestinians also saved any lives of Syrian refugees trapped between the evil of Assad & ISIS?

Israeli gesture?

Come on now... Get a grip... Cheer for Israel... Just don't assign the humanity of a yacht crew to zionist Israel... Talk about try to give credit where it ISN'T due!

I guess there aren't too many Palestinians sailing around on a 40ft(?) yacht off Greece...
So nice to see this remarkable Israeli gesture for peace in saving lives of Syrian refugees. Have Palestinians also saved any lives of Syrian refugees trapped between the evil of Assad & ISIS?

Israeli gesture?

Come on now... Get a grip... Cheer for Israel... Just don't assign the humanity of a yacht crew to zionist Israel... Talk about try to give credit where it ISN'T due!

I guess there aren't too many Palestinians sailing around on a 40ft(?) yacht off Greece...

Tell us please how many the Arab Countries that surround Israel are welcoming Syrian immigrants. Just more proof even in the most " civilized" Arab Countries they are uncivilized.
So nice to see this remarkable Israeli gesture for peace in saving lives of Syrian refugees. Have Palestinians also saved any lives of Syrian refugees trapped between the evil of Assad & ISIS?

Israeli gesture?

Come on now... Get a grip... Cheer for Israel... Just don't assign the humanity of a yacht crew to zionist Israel... Talk about try to give credit where it ISN'T due!

I guess there aren't too many Palestinians sailing around on a 40ft(?) yacht off Greece...

Tell us please how many the Arab Countries that surround Israel are welcoming Syrian immigrants. Just more proof even in the most " civilized" Arab Countries they are uncivilized.

Let us all join together & pray Israel never has to treat the Palestinians like the surrounding Arab countries have done & still do. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
So nice to see this remarkable Israeli gesture for peace in saving lives of Syrian refugees. Have Palestinians also saved any lives of Syrian refugees trapped between the evil of Assad & ISIS?

Israeli gesture?

Come on now... Get a grip... Cheer for Israel... Just don't assign the humanity of a yacht crew to zionist Israel... Talk about try to give credit where it ISN'T due!

I guess there aren't too many Palestinians sailing around on a 40ft(?) yacht off Greece...

Tell us please how many the Arab Countries that surround Israel are welcoming Syrian immigrants. Just more proof even in the most " civilized" Arab Countries they are uncivilized.

"2.1 million Syrians registered by UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, as well as more than 26,700 Syrian refugees registered in North Africa."

UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response

So nice to see this remarkable Israeli gesture for peace in saving lives of Syrian refugees. Have Palestinians also saved any lives of Syrian refugees trapped between the evil of Assad & ISIS?

Israeli gesture?

Come on now... Get a grip... Cheer for Israel... Just don't assign the humanity of a yacht crew to zionist Israel... Talk about try to give credit where it ISN'T due!

I guess there aren't too many Palestinians sailing around on a 40ft(?) yacht off Greece...

Tell us please how many the Arab Countries that surround Israel are welcoming Syrian immigrants. Just more proof even in the most " civilized" Arab Countries they are uncivilized.

You post is a little off topic as the OP is about a yacht rescuing refugees in the waters off Greece... NOT about countries accepting or not accepting refugees!

Entry into the majority of Gulf states is incredibly difficult AND expensive! Also, there is NO legal requirement for these countries to accept refugees... There is also the physical distances to take into account when looking at some of the Gulf states!

There are many Syrians already in nearby Arab Muslim countries... For those it is much easier to renew their tourist/work visas

However, there are MANY countries that the refugees can and do enter...

Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq Jordan and Turkey.... Syrian refugees can also enter Algeria, Mauritania, Sudan and Yemen without visas.

However, there is a moral question over countries who don't 'ease' their entry requirements for refugees...
So nice to see this remarkable Israeli gesture for peace in saving lives of Syrian refugees...

Not so much, just people obeying the law. Sailors of all nations are required to do this and most sailors did, even when there was no legal requirement to do so in the past. It's called common humanity.

Article 98
Duty to render assistance

1. Every State shall require the master of a ship flying its flag, in so far as he can do so without serious danger to the ship, the crew or the passengers:
(a) to render assistance to any person found at sea in danger of being lost;
(b) to proceed with all possible speed to the rescue of persons in distress, if informed of their need of assistance, in so far as such action may reasonably be expected of him;

(c) after a collision, to render assistance to the other ship, its crew and its passengers and, where possible, to inform the other ship of the name of his own ship, its port of registry and the nearest
port at which it will call.

2. Every coastal State shall promote the establishment, operation and maintenance of an adequate and effective search and rescue service regarding safety on and over the sea and, where circumstances so require, by way of mutual regional arrangements cooperate with neighbouring States for this purpose.

What is remarkable, however, is that both the Israelis and the boy "Ibrahim" understood and spoke English, what are the chances of that? Staged Hasbara event, surely not.

Bravo Israel?

A private yacht owned by Jews does not make "Bravo Israel"!

Bravo for being caring human beings!

Because it was Jews do the rescuing I expect. Does this mean that because a private individual Jew that kills a Palestinian is not representative of the Jews as a whole, something that you have tried to put across many times
So nice to see this remarkable Israeli gesture for peace in saving lives of Syrian refugees. Have Palestinians also saved any lives of Syrian refugees trapped between the evil of Assad & ISIS?

Israeli gesture?

Come on now... Get a grip... Cheer for Israel... Just don't assign the humanity of a yacht crew to zionist Israel... Talk about try to give credit where it ISN'T due!

I guess there aren't too many Palestinians sailing around on a 40ft(?) yacht off Greece...

Arafat would if he was still alive, but he went the way that all terrorists should go and die in agony slowly by diseaqse with no cure.
So nice to see this remarkable Israeli gesture for peace in saving lives of Syrian refugees. Have Palestinians also saved any lives of Syrian refugees trapped between the evil of Assad & ISIS?

Israeli gesture?

Come on now... Get a grip... Cheer for Israel... Just don't assign the humanity of a yacht crew to zionist Israel... Talk about try to give credit where it ISN'T due!

I guess there aren't too many Palestinians sailing around on a 40ft(?) yacht off Greece...

Tell us please how many the Arab Countries that surround Israel are welcoming Syrian immigrants. Just more proof even in the most " civilized" Arab Countries they are uncivilized.

"2.1 million Syrians registered by UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, as well as more than 26,700 Syrian refugees registered in North Africa."

UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response

And how many have invaded Europe and resorted to violence to get their own way ?
I feel deeply over the Syrian refugees. For they are the ones trapped between the forces of Assad & ISIS. Unfortunately radical Islamists all over the world have made it difficult for peace loving countries like the USA & our allies to take a chance on granting them citizenship.

Let us be aware of what has happened to France with a growing Muslim population.
I feel deeply over the Syrian refugees. For they are the ones trapped between the forces of Assad & ISIS. Unfortunately radical Islamists all over the world have made it difficult for peace loving countries like the USA & our allies to take a chance on granting them citizenship.

Let us be aware of what has happened to France with a growing Muslim population.

I feel deeply over the Syrian refugees. For they are the ones trapped between the forces of Assad & ISIS. Unfortunately radical Islamists all over the world have made it difficult for peace loving countries like the USA & our allies to take a chance on granting them citizenship.

Let us be aware of what has happened to France with a growing Muslim population.


Don't you mean trapped between Assad and the USA?

USA a "peace loving country"? You don't REALLY believe that do you?

Let us be aware of what happened in France.... The ever growing USA and allied attacks over the last 20 years+ on the ME...

Those peace loving USA and allied forces who tell the populous a pack of lies to justify bombing and destabilising the countries in the ME....

"peace loving countries" MY ASS!!!

Even Fox News viewers would find that one difficult to swallow!
I feel deeply over the Syrian refugees. For they are the ones trapped between the forces of Assad & ISIS. Unfortunately radical Islamists all over the world have made it difficult for peace loving countries like the USA & our allies to take a chance on granting them citizenship.

Let us be aware of what has happened to France with a growing Muslim population.

A majority of the people of Syria including a majority of Sunnis (the secular Sunnis) supported the government before the civil war and now. The Government of Syria was a secular one, the opposition are Islamists supported by the Saudi Wahabis, their allies and, unfortunately, the U.S.

"Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media

Assad's popularity, Arab League observers, US military involvement: all distorted in the west's propaganda war...."

Most Syrians back President Assad – but you'd never know from western media | Jonathan Steele
I feel deeply over the Syrian refugees. For they are the ones trapped between the forces of Assad & ISIS. Unfortunately radical Islamists all over the world have made it difficult for peace loving countries like the USA & our allies to take a chance on granting them citizenship.

Let us be aware of what has happened to France with a growing Muslim population.

A majority of the people of Syria including a majority of Sunnis (the secular Sunnis) supported the government before the civil war and now. The Government of Syria was a secular one, the opposition are Islamists supported by the Saudi Wahabis, their allies and, unfortunately, the U.S.

"Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media

Assad's popularity, Arab League observers, US military involvement: all distorted in the west's propaganda war...."

Most Syrians back President Assad – but you'd never know from western media | Jonathan Steele

That is wonderful. Wihout support for Assad, Syrian terrorists would not be killing each other with ISIS alone.
The U.S. and Saudi Arabia et al, financed and armed the so-called opposition so that that a civil war could be waged. Without that support, there would not have been a civil war.
I feel deeply over the Syrian refugees. For they are the ones trapped between the forces of Assad & ISIS. Unfortunately radical Islamists all over the world have made it difficult for peace loving countries like the USA & our allies to take a chance on granting them citizenship.

Let us be aware of what has happened to France with a growing Muslim population.

A majority of the people of Syria including a majority of Sunnis (the secular Sunnis) supported the government before the civil war and now. The Government of Syria was a secular one, the opposition are Islamists supported by the Saudi Wahabis, their allies and, unfortunately, the U.S.

"Most Syrians back President Assad, but you'd never know from western media

Assad's popularity, Arab League observers, US military involvement: all distorted in the west's propaganda war...."

Most Syrians back President Assad – but you'd never know from western media | Jonathan Steele

Instead of simply cutting and pasting from the web, you might want to take the time to try and understand that OPO's, (Other People's Opinions), might serve your agenda of promoting propaganda, but it leaves you as little more than an accomplice to the propaganda of others.

The little dalliance in Syria had it's beginnings early in 2011 with the emergence of a democracy movement. In typical dictator fashion, Assad sought to nip that in the bud with sweeping force of arms and a bit of arrest and torture thrown in. The fun just escalated from there.

But yeah, who would deny that "Most Syrians Support Assad" when those Syrians are on the business end of an Assad barrel bomb.

Note the use of gargantuan font and bold colors.

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