Israelis: Obama Leaked Intel to Prevent Us from Attacking Iran

Good for him if he did.

I mean, I hope you realize what an absolute disaster it would be for hte world if the Zionists DID attack Iran.
Good for him if he did.

I mean, I hope you realize what an absolute disaster it would be for hte world if the Zionists DID attack Iran.

Oh, we have another "it's DA JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS" poster.

The "Zionist Conspiracy."

Man, I hope they never find out I'm really an Israeli Zionist agent! :eusa_shifty:

One of the reasons gas prices are so high is that you have speculators persistently going long in the oil market on the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran; they want to be in oil to profit from what they believe would be an inevitable spike in oil prices if such an attack occurs.

Those of you who are simultaneously rooting for another war in the Middle East while attacking the president for the current high gas prices...

...use your fucking heads for once...
One of the reasons gas prices are so high is that you have speculators persistently going long in the oil market on the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran; they want to be in oil to profit from what they believe would be an inevitable spike in oil prices if such an attack occurs.

Those of you who are simultaneously rooting for another war in the Middle East while attacking the president for the current high gas prices...

...use your fucking heads for once...

The issue here is not what we believe. Israel is supposed to be our ally and they trusted us with information. Obama leaked it for his reelection. I think that is a huge issue and extremely damaging to our allies. Something that Obama seems very good at. When he is done being president we may have zero friends left in the world.
One of the reasons gas prices are so high is that you have speculators persistently going long in the oil market on the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran; they want to be in oil to profit from what they believe would be an inevitable spike in oil prices if such an attack occurs.

Those of you who are simultaneously rooting for another war in the Middle East while attacking the president for the current high gas prices...

...use your fucking heads for once...

^ man, that post is so true.
That's why Israel said they would never let the US know in advance of any attack. They knew what obama was long ago. obama is, in effect, an Iranian spy. If obama would "leak" information to Iran to benefit his reelection and no other reason, what does he intend to "leak" to the Russians and is that what his promise to Medeved was all about?
First the two reports, then the typical media cover-up.

We have GOT to get this guy out of office.

November 2012 is coming people. Remember and vote!

They're loose cannons that need to realize who's the junior partner in this alliance. You don't go nuclear on your own in that situation. That's really the tail wagging the dog. If they want to go it alone, they need to go it alone.
That's why Israel said they would never let the US know in advance of any attack. They knew what obama was long ago. obama is, in effect, an Iranian spy. If obama would "leak" information to Iran to benefit his reelection and no other reason, what does he intend to "leak" to the Russians and is that what his promise to Medeved was all about?

if israel wants to not tell us before they attack iran, then they need to understand that they're on their own. heck, they should be on their own anyway. why we continue to give money and military assistance to so many countries, while we're broke, is the definition of insanity.
Just to clarify something. Being called a zionist is not in itself an insult. It is like calling someone a capitalist or a republican. Zionism is a belief system or school of thought as illustrated by the quote below:

Zionism (Hebrew: ציונות*, Tsiyonut) is a form of nationalism of Jews and Jewish culture that supports a Jewish nation state in territory defined as the Land of Israel.[1] Zionism supports Jews upholding their Jewish identity and opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies and has advocated the return of Jews to Israel as a means for Jews to be liberated from anti-Semitic discrimination, exclusion, and persecution that has occurred in other societies.[1] Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Zionist movement continues primarily to advocate on behalf of the Jewish state and address threats to its continued existence and security.

Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Supporting Israel by definition makes you a Zionist. I would think its safe to say that most Isrealis are Zionists. Using the term "Zionist" doesn't make you a conspiracy theorist. Now if you hear someone talking about ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) then they are conspiracy theorists.

That being said, the Israeli government should be able to attack Iran if Iran is a threat to their national security. That attack should not be predicated on the assumption that the USA will bail them out when Iran strikes back though. I think Obama was wrong to leak info if he did. We are wrong to engage in alliances in the first place though, exactly for this reason. I think the President should just tell them they are on their own and leave it at that.
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If true, than that is a great move.
In this economy the last thing we need is to be drawn into another war and have the price of a gallon of gas at $8.00!
First the two reports, then the typical media cover-up.

We have GOT to get this guy out of office.

November 2012 is coming people. Remember and vote!

Read the Foreign Policy article for yourself instead of hearing third person spin on it: Israel's Secret Staging Ground - By Mark Perry | Foreign Policy

The relationship between Israel and Azerbaijan is not a secret. In fact, Iran has targeted Israeli sites within Azerbaijan for terrorist attacks because of that relationship. And you will not find Obama saying anything in that article.

So what "secret" did Obama reveal, exactly?

Read the whole article before removing the foot from your mouth and speaking. And stop making shit up.
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But a military strike would be more difficult than the 1981 Israeli attack on Iraq’s Osirak reactor or the 2007 Israeli attack on a Syrian nuclear facility, which was alleged to be a weapons-grade reactor. Iraq and Syria had only one target, while Iran has several targets, some underground and all dispersed throughout its much larger territory. Iranian could have other secret nuclear sites, although Tehran denies it. In mid-2010, Tehran announced plans to build 10 additional sites for enrichment, the first one to begin in March 2011. All were to be built inside mountains. Even Israel admits that a military strike would yield only limited, short-term results. And an American strike, even a series of strikes, might ultimately not be any more successful in putting a permanent halt to the Iranian program.

The Military Option | The Iran Primer

JERUSALEM – Two reports today about Iran’s nuclear program and the possibility of an Israeli military strike have analysts in Israel accusing the Obama administration leaking information to pressure Israel not to bomb Iran and for Iran to reach a compromise in upcoming nuclear talks.

.... and for Iran to reach a compromise in upcoming nuclear talks

It is the Administrations stated goal to not go to war with Iran - what a novel idea.
As I pointed out in a November 11, 2011 post, an Israeli air strike without U.S. support on the Iranian nuclear facilities would be an incredibly difficult endeavor to execute because of the following factors:

The number of targets inside Iran that have to be hit has grown significantly since Glorious Spartan took place. More than a year later in September 2009, President Obama announced that Iran had a second uranium enrichment plant built into the side of a mountain near Fordow, a small town located near the city of Qom. The discovery of Fordow meant that whatever lessons the IAF took away from Glorious Spartan had to be scrapped in order to incorporate a hardened and much more heavily protected target located in the center of a major Iranian military base. In addition, the IAF has had to expand its target list to include other heavily protected Iranian nuclear facilities, such as a heavy-water reactor facility near the town of Arak and a yellowcake-conversion plant outside the city of Isfahan. As a result, the IAF will have to commit a much larger portion of its fighter and fighter-bomber resources, as well as almost all of the IAF’s tanker, reconnaissance, and electronic warfare assets, than was exercised during Operation Glorious Spartan.

Will Israel Attack Iran's Nuclear Facilities? - Matthew Aid

Okay? Even bloggers have been talking about this for a while.

Not. A. Secret.
First the two reports, then the typical media cover-up.

We have GOT to get this guy out of office.

November 2012 is coming people. Remember and vote!

Read the Foreign Policy article for yourself instead of hearing third person spin on it: Israel's Secret Staging Ground - By Mark Perry | Foreign Policy

The relationship between Israel and Azerbaijan is not a secret. In fact, Iran has targeted Israeli sites within Azerbaijan for terrorist attacks because of that relationship. And you will not find Obama saying anything in that article.

So what "secret" did Obama reveal, exactly?

Read the whole article before removing the foot from your mouth and speaking. And stop making shit up.

None that I see; any proof Obama "leaked" any info?

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