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Israeli troops wipe out entire Arab village off the map

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HlaVpqUXF0]YouTube - Hezbollah: Coming Soon To Your Hometown[/ame]
DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- Hamas political bureau member Ezzat al-Resheq called on the Palestinians in the territories occupied in 1948 to revolt against plans by the Israeli occupation aimed at destroying Palestinian villages in the Negev desert, at the same time paying tribute to the residents of Araqib, some of whom were injured and arrested during an attempt to face the Israeli war machine that destroyed the entire village.

Israeli forces proceeded on Tuesday morning to wipe the Negev village of Araqib out of existence, cordoning off the village, displacing its 700 residents, and destroying all of its houses, under allegations that the village is “illegal”.

Resheq said in a press statement Tuesday: “We face today a new chapter of the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe), which began sixty-two years ago, during which hundreds of Palestinian villages were destroyed, and hundreds of its citizens killed and displaced, and ‘settlements were built on those lands so that people brought from various parts of the world may live therein, nothing connecting them to Palestine.”

“What happened in Araqib today is a prelude to the destruction of 45 villages in the Negev desert,” he added, noting that the village is also home to a historical cemetery and Arab and Islamic antiquities dating back hundreds of years.

He added that “every Palestinian village in Palestine is within the circle of Zionist attack; which requires our people in the territories occupied in 1948 to rise up in defense of the villages of Negev,” along with defending Palestinian existence.

Resheq calls for uprising to counter Israeli plans to destroy Negev villages
It just worked for me. You don't have one of those Israeli computers, do you?
Microsoft is made in conjunction with Microsoft's Israel division, Intel microchips are also designed in Israel, in fact the computer you are using now as well as this forum are all thanks to the very Israeli state you so despise. :tongue:

I don't have an Intel computer. It works fine. The OS not so much.

Intel does not make computers.
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israel is planning to house thousands of Israeli families in the Negev and the Galilee in place of the Arab villages and houses demolished in those two areas, Hebrew media sources revealed on Wednesday.

The sources said that the ministry of Negev and Galilee and the housing and finance ministry had allocated around 30 million dollars to intensify the building of settlement outposts in place of the destroyed Arab villages. The plan envisages the construction of 30 such outposts over four years (2010 to 2014), the sources added.

They noted that the plan targets housing 10,000 Israeli families in those areas and extends lucrative conditions for owning and constructing houses there, adding that 2,000 of those would inhabit rural areas while the remaining 8,000 would inhabit urban areas.

Police evicted 200 Bedouins from their homes in a southern Israeli village on Tuesday and demolished their dwellings, an act decried by residents who said they are on ancestral land.

The move occurred five miles north of Beer Sheva in a village called Al-Araqeeb, an enclave not recognized by the state of Israel.

Witnesses told CNN that the Israeli forces arrived at the village accompanied by busloads of civilians who cheered as the dwellings were demolished

Villagers said they've lived in the region for years back to the Ottoman days before Israel was founded, and have original deeds to the land.
Bedouins evicted from village in southern Israel - CNN.com
Police evicted 200 Bedouins from their homes in a southern Israeli village on Tuesday and demolished their dwellings, an act decried by residents who said they are on ancestral land.

The move occurred five miles north of Beer Sheva in a village called Al-Araqeeb, an enclave not recognized by the state of Israel.

Witnesses told CNN that the Israeli forces arrived at the village accompanied by busloads of civilians who cheered as the dwellings were demolished

Villagers said they've lived in the region for years back to the Ottoman days before Israel was founded, and have original deeds to the land.
Bedouins evicted from village in southern Israel - CNN.com

We don't need no steenking deeds. We have guns and bulldozers. ~ Israel
This is just another of thousands of examples of an unprovoked attack by Israel's military against civilians.
This sort of thing has been going on for 50 years.

Independent from truth of story and validity of it, Imagine what it was like decades ago without globalization, internet and TV-cameras costing huge sums.
You only had to have some journalists or the whole newspaper in your pocket.

Ironically the Turkish Whore jumps in! As soon as Hypocritical Turks stop harming the people of Cyprus, Kurdistan and own up to the Armenian Holocaust then you can STFU! You have no moral high ground!
Speaking of hypocritical whores...how many millions of innocent human beings has the USA killed since 1776? (or 1945?) (or 2003?)

You better start looking for your own moral high ground.

Before it goes the way of Rome.
Independent from truth of story and validity of it, Imagine what it was like decades ago without globalization, internet and TV-cameras costing huge sums.
You only had to have some journalists or the whole newspaper in your pocket.

Ironically the Turkish Whore jumps in! As soon as Hypocritical Turks stop harming the people of Cyprus, Kurdistan and own up to the Armenian Holocaust then you can STFU! You have no moral high ground!
Speaking of hypocritical whores...how many millions of innocent human beings has the USA killed since 1776? (or 1945?) (or 2003?)

You better start looking for your own moral high ground.

Before it goes the way of Rome.
The USA and Jews don't need moral high ground, without the west Muslims would be living as nomads drinking camel milk, and shagging whores.

But the west dared to invent steam power, electricity democracy, freedom of speech, Marxism, socialism, communism, capitalist theory, nuclear power, along with virtually every technological, scientific or cultural achievement.

Any others were invented in the East, which again has been heavily influenced by western culture, though the East has heavily influenced the west too. Plus South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India and Singapore are all allies of the west and they don't hate us. As for China, they get bitchy but again they don't hate us either.

As for your Islamic friends the only thing they 'invented' was mass genocide (Armenian, Assyrian, Kurdish, Greek genocides), genocide of the Jews in their conquest of the middle east and terrorism. So who has the moral high ground? We do. Not because we have killed less or more people, but because we gave more to society than just rape, genocide and death.
Capitalism in case you haven't noticed has institutionalized rape and genocide on a planetary scale. It's perfect metaphor currently gushes death into the Gulf of Mexico.

Its prime "cultural achievements" stem from serving a desert "Money God" claimed by Jews, Christians, and Muslim.

Since Jews and Christians perfected organized violence to a degree many Muslims can't imagine, Western Culture has, in only a few thousand years, brought the species to the brink of extinction.
Capitalism in case you haven't noticed has institutionalized rape and genocide on a planetary scale. It's perfect metaphor currently gushes death into the Gulf of Mexico.

Its prime "cultural achievements" stem from serving a desert "Money God" claimed by Jews, Christians, and Muslim.

Since Jews and Christians perfected organized violence to a degree many Muslims can't imagine, Western Culture has, in only a few thousand years, brought the species to the brink of extinction.
Go live in Iran, if you are too cowardly to defend the west and our way of life you don't deserve to live here. You don't deserve liberty if you fight with the Muslims to destroy it. :rolleyes:

“"The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men." -Samuel Adams”
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Anyone in doubt that zionism is the new nazi platform can take a gander at Hipeter's input on anything relating to giving muslims his own gas chamber treatment.

Sadly, there was a time in America where jews banded together to stand up for racial equality and look at zionism now.

I guess it just shows that hipeter is more HUMAN than CHOSEN after all.
Around 300 Bedouins living in Israel's Negev desert are homeless after police raided their village and razed their homes
Video: Ethnic cleansing in the Israeli Negev | World news | guardian.co.uk

Good video. Here is another one.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ0aZ_XzUi4&feature=related]YouTube - Ethnic Cleansing of a Bedouin village in the Negev Desert by Israel[/ame]

Is this one of those "shared values" that the propagandists are always talking about?
Around 300 Bedouins living in Israel's Negev desert are homeless after police raided their village and razed their homes
Video: Ethnic cleansing in the Israeli Negev | World news | guardian.co.uk

Good video. Here is another one.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ0aZ_XzUi4&feature=related"]YouTube - Ethnic Cleansing of a Bedouin village in the Negev Desert by Israel[/ame]

Is this one of those "shared values" that the propagandists are always talking about?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cv9xUf-MWk]YouTube - Turkish Democracy: Attack on unarmed Kurdish Civilians[/ame]

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