Israel's influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dead at 93

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While Frau Sherri's friends are murdering people right and left, she is still obsessed with this one Rabbi (of course she is not obsessed with the Muslim clergy who call from their pulpits to murder the Infidels). Couldn't you find something better to post than something from Jonathon Cook, who is married to a Palestinian and lives in Nazareth. By the way, Frau Sherri, why not request Cook to do a series on each of the Muslim countries on how the non Muslims are treated there. After all, he is supposed to be a "great journalist" who even the Electronic Intifada features. As an aside, I wonder if all the Jew haters think that by obsessing over this one Rabbi will keep him from resting in peace. They should only hope they live as long a life as he did. And no doubt the Rabbi got out of his home and out and about much more than Frau Sherri who seems chained to her computer. What a life she leads!!!

funny, as you seem to be obsessed with Sherri.


and Im still glad the evil rabbi is dead.
ding dong, the bastard is gone. Adios Obadia Josef Stalin.
Amazing!!! Perhaps there are many people in your life, Miss Hoffstra, who think the same about you. The crazies are obsessing over some 93-year old man, and yet you have never seen them post anything about the Muslim clerics yelling "Death to the Infidels" from their pulpits. The Egyptian Army has the right idea arresting some of these clergymen since they are the ones who incite other Muslims. I am sure the Christian Copts are relieved somewhat because it was the Clergymen who were inciting their members to "get the Copts." As an aside, I doubt that Miss Hoffstra, when she passes away will have 1/1000th the amount of people at her funeral, and those attending will wonder why she always was so juvenile. As an aside, I wonder if Miss Hoffstra would have gotten so worked up at the death of the Ayatollah Khomeni as she is with this one Rabbi.
Amazing!!! Perhaps there are many people in your life, Miss Hoffstra, who think the same about you.....

surely many more who feel that way about you, Horseflea.

now, why do you think I should mourn this evil Rabbi?
Human rights activists like Jonathan Cook speaking truth in places of conflict are a Testimony of the good men are capable of.

Bringing Truth into the light, no act of man is greater than that.

What Jonathan Cook did in that article, speaking from the land called Palestine since the days of Herodotus, is identify racism rabbi yosef promoted in the area of housing.

Any comments about the racist practices in housing Yosef promoted?

Ovadia Yosef did not promote "racism" in housing-----he promoted RETENTION of that which is jewish HOLY LAND in the hands of jews. He did not suggest that jews living
in Denmark---NOT SELL their houses and land which they own in DENMARK to muslims
or christians or hindus. He preferred that jewish children attand jewish schools run by jews. Anyone who sees
Ovadia Yosef as "racist" would have to admit that lands adherent to shariah law in any
way are GROSLLY NAZI and most muslims no matter where they live are GROSSLY RACIST. It is important to remember that Ovadia Josef was born in Iraq---a land
which comitted genocide against the INDIGENOUS JEWS----Jews virtually owned
the area of the world that became Baghdad with the INVASION of rapists murderers
from arabia---for more than 1000 years BEFORE the arbian dogs got there and
continued on as a people SUBJECTED TO PROGRESSIVE GENOCIDE----over the next
thousand years BAGHDAD was once glorious because it was a JEWISH CITY--perhaps
some day the that city will be RESTORED TO THE JEWS and as Mecca is OFF LIMITS TO

Jonathan Cook is a PROFESSIONAL PROPAGANDAIST------it is his "bread and butter" ----his only
source of income. Only an idiot would quote a PROFESSIONAL PROPAGANDAIST ---
one might was well quote Josef Goebbels
Ovadia Yosef did not promote "racism" in housing-----he promoted RETENTION of that which is jewish HOLY LAND in the hands of jews....

yeah, just like how there is a death penalty for Palestinians who sell land to Jews.

birds of a racist feather flock together, huh?
Human rights activists like Jonathan Cook speaking truth in places of conflict are a Testimony of the good men are capable of.

Bringing Truth into the light, no act of man is greater than that.

What Jonathan Cook did in that article, speaking from the land called Palestine since the days of Herodotus, is identify racism rabbi yosef promoted in the area of housing.

Any comments about the racist practices in housing Yosef promoted?

Jonathan was one of three winners of the 2011 Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism, awarded at a ceremony in London in June 2011. The other two were Umar Cheema, of Pakistan’s News International newspaper, and Charles Clover, of the Financial Times. The picture shows Jonathan (left) and Charles receiving the award from John Pilger, chair of the judging panel.At the same event, Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, won the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.The judge’s citation reads: “Jonathan Cook’s work on Palestine and Israel, especially his de-coding of official propaganda and his outstanding analysis of events often obfuscated in the mainstream, has made him one of the reliable truth-tellers in the Middle East.”- See more at: Martha Gellhorn Award | Jonathan Cook: the View from Nazareth
Human rights activists like Jonathan Cook speaking truth in places of conflict are a Testimony of the good men are capable of.

Bringing Truth into the light, no act of man is greater than that.

What Jonathan Cook did in that article, speaking from the land called Palestine since the days of Herodotus, is identify racism rabbi yosef promoted in the area of housing.

Any comments about the racist practices in housing Yosef promoted?

Jonathan was one of three winners of the 2011 Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism, awarded at a ceremony in London in June 2011. The other two were Umar Cheema, of Pakistan’s News International newspaper, and Charles Clover, of the Financial Times. The picture shows Jonathan (left) and Charles receiving the award from John Pilger, chair of the judging panel.At the same event, Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, won the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.The judge’s citation reads: “Jonathan Cook’s work on Palestine and Israel, especially his de-coding of official propaganda and his outstanding analysis of events often obfuscated in the mainstream, has made him one of the reliable truth-tellers in the Middle East.”- See more at: Martha Gellhorn Award | Jonathan Cook: the View from Nazareth
Charlie Manson was voted Model Inmate Of The Century by Stormfront. Big effing deal about J. Cook.
Perhaps now I finally have a reason to visit The Holy Land.

To piss and spit on this racist monster's grave.
Human rights activists like Jonathan Cook speaking truth in places of conflict are a Testimony of the good men are capable of.

Bringing Truth into the light, no act of man is greater than that.

What Jonathan Cook did in that article, speaking from the land called Palestine since the days of Herodotus, is identify racism rabbi yosef promoted in the area of housing.

Any comments about the racist practices in housing Yosef promoted?

Jonathan was one of three winners of the 2011 Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism, awarded at a ceremony in London in June 2011. The other two were Umar Cheema, of Pakistan’s News International newspaper, and Charles Clover, of the Financial Times. The picture shows Jonathan (left) and Charles receiving the award from John Pilger, chair of the judging panel.At the same event, Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, won the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.The judge’s citation reads: “Jonathan Cook’s work on Palestine and Israel, especially his de-coding of official propaganda and his outstanding analysis of events often obfuscated in the mainstream, has made him one of the reliable truth-tellers in the Middle East.”- See more at: Martha Gellhorn Award | Jonathan Cook: the View from Nazareth
Charlie Manson was voted Model Inmate Of The Century by Stormfront. Big effing deal about J. Cook.

What nonsense.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: A mixed legacy

Along with his virtues and achievements, Yosef will also be remembered as a man who contributed a great deal to the polarization and division of Israeli society.

Yosef will also be remembered as a man who contributed a great deal to the polarization and division of Israeli society, particularly between secular and religious, with scathing remarks like “secular teachers are donkeys.” He undermined the legitimacy of the courts when he claimed that “they are unworthy of judging Jews,” calling Supreme Court justices “empty, reckless and wicked.” He called then-State Comptroller Miriam Ben-Porat “an enemy of Israel.” About former Meretz leader and government minister Shulamit Aloni, he said, “A feast should be made on the day she dies,” and he thought former minister Yossi Sarid should “be hung from a tree fifty cubits high.”Yosef also represented a racist version of Judaism, claiming that non-Jews were born only “to serve us. Otherwise, they have no place in this world.”

Shas under his leadership discriminated against women, forbidding them to run for office under its auspices. When asked about Women of the Wall, the liberal women’s prayer group that seeks the right to conduct its own services at the Western Wall, he said, “There are stupid women who come to the Western Wall … they want equality … we must condemn them and be wary [of them].”Perhaps the greatest damage of Yosef’s legacy is that Shas, under his leadership, nurtured a large and growing group of citizens who did not work for a living or serve in the army, but instead subsisted on government allowances and charity. Shas even started a new network of schools, Ma’ayan Hahinukh Hatorani, which contributed to alienating its graduates from Israeli society.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: A mixed legacy - OpinionIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source
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Ovadia Yosef did not promote "racism" in housing-----he promoted RETENTION of that which is jewish HOLY LAND in the hands of jews....

yeah, just like how there is a death penalty for Palestinians who sell land to Jews.

birds of a racist feather flock together, huh?

Palestinian land laws[1] are laws which relate to ownership of land under the Palestinian Authority (PA). These laws prohibit Palestinians from selling Palestinian territory lands to "any man or judicial body [corporation] of Israeli citizenship living in Israel or acting on its behalf."[2][3][4][5] These land laws were originally enacted during the Jordanian occupation of the West Bank (1948–1967),[3] and while groups such as Amnesty International[6] and Human Rights Watch[3] have condemned the law and the death penalty, they are considered by the Palestinian Authority as being necessary to prevent further expansion of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories and to "halt the spread of moral, political and security corruption".[5] The law carries a sentence of the death penalty.

Palestinian land laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We must keep in mind the true owners of the land are the indigenous Palestinian peoples, not the land stealing Jewish colonists from foreign lands.
The fact that there are those who call themselves human mourning a monster like ovadia yosef is simply yet another illustration of Satans presence in this world.
We must keep in mind the true owners of the land are the indigenous Palestinian peoples, not the land stealing Jewish colonists from foreign lands.

The true owners of the land of Israel are the Jewish people. They always have been and they always will be.
Here, again from the horse's mouth.

[ame=]palestinians are a myth says hamas member "they are just saudis and egyptians" - YouTube[/ame]

Text from video:
Published on Jun 30, 2012
"palestinian" common family names:

Just like "Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti" born in "tikrit iraq"
The family names(Nisbah نسبة) of Arabs who now occupy judea reveal their country of origin:
"Masri" OR "al-masri" =from Egypt ,Hamas member of Parliament in gaza, Mushir al-Masri (the word "masri" littelery means "the egyption" in arabic !).

"Khamis"= from Bahrain "Salem Hanna Khamis"
"al-ubayyidi" or "al-Obeidi"= from sudan "al-ubayyid"
"al-Faruqi"= Mosul iraq
"al-Araj" = Morocco,a member of the Saadi Dynasty "Hussein al-Araj"
"al-Lubnani" =the lebanese
"al-Mughrabi" = the Moroccan ("Maghreb" -- meaning "West" in Arabic, and usually referring to North Africa or specifically to Morocco) ,"Dalal Mughrabi"
"al-Djazair"=the Algerian
"al-Qurashi"=saudi arabia "clan of Quraish"
"al-azd" =yemen "Azd tribe"
"al-Yamani"= the Yemeni "Issam Al Yamani"
"al-Afghani" = the Afghan
"Al-Sidawi" = from "Sidon" lebanon
"Al-fayyumi" = from "Faiyum" egypt
"al-Hijazi" or "Hijazi" = present-day saudi arabia "Ahlam Higazi, a "Palestinian" artist from Hebron"
"al-Hindi" =the Indian "Amin al-Hindi"
"al-Tamimi" or "Tamimi" = from the tribe or clan of Banu-Tamim "Azzam Tamimi"
"Hamati" = from syria ( HAMA city)
"Omayya" = from saudi arabia "Banu Omayya tribe" "Omayya Joha" "palestinian artist" "
"Othman" = turkey
"murad" =yemen "murad tribe"
"Alawi" = from syria (minority religious group in syria)
"Iraqi" =from Iraq.
"halabi" =from aleppo syria
"Dajani"= from saudi arabia
"Mattar" = from YEMEN (the village of BANI Mattar)
"al-baghdadi"= from bagdad iraq.
"Tarabulsi"= Tarabulus-Tripoli, Lebanon.
"Hourani" =Houran Syria.
"Zubeidi"= from iraq "Zubeidi tribe" "Zakaria Zubeidi"
"al-Husayni" =saudi arabia.
"Saudi" =Saudi Arabia.
"Barda***********wil" ="salah bardawil" HAMAS legislator in gaza,egypt "bardawil lake" area
"nashashibi"= syria.
"Bushnak" =bosnia
"zoabi"= from iraq "Haneen Zoabi".
"Turki" =turkey "Daud Turki"
"al-Kurd" = kurdistan.
"Haddadins" = YEMEN descended from Ghassanid Christian Arabs.
"Arab Abu-Kishk" = Egypt.(Bedouins)
"Arab al shakirat" = Egypt (Bedouins)
"Arab al zabidat" = Egypt (Bedouins)
"Arab al aramsha" = Egypt (Bedouins)

"Abu Sitta" =In Arabic' Abu means father and sitta means six. Translated it actually means father of six. The Abu Sitta family primarily received this name because around the year 1700, a well known knight of the large Al-Tarabeen tribe always had six slaves (i.e. fedawyah, bodyguards), 3 on each side, with him. They were with him wherever he went, day or night. Hence the name "ABU SITTA." =Egypt (Bedouins) "Salman Abu Sitta "

"Nuba, Hebron" =founded by the "nuba people"
Even "Arafat", the most famous fakestinian and leader of the terrorist grup the  P.L.O, is not native to judea. He called himself a "Palestinian refugee" and claimed he was born in jerusalem ! BUT spoke Arabic with Egyptian dialect. He was born in 1929 Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956 !
Arafat's full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini.
"Al-Qudwa" tribe origin?

-Professor Azmi Bishara(Arabic: عزمي بشارة)-- a "palestinian arab"

"There is no "palestinian nation" !
when were there any Palestinians??? LOL
until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the south of "Greater Syria" another resent invention.
there is only an arab nation !
the word "palestine" its self is a colonial invention used by the romans in order to erase the jewish identity of judea and israel.
even the "Palestinian National Charter" recognizes all the jews living in the region prior to the 1948 war as "palestinians" !
its an intellectual fad, divorced from the concerns of uneducated people"

-Zuheir Mohsen (Arabic: زهير محسن)- top p.l.o member responsible for damur massacre.

"The "Palestinian people" does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a "Palestinian people".."
The Zionists in Palestine are nothing but land thieving ethnic cleansers, and the people who declared themself a nation in 1948 in contravention of intl law and in contravention of the rights of self determination of the indigenous Palestinian peoples have no legitimate rights in the land called Palestine since the days of Herodotus.

And this thread is the story of God removing from our world one of these land thieving Zionists.

Thank you God for taking this vile man out of Palestine where he was spreading such hate for all those you created.
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The Zionists are nothing but land thieving ethnic cleansers, and the people who declared themself a nation in 1948 in contravention of intl law and in contravention of the rights of self determination of the indigenous Palestinian peoples have no legitimate rights in the land called Palestine since the days of Herodotus.

You hate Jews so much you even lie about history. :cuckoo:
Herodotus was real, he was the world's first historian, and he records a land known as Palestine.

A land called Palestine is depicted in maps in Christian Bibles.

A land called Palestine has been in existence ever since the days of Herodotus.

A land called Palestine became administered in a Mandate in the 1900s, known as British Mandate Palestine.

A land called Palestine still exists today, again under Occupation by foreign peoples, as it was when Jesus lived there some 2000 years ago.

And long after the Zionist colonist/occupier/settler yosef is dust, Palestine shall remain.
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Herodotus was real, he was the world's first historian, and he records a land known as Palestine.

A land called Palestine is depicted in maps in Chrisrian Bibles.

A land called Palestine has been in existence ever since the days of Herodotus.

A land called Palestine became administered in a Mandate in the 1900s, known as British Mandate Palestine.

A land called Palestine still exists today, again under Occupation by foreign peoples, as it was when Jesus lived there some 2000 years ago.

And long after the Zionist colonist/occupier/settler yosef is dust, Palestine shall remain.

The land was called Judea until the Roman conquerors remained it Palestina after the Philistines to anger the Jews. The land is back to its rightful owners, the Jewish people, and now called Israel. Perhaps 65 years after that happened you will finally get it, and realize the land is Jewish, and the Jewish people have come back to their rightful home where they were before your moon-god prophet mohammed was a twinkle in his mother's eye.
Herodotus was real, he was the world's first historian, and he records a land known as Palestine.

A land called Palestine is depicted in maps in Chrisrian Bibles.

A land called Palestine has been in existence ever since the days of Herodotus.

A land called Palestine became administered in a Mandate in the 1900s, known as British Mandate Palestine.

A land called Palestine still exists today, again under Occupation by foreign peoples, as it was when Jesus lived there some 2000 years ago.

And long after the Zionist colonist/occupier/settler yosef is dust, Palestine shall remain.

The land was called Judea until the Roman conquerors remained it Palestina after the Philistines to anger the Jews. The land is back to its rightful owners, the Jewish people, and now called Israel. Perhaps 65 years after that happened you will finally get it, and realize the land is Jewish, and the Jewish people have come back to their rightful home where they were before your moon-god prophet mohammed was a twinkle in his mother's eye.

lmao at the ignorance of this zionist colonizer.

She imagines there is a moon god.

She probably believes there is a man in the moon too.

So many myths the cult of Zionism brainwashes into the children.

They deny History.

They even deny what was written of by the worlds first historian.

Palestine it was, Palestine it is, Palestine it shall be.

Occupiers have come and they have gone.

And Palestine remains.

And evil men like yosef become dust.
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Herodotus was real, he was the world's first historian, and he records a land known as Palestine.

A land called Palestine is depicted in maps in Chrisrian Bibles.

A land called Palestine has been in existence ever since the days of Herodotus.

A land called Palestine became administered in a Mandate in the 1900s, known as British Mandate Palestine.

A land called Palestine still exists today, again under Occupation by foreign peoples, as it was when Jesus lived there some 2000 years ago.

And long after the Zionist colonist/occupier/settler yosef is dust, Palestine shall remain.

The land was called Judea until the Roman conquerors remained it Palestina after the Philistines to anger the Jews. The land is back to its rightful owners, the Jewish people, and now called Israel. Perhaps 65 years after that happened you will finally get it, and realize the land is Jewish, and the Jewish people have come back to their rightful home where they were before your moon-god prophet mohammed was a twinkle in his mother's eye.

lmao at the ignorance of this zionist colonizer.

She imagines there is a moon god.

She probably believes there is a man in the moon too.

So many myths the cult of Zionism brainwashes into the children.

They deny History.

They even deny what was written of by the worlds first historian.

Palestine it was, Palestine it is, Palestine it shall be.

Occupiers have come and they have gone.

And Palestine remains.

And evil men like yosef become dust.

No, your allah (everyone knows you are not a Christian), is a moon-god.

The land was called Judea before it was renamed by the Romans to Philistina. It was previously known as Judea, and now called Israel.

Put that in your pipe and place it where the sun don't shine. :lol:
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