Israelis Debate Mandatory Arab Participation in National Service


Message Boards were made for people to debate their personal opinions, matters that are open to subjective interpretation and not to deny facts.

For example:

We can have a good debate about whether or not the US nuking of Japan constituted an act of state terrorism. But if one of the debaters denies the historical fact, declaring that the nuking is an invention of historians, that it didn't occur at all, he will immediately kill the debate.

We can have a legitimate debate whether or not the palestinian refugees should return to Israel or remain in the WB and Gaza, but we cannot debate the existence of the refugees itself.

Facts are not open for discussion.

The vast majority of the arab citizens of Israel don't have any identification with the jewish state and are openly hostile to it. This is a fact you shouldn't be denying.

If you tell me the overwhelming majority of israeli Jews strongly oppose the dismantlement of Israel and the return of palestinians I will reluctantly agree with you because this is an undeniable fact. To be fair to Uri Avneri, not even him accept the return of Palestinian arabs... he believes the future of the state must be decided by its citizens.

You can even taunt me about this fact all you want:

"Israeli jews who support the RoR are a microscopic minority in Israel and will remain so for the foreseeable future, José. Tough shit!! Deal with it!!"

You can mock me all you want and you still won't see me denying this fact no matter how much it displeases me because if I deny it I will no longer be debating in good faith, it would be intellectual dishonesty on my part.

Are there a handful of israeli Jews who support the right of all palestinians to live in Israel?? Of course there are!! Some of them can even be seen in one of the videos you posted about Nakhba Day in Israel:

Am I going to rape reality and try to present those israeli jews as anything other than the tiny minority they really are like you are trying to do with your arab Army officer? Of course not... Those israeli jews don't represent any jewish citizen in the country but themselves... denying this fact is absolute insanity. I don't want to "win" any debate by denying a reality that's in front of my eyes like you're trying to do with palestinian arabs.
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Lipush, I dare you to deny these facts in front of the whole Board.

Arabs in Israel:

1 - Side with Israel's enemies in every single war (Intifada I, II, Lebanon, etc...).

2 - Send humanitarian aid to Palestinians, Lebanese during those wars, organize protests, strikes and even riot against Israel's treatment of Palestinians.


Siding with the enemy during a war... an ethnic group can't get any more traitorous than this.

This fact alone should end the debate about Palestinian's loyalty to Israel right now.

3 - The political representatives of israeli arabs try again and again to destroy the basic
foundation of the state by introducing laws that redefine Israel as a "state for all its citizens" what amounts to an official admission that they are a fifth column within Israel.

4 - Israeli jewish politicians introduce laws that would require all citizens to swear an oath of allegiance to the jewish state what nearly amounts to an official recognition by israeli jews that arabs are disloyal to the state.


"Sorry, José... but that's not enough.

I want to see Pope Francis himself addressing the masses at Saint Peter's square and officially announcing to the world that israeli arabs are indeed Israel's fifth column."

You just can't win...
If someday in the future you decide to be honest with yourself and the rest of the Board, Lipush, you're gonna come here and admit in front of the whole Board that israeli palestinians are hostile to Israel's jewish identity.

And remember this:

Opinions are open for debate not facts.

When you start denying facts it's no longer political debate, it's crazy people talk.

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