Israelis Should be Proud of Helping Syrians, Says EU

Billy, it is so obvious that I laugh at you even question my saying it. If you truly were interested in people, here on a Middle East forum, you would not be concentrating just on what the Israelis or the Jews are doing, but also what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I think you are at least smart enough to realize that there are several countries in the Middle East where a lot is going on.
If it's so obvious, then why can't you answer it?

You must have a reason for calling me that. Well, what's that reason?

Does any rational person have to answer that when the readers can see that all you appear to be is obsessed with is what the Israelis are doing and not really concerned with what is happening in other Middle East countries even though this is the Midclle East forum. You might be fooling your fellow travelers, but that is about all you are fooling.
Does any rational person have to answer that when the readers can see that all you appear to be is obsessed with is what the Israelis are doing and not really concerned with what is happening in other Middle East countries even though this is the Midclle East forum. You might be fooling your fellow travelers, but that is about all you are fooling.
Any rational person can explain the reasons behind the things they say.

People who can't, are obviously making irrational statements.
Naturally, Billy, would never consider that the boy could have been wounded by either side in this Civil War. It always has to be the Israelis who are responsible. Maybe he will try to tell us that the 115,000 killed so far in this Syrian Civil War were killed by Jews.
It's one of 3 possibilities. It's no secret there's a civil war going on and Israel has conducted more than one air strike during this time.

All I did, was ask the question. Why do you get upset when people hold Israel accountable for criminal behavior?

if Israel actually did something wrong, then of course it is accountable for its behavior. However, it appears you want to blame everything on Israel for what is happening in Syria when it is the opposing forces who are busy murdering innocent people.

Go find a Syrian church in your area and ask the parishioners if they are blaming Israel for what is going on in Syria.

Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America Metro Areas (2010) | QuickLists | The Association of Religion Data Archives
if Israel actually did something wrong, then of course it is accountable for its behavior. However, it appears you want to blame everything on Israel for what is happening in Syria when it is the opposing forces who are busy murdering innocent people.

Go find a Syrian church in your area and ask the parishioners if they are blaming Israel for what is going on in Syria.

Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America Metro Areas (2010) | QuickLists | The Association of Religion Data Archives
Where did I say that?

What post was it where I blamed everything on Israel?

You just keep making these bullshit statements.

Israel actually did do something wrong, when they violated Syrian air space and launched an un-provoked missile attack, so why are you acting like they haven't?
Okay, this is a generous thing to do; I won't argue that fact. But it seems to be a bit biased:

"Israelis Should be Proud of Helping Syrians, Says EU." The entire EU?

"EU official lauds Israel for treating injured Syrians." This headline is more accurate." ( 13, 2013)

So Mr. and Mrs. Lars Faaborg-Andersen toured Ziv Medical Center with Dr. Oscar Ambon, per Yossi Aloni. And THEY (the Faaborg-Andersens) approved of the facility, care, and they feel that a fundraiser is now in order. That is sincerely great. But their opinion doesn't represent the entire EU, any more than John Kerry's opinion represents the opinion of the entire US.

This headline is a bit misleading. I KNOW that Mr. Aloni is not this ignorant. And at the same time, I'd REALLY like to know; why the deception? What's the agenda?

It is off-topic and - rightly or wrongly - many readers here who are familiar with your postings perceive that such off-topic diversion is an unwelcome attempt to derail the thread, in order to cause a PRO-Israeli thread to fall off the scope.

But this is not about you - this is about the Israelis and the extent of Relief that they are attempt to provide to their long-time enemy, the Syrians. I recommend that folks interested in posting about Israeli Relief Efforts for Syria simply ignore you at present.
It's not off topic! The thread is about Israel helping Syrian children who are hurt during this conflict. Israel has conducted air strikes during this conflict. So, it is possible, these children could've been hurt from Israeli air strikes.

Would you like me to state this as a categorical argument?

If Syrian children are hurt in this civil war
And Israel launches air strikes during this civil war
Then, the possibility exists that Syrian children have been hurt by Israeli air strikes
Que pasa, mutha?
World Jewish Relief: It’s our duty to act on Syria

World Jewish Relief Chronicle - By Sandy Rashty, September 12, 2013


A Syrian child and refugee (Photo: MaximilianV)

A UK-based Jewish charity has launched an appeal to help tens of thousands of civilians affected by the civil war in Syria.

The fundraising drive by World Jewish Relief (WJR) makes the charity the latest in a growing number of Jewish organisations around the world seeking to assist the innocent victims of the war.

WJR will help Save the Children UK provide medical supplies, housing and food to around 70,000 Syrian children living in Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan. There are an estimated 130,000 Syrian refugees in Za’atari, 54 per cent of whom are under the age of 18.


Ronen Shoval, the chairman of Im Tirtzu, a Zionist movement based in Israel, said: “The civilised Western world has a moral duty to take action. A crying baby is a crying baby. It doesn’t matter if it’s Muslim, Christian or Jewish. People who say otherwise — there’s something missing in their heart.”


The WJR appeal follows an announcement last month by the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the New York-based Jewish humanitarian assistance organisation, that it was heading up a coalition of groups to finance welfare programmes for Syrian children.

The coalition, the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, is giving WJR £10,000 to help fund its mission via one of its sub-groups, the Jewish Coalition for Syrian Refugees.
Israeli institutions and charities have also been heavily involved in the relief effort.

One Israeli NGO – which prefers not to be named for security reasons – has been quietly smuggling food, medicine and emergency workers across the border into Syria for the past 18 months.

The CEO of the charity, which has taken some 300,000 meals, five ambulances and 700 tons of aid into Syria via a secret route, said that when one injured Syrian man discovered that an Israeli had come to assist him, he exclaimed, through tears: “We knew the whole time those who would come to us would be Jews — what took so long?”

IsrAID, the largest international Israeli humanitarian assistance organisation, is also distributing aid and food to Syrians, at a refugee camp near the town of Mafraq in Jordan.

Meanwhile, Israeli hospitals near the Syrian border have been treating civilians – and even some rebel fighters – wounded in nearby battles.

Doctors in the Ziv Medical Centre in Safed, for example, have devoted extensive resources to accommodate the complicated and delicate injuries sustained by Syrians who managed to get to Israel.

The WJR is currently in talks with Israeli partners to extend support to other refugee camps in Jordan.


World Jewish Relief: It?s our duty to act on Syria | The Jewish Chronicle


Broadly speaking, it looks to me like the Jews of the world - and the Israelis - are kicking-in some considerable help for the Syrian People, based on a variety of online reports.

And this particular article dates back to September; I'm guessing that considerably more has been done since that time.

Nobody is nominating anyone for Sainthood, but this is a Good Work, on a fairly large scale, based on what we know so far.

Good on them!
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He thinks he is fooling the readers, Caroline, but I think most of them are smart enough to figure him out.
Bullshit innuendo's, smear campaigns and character assassinations, are the standard mode of responses from Israeli kiss-asses, because they're too big of cowards, to deal with Israeli crimes against humanity.

As far as the OP goes, yes, Israeli's should be proud their government is helping refugees.

You're not fooling anyone but your fellow travelers, Billy. You seem to be a big coward yourself because you can't seem to deal with what Muslims are doing to others in the Middle East, whether it is to Christians and other Muslims. Have you ever posted articles which show what is happening in the various Middle East cluntries? I don't think the readers have seen anything like that from you.
Okay, this is a generous thing to do; I won't argue that fact. But it seems to be a bit biased:

"Israelis Should be Proud of Helping Syrians, Says EU." The entire EU?

"EU official lauds Israel for treating injured Syrians." This headline is more accurate." ( 13, 2013)

So Mr. and Mrs. Lars Faaborg-Andersen toured Ziv Medical Center with Dr. Oscar Ambon, per Yossi Aloni. And THEY (the Faaborg-Andersens) approved of the facility, care, and they feel that a fundraiser is now in order. That is sincerely great. But their opinion doesn't represent the entire EU, any more than John Kerry's opinion represents the opinion of the entire US.

This headline is a bit misleading. I KNOW that Mr. Aloni is not this ignorant. And at the same time, I'd REALLY like to know; why the deception? What's the agenda?


I guess you could E-mail him and ask him yourself about the title of the article. However, I think it is clarified in the body of the article that it was a representative of the EU. Thank goodness I don't question the title of all the articles I read in my newspaper where upon reading the article, a better title could have been used.
Okay, this is a generous thing to do; I won't argue that fact. But it seems to be a bit biased..."
Oh, it's probably biased, alright, but a lot of Press Releases (and news articles drawn-from or masquerading as press-releases) from charitable NPO's are oftentimes a bit overboard, in an attempt to draw-in even more financial support for a Cause, so, I'm not quite ready to write-off the bias as anything particularly nefarious... some of the Press Releases you can find on the websites of the American Red Cross or the United Jewish Appeal or the United Way or the Salvation Army or the United Way or Catholic Charities or Feeding America or Feed the Children or the like are sooooooo far out-there in outer space as to trigger snickering and laughter amongst those who have-a-clue about NPO's and charities. I'll give 'em the benefit-of-a-doubt re: innocent drum-banging, for now.
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Israel shuts door on Syrian refugees
President Shimon Peres, in an interview on CNN today, wanted to make it absolutely clear that not a single Syrian is welcome in the Jewish state.

“What will happen if Syrian refugees try to cross the Israeli border? Will you help them?” CNN asked Peres.

“No,” he replied.

“Will you shoot them?”

“We will prevent them. I mean, you don’t go straight to the rifle. There are other means to prevent them. We should prevent it. Because it will be a double tragedy for them and for us. They will become homeless and we shall become defenseless.”

“If the Syrians start to come over the border, will you stop them by force?”

“First of all, until now none of them asked to come in,” Peres said. “If they will come by force, we shall stop them by force. If they shall come in without force, we shall stop them the way any country defended her border with civilian means.”

When CNN noted that the potential refugees are trying to escape bloodshed in their own country, not invade Israel, Peres said, “If they want to escape, they first of all have to appeal, ask for permission. None of them did it.”

With Israel facing a potential influx of refugees, Peres said although no Syrians have tried to enter the country, Israel would not help any refugees who want to cross the border and would use force against any armed individuals.

“If they will come by force, we shall stop them by force,” Peres said. “If they shall come in without force, we shall stop them the way any country defended her border with civilian means.”
Israel shuts door on Syrian refugees

As to Syrian refugees, Minister of Defence Ya’alon and Prime Minister Netanyahu have followed their previous form, saying “We have no intention of opening refugee camps” (Ya’alon) and “Israel has maintained that it will not allow refugees into the country, but it has treated a small number of wounded Syrian civilians” (Netanyahu). Both leaders take that position of denial, presumably because they see those ordinary civilian neighbors as enemies, as Arab Muslims, against whom they are waging battles on many fronts and in many guises.
Hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. Israel accepts none. Why?

Why should Israel accept any refugees from a Country that despises them? Hypothetically, if War broke out between Egypt and Israel would the other Arab Nations stay out or join their Arab Neighbor (s) as they have done before? Would any Israelis be welcome in their Country ? The answer is " No"
if Israel actually did something wrong, then of course it is accountable for its behavior. However, it appears you want to blame everything on Israel for what is happening in Syria when it is the opposing forces who are busy murdering innocent people.

Go find a Syrian church in your area and ask the parishioners if they are blaming Israel for what is going on in Syria.

Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America Metro Areas (2010) | QuickLists | The Association of Religion Data Archives
Where did I say that?

What post was it where I blamed everything on Israel?

You just keep making these bullshit statements.

Israel actually did do something wrong, when they violated Syrian air space and launched an un-provoked missile attack, so why are you acting like they haven't?

Have you ever posted anything, Billy, about what the two sides of this conflict are doing to the Syrian people? I don't think any of the readers have seen anything from you yet. Why so silent???
Israel shuts door on Syrian refugees
President Shimon Peres, in an interview on CNN today, wanted to make it absolutely clear that not a single Syrian is welcome in the Jewish state.

“What will happen if Syrian refugees try to cross the Israeli border? Will you help them?” CNN asked Peres.

“No,” he replied.

“Will you shoot them?”

“We will prevent them. I mean, you don’t go straight to the rifle. There are other means to prevent them. We should prevent it. Because it will be a double tragedy for them and for us. They will become homeless and we shall become defenseless.”

“If the Syrians start to come over the border, will you stop them by force?”

“First of all, until now none of them asked to come in,” Peres said. “If they will come by force, we shall stop them by force. If they shall come in without force, we shall stop them the way any country defended her border with civilian means.”

When CNN noted that the potential refugees are trying to escape bloodshed in their own country, not invade Israel, Peres said, “If they want to escape, they first of all have to appeal, ask for permission. None of them did it.”

With Israel facing a potential influx of refugees, Peres said although no Syrians have tried to enter the country, Israel would not help any refugees who want to cross the border and would use force against any armed individuals.

“If they will come by force, we shall stop them by force,” Peres said. “If they shall come in without force, we shall stop them the way any country defended her border with civilian means.”
Israel shuts door on Syrian refugees

As to Syrian refugees, Minister of Defence Ya’alon and Prime Minister Netanyahu have followed their previous form, saying “We have no intention of opening refugee camps” (Ya’alon) and “Israel has maintained that it will not allow refugees into the country, but it has treated a small number of wounded Syrian civilians” (Netanyahu). Both leaders take that position of denial, presumably because they see those ordinary civilian neighbors as enemies, as Arab Muslims, against whom they are waging battles on many fronts and in many guises.
Hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. Israel accepts none. Why?

Why should Israel accept any refugees from a Country that despises them? Hypothetically, if War broke out between Egypt and Israel would the other Arab Nations stay out or join their Arab Neighbor (s) as they have done before? Would any Israelis be welcome in their Country ? The answer is " No"

Syrian Rebels: 'Conquer Golan, Refuse Israeli Aid' - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Syrian Rebels Vow to Conquer Golan, Refugees Refuse Israeli Aid

Syrian refugees might be desperate, injured and starving – but they won’t accept Israeli aid, as rebels vow to reconquer the Golan Heights.

AAFont Size
By Chana Ya'ar
First Publish: 3/11/2013, 3:44 PM / Last Update: 3/11/2013, 10:05 PM

IDF patrol in Golan Heights
IDF patrol in Golan Heights


Syrian refugees might be desperate, injured and even starving – but they won’t accept Israeli aid, as rebels vow to reconquer the Golan Heights.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor says Israel has offered to send humanitarian aid into Syria via the International Committee of the Red Cross, as the desperation of civilians fleeing the violence grows. Nevertheless, Palmor told the Turkish Hurriyet daily newspaper, the refugees are still unwilling to accept assistance from Israel, which had coordinated with the Red Cross to send humanitarian aid into the country.

But at the private level, aid organizations are coordinating between Israel and Jordan to provide assistance to the refugees who have crossed the border into the Hashemite Kingdom, Palmor noted. “This shows that the Israeli public wants to help Syrians no matter what politics dictates,” he pointed out. Jordan cannot possibly provide on its own all the assistance the refugees need, its own officials have repeatedly pointed out.

But while Israelis are trying to help those who have been mistreated the most by the Syrian government, and hurt the worst by the savage civil war raging across the border, Syrian rebel fighters are vowing to wage war against Israel once their battle against President Bashar al-Assad is over.

The Israelis would be out of their minds to allow the Syrians who did not respect " International Law" before 1967 into their Country. They are the enemy :evil:
Called the PRO PALESTINIAN MENTALITY ( Even if it's NOT about them) Have you ever noticed ANY Pro Palestinian condemning Muslims for their Savage Acts against each other or Christians ?
Not in a thread about Israel, that would be off-topic now, wouldn't it?
Have you ever posted anything, Billy, about what the two sides of this conflict are doing to the Syrian people?

I don't think any of the readers have seen anything from you yet.
Speak for yourself, don't speak for others.

Why so silent???
Why do you keep making these bullshit assertions? First you ask me if I've ever posted about the "Syrian people", then you act like I already answered that question with a "no".

Well, I did answer that and it shows I wasn't "silent" as you claim.

Now, are you going to answer my questions, or continue to play these bullshit word games?
Where did I say that?

What post was it where I blamed everything on Israel?

You just keep making these bullshit statements.

Israel actually did do something wrong, when they violated Syrian air space and launched an un-provoked missile attack, so why are you acting like they haven't?

Have you ever posted anything, Billy, about what the two sides of this conflict are doing to the Syrian people? I don't think any of the readers have seen anything from you yet. Why so silent???

Called the PRO PALESTINIAN MENTALITY ( Even if it's NOT about them) Have you ever noticed ANY Pro Palestinian condemning Muslims for their Savage Acts against each other or Christians ?


FUCK OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smiliehug:

1. "Them": the Palestinians, or the Pro-Palestinians?
2. A decent person will condemn any act of violence against any Jew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, Wiccan, Jainist, Atheist...AKA-other human beings; regardless of his/her religious beliefs.
Have you ever posted anything, Billy, about what the two sides of this conflict are doing to the Syrian people? I don't think any of the readers have seen anything from you yet. Why so silent???

Called the PRO PALESTINIAN MENTALITY ( Even if it's NOT about them) Have you ever noticed ANY Pro Palestinian condemning Muslims for their Savage Acts against each other or Christians ?


FUCK OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smiliehug:

1. "Them": the Palestinians, or the Pro-Palestinians?
2. A decent person will condemn any act of violence against any Jew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, Wiccan, Jainist, Atheist...AKA-other human beings; regardless of his/her religious beliefs.

I think the poster was just emulating Billy constant use of foul language when he posts. Yes, a decent person will condemn an act of violence against other innocent human beings, but Billy has a problem actually doing that, no matter how many Christians and Muslims are killed in the different countries of the Middle East. He only focuses on what Israel is doing when on a Middle East board, all the different countries in the Middle East should be the focus.
I'm trying to understand why people are so shocked that the European Union Ambassador to Israel said something positive about israel...

...that's what he gets paid to do.
I'm trying to understand why people are so shocked that the European Union Ambassador to Israel said something positive about israel...

...that's what he gets paid to do.

It really kills Alfalfa and others to see something posted that is positive about Israel. Perhaps Alfalfa can prove to us that the EU Ambassador to Israel got paid to say what she did. Are you up to proving it to us, Alfalfa?

Perhaps Alfalfa can say something positive about Israelis helping Africans, even if he has to force himself to do it.

Israelis Saving African Lives - Israel Today | Israel News

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