Israel's influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dead at 93

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One dead 93 year old Jew and all the IslamoNazi worshipers are in a feeding frenzy circling like sharks. Ha ha ha. Sure is fun to watch.
The issue is a hating rabbi, who God removed from our world, not explosions of hate by hating Zionist posters!

Please restrain yourself, Zionist!
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and the United States and British ambassadors to Israel have been paying tribute to one of the vilest, most racist and women-hating warmongers the world has ever known.Upon learning that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the leader of Israel’s Sephardic Jewish community, had bit the dust, Abbas reportedly asked a group of Israeli parliamentarians whom he was meeting at the time to send his condolences to the rabbi’s family “in the name of the Palestinian people”, theTimes of Israel*reports

Jewish supremacist

The defunct Yosef was openly racist and believed that the Jews were a master race and that God had created the rest of humanity to serve them. In a sermon on 16 October 2010,*he said:Goyim*[non-Jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plough, they will reap. We will sit like an*effendi*and eat.Yosef believed that death has “no dominion” over non-Jews in Israel.With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.

Anti-Arab racist and misogynist

However, the vile rabbi reserved his worst venom for the Arabs, especially the Palestinians, whom he*likened to “venomous snakes”*and*believed should be annihilated.“It is forbidden to be merciful to them [Arabs]. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable,” he was quoted as saying in a sermon delivered on 9 April 2001 to mark the Jewish festival of Passover.“The Lord shall return the Arabs’ deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them, devastate them and vanish them from this world,” he added.Ovadia Yosef was a vile bigot, the odious content of a poorly flushed lavatory. He deserves no more praise than the leader of a neo-Nazi gang, the Ku Klux Klan or the white supremacist Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging.As for Abbas, who has paid tribute to the racist rabbi “in the name of the Palestinian people”,*Yosef believed*that he “and all these evil people [the Palestinian leadership] should perish from this world” and that “God should strike them with a plague, them and these Palestinians”.Yosef’s racism was almost matched by his contempt for women. “A woman without sons,” he believed, “is worth nothing… sometimes you hear at the ladies section in the synagogue the women babbling. What about? The one tells the other how beautiful her dress is… this is their brain.”

Abbas and Western officials Praise Racist Jewish Supremacist Rabbi Ovadia Yosef ! By Nureddin Sabir
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One dead 93 year old Jew and all the IslamoNazi worshipers are in a feeding frenzy circling like sharks. Ha ha ha. Sure is fun to watch.

One dead JudeoNazi and 800,000 Jews come out to mourn.

now THAT is scary!
The issue is a hating rabbi, who God removed from our world, not explosions of hate by hating Zionist posters!

Please restrain yourself, Zionist!


The issue is the death of a religious figure.

You chose to turn it into a bashing thread.

You should take your own example and stop trolling.

I did not engage in a personal attack against a poster, I responded to a personal attack against me.

And I keep returning to the topic, which is a racist rabbi who seems to be a hero in Israel, because of his racism. That really does speak worlds about Israel and where 65 years of Zionism has taken a nation. That is scary.
The issue is a hating rabbi, who God removed from our world, not explosions of hate by hating Zionist posters!

Please restrain yourself, Zionist!

Awwwwww, did the l'il sherriliar sneak a peek? Ah, the poor wee pious l'il pustule, throbbing with the yearning to spew its Jew-hatred like a bursting boil...... a veritable carbuncle of crap, that l'il sherriliar is!
The issue is a hating rabbi, who God removed from our world, not explosions of hate by hating Zionist posters!

Please restrain yourself, Zionist!


The issue is the death of a religious figure.

You chose to turn it into a bashing thread.

You should take your own example and stop trolling.

I did not engage in a personal attack against a poster, I responded to a personal attack against me.

And I keep returning to the topic, which is a racist rabbi who seems to be a hero in Israel, because of his racism. That really does speak worlds about Israel and where 65 years of Zionism has taken a nation. That is scary.

The topic is what the pseudo-pacifist raving lunatic Jew-hater dictates? I don't think so!

sorry sis, but only anti-Semites and Neo-Nazis post anything with David Duke as the source.

you made a bad move. I was on your side, until I saw this.

Now I will let the Neo-Zionists attack and defame you with impunity.

shalom, chaver.

......but Im still glad the old racist fool is dead. He's with Hitler, his father.

He is quoting words of rabbis, to include the rabbi we are discussing, and providing his sources, and that is why I posted the video.

This does raise an issue, though, and that is that none of us are simply good or evil, not the rabbi who died who we are discussing, or the man who made the video I posted.

Where do we stand with God by the time we reach the end of our lives?

That is what really matters, I think.

And when it comes down to it, I cannot answer as to the rabbis relationship with God at the end of his life.
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sorry sis, but only anti-Semites and Neo-Nazis post anything with David Duke as the source.

you made a bad move. I was on your side, until I saw this.

Now I will let the Neo-Zionists attack and defame you with impunity.

shalom, chaver.

......but Im still glad the old racist fool is dead. He's with Hitler, his father.

He is quoting words of rabbis, to include the rabbi we are discussing, and providing his sources, and that is why I posted the video.

This does raise an issue, though, and that is that none of us are simply good or evil, not the rabbi who died who we are discussing, or the man who made the video I posted.

Where do we stand with God by the time we reach the end of our lives?

That is what really matters, I think.

And when it comes down to it, I cannot answer as to the rabbis relationship with God at the end of his life.

David Duke is a Klansman and a Nazi and not only do you use him as a source, but now you are trying to justify using him? You don't realize what you've done. Quit digging and get some sleep.
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