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Israeli troops wipe out entire Arab village off the map

we ALL have videos, kikemaster. Wanna tell us about ugly races some more, cock gobbler?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bdbA2Ka3Bo]YouTube - Palestinian Children Beaten by Israeli Soldier[/ame]
Anyone in doubt that zionism is the new nazi platform can take a gander at Hipeter's input on anything relating to giving muslims his own gas chamber treatment.

Sadly, there was a time in America where jews banded together to stand up for racial equality and look at zionism now.

I guess it just shows that hipeter is more HUMAN than CHOSEN after all.
Secular Muslims support my views, the majority of Muslims are indifferent to terrorism and are Islamic conservatives meaning they support the Koran fully as written regardless of the human rights abuses the Koran causes. Secular Muslims stop hating Jews and Israel, and treat them like human beings and Israel as a legitimate nation and want it to exist alongside a small but equally secular Palestine.

I want a secular Israel and a secular middle east, as opposed to a middle east of theocracies and dictatorships. The Free Palestine movement, wants a theocratic and Islamic state in Palestine, and to ethnic cleanse the Jews and steal all their property, as the Free Palestine movement is linked to Hamas and islamic terrorists rather than Muslim secularists (many of which are Israeli citizens).
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The Bedouin being evicted from thier land in the above video hold Israeli citizenship
Anyone in doubt that zionism is the new nazi platform can take a gander at Hipeter's input on anything relating to giving muslims his own gas chamber treatment.

Sadly, there was a time in America where jews banded together to stand up for racial equality and look at zionism now.

I guess it just shows that hipeter is more HUMAN than CHOSEN after all.
Secular Muslims support my views, the majority of Muslims are indifferent to terrorism and are Islamic conservatives meaning they support the Koran fully as written regardless of the human rights abuses the Koran causes. Secular Muslims stop hating Jews and Israel, and treat them like human beings and Israel as a legitimate nation and want it to exist alongside a small but equally secular Palestine.

I want a secular Israel and a secular middle east, as opposed to a middle east of theocracies and dictatorships. The Free Palestine movement, wants a theocratic and Islamic state in Palestine, and to ethnic cleanse the Jews and steal all their property, as the Free Palestine movement is linked to Hamas and islamic terrorists rather than Muslim secularists (many of which are Israeli citizens).


NOW you speak for "secular muslims", do ya? Sorry, nose job, you don't get to speak for people who you insist must clarify a "jewish israel" and then wonder why they rebuke your marginalization.

The free palestine movement wants israel to stop treating its minorities like America did its *******. End of story. See, you don't get to define what THEY want in order to rationalize your own hatred. Sorry for your confusion.

The fact is, if israel treated ALL of its people like the US does all of ITS people there would be no problems outside of zionist jews demanding some kind of race based premium. Much like our blacks, those palis would invest in a society that values them instead of treats them like jews in a concentration camp. It's your fucked up mentality that insists otherwise. But, feel free to keep insisting on a JEWISH israel and see how much more human travesties you have to continue to make excuses for.

Anyone in doubt that zionism is the new nazi platform can take a gander at Hipeter's input on anything relating to giving muslims his own gas chamber treatment.

Sadly, there was a time in America where jews banded together to stand up for racial equality and look at zionism now.

I guess it just shows that hipeter is more HUMAN than CHOSEN after all.
Secular Muslims support my views, the majority of Muslims are indifferent to terrorism and are Islamic conservatives meaning they support the Koran fully as written regardless of the human rights abuses the Koran causes. Secular Muslims stop hating Jews and Israel, and treat them like human beings and Israel as a legitimate nation and want it to exist alongside a small but equally secular Palestine.

I want a secular Israel and a secular middle east, as opposed to a middle east of theocracies and dictatorships. The Free Palestine movement, wants a theocratic and Islamic state in Palestine, and to ethnic cleanse the Jews and steal all their property, as the Free Palestine movement is linked to Hamas and islamic terrorists rather than Muslim secularists (many of which are Israeli citizens).


NOW you speak for "secular muslims", do ya? Sorry, nose job, you don't get to speak for people who you insist must clarify a "jewish israel" and then wonder why they rebuke your marginalization.

The free palestine movement wants israel to stop treating its minorities like America did its *******. End of story. See, you don't get to define what THEY want in order to rationalize your own hatred. Sorry for your confusion.

The fact is, if israel treated ALL of its people like the US does all of ITS people there would be no problems outside of zionist jews demanding some kind of race based premium. Much like our blacks, those palis would invest in a society that values them instead of treats them like jews in a concentration camp. It's your fucked up mentality that insists otherwise. But, feel free to keep insisting on a JEWISH israel and see how much more human travesties you have to continue to make excuses for.

Okay, find a quote where I support a Jewish state? Learn what Atheist means before you bullshit.


A Secular Muslim Manifesto

Submitted by admin on 17 November, 2004 - 16:06

By Tewfik Allal and Brigitte Bardet

We are of Muslim culture; we oppose misogyny, homophobia, anti-Semitism and the political use of Islam. We reassert a living secularism.​

We are women and men of Muslim culture. Some of us are believers, others are agnostics or atheists. We all condemn firmly the declarations and acts of misogyny, homophobia, and anti-Semitism that we have heard and witnessed for a while now here in France, and that are carried out in the name of Islam. These three characteristics typify the political Islamism that has been forceful for so long in several of our countries of origin. We fought against them there, and we are committed to fighting against them again – here.​

Sexual equality: a prerequisite for democracy

We are firmly committed to equal rights for both sexes. We fight the oppression of women who are subjected to Personal Status Laws, like those in Algeria (recent progress in Morocco highlights how far Algeria lags behind), and sometimes even in France via bilateral agreements*. We believe that democracy cannot exist without these equal rights. Accordingly, we unambiguously offer our support for the "20 ans, barakat!" (20 years is enough!) campaign of the Algerian women’s associations, demanding the definitive abolition of two decades old family code.​

It is also for this reason that we oppose wearing the Islamic headscarf, evenif among us there are differing opinions about the law banning it from schools in France. In various countries, we have seen violence or even death inflicted on female friends or family members because they refused to wear the scarf. Even if the current enthusiasm for the headscarf [among some Muslims] in France was stimulated by discrimination suffered by immigrant children, this cannot be considered the real cause of the desire to wear it; nor can memories of a North African lifestyle explain it.​

Behind this so called "choice" demanded by a certain number of girls is the promotion of a political Islamic society based on a militant ideology which aims to promote actively values to which we do not subscribe.​

Stopping homophobia

For Islamic fundamentalists, (as for all machos and fundamentalists), "being a man" means having power over women, including sexual power. In their eyes, any man who favors equality of the sexes is potentially subhuman, or "queer." This way of thinking has proliferated since the rise of political Islamism. Its ferocity is equaled only by its hypocrisy. One of the organizers of the demonstration on Saturday, January 17th 2004 in favor of the headscarf declared that "It is scandalous that those who claim to be shocked by the headscarf are not shocked by homosexuality." Undoubtedly he thinks that a virtuous society hides women behind headscarves or puts homosexuals behind bars, something we have already seen happen in Egypt.​

We shudder at what the triumph of these attitudes implies for "shameless" persons in society-like women who fail to wear the headscarf, or homosexuals or nonbelievers.​

In contrast, we believe that recognition of the existence of homosexuality and the freedom for homosexuals to live their own lives as they wish represents undeniable progress. As long as an individual - heterosexual or homosexual - does not break the laws protecting minors, each person’s sexual choices are his or her own business, and do not concern the state in any way.​

Fighting anti-Semitism

Finally, we condemn firmly the anti-Semitic statements made recently in speeches in the name of Islam. Just like "shameless" women and homosexuals, Jews have become the target: "They have everything and we have nothing," was something that we heard in the demonstration on January 17th. We see the use of the Israel-Palestine conflict by fundamentalist movements as a means of promoting the most disturbing forms of anti-Semitism.

Despite our opposition to the current policies of the Israeli government, we refuse to feed primitive images of the "Jew." A real, historical conflict between two peoples should not be exploited. We recognize Israel’s right to exist, a right recognized by the PLO congress in Algiers in 1988 and the Arab League summit meeting in Beirut in 2002. At the same time we are committed to the Palestinian people and support of their right to found a state and to be liberated from occupation.

Living secularism

Islam has not received sufficient recognition in France. There is a lack of places to pray. There are not enough chaplaincies nor enough cemeteries. We are aware that young French people, the sons and daughters of Muslim immigrants, are still held back socially and suffer discrimination. All monitoring bodies recognize this. Consequently, "French-style" secularism has lost a great deal of value in the eyes of these young people.​

Two possibilities lie before them. They can rediscover the strength of a real, living secularism, that is, political action on behalf of their rights and to demand the social gains fought for by their fathers and mothers-who belonged to social classes, cultures, peoples and nations before they belonged to Islam. Or they can see themselves in an imaginary, virtual "umma" [Islamic community – ed.] that no longer corresponds to reality, and then masquerade in republican or tiers-mondistes (Third-Worldist) rags. This only ends up securing unequal, repressive, and intolerant societies. This latter path cannot be ours.​

*France has bilateral agreements with Algeria, which allow the application of Algeria’s "Family Code" to emigrants in France. It particularly affects issues of divorce and discriminates against women.​

Tewfik Allal, a French union activist, who was born in Morocco of Algerian parents, and his wife Brigitte Bardet, a teacher and feminist activist are the authors of this Manifesto. The Manifesto attracted several hundred signatories and a list of "Les Amis du Manifeste" (Friends of the Manifesto) composed of non-Muslim intellectuals expressing their solidarity. www.manifeste.org
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being an atheist doesn't redact your ethnic identity, toots. Enjoy the Israeli Law of Return.


and, a blog, eh?


nice! very, uh.. convincing.
Its from the world union of Humanist organizations, and not a blog you twit. :cuckoo:

About IHEU

Submitted by admin on 25 October, 2007 - 13:04

Founded in Amsterdam in 1952, International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is the sole world umbrella organisation embracing Humanist, atheist, rationalist, secularist, skeptic, laique, ethical cultural, freethought and similar organisations world-wide.

Our vision is a Humanist world; a world in which human rights are respected and everyone is able to live a life of dignity. The mission of IHEU is to build and represent the global Humanist movement that defends human rights and promotes Humanist values world-wide. IHEU sponsors the triennial World Humanist Congress.
Based in London, IHEU is an international NGO with Special Consultative Status with the UN (New York, Geneva, Vienna), General Consultative Status at UNICEF (New York) and the Council of Europe (Strasbourg), and maintains operational relations with UNESCO (Paris). IHEU has observer status at the African Commission on Human and People's Rights.

Now stop your bullshit. Before I lose my sanity arguing with you. :rolleyes:
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It's a link to nothing more significant than any other blog that became a political action organization. FACT.

And, maybe you should redact quite a few of your hateful fucking forum offerings before trying to represent a secular humanist organization here. Lip service that placates your zionism only perpetuates the machine; a concept that I'm sure you enjoy.
It's a link to nothing more significant than any other blog that became a political action organization. FACT.

And, maybe you should redact quite a few of your hateful fucking forum offerings before trying to represent a secular humanist organization here. Lip service that placates your zionism only perpetuates the machine; a concept that I'm sure you enjoy.
I will retract none nor are they 'hateful'*, and I don't represent them but I am secularist. Also if you want to try anti-zionism I am making it quite clear that secular Muslims don't support you in trying to destroy the Israeli state rather than full secularizing it. PS: I have said nothing Dawkins or Hitchens haven't already said before me on the subject, and they are part of humanist organizations.

*I hate no one, even Hitler, Stalin or the Muslims I speak against. Also hate speech is totally allowed by the US constitution, if I ever did that. Also I do respect Muslims, but in war only.

PS: "You don't get to speak for people who you insist must clarify a "jewish israel" and then wonder why they rebuke your marginalization." - That is what I am most against, saying I support a Jewish Israel when I have consistently said I support a Secular Israel in this forum.
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It's a link to nothing more significant than any other blog that became a political action organization. FACT.

And, maybe you should redact quite a few of your hateful fucking forum offerings before trying to represent a secular humanist organization here. Lip service that placates your zionism only perpetuates the machine; a concept that I'm sure you enjoy.
I will retract none nor are they 'hateful', and I don't represent them but I am secularist. Also if you want to try anti-zionism I am making it quite clear that secular Muslims don't support you in trying to destroy the Israeli state rather than full secularizing it. PS: I have said nothing Dawkins or Hitchens haven't already said before me on the subject, and they are part of humanist organizations.

Again, you don't represent secular muslims just because you link to lip service on some website. Sorry for your confusion. Fully secularizing israel isn't a solution for the zionist demand that israel remain a JEWISH state, for jews BY jews. You can insist that being atheist doesn't cloud your ethnic identity here.. but, again, this is why the israeli law of return makes your opinion a joke. You can secularize israel all you want but until you scrounch up the balls to demand ethnic equality without preserving some kind of premium for jews over non-jews then your flaky fucking input is about as significant as what you think are representational links.

now, maybe you can talk about ugly races some more, you fucking racist.
It's a link to nothing more significant than any other blog that became a political action organization. FACT.

And, maybe you should redact quite a few of your hateful fucking forum offerings before trying to represent a secular humanist organization here. Lip service that placates your zionism only perpetuates the machine; a concept that I'm sure you enjoy.
I will retract none nor are they 'hateful', and I don't represent them but I am secularist. Also if you want to try anti-zionism I am making it quite clear that secular Muslims don't support you in trying to destroy the Israeli state rather than full secularizing it. PS: I have said nothing Dawkins or Hitchens haven't already said before me on the subject, and they are part of humanist organizations.

Again, you don't represent secular muslims just because you link to lip service on some website. Sorry for your confusion. Fully secularizing israel isn't a solution for the zionist demand that israel remain a JEWISH state, for jews BY jews. You can insist that being atheist doesn't cloud your ethnic identity here.. but, again, this is why the israeli law of return makes your opinion a joke. You can secularize israel all you want but until you scrounch up the balls to demand ethnic equality without preserving some kind of premium for jews over non-jews then your flaky fucking input is about as significant as what you think are representational links.

now, maybe you can talk about ugly races some more, you fucking racist.
I believe it was your friend hipester who did that. If you want to destroy Israel, how is wanting to destroy an entire nation not racist? :rolleyes:

Also I find it ironic that you say I support a Jewish state when I am an atheist dead against any kind of theocracy, but whats even worse for you is that my mother is half Arab (Palestinian Christian) and half Armenian, so bring ethnic groups into this by all means.

PS: Stop claiming I support a Jewish state, that is a straight out lie.
I will retract none nor are they 'hateful', and I don't represent them but I am secularist. Also if you want to try anti-zionism I am making it quite clear that secular Muslims don't support you in trying to destroy the Israeli state rather than full secularizing it. PS: I have said nothing Dawkins or Hitchens haven't already said before me on the subject, and they are part of humanist organizations.

Again, you don't represent secular muslims just because you link to lip service on some website. Sorry for your confusion. Fully secularizing israel isn't a solution for the zionist demand that israel remain a JEWISH state, for jews BY jews. You can insist that being atheist doesn't cloud your ethnic identity here.. but, again, this is why the israeli law of return makes your opinion a joke. You can secularize israel all you want but until you scrounch up the balls to demand ethnic equality without preserving some kind of premium for jews over non-jews then your flaky fucking input is about as significant as what you think are representational links.

now, maybe you can talk about ugly races some more, you fucking racist.
I believe it was your friend hipester who did that. If you want to destroy Israel, how is wanting to destroy an entire nation not racist? :rolleyes:

Also I find it ironic that you say I support a Jewish state when I am an atheist dead against any kind of theocracy, but whats even worse for you is that my mother is half Arab (Palestinian Christian) and half Armenian, so bring ethnic groups into this by all means.

PS: Stop claiming I support a Jewish state, that is a straight out lie.

Blaming someone else? how novel.


I don't want to destroy israel; I want a united Palisrael where both peoples, jews AND palies, are equally validated akin to what we have here in the US. What IS racist, however, is equating the "destruction of israel" with the concept of anyone other than DA JOOOS having jurisdiction. I guess it's a good thing we whitey here in the US don't restrict jews from office in order to keep you from "destroying America", eh?

Being jewish isn't merely a matter of faith. CLEARLY, you don't comprehend why I keep tagging your ass with mention of the israeli law of return. Maybe you should go do some homework and figure out why that specific israeli policy applies to ATHEIST JEWS and not CHINESE CONVERTS TO JUDAISM before posting again.

I pray for the day when Israel is wiped from the face of the earth for it is a blight on civilization. May they be damned to hell.

Nice. You are some piece of work.

What no i pray for you son? And where is the ousted father sigh off?

Yeah and ya know what, your sentiments are the same thing that the muslims have for your pope.
Again, you don't represent secular muslims just because you link to lip service on some website. Sorry for your confusion. Fully secularizing israel isn't a solution for the zionist demand that israel remain a JEWISH state, for jews BY jews. You can insist that being atheist doesn't cloud your ethnic identity here.. but, again, this is why the israeli law of return makes your opinion a joke. You can secularize israel all you want but until you scrounch up the balls to demand ethnic equality without preserving some kind of premium for jews over non-jews then your flaky fucking input is about as significant as what you think are representational links.

now, maybe you can talk about ugly races some more, you fucking racist.
I believe it was your friend hipester who did that. If you want to destroy Israel, how is wanting to destroy an entire nation not racist? :rolleyes:

Also I find it ironic that you say I support a Jewish state when I am an atheist dead against any kind of theocracy, but whats even worse for you is that my mother is half Arab (Palestinian Christian) and half Armenian, so bring ethnic groups into this by all means.

PS: Stop claiming I support a Jewish state, that is a straight out lie.

Blaming someone else? how novel.


I don't want to destroy israel; I want a united Palisrael where both peoples, jews AND palies, are equally validated akin to what we have here in the US. What IS racist, however, is equating the "destruction of israel" with the concept of anyone other than DA JOOOS having jurisdiction. I guess it's a good thing we whitey here in the US don't restrict jews from office in order to keep you from "destroying America", eh?

Being jewish isn't merely a matter of faith. CLEARLY, you don't comprehend why I keep tagging your ass with mention of the israeli law of return. Maybe you should go do some homework and figure out why that specific israeli policy applies to ATHEIST JEWS and not CHINESE CONVERTS TO JUDAISM before posting again.

Why I keep bringing up I don't support a Jewish state is you keep claiming I do, and then saying because I support the existence of Israel I have to support a Jewish state. By your warped logic I must support anything that goes on within a nation if I support its existence. By your logic then you support Islamic terrorism because you support Palestine's existence.
I believe it was your friend hipester who did that. If you want to destroy Israel, how is wanting to destroy an entire nation not racist? :rolleyes:

Also I find it ironic that you say I support a Jewish state when I am an atheist dead against any kind of theocracy, but whats even worse for you is that my mother is half Arab (Palestinian Christian) and half Armenian, so bring ethnic groups into this by all means.

PS: Stop claiming I support a Jewish state, that is a straight out lie.

Blaming someone else? how novel.


I don't want to destroy israel; I want a united Palisrael where both peoples, jews AND palies, are equally validated akin to what we have here in the US. What IS racist, however, is equating the "destruction of israel" with the concept of anyone other than DA JOOOS having jurisdiction. I guess it's a good thing we whitey here in the US don't restrict jews from office in order to keep you from "destroying America", eh?

Being jewish isn't merely a matter of faith. CLEARLY, you don't comprehend why I keep tagging your ass with mention of the israeli law of return. Maybe you should go do some homework and figure out why that specific israeli policy applies to ATHEIST JEWS and not CHINESE CONVERTS TO JUDAISM before posting again.

Why I keep bringing up I don't support a Jewish state is you keep claiming I do, and then saying because I support the existence of Israel I have to support a Jewish state. By your warped logic I must support anything that goes on within a nation if I support its existence. By your logic then you support Islamic terrorism because you support Palestine's existence.

you are younger than 20, aren't you? You'd have to be with logic skillz like that. Indeed, it's your forum in put in other threads that clarifies your opinion of non-jews in israel. I guess you forgot that these threads aren't linear.


Blaming someone else? how novel.


I don't want to destroy israel; I want a united Palisrael where both peoples, jews AND palies, are equally validated akin to what we have here in the US. What IS racist, however, is equating the "destruction of israel" with the concept of anyone other than DA JOOOS having jurisdiction. I guess it's a good thing we whitey here in the US don't restrict jews from office in order to keep you from "destroying America", eh?

Being jewish isn't merely a matter of faith. CLEARLY, you don't comprehend why I keep tagging your ass with mention of the israeli law of return. Maybe you should go do some homework and figure out why that specific israeli policy applies to ATHEIST JEWS and not CHINESE CONVERTS TO JUDAISM before posting again.

Why I keep bringing up I don't support a Jewish state is you keep claiming I do, and then saying because I support the existence of Israel I have to support a Jewish state. By your warped logic I must support anything that goes on within a nation if I support its existence. By your logic then you support Islamic terrorism because you support Palestine's existence.

you are younger than 20, aren't you? You'd have to be with logic skillz like that. Indeed, it's your forum in put in other threads that clarifies your opinion of non-jews in israel. I guess you forgot that these threads aren't linear.


When I graduate from uni next year in philosophy, lets see who is laughing. :rolleyes:
Why I keep bringing up I don't support a Jewish state is you keep claiming I do, and then saying because I support the existence of Israel I have to support a Jewish state. By your warped logic I must support anything that goes on within a nation if I support its existence. By your logic then you support Islamic terrorism because you support Palestine's existence.

you are younger than 20, aren't you? You'd have to be with logic skillz like that. Indeed, it's your forum in put in other threads that clarifies your opinion of non-jews in israel. I guess you forgot that these threads aren't linear.


When I graduate from uni next year in philosophy, lets see who is laughing. :rolleyes:

the answer to that riddle is: the HIRING MANAGER DURING YOUR FIRST JOB INTERVIEW!


philosophy. give me a break. No wonder you have a fucked up schema of the validity of muslims.
you are younger than 20, aren't you? You'd have to be with logic skillz like that. Indeed, it's your forum in put in other threads that clarifies your opinion of non-jews in israel. I guess you forgot that these threads aren't linear.


When I graduate from uni next year in philosophy, lets see who is laughing. :rolleyes:

the answer to that riddle is: the HIRING MANAGER DURING YOUR FIRST JOB INTERVIEW!


philosophy. give me a break. No wonder you have a fucked up schema of the validity of muslims.
Who said I was going into that kind of employment? Besides thing about uni is you can take many different subjects. I didn't say I was stopping uni after I graduate. :rolleyes:

PS: Philosophy isn't an easy subject, you do need a brain and a capacity to think.
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