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Israeli Settlers Teach Their Children To Kill Early

Israel is the only nuclear power in the ME? You're crazy. Israel is not even slightly CLOSE to have any nuclear power, over ANYONE. You base your claim on rumors. We all heard rumors of Israeli neclear. Fact is, nobody knows anything, not even us Israelis. so saying WE are the only neclear power around, when evil regimes like Iran show off their threat for the entire world to see, AND threat Israeli directly, that makes your claim incredibely rediculous.
What threat is that? Iran is not threatening to attack anyone, but Israel is.

And don't bullshit me, Israel's got about 200-400 nukes.
Regarding Israel? Yes, take the word of Ynet, or Israel Hayom. NOT enemy press. That's like taking news regarding the Arab world from Chabad. al Jazeera is yellow TRASH. Fact.
There's nothing wrong with al Jazeera. They're a lot more credible than Fox or Haraatz.

I don't know about Ha'aretz, and I don't watch fox. But taking news about Israel from people who run al Jazeera is like taking news about the USA from AlQuaeda.com.
Israel is the only nuclear power in the ME? You're crazy. Israel is not even slightly CLOSE to have any nuclear power, over ANYONE. You base your claim on rumors. We all heard rumors of Israeli neclear. Fact is, nobody knows anything, not even us Israelis. so saying WE are the only neclear power around, when evil regimes like Iran show off their threat for the entire world to see, AND threat Israeli directly, that makes your claim incredibely rediculous.
What threat is that? Iran is not threatening to attack anyone, but Israel is.

And don't bullshit me, Israel's got about 200-400 nukes.

I don't know, and niether do you, so don't pretend to be a CIA guy.

And Israel never threatened anyone, while Iran threatened Israel directly, and continue to do so every day.
I don't know about Ha'aretz, and I don't watch fox. But taking news about Israel from people who run al Jazeera is like taking news about the USA from AlQuaeda.com.
It depends on the context.

If you asked Bin Laden in the 1980's, "who's paying you to fight the Russian's in Afghanistan?" You don't think he'd be a credible source by saying, "the CIA"?
I don't know, and niether do you, so don't pretend to be a CIA guy.

And Israel never threatened anyone, while Iran threatened Israel directly, and continue to do so every day.
Oh c'mon! What's Bibi been saying for the last 10 months?
I don't know about Ha'aretz, and I don't watch fox. But taking news about Israel from people who run al Jazeera is like taking news about the USA from AlQuaeda.com.
It depends on the context.

If you asked Bin Laden in the 1980's, "who's paying you to fight the Russian's in Afghanistan?" You don't think he'd be a credible source by saying, "the CIA"?

Now you're just tryin' to fry my brain
GPhillip's source says they "left, fled or were expelled from their homes," so we can believe a credible source or we can believe you.
Hmmm ... let me think about that.
What do you think "fled" or "expelled" means? That you voluntarily leave a place you've been living at for generations? They fled, because they were being attacked. Whole villages were being massacred by jewish terrorist groups.

It must be emphasized that the Zionists had no right to most of the land they declared as part of Israel, while the Arabs did. This war, therefore, was not, as is commonly asserted in mainstream commentary, an act of aggression by the Arab states against Israel. Rather, the Arabs were acting in defense of their rights, to prevent the Zionists from illegally and unjustly taking over Arab lands and otherwise disenfranchising the Arab population. The act of aggression was the Zionist leadership’s unilateral declaration of the existence of Israel, and the Zionists’ use of violence to enforce their aims both prior to and subsequent to that declaration.

In the course of the war that ensued, Israel implemented a policy of ethnic cleansing. 700,000 Arab Palestinians were either forced from their homes or fled out of fear of further massacres, such as had occurred in the village of Deir Yassin shortly before the Zionist declaration. These Palestinians have never been allowed to return to their homes and land, despite it being internationally recognized and encoded in international law that such refugees have an inherent “right of return”.
The basic premise is, you cannot move into an area and automatically have more land rights than the people already living there.

The basic premise is if you attack your neighbor you may lose and there are other opinions which support the claim that the Arabs were not widely expelled.
"However, historian Benny Morris states that most of Palestine's 700,000 "refugees" fled because of the "flail of war" and expected to return home shortly after a successful Arab invasion. He documents how all around Palestine, Arab leaders advised the evacuation of entire communities as happened in Haifa, 1948.[83] Morris considers the displacement the result of a national conflict initiated by the Arabs themselves.[83]
(Efraim) Karsh notes that the Palestinians were themselves the aggressors in the 1948-49 war who attempted to "cleanse" a neighboring ethnic community. Had the United Nations resolution of November 29, 1947, which called for two states in Palestine, not been subverted by force by the Arab world, there would have been no refugee problem in the first place. He reports of large numbers of Palestinian refugees leaving even before the outbreak of the 1948 war because of disillusionment and economic privation. The British High Commissioner for Palestine spoke of the "collapsing Arab morale in Palestine" that he partially attributed to the "increasing tendency of those who should be leading them to leave the country" and the considerable evacuations of the Arab effendi class. Huge numbers of Palestinians were also expelled by their leadership to prevent them from becoming Israeli citizens and in Haifa and Tiberias, tens of thousands of Arabs were forcibly evacuated on the instructions of the Arab Higher Committee.[84]

from: LoinCloth
Oh c'mon! How can Israel be doomed? They're the only nuclear power in the ME.

Are you suggesting that Israel respond to Arab violence with nukes? Are you fuckin' crazy?
They don't need to. They have a modern military that can kick the shit out of anyone that fucks with them.

Lame deflection. Your specifically said that Israel is "the only nuclear power in the ME" and I never said Israel is doomed.
The basic premise is if you attack your neighbor you may lose and there are other opinions which support the claim that the Arabs were not widely expelled.
"However, historian Benny Morris states that most of Palestine's 700,000 "refugees" fled because of the "flail of war" and expected to return home shortly after a successful Arab invasion. He documents how all around Palestine, Arab leaders advised the evacuation of entire communities as happened in Haifa, 1948.[83] Morris considers the displacement the result of a national conflict initiated by the Arabs themselves.[83]
(Efraim) Karsh notes that the Palestinians were themselves the aggressors in the 1948-49 war who attempted to "cleanse" a neighboring ethnic community. Had the United Nations resolution of November 29, 1947, which called for two states in Palestine, not been subverted by force by the Arab world, there would have been no refugee problem in the first place. He reports of large numbers of Palestinian refugees leaving even before the outbreak of the 1948 war because of disillusionment and economic privation. The British High Commissioner for Palestine spoke of the "collapsing Arab morale in Palestine" that he partially attributed to the "increasing tendency of those who should be leading them to leave the country" and the considerable evacuations of the Arab effendi class. Huge numbers of Palestinians were also expelled by their leadership to prevent them from becoming Israeli citizens and in Haifa and Tiberias, tens of thousands of Arabs were forcibly evacuated on the instructions of the Arab Higher Committee.[84]

If that was true, then why was there no recorded outbreaks of violence between the two groups until the zionists showed up?

Although Arabs were a majority in Palestine prior to the creation of the state of Israel, there had always been a Jewish population, as well. For the most part, Jewish Palestinians got along with their Arab neighbors. This began to change with the onset of the Zionist movement, because the Zionists rejected the right of the Palestinians to self-determination and wanted Palestine for their own, to create a “Jewish State” in a region where Arabs were the majority and owned most of the land.

For instance, after a series of riots in Jaffa in 1921 resulting in the deaths of 47 Jews and 48 Arabs, the occupying British held a commission of inquiry, which reported their finding that “there is no inherent anti-Semitism in the country, racial or religious.” Rather, Arab attacks on Jewish communities were the result of Arab fears about the stated goal of the Zionists to take over the land.

After major violence again erupted in 1929, the British Shaw Commission report noted that “In less than 10 years three serious attacks have been made by Arabs on Jews. For 80 years before the first of these attacks there is no recorded instance of any similar incidents.”

Representatives from all sides of the emerging conflict testified to the commission that prior to the First World War, “the Jews and Arabs lived side by side if not in amity, at least with tolerance, a quality which today is almost unknown in Palestine.” The problem was that “The Arab people of Palestine are today united in their demand for representative government”, but were being denied that right by the Zionists and their British benefactors.

The British Hope-Simpson report of 1930 similarly noted that Jewish residents of non-Zionist communities in Palestine enjoyed friendship with their Arab neighbors. “It is quite a common sight to see an Arab sitting in the verandah of a Jewish house”, the report noted. “The position is entirely different in the Zionist colonies.”
There was violence on both sides. Your problem is, you refuse to take responsibility for the violence your side contributes to the problem. The problem is all THEM! Which is a pretty juvenille way of thinking.
Many of the Palis left because they were told by the Arab countries who were going to attack Israel to leave temporarily so that they wouldn't be caught in the crossfire when they are pushing the Jews to the sea
It wasn't muslims who bombed the Star of David hotel.

That was the King David Hotel, Princess, and are you implying that the Arabs had not for decades been engaged in a war on the regions Jews?
Camel crap.
Ah, your little pet words you use when you don't have a valid argument. Kind of like the other guy's use of "drivel". Both are just empty rhetoric.

Your little Youtubes are camel crap. Anyone can make and upload them.
That surely doesn't make 'em credible therefore they are camel crap.
Seeing is believing.

There was nothing made up by that asshole IDF prick shooting a Palestinian boy who was handcuffed, blindfolded and in custody.

There was nothing made up about the IDF opening up on farmers when there was no threat and someone on a bullhorn telling the Israeli's, "their un-armed". "why are you shooting at us?"

And there's nothing made up about those IDF pricks fucking with people at a checkpoint. If those pricks got in my face and started talking tall to me, I'd put my fist down their fuckin' throat! When a bully gets in my face, I throw down!
from: LoinCloth
I got news for them, they definately are not the "chosen ones". God is not going to choose racist, arrogant, assholes who think their shit don't stink, over kind, decent people who treat others in accordance with God's laws.

Got it! Jews are evil and "Palestinians" are soft, fluffy bunnies. Thanks.
Do you have any capability for logical deductive reasoning? Or is it all just "old brain", fight or flight, reactions to everything you experience? Because this "your either with us, or your against us" bullshit is just non-sense. There are more than just two options for an issue.

In this case, God didn't pick the Pals either. You might of realized this if you'd stop basing all your arguments on emotion and hyperbole.

For the record, God doesn't choose. Everyone is equal in HIS eyes. HE doesn't play favorites.

That's not what you said.
You did say that "God is not going to choose racist, arrogant, assholes who think their shit don't stink, over kind, decent people who treat others in accordance with God's laws," as if you know God's mind.
Got it! Jews are evil and "Palestinians" are soft, fluffy bunnies. Thanks.
Do you have any capability for logical deductive reasoning? Or is it all just "old brain", fight or flight, reactions to everything you experience? Because this "your either with us, or your against us" bullshit is just non-sense. There are more than just two options for an issue.

In this case, God didn't pick the Pals either. You might of realized this if you'd stop basing all your arguments on emotion and hyperbole.

For the record, God doesn't choose. Everyone is equal in HIS eyes. HE doesn't play favorites.

not according to many Muslims. According to them, Jews are filthy pigs

Not to mention dirty dogs

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