Israel’s first project with Trump


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Israel’s first project with Trump
An Iranian proxy war is brewing.
December 9, 2016
Caroline Glick


Originally published by the Jerusalem Post.

Israeli officials are thrilled with the national security team that US President-elect Donald Trump is assembling. And they are right to be.

The question now is how Israel should respond to the opportunity it presents us with.

The one issue that brings together all of the top officials Trump has named so far to his national security team is Iran.

Gen. (ret.) John Kelly, whom Trump appointed Wednesday to serve as his secretary of homeland security, warned about Iran’s infiltration of the US from Mexico and about Iran’s growing presence in Central and South America when he served as commander of the US’s Southern Command.

Gen. (ret.) James Mattis, Trump’s pick to serve as defense secretary, and Lt.-Gen. (ret.) Michael Flynn, whom he has tapped to serve as his national security adviser, were both fired by outgoing President Barack Obama for their opposition to his nuclear diplomacy with Iran.

During his video address before the Saban Forum last weekend, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that he looks forward to discussing Obama’s nuclear Iran nuclear deal with Trump after his inauguration next month. Given that Netanyahu views the Iranian regime’s nuclear program – which the nuclear deal guaranteed would be operational in 14 years at most – as the most serious strategic threat facing Israel, it makes sense that he wishes to discuss the issue first.

But Netanyahu may be better advised to first address the conventional threat Iran poses to Israel, the US and the rest of the region in the aftermath of the nuclear deal.

There are two reasons to start with Iran’s conventional threat, rather than its nuclear program.

First, Trump’s generals are reportedly more concerned about the strategic threat posed by Iran’s regional rise than by its nuclear program – at least in the immediate term.

Israel has a critical interest in aligning its priorities with those of the incoming Trump administration.


The reason a war hasn’t begun has nothing to do with the credibility of Israel’s threats. It has to do with Iran’s assessment of its interests. So long as the fighting goes on in Syria, it is hard to see Iran ordering Hezbollah to attack Israel. But as soon as it feels comfortable committing Hezbollah forces to a war with Israel, Iran will order it to open fire.

This then brings us back to the incoming Trump administration, and its assessment of the Iranian threat.

Trump’s national security appointments tell us that the 45th president intends to deal with the threat that Iran poses to the US and its interests.

Israel must take advantage of this strategic opening to deal with the most dangerous conventional threat we face.

In our leaders’ conversations with Trump’s team they must make clear that the Iranian conventional threat stretches from Afghanistan to Israel and on to Latin America and Michigan. Whereas Israel will not fight Iran in Iraq and Afghanistan, or in the Americas, it doesn’t expect the US to fight Iran in Lebanon. But at the same time, as both allies begin to roll back the Iranian threat, they should be operating from a joint strategic vision that secures the world from Iran’s conventional threat.

And once that it accomplished, the US and Israel can work together to deal with Iran’s nuclear program.

Israel’s first project with Trump
Jews Choose Trump Plans Pro-Trump Rally in D.C.
December 9, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Various anti-Jewish hate groups, including If Not Now, have tried to camouflage their protests against the Jewish State and Trump as somehow being "Jewish". Now actual Jewish activists are organizing a rally to expose them and to take back the narrative. (via Dan Friedman)

Join Us on Dec. 14, 4-6pm for An Early Hanukkah Party outside the Trump International Hotel at 1100 Pennsylvania Ave

The anti-Semitic and anti-Israel group IF Not Now will be demonstrating against a joint Hanukkah party co-sponsored by the Embassy of Azerbaijan and the conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations to be held at the Trump International Hotel in DC.. Several left wing Jewish organizations who are members of the Conference of Presidents, like HIAS, Americans for Peace Now, and the Workmen’s Circle as well as leaders of the Reform movement, are boycotting the party because it is being held in a Trump owned property and because they are opposed to Trump as president.

We want Trump supporters to be there to let the world know that there are Jews who are offended by boycotts against the president elect’s businesses and that there are Jews who are extremely happy that Trump has been elected. We love the symbolism of a Muslim country who has good and open relations with Israel asking the Conference of Presidents to co-sponsor a Hanukkah party in our nation’s capital.


Jews Choose Trump Plans Pro-Trump Rally in D.C.
There's nothing funnier to me than watching right wingers try to claim Jews as their own.

70% of American Jews voted for Clinton. Less than a quarter voted for Trump.
The idiots like American_Jihad are confused, dimwitted right-wingers getting left behind by the Alt-Right and Trump. White Nationalists do not discriminate between Jews and Muslims.
There's nothing funnier to me than watching right wingers try to claim Jews as their own.

70% of American Jews voted for Clinton. Less than a quarter voted for Trump.

69% of american jews voting in Israel voted for Trump according to Israeli news

Here in the US, none of the jews that I converse with voted Clinton. Across the country as a whole. Orthodox jews voted 56% for Trump

only 54 percent of American Jews willing to identify as Democrat.

did you get your numbers from Sept off a "main stream" news source?

Hasidic Leaders Who Backed Clinton Now Claim They Were With Trump All Along

Jews do not vote as a mass democratic nor did they vote in bulk for Clinton.

Dems, no one, should say, "Oh we have this group or that in our pockets no matter what" That is divisive/racist thinking, not american unity. Nor did evangelicals all vote for Trump, a lot did. People should and this time did vote on issues that matter, like economy and security, not by race and identity.

This was not about small issues but the country as a whole. This was not about saving the whales or stopping a pipeline. This was about what can america afford right now and making sure american is strong enough to afford to support these smaller issues. This election was about thinking on a "national" level and about all americans.

No groups should assume, including unions, that all members should and do vote as one. People vote as independents moved by a particular candidate. They can vote any way they want without a stick in their back steering them like sheep this way or that.
There's nothing funnier to me than watching right wingers try to claim Jews as their own.

70% of American Jews voted for Clinton. Less than a quarter voted for Trump.

69% of american jews voting in Israel voted for Trump according to Israeli news

Here in the US, none of the jews that I converse with voted Clinton. Across the country as a whole. Orthodox jews voted 56% for Trump

only 54 percent of American Jews willing to identify as Democrat.

did you get your numbers from Sept off a "main stream" news source?

Hasidic Leaders Who Backed Clinton Now Claim They Were With Trump All Along

Jews do not vote as a mass democratic nor did they vote in bulk for Clinton.

Dems, no one, should say, "Oh we have this group or that in our pockets no matter what" That is divisive/racist thinking, not american unity. Nor did evangelicals all vote for Trump, a lot did. People should and this time did vote on issues that matter, like economy and security, not by race and identity.

This was not about small issues but the country as a whole. This was not about saving the whales or stopping a pipeline. This was about what can america afford right now and making sure american is strong enough to afford to support these smaller issues. This election was about thinking on a "national" level and about all americans.

No groups should assume, including unions, that all members should and do vote as one. People vote as independents moved by a particular candidate. They can vote any way they want without a stick in their back steering them like sheep this way or that.


Did you just make up those numbers? Cause they have no basis in reality.

Clinton won overwhelming majority of Jewish-American vote, polls say
There's nothing funnier to me than watching right wingers try to claim Jews as their own.

70% of American Jews voted for Clinton. Less than a quarter voted for Trump.

69% of american jews voting in Israel voted for Trump according to Israeli news

Here in the US, none of the jews that I converse with voted Clinton. Across the country as a whole. Orthodox jews voted 56% for Trump

only 54 percent of American Jews willing to identify as Democrat.

did you get your numbers from Sept off a "main stream" news source?

Hasidic Leaders Who Backed Clinton Now Claim They Were With Trump All Along

Jews do not vote as a mass democratic nor did they vote in bulk for Clinton.

Dems, no one, should say, "Oh we have this group or that in our pockets no matter what" That is divisive/racist thinking, not american unity. Nor did evangelicals all vote for Trump, a lot did. People should and this time did vote on issues that matter, like economy and security, not by race and identity.

This was not about small issues but the country as a whole. This was not about saving the whales or stopping a pipeline. This was about what can america afford right now and making sure american is strong enough to afford to support these smaller issues. This election was about thinking on a "national" level and about all americans.

No groups should assume, including unions, that all members should and do vote as one. People vote as independents moved by a particular candidate. They can vote any way they want without a stick in their back steering them like sheep this way or that.


Did you just make up those numbers? Cause they have no basis in reality.

Clinton won overwhelming majority of Jewish-American vote, polls say

newsweek, salon, jewish news, prri, ajc, haaretz, american thinker, breaking israel news, forward..................
Notice how she doesn't provide any links. She is a clown. In fact, the article that presented the Pew results was from Forward.
There's nothing funnier to me than watching right wingers try to claim Jews as their own.

70% of American Jews voted for Clinton. Less than a quarter voted for Trump.

69% of american jews voting in Israel voted for Trump according to Israeli news

Here in the US, none of the jews that I converse with voted Clinton. Across the country as a whole. Orthodox jews voted 56% for Trump

only 54 percent of American Jews willing to identify as Democrat.

did you get your numbers from Sept off a "main stream" news source?

Hasidic Leaders Who Backed Clinton Now Claim They Were With Trump All Along

Jews do not vote as a mass democratic nor did they vote in bulk for Clinton.

Dems, no one, should say, "Oh we have this group or that in our pockets no matter what" That is divisive/racist thinking, not american unity. Nor did evangelicals all vote for Trump, a lot did. People should and this time did vote on issues that matter, like economy and security, not by race and identity.

This was not about small issues but the country as a whole. This was not about saving the whales or stopping a pipeline. This was about what can america afford right now and making sure american is strong enough to afford to support these smaller issues. This election was about thinking on a "national" level and about all americans.

No groups should assume, including unions, that all members should and do vote as one. People vote as independents moved by a particular candidate. They can vote any way they want without a stick in their back steering them like sheep this way or that.


Did you just make up those numbers? Cause they have no basis in reality.

Clinton won overwhelming majority of Jewish-American vote, polls say

newsweek, salon, jewish news, prri, ajc, haaretz, american thinker, breaking israel news, forward..................

I linked to Haaretz. It doesn't seem to agree with your bullshit numbers.

Wanna try again?
Trump's support of the Jewish state is clear
According to a CBS interview with Benjamin Netanyahu and reported in HAARETZ, President-elect Donald Trump "feels very warmly" about Israel ... There’s no question about that.
Netanyahu: Trump 'feels very warmly' about Israel and Jews
It looks like Netanyahu believes he has the green light to do as he wishes and continue to get political cover from another U.S. president.
There's nothing funnier to me than watching right wingers try to claim Jews as their own.

70% of American Jews voted for Clinton. Less than a quarter voted for Trump.

The idiots like American_Jihad are confused, dimwitted right-wingers getting left behind by the Alt-Right and Trump. White Nationalists do not discriminate between Jews and Muslims.

you don't sound like montelatticci lately....

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