Israel's influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dead at 93

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She's just trying to provoke you and bring you down to her level.

Don't give her the pleasure of it.

Tzadikkim Bemotam, Emor- Chayim!
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Yosef as "a giant in Torah and Jewish law and a teacher for tens of thousands" whose rulings enhanced Jewish heritage yet also took into consideration modern times. "The Jewish people have lost one of the wisest men of this generation."

Yes, indeed, he was a great righteous and Torah giant.

May HaShem embrace him in heaven:eusa_pray:
Rabbi Yaakov Yosef: Stay Away from Gay Teachers
Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef, son of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has issued a ruling which prohibits taking private lessons with gay teachers.
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By David Lev
First Publish: 12/16/2012, 5:03 PM

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef
Rabbi Yaakov Yosef
Hezki Ezra

Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef, son of former Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has issued a halachic ruling which prohibits taking private lessons with gay teachers. “If the teacher lives a perverted lifestyle, what is vernacularly called a homosexual, one must be very careful when studying with such a person,” Rabbi Yosef wrote.

The ruling was issued in response to a question regarding taking piano lessons from a gay teacher. Rabbi Yosef discussed the issue in depth several months ago, taking a tough stance against associating with homosexuals. The ruling was published over the weekend on the web site of an organization representing what it calls “religious Orthodox homosexuals.”

The ruling generally applies to non-Jews who are declared homosexuals. The ruling quotes Rabbinic literature going back to the Talmud, as well as rulings from subsequent rabbis, prohibiting males from conducting private meetings with homosexuals. In addition, the ruling states that it is forbidden to have such people as roommates. “We are not concerned about this matter when it comes to two Jews, but in the case of non-Jewish homosexuals we must be concerned.

“Many times a father will want his son to learn to play the piano, or another instrument. Perhaps the only teacher available is an Arab, and the father hires him as a private tutor. But we suspect them of this kind of behavior and we cannot endanger our children in this manner,” he said.

Rabbi Yosef expanded the ruling to ban private meetings between children and Jews who are accused of pedophilia or are declared homosexuals as well. “When we say that Jews are not suspected of this behavior, we are talking about the average person. But as soon as suspicions have cropped up regarding someone, we must be very careful. This applies to households, and even more so for principals, who cannot hire these people for teaching positions. This applies even if the person was not convicted of a crime and did not serve time in prison for these crimes. The fact that there are questions about his behavior is enough,” Rabbi Yosef added. “There is no smoke without fire.”

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef: Stay Away from Gay Teachers - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

This guy was a real piece of work...
Israel's influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dead at 93

JERUSALEM (AFP) -- The influential spiritual leader of Israel's Sephardic Jewish community and the ultra-Orthodox Shas party died Monday at a Jerusalem hospital, his surgeon said. He was 93."Despite all our efforts... since his deterioration overnight and huge efforts to halt that, and after a great struggle, the rabbi died just a few moments ago," cardiologist Dan Gilon said in remarks carried by Israel's main radio stations.*The rabbi's death came just two weeks after he underwent heart surgery at the city's Hadassa hospital in Ein Kerem, where he eventually passed away.*

Sample quotes: "..."Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel." "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat." "With gentiles,...[God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”..."

Israel's influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dead at 93 | Maan News Agency

Behold a world with one less racist and hate filled Zionist in it!

Wow what a pig you are.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Yosef as "a giant in Torah and Jewish law and a teacher for tens of thousands" whose rulings enhanced Jewish heritage yet also took into consideration modern times. "The Jewish people have lost one of the wisest men of this generation."

Yes, indeed, he was a great righteous and Torah giant.

May HaShem embrace him in heaven:eusa_pray:

No one is surprised you adore him.

A people are known by the hero's they venerate.

It is estimated 700-800,000 attended his funeral. In a country with 6 million jews that is
well over 12% of the population.

Even Ronnie didn't get that kind of send off.
Which is important that things you condemn islam isnot a part of islam , things invented subsequently or things implemented since before islam . People's mistake doesnt make Islam bad . You cant see any real muslim while they defend bad behaviors .

But your rabbi just applies your religion and your ideology . And I see all jews support him . This mean you have the same feelings : ) So this world is for jews and others is just slaves : )

Sorry jews , bye :bye1: Flossssh !

American Standard Cadet Toilet -- Regular Flush -- Front - YouTube
In Iranian culture, (and many parts of the Middle East), Turks are considered to be extremely stupid and naive, and there are thousands of old jokes about their stupidity. When I read Nox's comments, I can understand why.

One day a Turk and his camel were walking in the desert where they meet a stranger.
Stranger asks: Where are you going with this donkey ?
Turk replies: Are you blind to see this is not a donkey ?
Stranger quickly replies: I am not talking to you, I am talking to camel. :eusa_whistle:

A Persian man showed a turk a kiwi and asked what it is.
The turk said:I don't know but it looks like an egg but i don't know who put a carpet on it. :clap:
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In Iranian culture, Turks are considered to be extremely stupid and naive, and there are thousands of old jokes about their stupidity. When I read Nox's comments, I can understand why.

This is true , Turks are a little naive people , you can fool them easly , this is why they're one of the world's best people . They're well intentioned people , not demons as like you and I think they're one of the world's clever people , so practical intelligence . Now I can go out and knock a random door and I can eat dinner with them , doesnt matter who you're : ) this is why I love them . By the way I'm not Turk , I'm Chechen .
So it seems like someone has a problem with the things I say...


But this-


Is not at all hateful
New York City Mayoral candidates keep shilling for Israel, we get rid of one, like Weiner, and here comes another one along. It is becoming a New York City tradition.

de Blasio praises racist rabbi for ‘wisdom, charity, sensitivity’ (and J St gave him shoutout)

Posted by*Philip Weiss

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual leader of the rightwing Shas Party in Israel, died yesterday. Yosef was famous for racist pronouncements. Haaretz’s*editorial said right at the top, “Yosef will also be remembered as a man who contributed a great deal to the polarization and division of Israeli society.”

But Bill de Blasio, the Democratic frontrunner in the NY mayor’s race,mourned*Yosef: Millions of people around the world lost a leader today in Rabbi Chacham Ovadia Yosef. His wisdom, charity and sensitivity were legendary.— Bill de Blasio (@BilldeBlasio)*October 7, 2013. And as*Gawker noted, in “Bill de Blasio mourns death of very racist rabbi,” the candidate was not alone. The Associated Press,*the Wall Street Journal*and the Times*obituaries for*Yosef all either left out his many racist statements or slighted them.

praises racist rabbi for 'wisdom, charity, sensitivity'
In Iranian culture, Turks are considered to be extremely stupid and naive, and there are thousands of old jokes about their stupidity. When I read Nox's comments, I can understand why.

This is true , Turks are a little naive people , you can fool them easly , this is why they're one of the world's best people . They're well intentioned people , not demons as like you and I think they're one of the world's clever people , so practical intelligence . Now I can go out and knock a random door and I can eat dinner with them , doesnt matter who you're : ) this is why I love them . By the way I'm not Turk , I'm Chechen .

Why is there always a man with a wheelbarrow filled with manure following the bridal couple during a Chechen wedding?

Answer: To keep the flies away from the bride!
When are the most razors sold in Chechnya?

Answer: At mother's day!
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Yosef as "a giant in Torah and Jewish law and a teacher for tens of thousands" whose rulings enhanced Jewish heritage yet also took into consideration modern times. "The Jewish people have lost one of the wisest men of this generation."

Yes, indeed, he was a great righteous and Torah giant.

May HaShem embrace him in heaven:eusa_pray:

No one is surprised you adore him.

A people are known by the hero's they venerate.

It is estimated 700-800,000 attended his funeral. In a country with 6 million jews that is
well over 12% of the population.

Even Ronnie didn't get that kind of send off.

I didn't say I adore him.

I said previously that people are conflicted at their views of him.

He said many things which I disagree with, but he also did many good things.

1. He determined that it is ok for Jewish Israeli women, wives of MIA soldiers, to remarry, even though that their husbands bodies were never found or brought back.

2. He said that the Jews of Ethopia, are like the native Jews of Israel, and that it is a great Mitzvah to bring them to Israel and save them from the poverty and injustice they suffered in Africa.

3. He determined that it doesn't matter that Gilad Shalit is a secular Jew (Neturay Karta said that since he is not a Shabbat Keeper, he is "infidel" and it is not a Mitzvah to act for his release). Ovadia Yosef said very clearly, that any Jew, no matter if secular or religious, who's under captivity, should be fought over, and brought back home safe and sound.

4. He said that if, and only if, a peace, holding peace, is in sight with the Palestinians, it is ok to give up lands for said peace, because it's "life forsaking" for the Jews. He believed that the Palestinians of today, are wicked, but he also said that if turning back from their ways and in case they act for peace, for the possibility of it, the nation should sacrifice the land, if comes to this, to save Jewish lives.

5. He allowed the straching of the laws of the Halacha, so boys would not considered 'Bastards' and be able to marry and bring children (AKA the Gorn issue).

6. While many other Haredi Rabbis said and were very strict concerning women's modesty, Rabbi Yosef determined that those strict laws are to be put but not at all cases (With unmarried women) and said that divorce refusals are criminals. He acted to improve the life of Haredi women.

So yeah, those things are indeed things worth noticing, things Maran were responsible for.

I find no reason to ignore the good he did.
Yes, indeed, he was a great righteous and Torah giant.

May HaShem embrace him in heaven:eusa_pray:

No one is surprised you adore him.

A people are known by the hero's they venerate.

It is estimated 700-800,000 attended his funeral. In a country with 6 million jews that is
well over 12% of the population.

Even Ronnie didn't get that kind of send off.

I didn't say I adore him.

I said previously that people are conflicted at their views of him.

He said many things which I disagree with, but he also did many good things.

1. He determined that it is ok for Jewish Israeli women, wives of MIA soldiers, to remarry, even though that their husbands bodies were never found or brought back.

2. He said that the Jews of Ethopia, are like the native Jews of Israel, and that it is a great Mitzvah to bring them to Israel and save them from the poverty and injustice they suffered in Africa.

3. He determined that it doesn't matter that Gilad Shalit is a secular Jew (Neturay Karta said that since he is not a Shabbat Keeper, he is "infidel" and it is not a Mitzvah to act for his release). Ovadia Yosef said very clearly, that any Jew, no matter if secular or religious, who's under captivity, should be fought over, and brought back home safe and sound.

4. He said that if, and only if, a peace, holding peace, is in sight with the Palestinians, it is ok to give up lands for said peace, because it's "life forsaking" for the Jews. He believed that the Palestinians of today, are wicked, but he also said that if turning back from their ways and in case they act for peace, for the possibility of it, the nation should sacrifice the land, if comes to this, to save Jewish lives.

5. He allowed the straching of the laws of the Halacha, so boys would not considered 'Bastards' and be able to marry and bring children (AKA the Gorn issue).

6. While many other Haredi Rabbis said and were very strict concerning women's modesty, Rabbi Yosef determined that those strict laws are to be put but not at all cases (With unmarried women) and said that divorce refusals are criminals. He acted to improve the life of Haredi women.

So yeah, those things are indeed things worth noticing, things Maran were responsible for.

I find no reason to ignore the good he did.

That those things needed to be said/changed only shows fundy judaics are as backward as fundy muslims.
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