Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

Yet another msm talking point. It’s meaningless, but your too dumb to understand.

You just love dead Palestinians.


And your solution is killing lots of children in the hopes of getting a few Hamas terrorists. WTF is wrong with you?

I don’t think your hero Adam Smith would approve.
It’s all in your hero’s Hamas hands. They are the reason Palestinians are dying. But you love that

An occupier does not have the right to use arms in “self-defence”.

There are four reasons why Israel cannot cite a legal right to self-defence in response to Palestinian violence.

and foremost is that the ability of a very strong military power to achieve anything defensive by the attrition of a much weaker military power is spurious and leads into the genocidal logic of attempting to deprive a people of all capacity for violence.
What? How has any war ever been won but by a stronger military power causing attrition in a weaker military power?
The second reason is that Israel is actively contravening UN Security Council resolutions and the UN Charter is very clear on the fact that the right to self-defence exists “until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.” A state that works to thwart UNSC measures to maintain peace and security cannot logically be extended the unimpaired right to self defence.
The Security Council has maintained international peace and security? There are thousands of dead Israelis who would argue they have not. If they weren't dead, I mean.
On the third count Israel is an occupying power and the occupied have a legal right to armed resistance. It would be nonsensical to accord a legal right to use arms to defend against another’s legal resistance.
So the Germans, the Japanese, the Iraqis all have a legal right to enter the U.S. and to kill, kidnap, rape, torture, and hold hostage American civilians? Then we would have no right to defend ourselves against that?
Fourthly, it would be equally paradoxical to allow each party to act in self-defence against each other’s acts of self defence. Thus one of the parties must be the aggressor. On several counts, not least its defiance of UNSC resolutions, Israel must be considered the aggressor.
Israel’s only legitimate way of defending itself begins with ending its occupation. Israelis have a right to life and they deserve peace and security as we all do, but they have no right to kill Palestinians and claim that they are pursuing those things.

Let's make no mistake, Israel is the aggressor! And it is committing genocide. According to Arnon Soffer...

“When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today … The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day..."

These words are shockingly Himmleresque in labelling a people animals; in stating that mass killing is neither choice nor desire, but necessity...

All the Israeli supporters at this website echo this theme that it is "necessary" to inflict all this damage on the Palestinian's. This is Germany in the 30's all over again!
The Israelis have tried for decades to live peacefully with the Arabs in Gaza, and the Arabs have refused to give up their violent fantasy of wiping out the Jewish state. If you believe that
Israelis have a right to life and they deserve peace and security
then you are in opposition to the Arabs in Gaza who want Israel wiped off the map, by any means necessary.
What? How has any war ever been won but by a stronger military power causing attrition in a weaker military power?

The Security Council has maintained international peace and security? There are thousands of dead Israelis who would argue they have not. If they weren't dead, I mean.

So the Germans, the Japanese, the Iraqis all have a legal right to enter the U.S. and to kill, kidnap, rape, torture, and hold hostage American civilians? Then we would have no right to defend ourselves against that?

The Israelis have tried for decades to live peacefully with the Arabs in Gaza, and the Arabs have refused to give up their violent fantasy of wiping out the Jewish state. If you believe that

then you are in opposition to the Arabs in Gaza who want Israel wiped off the map, by any means necessary.

That's a fantasy. Read Moishe Dayan. Israel is hellbent to have all the land and expel the Palestinians. That's there strategy since 1950.
What? How has any war ever been won but by a stronger military power causing attrition in a weaker military power?

The Security Council has maintained international peace and security? There are thousands of dead Israelis who would argue they have not. If they weren't dead, I mean.

So the Germans, the Japanese, the Iraqis all have a legal right to enter the U.S. and to kill, kidnap, rape, torture, and hold hostage American civilians? Then we would have no right to defend ourselves against that?

The Israelis have tried for decades to live peacefully with the Arabs in Gaza, and the Arabs have refused to give up their violent fantasy of wiping out the Jewish state. If you believe that

then you are in opposition to the Arabs in Gaza who want Israel wiped off the map, by any means necessary.

Just Hamas. That's why Netanyahu supports Hamas. Gaza is like the Warsaw ghetto. Hitler said they were all terrorists.
What? How has any war ever been won but by a stronger military power causing attrition in a weaker military power?

The Security Council has maintained international peace and security? There are thousands of dead Israelis who would argue they have not. If they weren't dead, I mean.

So the Germans, the Japanese, the Iraqis all have a legal right to enter the U.S. and to kill, kidnap, rape, torture, and hold hostage American civilians? Then we would have no right to defend ourselves against that?

The Israelis have tried for decades to live peacefully with the Arabs in Gaza, and the Arabs have refused to give up their violent fantasy of wiping out the Jewish state. If you believe that

then you are in opposition to the Arabs in Gaza who want Israel wiped off the map, by any means necessary.
Spare me you horseshit! Israel has been deliberately making the Palestinians life a living hell for the past 70 years.

I dare you to comment on the following....

"...the settlers must under no circumstances arouse the wrath of the natives … ‘Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination …’
Ahad Ha'am

You fuckers migrated to the area ass assholes! You want more? Okay, here's more...

" February 1914 … ‘[the Zionists] wax angry towards those who remind them that there is still another people in Eretz Yisrael that has been living there and does not intend at all to leave its place."
Ahad Ha'am

Do any of you mother-fuckers have the balls to comment on that?

You murdered 13,000 people. Destroyed over 500 villages. And drove out over 750,000 Palestinians, since 1948. As human beings, you suck!

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