Israel's influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dead at 93

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That's an evil, sinful thing to wish for. And I'll bet you never knew he existed.

evil? sinful? go cry me a river.

evil men deserve to die.

he was an evil man.

My wish came true. :)
You really are joke, and a childish one at that. He lived to a ripe old age (much, much longer than the average person), and who knows how long evil you will live.
You really are joke, and a childish one at that. He lived to a ripe old age (much, much longer than the average person), and who knows how long evil you will live.

im sorry that your God died, but he was an evil man who was full of hate.
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How do you know that you are not going to go to Hell, especially with the Express Elevator going down, down, down with Old Lucifer waiting to greet you? Amazing how there are those who would have been great friends with Hitler like Miss Hoffstra beating their gums about a 93-year old man.

stop trolling.

Obadia Josef is dead. The world is a better place.
What did he ever do to you?

The issue is not posters.

It is this vile man who was spreading hate.

Some of the quotes are relatively recent ones, this man never stopped being a bigot and racist and hating and never stopped spreading hate.

And he left spawn who hate as much as he did, google the issue and read about his bigoted and hate filled Zionist children.

The world most certainly is a better place without this man in it.

The fact that he had a funeral like he did is a disclosure of all the Hate and bigotry thriving and alive in Israel today.
stop trolling.

Obadia Josef is dead. The world is a better place.
What did he ever do to you?

The issue is not posters.

It is this vile man who was spreading hate.

Some of the quotes are relatively recent ones, this man never stopped being a bigot and racist and hating and never stopped spreading hate.

And he left spawn who hate as much as he did, google the issue and read about his bigoted and hate filled Zionist children.

The world most certainly is a better place without this man in it.

The fact that he had a funeral like he did is a disclosure of all the Hate and bigotry thriving and alive in Israel today.
You're another Jew hater who never knew this man existed until you read the OP. Why don't you look up some of his writings. I'm sure if you read them in Hebrew you would not be running off at the mouth.
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We all knew who this man was, those of us discussing Palestine on discussion boards, we have been discussing his hate rants for years in discussions .
The discussion is about a bigoted rabbi, who saw all Gentiles as inferior, existing only to serve Jews.

Now, why do you defend this racist?

He released the Agunot and did a great Mitzvah by saving the lives of Ethiopean Jews.

We remember his Chessed just like we remember his wrong doings.

And you trashing a dead cleric before his body is even cold, says more about you than about the Maran.
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We all knew who this man was, those of us discussing Palestine on discussion boards, we have been discussing his hate rants for years in discussions .
That's a base canard and everyone knows it. It's apparent you're not only a Jew hating liar but a cultist who professes to be a Christian. Real Christians don't hate and plot against anyone, especially Jews.
The discussion is about a bigoted rabbi, who saw all Gentiles as inferior, existing only to serve Jews.

Now, why do you defend this racist?

He released the Agunot and did a great Mitzvah by saving the lives of Ethiopean Jews.

We remember his Chessed just like we remember his wrong doings.

And you trashing a dead cleric before his body is even cold, says more about you than about the Maran.[/QUOTE]

Here are Jesus words about this man:

25*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish,*but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.*26*Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.27*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs,*which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.*28*In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway
He released the Agunot and did a great Mitzvah by saving the lives of Ethiopean Jews.

We remember his Chessed just like we remember his wrong doings.
He released the Agunot and did a great Mitzvah by saving the lives of Ethiopean Jews.

We remember his Chessed just like we remember his wrong doings.

More words of Jesus about this rabbi.

13*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!*You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.*[

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway
He released the Agunot and did a great Mitzvah by saving the lives of Ethiopean Jews.

We remember his Chessed just like we remember his wrong doings.

More words of Jesus about this rabbi.

13*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!*You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.*[

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Why are you trolling and not responding to the point?

Who cared what Jesus said? Are you a JW? why do I give a %^&*?!
He released the Agunot and did a great Mitzvah by saving the lives of Ethiopean Jews.

We remember his Chessed just like we remember his wrong doings.

More words of Jesus about this rabbi.

13*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!*You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.*[

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Why are you trolling and not responding to the point?

Who cared what Jesus said? Are you a JW? why do I give a %^&*?!

I am addressing Jesus words about the rabbi, the rabbi is what we are discussing. The bigoted rabbi is the topic and the truth about him is being brought into the light in this thread.
More words of Jesus about this rabbi.

13*“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!*You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.*[

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

Why are you trolling and not responding to the point?

Who cared what Jesus said? Are you a JW? why do I give a %^&*?!

I am addressing Jesus words about the rabbi, the rabbi is what we are discussing. The bigoted rabbi is the topic and the truth about him is being brought into the light in this thread.

The topic is his death, yet you take use of it to bring out hatered, while I point out his good deeds.

You chose to ignore the healthy discussion I'm trying to put here; And trolling when bringing Jesus's words (and again, WHY do you think I care?!)

Are you CAPABLE of heaving a normal discussion, or are you interested in hearing yourself alone?!:doubt:
Exposing injustice, disinformation and bigotry

Palestinian, Western officials praise racist rabbi

Ovadia Yosef was a vile bigot, the odious content of a poorly flushed lavatory. He deserves no more praise than the leader of a neo-Nazi gang, the Ku Klux Klan or the white supremacist Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging.Would these worthless hypocrites have dared heap such tributes on Yosef had he been an Arab or a Muslim who had ushered the same racist filth against the Jews?

Palestinian, Western officials praise racist rabbi | Redress Information & Analysis
Why are you trolling and not responding to the point?

Who cared what Jesus said? Are you a JW? why do I give a %^&*?!

I am addressing Jesus words about the rabbi, the rabbi is what we are discussing. The bigoted rabbi is the topic and the truth about him is being brought into the light in this thread.

The topic is his death, yet you take use of it to bring out hatered, while I point out his good deeds.

You chose to ignore the healthy discussion I'm trying to put here; And trolling when bringing Jesus's words (and again, WHY do you think I care?!)

Are you CAPABLE of heaving a normal discussion, or are you interested in hearing yourself alone?!:doubt:

You simply ignore his racism and bigotry and the racist example he sets for Israelis to follow. You act like you are deaf and dumb and blind to all of it, as if such hate filled words meant nothing.

But we see illustrated one more time Zionism in action in the hero worship of a rabid bigoted rabbi.

And my choosing to believe Jesus words about this man over Zionists is being a Christian.
I am addressing Jesus words about the rabbi, the rabbi is what we are discussing. The bigoted rabbi is the topic and the truth about him is being brought into the light in this thread.

The topic is his death, yet you take use of it to bring out hatered, while I point out his good deeds.

You chose to ignore the healthy discussion I'm trying to put here; And trolling when bringing Jesus's words (and again, WHY do you think I care?!)

Are you CAPABLE of heaving a normal discussion, or are you interested in hearing yourself alone?!:doubt:

You simply ignore his racism and bigotry and the racist example he sets for Israelis to follow. You act like you are deaf and dumb and blind to all of it, as if such hate filled words meant nothing.

But we see illustrated one more time Zionism in action in the hero worship of a rabid bigoted rabbi.

And my choosing to believe Jesus words about this man over Zionists is being a Christian.

I am well aware that some of his Psikot and words were problematic, and I disagree with them in places where disagreement is needed.

I do, however, see his many good deeds, something you insist on ignoring-

- Allowed softer modesty rules for married women, and said that unmarried women should not be forced to walk with headcover among men.

- Said and determined that IDF Giyur is Giur by Halacha and those who convert through it are Jews from the house of Israel

- Determined that Gilad Shalit should be brought back even if being seculart, for it is "The Salvation of the Captive" (Going against the words of the Neturey Karta leaders)

- Said that if peace can be achieved, and in case of life-saving or life-forsaking, it's ok to "give up parts of the motherland" to the Palestinians.

- Acted to establish the first Jewish-orthodox Academy in Israel

- Acted against force-feedings, said it's 'Animal Sorrow' and should be stopped

- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef determined that in the state of Israel one should keep the law of Dina Demalchuta Dina. Meaning, that the Jews should obey the government and not go against it

- Rabbi Ovadia's motto was "Koah Dehitra Adif". Means, that in places where the Jewish law is not overforcing, Rabbis should not overforce if it's not against the Halacha to 'ease'. So were his Psikot for women's rights and those who wished to marry non-Jews. Determined that marriage to Ka'raim is legal

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