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Israeli troops wipe out entire Arab village off the map

When I graduate from uni next year in philosophy, lets see who is laughing. :rolleyes:

the answer to that riddle is: the HIRING MANAGER DURING YOUR FIRST JOB INTERVIEW!


philosophy. give me a break. No wonder you have a fucked up schema of the validity of muslims.
Who said I was going into that kind of employment? Besides thing about uni is you can take many different subjects. I didn't say I was stopping uni after I graduate. :rolleyes:

uh huh.

anyway, the fact remains that you don't speak for secular muslims and your blind support for israel, as well as your input in other threads on this forum, conveys the irony of this claim anyway. If you can't fathom the reaction to a marginalize people on the basis of ethnicity alone, then I guess it's a good thing you are not about to graduate from Uni with a degree in American History.
the answer to that riddle is: the HIRING MANAGER DURING YOUR FIRST JOB INTERVIEW!


philosophy. give me a break. No wonder you have a fucked up schema of the validity of muslims.
Who said I was going into that kind of employment? Besides thing about uni is you can take many different subjects. I didn't say I was stopping uni after I graduate. :rolleyes:

uh huh.

anyway, the fact remains that you don't speak for secular muslims and your blind support for israel, as well as your input in other threads on this forum, conveys the irony of this claim anyway. If you can't fathom the reaction to a marginalize people on the basis of ethnicity alone, then I guess it's a good thing you are not about to graduate from Uni with a degree in American History.
Actually my post corresponded to their view I gave you, which you called a 'blog' and denied it spoke for secular Muslims, and you are still claiming I support a Jewish Israel when I have consistently said I support a secular NOT JEWISH, SECULAR ISRAEL. Also if you can't fathom why demonizing the entire nation of Israel isn't racist its a good thing you are not graduating in American history yourself.
I will retract none nor are they 'hateful', and I don't represent them but I am secularist. Also if you want to try anti-zionism I am making it quite clear that secular Muslims don't support you in trying to destroy the Israeli state rather than full secularizing it. PS: I have said nothing Dawkins or Hitchens haven't already said before me on the subject, and they are part of humanist organizations.

Again, you don't represent secular muslims just because you link to lip service on some website. Sorry for your confusion. Fully secularizing israel isn't a solution for the zionist demand that israel remain a JEWISH state, for jews BY jews. You can insist that being atheist doesn't cloud your ethnic identity here.. but, again, this is why the israeli law of return makes your opinion a joke. You can secularize israel all you want but until you scrounch up the balls to demand ethnic equality without preserving some kind of premium for jews over non-jews then your flaky fucking input is about as significant as what you think are representational links.

now, maybe you can talk about ugly races some more, you fucking racist.
I believe it was your friend hipester who did that. If you want to destroy Israel, how is wanting to destroy an entire nation not racist? :rolleyes:

Also I find it ironic that you say I support a Jewish state when I am an atheist dead against any kind of theocracy, but whats even worse for you is that my mother is half Arab (Palestinian Christian) and half Armenian, so bring ethnic groups into this by all means.

PS: Stop claiming I support a Jewish state, that is a straight out lie.

You say you do not support a Jewish state.

If Israel were not a Jewish state then what is the point of having an Israel at all?
Again, you don't represent secular muslims just because you link to lip service on some website. Sorry for your confusion. Fully secularizing israel isn't a solution for the zionist demand that israel remain a JEWISH state, for jews BY jews. You can insist that being atheist doesn't cloud your ethnic identity here.. but, again, this is why the israeli law of return makes your opinion a joke. You can secularize israel all you want but until you scrounch up the balls to demand ethnic equality without preserving some kind of premium for jews over non-jews then your flaky fucking input is about as significant as what you think are representational links.

now, maybe you can talk about ugly races some more, you fucking racist.
I believe it was your friend hipester who did that. If you want to destroy Israel, how is wanting to destroy an entire nation not racist? :rolleyes:

Also I find it ironic that you say I support a Jewish state when I am an atheist dead against any kind of theocracy, but whats even worse for you is that my mother is half Arab (Palestinian Christian) and half Armenian, so bring ethnic groups into this by all means.

PS: Stop claiming I support a Jewish state, that is a straight out lie.

You say you do not support a Jewish state.

If Israel were not a Jewish state then what is the point of having an Israel at all?
If Palestine were not a Palestinian state then what is the point of having a Palestine at all?
I believe it was your friend hipester who did that. If you want to destroy Israel, how is wanting to destroy an entire nation not racist? :rolleyes:

Also I find it ironic that you say I support a Jewish state when I am an atheist dead against any kind of theocracy, but whats even worse for you is that my mother is half Arab (Palestinian Christian) and half Armenian, so bring ethnic groups into this by all means.

PS: Stop claiming I support a Jewish state, that is a straight out lie.

You say you do not support a Jewish state.

If Israel were not a Jewish state then what is the point of having an Israel at all?
If Palestine were not a Palestinian state then what is the point of having a Palestine at all?

Before Israel, Palestine had Muslims, Christians and Jews living together in peace. Palestine today has equal rights for all its citizens.

Israel's existence is based on racism and discrimination.
I believe it was your friend hipester who did that. If you want to destroy Israel, how is wanting to destroy an entire nation not racist? :rolleyes:

Also I find it ironic that you say I support a Jewish state when I am an atheist dead against any kind of theocracy, but whats even worse for you is that my mother is half Arab (Palestinian Christian) and half Armenian, so bring ethnic groups into this by all means.

PS: Stop claiming I support a Jewish state, that is a straight out lie.

You say you do not support a Jewish state.

If Israel were not a Jewish state then what is the point of having an Israel at all?
If Palestine were not a Palestinian state then what is the point of having a Palestine at all?

Hence a collective PALISRAEL where both people are validated.

See you on the steps to temple mount, you fucking enabler.
You say you do not support a Jewish state.

If Israel were not a Jewish state then what is the point of having an Israel at all?
If Palestine were not a Palestinian state then what is the point of having a Palestine at all?

Hence a collective PALISRAEL where both people are validated.

See you on the steps to temple mount, you fucking enabler.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jp-_ydl_28&feature=related]YouTube - A Palestian talks about the Nakba -4/4[/ame]
Before Israel, Palestine had Muslims, Christians and Jews living together in peace. Palestine today has equal rights for all its citizens.

Name one place on earth where Mooslims live in peace with anyone who is not Mooslim.

I cant think of one

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWGyRd7Q92s]YouTube - People and Politics | A Woman in the Palestinian Cabinet[/ame]
You say you do not support a Jewish state.

If Israel were not a Jewish state then what is the point of having an Israel at all?
If Palestine were not a Palestinian state then what is the point of having a Palestine at all?

Hence a collective PALISRAEL where both people are validated.

See you on the steps to temple mount, you fucking enabler.
You first. That is if there are any Jews left, as you can say whatever propaganda line you like but when you say the same about Jews and as the Nazis you are a Nazi, in everything but nationality and clothing.

Also people are already are persecuting Jews in Hungary and all across Europe, just like last time. Stop covering it up and join the Nazi party already...I hear they are looking for new KKK members and Neo-Nazi members in the US already*. :rolleyes:

*You used the n word earlier (before you edited your post), so I am pretty sure you don't like African Americans either.

Gift for you:
Clifford D. May: Links between Islam and Nazis
Published: Saturday, July 17, 2010
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Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the Mufti of Jerusalem, last month called on Palestinians to defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque which, he said, was "threatened by the plans of the enemies of God," by which he meant Israelis.

It should go without saying that this is a lie. There is no Israeli threat to Al-Aqsa. Israelis have always recognized Islamic sovereignty over Islamic religious sites within Israel — despite the fact that Jewish holy places have been desecrated by Palestinians, Jordanians and others. The notion that the Israelis would raze Al-Aqsa to build a temple on its ruins — this, too, the Mufti has charged — is a ludicrous slander.

What should not go without saying is how serious it is that such an allegation has been leveled by Jerusalem's senior Islamic religious authority. Under Sharia, Islamic law, to be an "enemy of God" is to be the worst sort of criminal. Just a few weeks ago in Iran, five people were declared mohareb, enemies of God — and then hanged.

Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, must know all this. Yet he says nothing about it. Nor do most Western diplomats, politicians and journalists.

Also ignored is the historical context. In the 1930s, the Mufti of Jerusalem was Haj Amin el-Husseini. He, too, despised Jews. There was not yet a state of Israel to despise. After participating in a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in 1941, Husseini moved to Berlin. There he became Hitler's ally, the "most important public face and voice of Nazi Germany's Arabic-language propaganda," in the words of historian Jeffrey Herf, who adds: "Husseini was a key figure in finding common ideological ground between National Socialism, on the one hand, and the doctrines of Arab nationalism and militant Islam, on the other."

Herf's groundbreaking study, "Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World," draws on archival resources not previously mined to explore the extent and significance of this collaboration. His nuanced conclusion: "Nazi Germany's Arabic-language propaganda was neither an imposition of a set of hatreds previously unknown to the traditions of Islam nor a matter of simply lighting the match to long-standing but suppressed anti-Jewish hatreds."

Rather, the Nazis and their Arab partners drew on and emphasized "the most despicable and hate-filled aspects of the cultures of Europe and of Islam."

They also added this audacious twist: They claimed they were the ones under attack. Their purpose, they insisted, was merely to protect themselves from a malevolent conspiracy. Over and over, Nazi diplomats and their allies drove the message that Churchill had started the war against Germany "to expand British power," and that Roosevelt was behind Churchill "as the exponent of world Jewry." Herf elaborates: "In Europe, the Nazis presented their policy of ‘extermination' and ‘annihilating' the Jews as a desperate and justified act of self-defense. In their propaganda directed at the Middle East, they urged Arabs and Muslims to take matters into their own hands and 'kill the Jews' before the Jews were able to kill them. In both its European and Middle Eastern dimensions, the propaganda rested on the identical logic of paranoia and projection."

And here we are, more than a half-century later, with the current Mufti of Jerusalem fabricating crimes against Muslims for which Jews deserve to be put to death.

Meanwhile, Hamas leaders openly declare their intention to annihilate Israel and exterminate Jews — claiming they, too, are acting in self-defense, and calling themselves a "resistance" movement.

Few scholars have examined the links between Nazi and Islamist ideas in the 20th century. Few journalists are examining their venomous legacy in the present era.

Herf is an exception, as is author Paul Berman who recently observed that a taboo has developed: Most intellectuals determinedly ignore the fact that "Nazi inspirations have visibly taken root among present-day Islamists, notably in regard to the demonic nature of Jewish conspiracies and the virtues of genocide."

This means, Berman added, that "the Islamist preachers and ideologues have succeeded in imposing on the rest of us their own categories of analysis." In a war of ideas, that's tantamount to surrender.

Clifford D. May is president of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. E-mail him at [email protected].

As for Muslim nations I love Kurdistan and Albania:

Albania's love affair with America

President Bush was met with cheers, hugs, and a kiss when he greeted Albanians Sunday during a visit to the country. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

By Peter Lucas | June 14, 2007

THE THING to remember about the extraordinary reception the Albanian people awarded President Bush on Sunday was that the outpouring of love was not so much for Bush -- although he is popular in the tiny Balkan nation -- but for the country he represents.
Any president of the United States would have received the same overwhelmingly enthusiastic welcome. Unlike the jaded residents of the rest of old Europe, the Albanian people, who are new to democracy, believe that the United States is a great democracy that believes in spreading freedom and democracy around the world. Albanians believe they are living proof of this.

Albania's love affair with the United States did not begin overnight. It started when President Woodrow Wilson, after World War I, stood up to the victorious nations of Europe and insisted that Albania, made up of one of the oldest peoples of Europe, was a true nation and that its borders had to be preserved and protected.

Back then the so-called victorious Great Powers -- Britain, France, and Italy -- wanted to divide Albania up among its neighbors, as a sort of reward for fighting and defeating the German/Austrian coalition.
Serbia was slated for a piece here, Greece a chunk there, and Italy a section of the coast. But for Wilson standing up for Albania, the tiny, poor and defenseless country would have disappeared. So it is no small wonder than many an Albanian boy born after 1919 was named Wilson.

Albania did disappear for awhile when Italy invaded it in 1939 and occupied the country. After Italy was defeated by the Allies and dropped out of World War II in 1943, the Germans took its place. The Communist Partisans, with some help from the United Kingdom and the United States, forced the Germans out of the country. There was nothing to cheer about, though, when Enver Hoxha and the communists took over Albania.

Hoxha ruled the country with an iron fist, like a small version of Stalin, stamping out freedom, religion, and hope.
When Hoxha died in 1985, communism followed suit a few years later. Once again Albania looked to the United States for hope and guidance. When Secretary of State James Baker paid a visit to the fledging democracy in 1991, the crowds were as large and as enthusiastic as the crowds that greeted Bush on Sunday. Joyous men sought to lift Baker's limousine and carry it into downtown Tirana like a trophy.
Then came Slobodan Milosevic and his ethnic cleansing of Kosovo in 1999. As hundreds of thousands of Kosovars streamed across the border for safety in Albania, President Clinton dragged a reluctant Europe into following him and his NATO bombing of Serbia that forced Milosevic's downfall. Once again the Albanian people learned that their security lay not with the states of Europe but with the United States.
When Secretary of State Madeleine Albright visited Albania in 1999, she was treated like a rock star. The same treatment was given to Secretary of State Colin Powell in 2003 when he went to Tirana to witness the signing of the Adriatic Charter, a document that is leading Albania, Croatia, and Macedonia into NATO membership
Albania showed its gratitude when it answered Bush's call to join the coalition of the willing and follow the United States into Iraq. Albania practically elbowed its way to the front of the line.
Although its contribution in manpower was small -- 120 soldiers -- its spirit was large. Fatos Tarifa, Albania's former ambassador to the United States at the time, was widely quoted when he said: "If you believe in freedom, you believe in fighting for it. If you believe in fighting for it, you believe in the United States."

That sums up the feeling Albanians have for the United States better than anything else. Sometimes Albanians are more American than Americans.
Bush, the first American president to visit Albania, thrilled the country at his Sunday joint press conference with Albania's prime minister, Sali Berisha, when he said, "Mirëdita." That's Albanian for "Have a good day." And so they did.

Peter Lucas, a former Boston political reporter, is author of "The OSS in World War II Albania."

© Copyright 2007 Globe Newspaper Company.


Okay come on, you have to vomit after reading the Albania article? That a nation with lots of Muslims doesn't hate the US or Israel and has recognized Israel's borders. ;)

PS: I don't hate you if that's what you are thinking. But I think I have made myself quite clear as have you, and we will never come to agree on anything over the Palestine-Israel issue, save the acknowledgment that we share a mutual disgust for one another.
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You first. That is if there are any Jews left, as you can say whatever propaganda line you like but when you say the same about Jews and as the Nazis you are a Nazi, in everything but nationality and clothing.

Also people are already are persecuting Jews in Hungary and all across Europe, just like last time. Stop covering it up and join the Nazi party already...I hear they are looking for new KKK members and Neo-Nazi members in the US already*.

*You used the n word earlier (before you edited your post), so I am pretty sure you don't like African Americans either.

I use the word ****** to make a point about YOUR particular ****** class in israel. I don't expect a philosophy *chuckle* major to get the significance.

And, if you think extending equality to non-jews in israel would see "if any jews are left" then, clearly, we see why you cry about vocabulary that you've misconstrued anyway.

Funny, I don't recall NAZIS standing for ethnic equality... Rather, they believed in a MASTER RACE, like you do, and the validity of a single common ethnicity to be propped above all others, LIKE YOU DO. So, you fucking waste of University effort, it's quite apparent which of us has more in common with the Third Reich.


and yea SURE! People SURE ARE persicuting DA JOOOOS! :rofl: Your kind are a broken record. Somehow, TO YOU, telling a jew that they cannot, in fact, maintain ethnic dominance over others is "persecution".

Maybe you need to go practice up on your post-collegiate skills instead of boring the fuck out of me here with trite lip service to zionism. Here, I'll help you out:

"Would you like fries with that?"

"Where do I empty the grease trap?"

"Use a half a cup more detergent to get the fry smell out of your uniform."
You first. That is if there are any Jews left, as you can say whatever propaganda line you like but when you say the same about Jews and as the Nazis you are a Nazi, in everything but nationality and clothing.

Also people are already are persecuting Jews in Hungary and all across Europe, just like last time. Stop covering it up and join the Nazi party already...I hear they are looking for new KKK members and Neo-Nazi members in the US already*.

*You used the n word earlier (before you edited your post), so I am pretty sure you don't like African Americans either.

I use the word ****** to make a point about YOUR particular ****** class in israel. I don't expect a philosophy *chuckle* major to get the significance.

And, if you think extending equality to non-jews in israel would see "if any jews are left" then, clearly, we see why you cry about vocabulary that you've misconstrued anyway.

Funny, I don't recall NAZIS standing for ethnic equality... Rather, they believed in a MASTER RACE, like you do, and the validity of a single common ethnicity to be propped above all others, LIKE YOU DO. So, you fucking waste of University effort, it's quite apparent which of us has more in common with the Third Reich.


and yea SURE! People SURE ARE persicuting DA JOOOOS! :rofl: Your kind are a broken record. Somehow, TO YOU, telling a jew that they cannot, in fact, maintain ethnic dominance over others is "persecution".

Maybe you need to go practice up on your post-collegiate skills instead of boring the fuck out of me here with trite lip service to zionism. Here, I'll help you out:

"Would you like fries with that?"

"Where do I empty the grease trap?"

"Use a half a cup more detergent to get the fry smell out of your uniform."
No thank you. I prefer noodles. Also Jews are an ethnic group not just a religion, and you delude yourself into thinking that there has to be a Jewish state (on religious terms), instead a secular state where people of the Jewish religion, as well as the Jewish people can live.

As for the Nazis I wanted you to bring that up. Israel is not Nazi Germany in looks or in actions, its in your mind, only you and your merry bad of terrorists and 'freedom fighter's, and ranting and raving show hosts that might as well be writing death warrants to send Jews to Auschwitz that show your hypocrisy.

You can say Arabs are treated as an inferior race, or that Jews are Nazi's and you can believe that by all means. But in reality all your ranting and raving is doing is recreating the old anti-semetic arguments used against the Jews.

In other words you are saying NOTHING NEW about the Jews, just doing copyright theft from past persecutions, after all anti-semetism wasn't just with the Nazi's, but with all those great medieval empires including the Islamic ones. Considering that Islamic society still has the mentality from the the medieval ages its not surprising it loves to recreate the past hatreds. :rolleyes:

So by all means we can argue about the Israeli state being 'evil'...but the sad reality for you is that even the Democrats and Obama (though grumpy) support Israel. So if you live in America you are on the losing side. If you live in Europe or the Middle East you are part of the elite.

A toast to anti-semetism in Europe and the Middle East, may you always do copyright fraud against the past. I suspect Hitler is demanding you pay him 1 trillion in royalties already. Time to pay up. :)

What is Plagiarism?

Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work, or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense:
According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means

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  • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.
But can words and ideas really be stolen?

According to U.S. law, the answer is yes. The expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property, and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions. Almost all forms of expression fall under copyright protection as long as they are recorded in some way (such as a book or a computer file).
All of the following are considered plagiarism:

  • turning in someone else's work as your own
  • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
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Most cases of plagiarism can be avoided, however, by citing sources. Simply acknowledging that certain material has been borrowed, and providing your audience with the information necessary to find that source, is usually enough to prevent plagiarism. See our section on citation for more information on how to cite sources properly.

Last edited:
  • turning in someone else's work as your own
  • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
  • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not

Plagiarism.org : Learning Center : Plagiarism Definitions, Tips on avoiding Plagiarism, Guidelines for proper citation, & Help Indentifying Plagairism

Looks like you copied the whole page, and without quotation marks:lol:
  • turning in someone else's work as your own
  • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
  • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not

Plagiarism.org : Learning Center : Plagiarism Definitions, Tips on avoiding Plagiarism, Guidelines for proper citation, & Help Indentifying Plagairism

Looks like you copied the whole page, and without quotation marks:lol:
You ignored this: http://www.plagiarism.org/plag_artic...lagiarism.html

Like you do reality. :cuckoo:
It's a link to nothing more significant than any other blog that became a political action organization. FACT.

And, maybe you should redact quite a few of your hateful fucking forum offerings before trying to represent a secular humanist organization here. Lip service that placates your zionism only perpetuates the machine; a concept that I'm sure you enjoy.
I will retract none nor are they 'hateful', and I don't represent them but I am secularist. Also if you want to try anti-zionism I am making it quite clear that secular Muslims don't support you in trying to destroy the Israeli state rather than full secularizing it. PS: I have said nothing Dawkins or Hitchens haven't already said before me on the subject, and they are part of humanist organizations.

Again, you don't represent secular muslims just because you link to lip service on some website. Sorry for your confusion. Fully secularizing israel isn't a solution for the zionist demand that israel remain a JEWISH state, for jews BY jews. You can insist that being atheist doesn't cloud your ethnic identity here.. but, again, this is why the israeli law of return makes your opinion a joke. You can secularize israel all you want but until you scrounch up the balls to demand ethnic equality without preserving some kind of premium for jews over non-jews then your flaky fucking input is about as significant as what you think are representational links.

now, maybe you can talk about ugly races some more, you fucking racist.

Fully secularizing israel isn't a solution for the zionist demand that israel remain a JEWISH state, for jews BY jews.

More important than Israel being for Jews by Jews is that Israel is for foreigners by foreigners. Normal inhabitants have the right to declare themselves to be a state. Foreigners have no such right.

For these foreigners to militarily occupy the land and prevent the inhabitants from declaring their state is a violation of their rights.
  • turning in someone else's work as your own
  • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
  • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not

Plagiarism.org : Learning Center : Plagiarism Definitions, Tips on avoiding Plagiarism, Guidelines for proper citation, & Help Indentifying Plagairism

Looks like you copied the whole page, and without quotation marks:lol:
You ignored this: http://www.plagiarism.org/plag_artic...lagiarism.html

Like you do reality. :cuckoo:

And you ignore the house rules
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Copyright infringement is illegal. USmessageboard.com will enforce the law. Never post an article in its entirety.

Moments before the destruction of the Bedouin village of al-Arakib, Israeli high school age police volunteers lounge on furniture taken from a family's home

One of the most troubling aspects of the destruction of al-Arakib was a report by CNN that the hundreds of Israeli riot police who stormed the village were accompanied by “busloads of cheering civilians.” Who were these civilians and why didn’t CNN or any outlet investigate further?

I traveled to al-Arakib yesterday with a delegation from Ta’ayush, an Israeli group that promotes a joint Arab-Jewish struggle against the occupation. The activists spent the day preparing games and activities for the village’s traumatized children, helping the villagers replace their uprooted olive groves, and assisting in the reconstruction of their demolished homes. In a massive makeshift tent where many of al-Arakib’s residents now sleep, I interviewed village leaders about the identity of the cheering civilians. Each one confirmed the presence of the civilians, describing how they celebrated the demolitions. As I compiled details, the story grew increasingly horrific. After interviewing more than a half dozen elders of the village, I was able to finally identify the civilians in question. What I discovered was more disturbing than I had imagined.

Arab Negev News publisher Ata Abu Madyam supplied me with a series of photos he took of the civilians in action. They depicted Israeli high school students who appeared to have volunteered as members of the Israeli police civilian guard (I am working on identifying some participants by name). Prior to the demolitions, the student volunteers were sent into the villagers’ homes to extract their furniture and belongings. A number of villagers including Abu Madyam told me the volunteers smashed windows and mirrors in their homes and defaced family photographs with crude drawings. Then they lounged around on the furniture of al-Arakib residents in plain site of the owners. Finally, according to Abu Matyam, the volunteers celebrated while bulldozers destroyed the homes.

More photos with the rest of the article at:
The “Summer Camp Of Destruction:” Israeli High Schoolers Assist The Razing Of A Bedouin Town

Moments before the destruction of the Bedouin village of al-Arakib, Israeli high school age police volunteers lounge on furniture taken from a family's home

One of the most troubling aspects of the destruction of al-Arakib was a report by CNN that the hundreds of Israeli riot police who stormed the village were accompanied by “busloads of cheering civilians.” Who were these civilians and why didn’t CNN or any outlet investigate further?

I traveled to al-Arakib yesterday with a delegation from Ta’ayush, an Israeli group that promotes a joint Arab-Jewish struggle against the occupation. The activists spent the day preparing games and activities for the village’s traumatized children, helping the villagers replace their uprooted olive groves, and assisting in the reconstruction of their demolished homes. In a massive makeshift tent where many of al-Arakib’s residents now sleep, I interviewed village leaders about the identity of the cheering civilians. Each one confirmed the presence of the civilians, describing how they celebrated the demolitions. As I compiled details, the story grew increasingly horrific. After interviewing more than a half dozen elders of the village, I was able to finally identify the civilians in question. What I discovered was more disturbing than I had imagined.

Arab Negev News publisher Ata Abu Madyam supplied me with a series of photos he took of the civilians in action. They depicted Israeli high school students who appeared to have volunteered as members of the Israeli police civilian guard (I am working on identifying some participants by name). Prior to the demolitions, the student volunteers were sent into the villagers’ homes to extract their furniture and belongings. A number of villagers including Abu Madyam told me the volunteers smashed windows and mirrors in their homes and defaced family photographs with crude drawings. Then they lounged around on the furniture of al-Arakib residents in plain site of the owners. Finally, according to Abu Matyam, the volunteers celebrated while bulldozers destroyed the homes.

More photos with the rest of the article at:
The “Summer Camp Of Destruction:” Israeli High Schoolers Assist The Razing Of A Bedouin Town

And the Israelis always bitch about what the Palestinians teach their children.

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