Israelis vilified for lack of "sympathy" for Hamas savages


Liberal democrat
Jan 8, 2012
Blaming Hamas for Gazans’ Suffering, Many Israelis Feel Little Sympathy (link). I am now a recording of Netanyahu's address to Congress. Netanyahu and Israel have been vilified for defending civilization against barbarism and savagery, see "Palestine" govt. Civilians death is GOOD for us (Gaza health ministry).
An excerpt:
New York Times said:
The southern Israeli city of Netivot, a working-class hub for mystical rabbis about 10 miles from the Gaza border, escaped the worst of the Hamas-led attack of Oct. 7, a fluke many residents ascribe to miraculous intervention by the Jewish sages buried here.
Nevertheless, many here seem to show little concern about the suffering now of the Palestinian civilians — practically neighbors — across the fence in Gaza.
Moral equivalence between Israel and the Gazan attackers is an outrage, pure and simple. What Hamas conducted was a barbarous massacre, much like September 11. The organizers did not die; the inflamed minions they sent did.
A strike lasting several hours vs. months of slaughter of women and children. No moral equivalence here.
Blaming Hamas for Gazans’ Suffering, Many Israelis Feel Little Sympathy (link). I am now a recording of Netanyahu's address to Congress. Netanyahu and Israel have been vilified for defending civilization against barbarism and savagery, see "Palestine" govt. Civilians death is GOOD for us (Gaza health ministry).
An excerpt:

Moral equivalence between Israel and the Gazan attackers is an outrage, pure and simple. What Hamas conducted was a barbarous massacre, much like September 11. The organizers did not die; the inflamed minions they sent did.

Nazinyahu's address to congress proves one thing, the Israelis are stronger than the US. We do their bidding, they play us like a flute. The fact that congress obediently stood and applauded over and over when at home he is hated by almost every sector of society show pretty clearly that the US is weak, afraid to do anything that might upset the Zionist Regime.

The Israelis spy on the US, they are spying on the US public, they censor what appears on the news, they mock us and use us to pursue their own insane nationalist goals.

The Democrats dare not stand up to Israel for fear that the Zionist lobby will then work to impede an election victory and the Republicans likewise, both parties are in the vice like grip of militant Zionism just as we were in 1948.

The Israelis could very well choose our next president, not the American people.
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So a senseless massacre is OK?
Their lopsided interpretation is driven by antisemitism, although they will deny it. And Harris will encourage it by showing them that she stands on the side of HAMAS supporters and will give a bid middle finger to Netanyahu whenever she has the opportunity.

Nazinyahu's doing a great job of stamping out Hamas and those who hate Israel. If he and the dingbats who support him actually believe that hell is not going to be unleashed upon the people of Israel for these crimes he's even stupider than he looks.

That fake Christians actively and eagerly support these crimes against an entire people, is perhaps the most sickening thing of all.

For the first time I think I can perhaps begin to understand the words of Paul, preserved in Thessalonians 2:5

Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

Lawlessness is the absence of the Law, the Zionists have abandoned, disrespected their Law and now rely on base human carnal drive. They are lawless in the true theological sense of the term, they are now revealed to those who can see, that spirit of Lawlessness is now set lose and rampaging all over Palestine even infecting the United States government, only a powerful delusion could cause the United States to debase itself and bow to the Zionist state's demands for obedience and compliance.

The delusion is evident in that there are many who cannot see the lawless nature of Zionist Israel, the delusion is so strong that they believe lies, lies that are so obvious to those who can see. Only those spiritually blinded, under a powerful delusion cannot see the truth.

They refuse to believe the truth, they actively suppress and trample upon it with no shame. That is the delusion, the lawless rampaging state of Israel has been sent to deceive the wicked.
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Blaming Hamas for Gazans’ Suffering, Many Israelis Feel Little Sympathy (link). I am now a recording of Netanyahu's address to Congress. Netanyahu and Israel have been vilified for defending civilization against barbarism and savagery, see "Palestine" govt. Civilians death is GOOD for us (Gaza health ministry).
An excerpt:

Moral equivalence between Israel and the Gazan attackers is an outrage, pure and simple. What Hamas conducted was a barbarous massacre, much like September 11. The organizers did not die; the inflamed minions they sent did.
The savages are the Israelis, not the Palestinians, who are resisting a brutal, murderous, racist occupation of their lands.

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