Israel's influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dead at 93

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Here we read about the effects racist rabbis like the bigot rabbi discussed in the OP have on Israeli society.

Israel?s Racist Rabbis » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Mr Shapira, who advocates killing non-Jewish babies, receives large sums from the education ministry for his yeshiva — a seminary where he spreads his message of hate. Religious students also receive extra subsidies unavailable to normal students to encourage their attendance at such yeshivas.
The rabbis exert their influence on the youngest and most impressionable too.

When the new school year started in September, 52 per cent of Jewish children in first grade attended a strictly religious school.Pupils in some of the most religious schools, Mr Rachlevsky pointed out, are taught that Jews sit above nature, which comprises four categories: "inanimate", "vegetable", "animal" and "speakers" — or non-Jews, who are considered no more than talking animals.
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Here are Yosefs contributions to discrimination in housing.

Its sentiments have also been echoed by Ovadia Yosef, a former chief rabbi of Israel and the spiritual leader of Shas, an important political and religious party in Mr Netanyahu’s government. "Selling to [non-Jews], even for a lot of money, is not allowed. We won’t let them take control of us here," Mr Yosef said recently.Two months ago, Mr Yosef explained the logic behind his views and those of like-minded rabbis."Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us." Explaining why God allowed non-Jews long lives, he added: "Imagine that your donkey would die, you’d lose your income. [The donkey] is your servant. … That’s why he [the gentile] gets a long life, to work well for the Jew."Mr Yosef’s remarks against "gentiles" were greeted with respectful silence by Israeli officials and most of the media. It was left to the United States government and the New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to issue rebukes. Abraham Foxman, the ADL’s head, accused the rabbi of advancing "hateful and divisive ideas".The rabbis’ use of theology to support racial discrimination is being applied to more than just housing.Israel’s Racist Rabbis

Israel?s Racist Rabbis » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Here are Yosefs contributions to discrimination in housing.

Its sentiments have also been echoed by Ovadia Yosef, a former chief rabbi of Israel and the spiritual leader of Shas, an important political and religious party in Mr Netanyahu’s government. "Selling to [non-Jews], even for a lot of money, is not allowed. We won’t let them take control of us here," Mr Yosef said recently.Two months ago, Mr Yosef explained the logic behind his views and those of like-minded rabbis."Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us." Explaining why God allowed non-Jews long lives, he added: "Imagine that your donkey would die, you’d lose your income. [The donkey] is your servant. … That’s why he [the gentile] gets a long life, to work well for the Jew."Mr Yosef’s remarks against "gentiles" were greeted with respectful silence by Israeli officials and most of the media. It was left to the United States government and the New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to issue rebukes. Abraham Foxman, the ADL’s head, accused the rabbi of advancing "hateful and divisive ideas".The rabbis’ use of theology to support racial discrimination is being applied to more than just housing.Israel’s Racist Rabbis

Israel?s Racist Rabbis » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Counterpunch = toilet flush.

Jonathan Cook = Jew hating pigshit.
Here are Yosefs contributions to discrimination in housing.

Its sentiments have also been echoed by Ovadia Yosef, a former chief rabbi of Israel and the spiritual leader of Shas, an important political and religious party in Mr Netanyahu’s government. "Selling to [non-Jews], even for a lot of money, is not allowed. We won’t let them take control of us here," Mr Yosef said recently.Two months ago, Mr Yosef explained the logic behind his views and those of like-minded rabbis."Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us." Explaining why God allowed non-Jews long lives, he added: "Imagine that your donkey would die, you’d lose your income. [The donkey] is your servant. … That’s why he [the gentile] gets a long life, to work well for the Jew."Mr Yosef’s remarks against "gentiles" were greeted with respectful silence by Israeli officials and most of the media. It was left to the United States government and the New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to issue rebukes. Abraham Foxman, the ADL’s head, accused the rabbi of advancing "hateful and divisive ideas".The rabbis’ use of theology to support racial discrimination is being applied to more than just housing.Israel’s Racist Rabbis

Israel?s Racist Rabbis » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names


Got some Goebbels, too?

David Duke, Jonathan Cook, those sources make you sound like a crazy woman
Human rights activists like Jonathan Cook speaking truth in places of conflict are a Testimony of the good men are capable of.

Bringing Truth into the light, no act of man is greater than that.

What Jonathan Cook did in that article, speaking from the land called Palestine since the days of Herodotus, is identify racism rabbi yosef promoted in the area of housing.

Any comments about the racist practices in housing Yosef promoted?
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Human rights activists like Jonathan Cook speaking truth in places of conflict are a Testimony of the good men are capable of.

Bringing Truth into the light, no act of man is greater than that.

What Jonathan Cook did in that article, speaking from the land called Palestine since the days of Herodotus, is identify racism rabbi yosef promoted in the area of housing.

Any comments about the racist practices in housing Yosef promoted?
Ah SHADAP. Jonathan Cook is an KOOK well known for being an anti semite who writes articles for garbage Islamist and neo Nazi sites. And that seems to be all you ever have.

Try again.
Here are Yosefs contributions to discrimination in housing.

Its sentiments have also been echoed by Ovadia Yosef, a former chief rabbi of Israel and the spiritual leader of Shas, an important political and religious party in Mr Netanyahu’s government. "Selling to [non-Jews], even for a lot of money, is not allowed. We won’t let them take control of us here," Mr Yosef said recently.Two months ago, Mr Yosef explained the logic behind his views and those of like-minded rabbis."Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us." Explaining why God allowed non-Jews long lives, he added: "Imagine that your donkey would die, you’d lose your income. [The donkey] is your servant. … That’s why he [the gentile] gets a long life, to work well for the Jew."Mr Yosef’s remarks against "gentiles" were greeted with respectful silence by Israeli officials and most of the media. It was left to the United States government and the New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to issue rebukes. Abraham Foxman, the ADL’s head, accused the rabbi of advancing "hateful and divisive ideas".The rabbis’ use of theology to support racial discrimination is being applied to more than just housing.Israel’s Racist Rabbis

Israel?s Racist Rabbis » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names


Got some Goebbels, too?

David Duke, Jonathan Cook, those sources make you sound like a crazy woman
LOL she should run an ad campaign like the one for milk and call it "got Goebbles?" call Sherri Dumberlyn.
Got Jonathan Cook Goebbles?

Its sick how the Neo-Zionists here feel that they must attack those forum members who refuse to bow down before this false idol, Obadia Josef.

Just because many of us think he is a racist pig, doesn't give you guys the right to attack us.
Its sick how the Neo-Zionists here feel that they must attack those forum members who refuse to bow down before this false idol, Obadia Josef.

Just because many of us think he is a racist pig, doesn't give you guys the right to attack us.
Nah, this thread is about how much you hate Jews, and your happiness and lies about a dead 93 year old Jew.
It shouldn't be a shock to anyone that such a hateful POS is mourned by almost one million Israelis.

imagine the reaction when Sharon dies?
It shouldn't be a shock to anyone that such a hateful POS is mourned by almost one million Israelis.

imagine the reaction when Sharon dies?
You already repeated that BS twice before, say something different.
I've been waiting for this piece of shit to die for years.

The Jews should be celebrating his death, not mourning it.
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Here are Yosefs contributions to discrimination in housing.

Its sentiments have also been echoed by Ovadia Yosef, a former chief rabbi of Israel and the spiritual leader of Shas, an important political and religious party in Mr Netanyahu’s government. "Selling to [non-Jews], even for a lot of money, is not allowed. We won’t let them take control of us here," Mr Yosef said recently.Two months ago, Mr Yosef explained the logic behind his views and those of like-minded rabbis."Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us." Explaining why God allowed non-Jews long lives, he added: "Imagine that your donkey would die, you’d lose your income. [The donkey] is your servant. … That’s why he [the gentile] gets a long life, to work well for the Jew."Mr Yosef’s remarks against "gentiles" were greeted with respectful silence by Israeli officials and most of the media. It was left to the United States government and the New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to issue rebukes. Abraham Foxman, the ADL’s head, accused the rabbi of advancing "hateful and divisive ideas".The rabbis’ use of theology to support racial discrimination is being applied to more than just housing.Israel’s Racist Rabbis

Israel?s Racist Rabbis » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

While Frau Sherri's friends are murdering people right and left, she is still obsessed with this one Rabbi (of course she is not obsessed with the Muslim clergy who call from their pulpits to murder the Infidels). Couldn't you find something better to post than something from Jonathon Cook, who is married to a Palestinian and lives in Nazareth. By the way, Frau Sherri, why not request Cook to do a series on each of the Muslim countries on how the non Muslims are treated there. After all, he is supposed to be a "great journalist" who even the Electronic Intifada features. As an aside, I wonder if all the Jew haters think that by obsessing over this one Rabbi will keep him from resting in peace. They should only hope they live as long a life as he did. And no doubt the Rabbi got out of his home and out and about much more than Frau Sherri who seems chained to her computer. What a life she leads!!!
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