Israel's Legal Right To Exist

Are you for real, what was seen as the Government of palestine from 1922 to 1948. There was no arab muslim Government in place was there, no Jewish government and no Christian government. Just the appointed mandatory Government of palestine
Indeed, and that is how Britain left it. Britain failed to do anything but start a hundred year war.

You need to learn history. The Brits didn't start a "hundred year war" in the islamist occupied territories. It was the Islamist Entity that started wars in 1948, 1967, 1973.... why don't you research the history and let me know if I missed any.

Another duck because you dont have a clue, so you resort to islamonazi propaganda talking points

Would you care to refute anything he said?

Of course not.

What is there left to refute that has not already been proven to be nothing more than palestinian talking points and islamonazi blood libels and propaganda lies
P F Tinmore, et al,

Apples and Oranges. You have not posted a proper question, thus you are looking for a flawed answer.

Mid-night, 14/15 May 1948 was a terminator between the end of the Non-International Armed Conflict (NIAC) and the beginning of the International Armed Conflict (IAC).
The definition of an IAC is found in Common Article 2 to the Fourth Geneva Conventions (GCIV). It states that the rules of IAC apply to “all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties . . . . “ Thus, an IAC can only be between two or more states.

After to 14/15 May 1948:

• Israel is a "High Contracting Party (HCP)" having declared independence.
• All the Arab League participants: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, and Egypt, are individually HCP.
• The Arab Palestinians are not constituents of a HCP.
Prior to 14/15 May 1948:

• There is no State of Israel. Thus a non-existent Israel could not be a HCP.
• There is no Sate of Palestine. Thus the a non-existent Arab Palestinian State could not be a HCP.

THUS, by international Humanitarian Law (IHL) the Arab-Jewish conflict in the territory subject to the Mandate COULD NOT BE an IAC; neither being a HCP. An IAC can only be between two or more HCPs.

HOWEVER, after the Declaration of Independence and recognition by at least one nation, Israel is a HCP, being invaded by elements of several HCPs of the Arab League; making it an IAC.


• Prior to 14/15 May 1948, the Arab-Jewish Conflict in Palestine, as defined by the Allied Powers, was a NAIC.
• After 14/15 May 1948, the Arab-Jewish Conflict becomes an IAC.

In 1948, who pointed the gun at who? I believe it was the Arab League that initiated the Armed Aggression.
Don't try to start history in the middle.

YOU are wrong!

The Arab Invasion by the Arab League marks the beginning of the NIAC. It is not the middle of the history.

Most Respectfully,
Like I have always said: you believe that the Palestinians are exempt from universal rights.

No that is you in regards to the Jews, which is why you deflect and duck when asked what rights the Jews have.

The palestinians have the same rights as the Jews, and they came in to force at the same time as the Jews rights. They can not be back dated to suit your POV unless you want to state a cut of point for the rights
Israel is a HCP, being invaded by elements of several HCPs of the Arab League; making it an IAC.
OK, but Israel was not invaded.

Not until May 14 at 24:00 when the declaration of independence was issued. That was Israel in existence and the arab muslims could do nothing about it, from that time on the arab league and palestinians were in breach of the UN charter, Geneva conventions and IHL.

So, was it or was it not the Islamist Entity™ that started wars in 1948, 1967, 1973... and others I might have missed.
It was not. You are starting your history in the middle of the war.

Who invaded the mandate of palestine in 1947 with the intention of wiping out the Jews, and then had to be saved and protected by the UN when the poorly armed and lesser Jews were kicking their buts big time
Who was, in fact, in Palestine ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their homes? There were about 300,000 Palestinian refugees before the 1948 war. You know, the war that the liars say the Arabs started.

The actual war started in 1921 when the arab muslims invaded the mandate of palestine with the intent of wiping out the Jews and claiming the land as theirs. In 1947 the arab league started to move arab muslims out of the way so the combined armies had a clear route into the mandate of palestine.
Thus the arab league started the war back in 1921 making you the LIAR once again
Holy load of crap, Batman!
:eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Where do you get this shit? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Israel is a HCP, being invaded by elements of several HCPs of the Arab League; making it an IAC.
OK, but Israel was not invaded.

Not until May 14 at 24:00 when the declaration of independence was issued. That was Israel in existence and the arab muslims could do nothing about it, from that time on the arab league and palestinians were in breach of the UN charter, Geneva conventions and IHL.

How so? All you have is BS Israeli talking points. There is nothing there to prove your point.
I certainly agree that "stunted" has defined the ability of the Arabs-Moslems to achieve self-determination and a functioning society. However, your description of "stunted" can aptly be assigned to the majority of Arab-Moslem societies which ultimately are train wrecks of social justice, women's rights and all of the values that separate western democracies from Islamist dystopias.

For all the Pom Pom flailing you do for Islamism and your Islamist paradises, it's quite apparent that you're going to remain safely ensconced in the Great Satan.

But the Palestinians were Christians as well as Muslims. I only present facts and do not participate in cheer leading as you do. I'm a Christian, Extremist Islam and extremist Judaism are both disgusting sects to me.

How do ya like that? And here I actually believed native or indigenous Palestinians --- WERE JEWS. Amazing what we can learn from Monte.

Well you also thought that Archbishops were Muslims. And, you are wrong about this too. The indigenous and native people of Palestine were the ones that lived there before the Jewish invasion from Europe, and the vast majority practiced the Muslim and Christian religions. As confirmed below.

"30 July 1921



during the period
1st JULY, 1920--30th JUNE, 1921.



There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine.

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations/Balfour Declaration text (30 July 1921)
Archbishops are Muslims??? I didn't know that.

I think, MJB, this video should be brought up.

It is amazing how the anti-Semites are trying so hard to prove that Israel shouldn't exist while they cry their crocodile tears for the Palestinians and at the same time they close their eyes to the actual genocide happening these days against the Muslims in Myanmar. No Jews involved so what is happening there is not important.

Yes but somehow, someway those Zionists must have made them do it.
What section is the Burma situation being discussed in? If you can point me to it I will try to comment if I have some knowledge about the subject. I happen to know more about the Israel/Palestinian conflict because before attaining my BSEE and MSEE I earned a BA in Political Science with North Africa and the Middle East as my areas of concentration. I don't know as much about the Indian subcontinent and Asia.
You can give us all the baloney you want regarding your education. I can tell you I have a PhD. Would that make a difference to the viewers? I doubt it. I think that the viewers, unless they are Jew haters, have caught on to you pretty fast. The bottom line is if you really cared about the Muslims and Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere, you would be posting article after article in the appropriate forums instead of parking yourself on this one particular forum all day and shedding your crocodile tears because the Jews happen to be involved

So true. But he sure is fun to play with. Go Monte!
What section is the Burma situation being discussed in? If you can point me to it I will try to comment if I have some knowledge about the subject. I happen to know more about the Israel/Palestinian conflict because before attaining my BSEE and MSEE I earned a BA in Political Science with North Africa and the Middle East as my areas of concentration. I don't know as much about the Indian subcontinent and Asia.
You can give us all the baloney you want regarding your education. I can tell you I have a PhD. Would that make a difference to the viewers? I doubt it. I think that the viewers, unless they are Jew haters, have caught on to you pretty fast. The bottom line is if you really cared about the Muslims and Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere, you would be posting article after article in the appropriate forums instead of parking yourself on this one particular forum all day and shedding your crocodile tears because the Jews happen to be involved

I can present the facts regarding my education, and you can ignore them or not, I don't really give a crap. It was helpful to explain why I happen to know more about this issue than others.

You decry the fact that I post on a forum that addresses subjects I know a great deal about rather than on forums that address issues and subjects I know very little about. That doesn't make much sense.

I understand that the facts undermine the propaganda you constantly parrot. Tough.
What section is the Burma situation being discussed in? If you can point me to it I will try to comment if I have some knowledge about the subject. I happen to know more about the Israel/Palestinian conflict because before attaining my BSEE and MSEE I earned a BA in Political Science with North Africa and the Middle East as my areas of concentration. I don't know as much about the Indian subcontinent and Asia.
You can give us all the baloney you want regarding your education. I can tell you I have a PhD. Would that make a difference to the viewers? I doubt it. I think that the viewers, unless they are Jew haters, have caught on to you pretty fast. The bottom line is if you really cared about the Muslims and Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere, you would be posting article after article in the appropriate forums instead of parking yourself on this one particular forum all day and shedding your crocodile tears because the Jews happen to be involved

So true. But he sure is fun to play with. Go Monte!

The Muslim archbishop dimwit can't help himself.:cuckoo:
What section is the Burma situation being discussed in? If you can point me to it I will try to comment if I have some knowledge about the subject. I happen to know more about the Israel/Palestinian conflict because before attaining my BSEE and MSEE I earned a BA in Political Science with North Africa and the Middle East as my areas of concentration. I don't know as much about the Indian subcontinent and Asia.
You can give us all the baloney you want regarding your education. I can tell you I have a PhD. Would that make a difference to the viewers? I doubt it. I think that the viewers, unless they are Jew haters, have caught on to you pretty fast. The bottom line is if you really cared about the Muslims and Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere, you would be posting article after article in the appropriate forums instead of parking yourself on this one particular forum all day and shedding your crocodile tears because the Jews happen to be involved

So true. But he sure is fun to play with. Go Monte!

The Muslim archbishop dimwit can't help himself.:cuckoo:

HUH? A Muslim Archbishop is a dimwit??? Don't that beat all.
So, was it or was it not the Islamist Entity™ that started wars in 1948, 1967, 1973... and others I might have missed.
It was not. You are starting your history in the middle of the war.

Who invaded the mandate of palestine in 1947 with the intention of wiping out the Jews, and then had to be saved and protected by the UN when the poorly armed and lesser Jews were kicking their buts big time
Who was, in fact, in Palestine ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their homes? There were about 300,000 Palestinian refugees before the 1948 war. You know, the war that the liars say the Arabs started.

The actual war started in 1921 when the arab muslims invaded the mandate of palestine with the intent of wiping out the Jews and claiming the land as theirs. In 1947 the arab league started to move arab muslims out of the way so the combined armies had a clear route into the mandate of palestine.
Thus the arab league started the war back in 1921 making you the LIAR once again
Holy load of crap, Batman!
:eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Where do you get this shit? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

From the real history books based on reality and fact, not your islamonazi propaganda lies. Are you denying that the arab muslims reneged on an agreement made and started to attack the Jews in palestine leading to the massacre in Hebron in 1929 ?
Israel is a HCP, being invaded by elements of several HCPs of the Arab League; making it an IAC.
OK, but Israel was not invaded.

Not until May 14 at 24:00 when the declaration of independence was issued. That was Israel in existence and the arab muslims could do nothing about it, from that time on the arab league and palestinians were in breach of the UN charter, Geneva conventions and IHL.

How so? All you have is BS Israeli talking points. There is nothing there to prove your point.

Evidence based on actual facts and reality are not Israeli talking points.

Did the British mandatory cease at 12:00 on may 14 1948
Did the Jews declare independence on all the lands granted to them for their national home at the same time
Did arab league forces invade the former mandate of palestine at the same time
Does this show that the arab league and palestinians are in breach of the UN charter by invading and attacking with the intent to wipe out the Jews and steal their lands.

Prove any of this wrong if you can
What section is the Burma situation being discussed in? If you can point me to it I will try to comment if I have some knowledge about the subject. I happen to know more about the Israel/Palestinian conflict because before attaining my BSEE and MSEE I earned a BA in Political Science with North Africa and the Middle East as my areas of concentration. I don't know as much about the Indian subcontinent and Asia.
You can give us all the baloney you want regarding your education. I can tell you I have a PhD. Would that make a difference to the viewers? I doubt it. I think that the viewers, unless they are Jew haters, have caught on to you pretty fast. The bottom line is if you really cared about the Muslims and Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere, you would be posting article after article in the appropriate forums instead of parking yourself on this one particular forum all day and shedding your crocodile tears because the Jews happen to be involved

I can present the facts regarding my education, and you can ignore them or not, I don't really give a crap. It was helpful to explain why I happen to know more about this issue than others.

You decry the fact that I post on a forum that addresses subjects I know a great deal about rather than on forums that address issues and subjects I know very little about. That doesn't make much sense.

I understand that the facts undermine the propaganda you constantly parrot. Tough.

And how are we to know that they are true, after all you can buy faked documents anywhere. But any idiot can be book smart and fail when it comes to working in the field, most practical exams are now done on computer and not physically
It was not. You are starting your history in the middle of the war.

Who invaded the mandate of palestine in 1947 with the intention of wiping out the Jews, and then had to be saved and protected by the UN when the poorly armed and lesser Jews were kicking their buts big time
Who was, in fact, in Palestine ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their homes? There were about 300,000 Palestinian refugees before the 1948 war. You know, the war that the liars say the Arabs started.

The actual war started in 1921 when the arab muslims invaded the mandate of palestine with the intent of wiping out the Jews and claiming the land as theirs. In 1947 the arab league started to move arab muslims out of the way so the combined armies had a clear route into the mandate of palestine.
Thus the arab league started the war back in 1921 making you the LIAR once again
Holy load of crap, Batman!
:eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Where do you get this shit? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

From the real history books based on reality and fact, not your islamonazi propaganda lies. Are you denying that the arab muslims reneged on an agreement made and started to attack the Jews in palestine leading to the massacre in Hebron in 1929 ?

But how can this be? You see, we learned on this board that prior to 1948 the Palestinians were a noble, life loving, peace loving people.

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