Israel's Legal Right To Exist

The Jews were living on another continent and invaded Palestine. The migration of the Europeans to Palestine was a violation of the rights of the native non-Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The Jewish people who were living in the Mandate of Palestine at the time it was ceded, had the SAME rights as the Arab Muslim and Christian people living in the Mandate of Palestine -- including the right to self-determination and sovereignty. Two peoples -- each having the same rights.
The Jews were living on another continent and invaded Palestine. The migration of the Europeans to Palestine was a violation of the rights of the native non-Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The Jewish people who were living in the Mandate of Palestine at the time it was ceded, had the SAME rights as the Arab Muslim and Christian people living in the Mandate of Palestine -- including the right to self-determination and sovereignty. Two peoples -- each having the same rights.

But didnt you know that the Jews were not real Jews and had appeared overnight as part of a heavily armed invasion force sent by and funded by the British and Russians. The Roman Catholics and arab muslims who lived in peace with the Jews had ethnically cleansed palestine of all of its indigenous Jews over the years because they had killed God and had more rights to the land than the arab muslims and Roman Catholics
The Jews were living on another continent and invaded Palestine. The migration of the Europeans to Palestine was a violation of the rights of the native non-Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The Jewish people who were living in the Mandate of Palestine at the time it was ceded, had the SAME rights as the Arab Muslim and Christian people living in the Mandate of Palestine -- including the right to self-determination and sovereignty. Two peoples -- each having the same rights.
That is true except they were all one people. The native Muslims, Christians, and Jews were not divided. They were all Palestinians without reference to religion and all had equal rights.

The "two peoples" was created when the Zionist colonial project entered Palestine. They were not the people of the place. They were people from someplace else.
The Jews were living on another continent and invaded Palestine. The migration of the Europeans to Palestine was a violation of the rights of the native non-Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The Jewish people who were living in the Mandate of Palestine at the time it was ceded, had the SAME rights as the Arab Muslim and Christian people living in the Mandate of Palestine -- including the right to self-determination and sovereignty. Two peoples -- each having the same rights.
That is true except they were all one people. The native Muslims, Christians, and Jews were not divided. They were all Palestinians without reference to religion and all had equal rights.

The "two peoples" was created when the Zionist colonial project entered Palestine. They were not the people of the place. They were people from someplace else.

So the Jews arrived around 2,500 B.C.E. and set up shop. The Romans invaded around 70 C.E. and stole the Jews as slaves taking them back to Europe. Then the Romans and Greeks invented Christianity and set up shop. The false prophet with the mental problems invented islam and set about wiping out the Jews. The muslims segragated the people into followers of the true faith and the others. The muslims had rights under this regime, the others had none. The muslims came from far away places to invade the lands and claim them as their own.
The Jews returned from their enslavem at the request of the land legal sovereign land owners from 1850 and again in 1917. The Jews were the original " PEOPLE OF THE PLACE " the muslims and Christians where from someplace else. All written down in historical records and proven many times over. The name they give themselves proves they are not indigenous, but from arabia, Greece and Rome
That is true except they were all one people. The native Muslims, Christians, and Jews were not divided. They were all Palestinians without reference to religion and all had equal rights.

The "two peoples" was created when the Zionist colonial project entered Palestine. They were not the people of the place. They were people from someplace else.

Timnore, we can argue til we are blue in the face about when or how there came to be two peoples in this territory and the development over time of both Jewish nationalism and Palestinian nationalism. But what is the point? There are clearly two distinct peoples now.

Where's your end game here? Are you really hoping or thinking that all the "synthetic" Jews will just pick up and leave and we can return to a One State Palestine where there are only a few Jews and they are perfectly happy with their minority dhimmi status? Its way, way too late for that, man.
The Jews were living on another continent and invaded Palestine. The migration of the Europeans to Palestine was a violation of the rights of the native non-Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The Jewish people who were living in the Mandate of Palestine at the time it was ceded, had the SAME rights as the Arab Muslim and Christian people living in the Mandate of Palestine -- including the right to self-determination and sovereignty. Two peoples -- each having the same rights.
That is true except they were all one people. The native Muslims, Christians, and Jews were not divided. They were all Palestinians without reference to religion and all had equal rights.

The "two peoples" was created when the Zionist colonial project entered Palestine. They were not the people of the place. They were people from someplace else.
Not to throw the brakes on this runaway train full of Pal'istanians, but a bit of contingent reality is in order. First, these invented Pal'istanians from the invented "country of Pal'istan" never existed. Pal'istan was a reference to a geographic area. This may come as a shock to you but your invented "country of Pal'istan" exists only in your imagination.

We also need to acknowledge that the invented Pal'istanians living in the invented "country of Pal'istan" were not necesssrily holding hands in the park and going on innocuous butterfly hunts. In the early 1920's, Amin al- Husseini (but you can call him Al), was already stoking the fires of gee-had and promoting that special brand of ialamic inspired Jew hated that began with the invention of Islamism.
It may come to a shock to you, but whether or nor Palestine existed as a nation makes absolutely no difference. Just as the fact that there was no country known as Pakistan, before the partition of India made no difference, clown. The Palestinians as a people had every right to resist the European Jew invasion of the land they and their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years.

But continue your clown dancing, it is entertaining.
It may come to a shock to you, but whether or nor Palestine existed as a nation makes absolutely no difference. Just as the fact that there was no country known as Pakistan, before the partition of India made no difference, clown. The Palestinians as a people had every right to resist the European Jew invasion of the land they and their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years.

But continue your clown dancing, it is entertaining.
Actually, sweetie, you will surprised to discover that facts do make a difference. The fact is, your absurd belief that Pal'istan was a "country" is laughable. We also know that the invasion by Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese squatters / land grabbers refutes your ignorant claim that the Arab invaders "lived there for thousands of years".

It's difficult for you to plead mere ignorance to these facts as they have been delineated for you on multiple occassions. I suppose we will have to agree that you're a mere propagandist.
montelatici, et al,

Well, you have actually made a mistake here.

Actually both India and Pakistan had provisional governments. First Mahatma Gandhi, Jawharlal Nehru, and Sardar Patel setup the Provisional Government of India, And for Pakistan, the Leader of the Indian/Muslim League, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, as the Governor-General established the first Provisional Government.

It may come to a shock to you, but whether or nor Palestine existed as a nation makes absolutely no difference. Just as the fact that there was no country known as Pakistan, before the partition of India made no difference, clown. The Palestinians as a people had every right to resist the European Jew invasion of the land they and their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years.

But continue your clown dancing, it is entertaining.

The Indian Independence Act of 1947, of the British Parliament was largely the work of Prime Minister Clement Attlee and the Governor General of India Lord Mountbatten (Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia Command). The Independence Act established the two new independent nations of India and Pakistan, under royal decree using a Partition Plan (The Mountbatten Plan).

Most Respectfully,
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It may come to a shock to you, but whether or nor Palestine existed as a nation makes absolutely no difference. Just as the fact that there was no country known as Pakistan, before the partition of India made no difference ....

You had me up to here.

The Palestinians as a people had every right to resist the European Jew invasion of the land they and their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years.

But here's the thing. The Jewish people, having lived on the land for thousands of years, and having been forcefully removed from the land ALSO have the right to "resist" the Arab Muslim invasion, don't they? Why would one have the right to resist in order to exert their rights and the other not have the right to resist?
One State Palestine where there are only a few Jews and they are perfectly happy with their minority dhimmi status? Its way, way too late for that, man.
The Ottoman Empire eliminated the dhimmi status years before the creation of Palestine and I have heard no one advocating for its return.
One State Palestine where there are only a few Jews and they are perfectly happy with their minority dhimmi status? Its way, way too late for that, man.
The Ottoman Empire eliminated the dhimmi status years before the creation of Palestine and I have heard no one advocating for its return.

Yes. I am aware of that. What I am not aware of is any modern Muslim State which practices full equality.

But neither here nor there. What's your end game given that we have two distinct peoples with seemingly incompatible beliefs.
But what is the point? There are clearly two distinct peoples now.
Indeed, there are the native Muslims, Christians, and Jews and there is the Zionist colonial project.

All of the Palestinians, including the Jews, were opposed to a Jewish state.
In the early 1920's, blah, blah, blah
This was years after the beginning of Zionist colonialism and three years after the colonial project was publicly admitted by the British. Of course there were problems. The problem was not the Jews. The problem was the colonialism.
All of the Palestinians, including the Jews, were opposed to a Jewish state.

I remain unconvinced that this is true. (Again there was an evolution to Jewish nationalism just as there was to Palestinian nationalism).

But again, what's your end game? What do you think a fair resolution to the problem is? I don't even care if your proposed resolution is unrealistic. If you could have any resolution to the conflict that you wanted -- what would it be?
In the early 1920's, blah, blah, blah
This was years after the beginning of Zionist colonialism and three years after the colonial project was publicly admitted by the British. Of course there were problems. The problem was not the Jews. The problem was the colonialism.
"Blah, blah, blah" is hardly a convincing argument. I would propose that the problem is Islamist colonialism and Islamist intolerance. As I noted earlier and as I noted you attempted to sidestep, al-Hussein (hereinafter "Al"), was, in the early 1920's, already promoting Arab-Islamist fascism and making appeals to elements of Jew hatreds that are littered throughout Islamist ideology.

Your invention of some mythical "country of Pal'istan" that never existed has become some invented islamo-Disneyland you promote.
It may come to a shock to you, but whether or nor Palestine existed as a nation makes absolutely no difference. Just as the fact that there was no country known as Pakistan, before the partition of India made no difference, clown. The Palestinians as a people had every right to resist the European Jew invasion of the land they and their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years.

But continue your clown dancing, it is entertaining.

So when the Europeans start to take over Jordan, Egypt, Syria Iraq and Iran they will have an argument, until then it is you clown dancing
One State Palestine where there are only a few Jews and they are perfectly happy with their minority dhimmi status? Its way, way too late for that, man.
The Ottoman Empire eliminated the dhimmi status years before the creation of Palestine and I have heard no one advocating for its return.

LIAR as it was re introduced at a local level by nomadic arab muslim warlords. But when you refuse to read these parts of history there is no hope of you ever fully understanding them.
But what is the point? There are clearly two distinct peoples now.
Indeed, there are the native Muslims, Christians, and Jews and there is the Zionist colonial project.

All of the Palestinians, including the Jews, were opposed to a Jewish state.

Another of your many claims that you refuse to provide evidence for, is this because the cyber islamo's have not written it yet ?
In the early 1920's, blah, blah, blah
This was years after the beginning of Zionist colonialism and three years after the colonial project was publicly admitted by the British. Of course there were problems. The problem was not the Jews. The problem was the colonialism.

And who funded and enabled this alleged colonialism then. It costs a lot of money to do this thing and you have refused to substantiate your claims repeatedly. Is this because you are LYING again

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