Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

UN resolution 242 told you to get the fuck out of the OPT. That is the position of the entire world since 1967. You are also shitting on the memory of Holocaust victims, because the UN Charter and IHL were specifically created to prevent another one. So when you thumb your nose at the UN Charter and UNSC resolution 242, you are making all the lives lost in the Holocaust to have died in vain.

You are no better than a fucking Nazi in the 1930's! Absolutely no different.
Vetoed. UN are useless biotches.
I'm not denying that. I'm saying that was not a direct attack on Israel. Israel did not own the Straits.
Neither did Egypt. You MORON The way you “ claim” there’s a blockade against Gaza Nasser INTENTIONALLY sent the UN “ peacekeepers “ away to attempt to stranglehold Israel Get it; Stupid??
UN resolution 242 told you to get the fuck out of the OPT. That is the position of the entire world since 1967. You are also shitting on the memory of Holocaust victims, because the UN Charter and IHL were specifically created to prevent another one. So when you thumb your nose at the UN Charter and UNSC resolution 242, you are making all the lives lost in the Holocaust to have died in vain.

You are no better than a fucking Nazi in the 1930's! Absolutely no different.

UN resolution 242 told you to get the fuck out of the OPT.

Whose was in the OPT before Israel?
It doesn't matter who's land it is, the only thing that matters, is it is not Israel's.

It doesn't matter who's land it is,

Stop it, you're killing me!!!!!

the only thing that matters, is it is not Israel's

Tell me who Israel grabbed it from?

Germany occupied France, French land. Governed by the French.
Germany occupied Poland, Polish land. Governed by the Polish.
The USSR occupied Germany, German land. Governed by the Germans.
The USSR occupied Poland, Polish land. Governed by the Polish.

Israel occupied _______, _______ land. Governed by the ________.

Go ahead, fill in the blanks.
UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, says that

Israel cannot claim the right of ‘self-defence’ under international law because Gaza is a territory which it occupies.

View attachment 859310

This is INSANE. And further proof that the UN creates new rules, and bends old ones, to hold Israel to different standards than the rest of the world.

An "occupation" - by definition - is when a foreign army of one State controls and administers the territory of another State: "...where authority has been established and can be exercised". This means - by definition - that there is another State in play here. But here it is claimed that there is no other entity - that Gaza is not a State. It is just an armed group. You can't "occupy" the territory of an "armed group". Armed groups do not have sovereignty over territory. This is just word salad to prevent Israel from acting.

If Israel defends itself -- illegal
If Israel withdraws its forces and "unoccupies" -- illegal (and impossible)
If Israel asserts sovereignty -- illegal

The UN has built a system where any possible action by Israel is "illegal".
I have on many occasions posted the thread which details it The fact that you’re too stupid to understand it is not my fault
I’m going to help you here; He claims he rejected it because he “ wasn’t allowed to study the map”. You’re so STUPID you would actually believe it. 🇮🇱
It doesn't matter who's land it is, the only thing that matters, is it is not Israel's.
Of course it matters! Don't be ridiculous. Who does Israel and Egypt have borders with? Who does Israel and others make trade agreements with? Who does Israel make a peace treaty with?
Are you saying Gazans do not have the right to defend themselves? Well, you need weapons for that.

BTW, the rockets didn't start until 2001. That is a full 34 years after the occupation began.
The occupation of Gaza began in 1948. Egypt had absolutely no claim to sovereignty in Gaza, crossed its international boundary, and occupied territory belonging to another State. (You can't take territory by conquest). In order to make sense of your bizarre idea that Israel "occupies" Gaza, you have to lay claim to WHOSE territory it "occupied". Whose was it in 1966?
The occupation of Gaza began in 1948. Egypt had absolutely no claim to sovereignty in Gaza, crossed its international boundary, and occupied territory belonging to another State. (You can't take territory by conquest). In order to make sense of your bizarre idea that Israel "occupies" Gaza, you have to lay claim to WHOSE territory it "occupied". Whose was it in 1966?
Jordan OFFICIALLY annexed the W Bank and E Jerusalem The MORON can’t comprehend it . Egypt didn’t officially do that but it was “ understood “ it was part of Egypt
Jordan OFFICIALLY annexed the W Bank and E Jerusalem The MORON can’t comprehend it . Egypt didn’t officially do that but it was “ understood “ it was part of Egypt
He comprehends it just fine. He just can't admit it because it fails his own "can't take territory by conquest" test. And it fails the "peace treaty" test since we all know where the actual borders between Jordan/Egypt and Israel are. And it fails the "Palestinian self-determination" test, which we haven't even started talking about.

The "1967 borders" argument is absolutely untenable from any sort of valid legal perspective. And yet it has become a useful forgery to continue to demonize Israel.

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