Israel's influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dead at 93

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She's just trying to provoke you and bring you down to her level.

Don't give her the pleasure of it.

Tzadikkim Bemotam, Emor- Chayim!
Sorry about that. You're right.
No one is surprised you adore him.

A people are known by the hero's they venerate.

It is estimated 700-800,000 attended his funeral. In a country with 6 million jews that is
well over 12% of the population.

Even Ronnie didn't get that kind of send off.

I didn't say I adore him.

I said previously that people are conflicted at their views of him.

He said many things which I disagree with, but he also did many good things.

1. He determined that it is ok for Jewish Israeli women, wives of MIA soldiers, to remarry, even though that their husbands bodies were never found or brought back.

2. He said that the Jews of Ethopia, are like the native Jews of Israel, and that it is a great Mitzvah to bring them to Israel and save them from the poverty and injustice they suffered in Africa.

3. He determined that it doesn't matter that Gilad Shalit is a secular Jew (Neturay Karta said that since he is not a Shabbat Keeper, he is "infidel" and it is not a Mitzvah to act for his release). Ovadia Yosef said very clearly, that any Jew, no matter if secular or religious, who's under captivity, should be fought over, and brought back home safe and sound.

4. He said that if, and only if, a peace, holding peace, is in sight with the Palestinians, it is ok to give up lands for said peace, because it's "life forsaking" for the Jews. He believed that the Palestinians of today, are wicked, but he also said that if turning back from their ways and in case they act for peace, for the possibility of it, the nation should sacrifice the land, if comes to this, to save Jewish lives.

5. He allowed the straching of the laws of the Halacha, so boys would not considered 'Bastards' and be able to marry and bring children (AKA the Gorn issue).

6. While many other Haredi Rabbis said and were very strict concerning women's modesty, Rabbi Yosef determined that those strict laws are to be put but not at all cases (With unmarried women) and said that divorce refusals are criminals. He acted to improve the life of Haredi women.

So yeah, those things are indeed things worth noticing, things Maran were responsible for.

I find no reason to ignore the good he did.

That those things needed to be said/changed only shows fundy judaics are as backward as fundy muslims.

No, those things need to be said because haters over here don't really know what they hate and why, they just do.

You people don't have any idea who that man was, so it should have been said. If you guys had half a clue, this post would have been redundant.
All Jewish Supremacists United in Mourning Death of Chief Rabbi who Hated Gentiles

OCTOBER 7, 2013 AT 10:01 AM

All major Jewish Supremacist leaders in Israel have united in mourning and praise for former Chief Sephardic Rabbi Ovadia Yosef—most infamous for calling Gentiles “donkeys who work for the Jews”—who has died at the age of 9393.Yosef is on record in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency as saying that*“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter.Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected as Jews should do so for a donkey,* in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.“With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

On Palestinians, Yosef had the following to say:“May the Holy Name visit retribution on the Arab heads, and cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them. It is forbidden to have pity on them. We must give them missiles with relish, annihilate them. Evil ones, damnable ones.” [2001 Passover sermon. Cf.*Haaretz,April 12, 2001].Despite this vicious hatred—or more likely because of it—Yosef is now being praised as great Jewish hero in Israel.

All Jewish Supremacists United in Mourning Death of Chief Rabbi who Hated Gentiles | My CMS

Now, here is a man telling it like it is.
I am not the topic in this thread.

Personal attacks on posters adds nothing to our discussion.
No one is surprised you adore him.

A people are known by the hero's they venerate.

It is estimated 700-800,000 attended his funeral. In a country with 6 million jews that is
well over 12% of the population.

Even Ronnie didn't get that kind of send off.

I didn't say I adore him.

I said previously that people are conflicted at their views of him.

He said many things which I disagree with, but he also did many good things.

1. He determined that it is ok for Jewish Israeli women, wives of MIA soldiers, to remarry, even though that their husbands bodies were never found or brought back.

2. He said that the Jews of Ethopia, are like the native Jews of Israel, and that it is a great Mitzvah to bring them to Israel and save them from the poverty and injustice they suffered in Africa.

3. He determined that it doesn't matter that Gilad Shalit is a secular Jew (Neturay Karta said that since he is not a Shabbat Keeper, he is "infidel" and it is not a Mitzvah to act for his release). Ovadia Yosef said very clearly, that any Jew, no matter if secular or religious, who's under captivity, should be fought over, and brought back home safe and sound.

4. He said that if, and only if, a peace, holding peace, is in sight with the Palestinians, it is ok to give up lands for said peace, because it's "life forsaking" for the Jews. He believed that the Palestinians of today, are wicked, but he also said that if turning back from their ways and in case they act for peace, for the possibility of it, the nation should sacrifice the land, if comes to this, to save Jewish lives.

5. He allowed the straching of the laws of the Halacha, so boys would not considered 'Bastards' and be able to marry and bring children (AKA the Gorn issue).

6. While many other Haredi Rabbis said and were very strict concerning women's modesty, Rabbi Yosef determined that those strict laws are to be put but not at all cases (With unmarried women) and said that divorce refusals are criminals. He acted to improve the life of Haredi women.

So yeah, those things are indeed things worth noticing, things Maran were responsible for.

I find no reason to ignore the good he did.

That those things needed to be said/changed only shows fundy judaics are as backward as fundy muslims.

Not quite----fundy muslims have been yet to be told that a raped girl
is innocent. R' Ovadia Josef was a rabbi for-----the very conservative---
ie----more fundie than most. His actual DECISIONS ---which his
followers would be likely to view as binding were a HELLUVA lot
more liberal than those of THE BRILLIANT SCHOLARS OF AL AZHAR which
hundreds of millions of sunnis consider binding
Public figures affect the public.

When they choose to make a practice of making hate filled public statements about others , they not only show all who they are, but they spread hate, their words encourage others to hate like they do.

Can we even begin to fathom how much Hate this man's words have spread or have any idea what evil the stirred up hate unleashed?

What I am convinced of is that this man will answer to our Creator for all he has done.
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Public figures affect the public.

When they choose to make a practice of making hate filled public statements about others , they not only show all who they are, but they spread hate, their words encourage others to hate like they do.

Can we even begin to fathom how much Hate this man's words have spread or have any idea what evil the stirred up hate unleashed?

What I am convinced of is that this man will answer to our Creator for all he has done.

I assume you are still on R' Ovadia Josef He did not make a practive of making
hate filled public statements He did make a practice of making flamboyant
statements If you can find a statement in which he encouraged people to
sneak into houses and slit the throats of infants-----let me know. The general
jihado-nazi POLICY of rewarding and lauding the slitting of infant throats----is
a HATE POLICY that has stirred up ACTION------the kind for which you 'fast'
in support

I will address that "what are goyim good for in the world" statement----it is an
interesting one and THE ONE always cited in reference to R' Josef

His statement is actually no different from that of ARISTOTLE and PLATO
in refernce to NON GREEKS and a lot more benign that the actual
IDEOLOGY which forms the basis of shariah law.
Public figures affect the public.

When they choose to make a practice of making hate filled public statements about others , they not only show all who they are, but they spread hate, their words encourage others to hate like they do.

Can we even begin to fathom how much Hate this man's words have spread or have any idea what evil the stirred up hate unleashed?

What I am convinced of is that this man will answer to our Creator for all he has done.
Take a chill pill. Rabbi Ovadia was a devout religious man, and had every right to state his opinions publicly, as long as he's not inciting hatred and violence, which is what Muslim leaders do all the time.

May he rest in peace and God Bless his soul.
Public figures affect the public.

When they choose to make a practice of making hate filled public statements about others , they not only show all who they are, but they spread hate, their words encourage others to hate like they do.

Can we even begin to fathom how much Hate this man's words have spread or have any idea what evil the stirred up hate unleashed?

What I am convinced of is that this man will answer to our Creator for all he has done.
Take a chill pill. Rabbi Ovadia was a devout religious man, and had every right to state his opinions publicly, as long as he's not inciting hatred and violence, which is what Muslim leaders do all the time.

May he rest in peace and God Bless his soul.

Roudy you do not understand----ISA RESPECTERS ---customarily advise their
"FAITHFUL" on the way to please their deity----by slitting the throats of jewish
infants---etc etc. But it is very unusual for a rabbi----no matter what his orientation
to so much as mention -----non jews or 'other nations' All a rabbi has to say is
"other nations" (goyim) and the jihado nazis get hysterical and accusatory 'and
whilst isa respecters are free to advocate JUSTIFIED pogroms, lynchings,
genocides, rapes and pillages------rabbis are supposed to say "amen"

Be honest----when was the last time -----you heard in a synagogue (ok ---leave out
"you mean when I was 13") an allusion to -----muslims or isa? It is so unusual--
that the answer is probably 'never' ------so OF COURSE the ears of the
isa-respecting throat slitters PERK UP when a rabbi says "other nations"
(goyim) ---any way------usually its "lets hope they leave us alone this year"---but
R' Ovadia said,, in sum and substance "they are there---part of the ecosystem
in which jews live"-----"they help us----like bees support agriculture"
"that is their function in the world" <<<< you see? for sherri ---it is HATE
SPEECH not to say "let them murder your infants" "isa/allah gave them that
Ive been following this horrible man for years.

He was a racist, a pig, and a horrible example of a Jew.

The world is a better place, with him gone.

Adios scumbag Rav!!!
Ive been following this horrible man for years.

He was a racist, a pig, and a horrible example of a Jew.

The world is a better place, with him gone.

Adios scumbag Rav!!!

I believe the would will be a better place without YOU, but that is just my opinion.

The Maran is judged by God, and under his will, may he be gifted with eternal rest in heaven.
Ive been following this horrible man for years.

He was a racist, a pig, and a horrible example of a Jew.

The world is a better place, with him gone.

Adios scumbag Rav!!!

I believe the would will be a better place without YOU, but that is just my opinion.

The Maran is judged by God, and under his will, may he be gifted with eternal rest in heaven.

Listen jerk, its not my fault that you worshipped and kissed the ground of this racist swine.

He was a pig, inspired others to be pigs, and the Jews are a better people now that he is back home in Hell with his brother Hitler.

I can't believe he was even a Rabbi. How do such hateful people become Rabbis????
ive been following this horrible man for years.

He was a racist, a pig, and a horrible example of a jew.

The world is a better place, with him gone.

Adios scumbag rav!!!

i believe the would will be a better place without you, but that is just my opinion.

The maran is judged by god, and under his will, may he be gifted with eternal rest in heaven.

listen jerk, its not my fault that you worshipped and kissed the ground of this racist swine.

He was a pig, inspired others to be pigs, and the jews are a better people now that he is back home in hell with his brother hitler.

I can't believe he was even a rabbi. How do such hateful people become rabbis????



Normally I wouldn't post this but response to the above I think it's appropriate

Click here: NIGERIA: Charred Christian corpses line the roads after Muslims go wilding << Bare Naked Islam

Click here: THAILAND: Muslims behead a 9-year-old boy (WARNING: Graphic Images) << Bare Naked Islam

Click here: YouTube - 'Moderate' Muslim Indonesia: Stoning to Death for Adultery

I'm not sure you quite understand what "click here" means...

You're right . Tried to edit . Hopefully you"ll get the idea. On the other hand you won't. You're too stupid and bigoted
Sigalit Edri, a southerner Israeli from the town of Netivot, gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby boy, who was given the name Ovadia Yosef Edri.

He is the first newborn to be named after the deceased Rabbi.


Mazal Tov to Sigalit and her husband! may he grow up to be a great Tzaddik like Maran.

May he grow up to be healthy and kind
Sigalit Edri, a southerner Israeli from the town of Netivot, gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby boy, who was given the name Ovadia Yosef Edri....

so he's named after a racist pig who's now in Hell?

what a shame.

hopefully the boy will CHANGE his name as soon as he turns 18. I sure would.
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