Israel's Legal Right To Exist

theliq, et al,

I don't believe this is true.

NO one is saying they want Violence against STOP inferring such nonsense Hollie, get REAL

Many have said they want violence. Jihad and Armed Struggle is the preferred approach in answering the Question on Palestine.

It comes from the very first threat in February 1948, it is embedded in both the Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement and the Palestinian National Charter. Violence is taught in summer camp for kids. Palestinian Leaders reinforce violence each time they praise martyrdom. Palestinians, are rejectionists and make demands to provoke confrontation. Palestinians promote themselves as warriors --- all the while attacking innocent and unarmed civilian targets. Whether it is HAMAS that announces it has not abandoned the option of suicide bombings (2013); or - Palestinian groups called for launching a third intifada against Israel --- the outcome is always the same. The Palestinians search for justification and means to inflict violence; generally in the form of cowardice attacks on unsuspecting innocents.

They want violence. They are a threat to peace and security. The Palestinians are unwilling to exercise Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States.

Most Respectfully,

Come off it Rocco,the Zionists have been waging War on the Palestinians prior to and ever since 1948........lets be honest here for a change(and yes some on here have stated that the Palestinians should be driven into the have seen all these negative Zionist commentary on here) all the Palestinians want is their own State/Country.FULL STOP.

Israel/Zionists have NO MORAL HIGH GROUND in this instance at all

As for your incendiary comment regarding the teaching of children to create violence towards Jews is churlish at best...........My Jewish friend allowed his two sons to go to Israel in their teens(a right of passage as it were) The boys were lovely kids....After 3 weeks of indoctorination they came back Rabid Haters of Palestinians.....much to the disappointment of their father and pleasssseeeee stop all this nonsense about only the Palestinians because the Jews/Zionists are much least the Palestinian children see the violence and injustice as the live it every day....It is a shame that this type of thing occurs from both sides as it just continues this schism.

I note you never criticize Zionists,but are happy to dump on the Palestinians all the is just a form of mental myopia,if you get my drift........your post would have been more appropriate if you had also gave a list of Jewish Terrorist etc., and dates of formation(which you more than most are quite capable of....but you chose not to..Why ?

And another thing Rocco,stop implying I somehow am trying to Tarnish you in any way......I was responding to your inaccurate post about the growth rate in Israel(which I might add,has been natrually sic created/occurred by the Ultras and Palestinians birth rates) and by immigrants coming to I said thousands of Jews have left and are leaving Israel.

I expect a lot from you Rocco I know but that is the way it is.......I will take this opportunity of wishing Your Family and Yourself Seasons Greetings...steve

Another change of date because you are being shown up as a LIAR once more.

How about a link to this alleged declaration of war by the Zionists, or will this turn out to be yet another of your LIES. I can provide you with links that show the arab league has declared war on Israel, and has it as part of their charter to drive the Jews into the sea. Again provide the links to show that it was others on here that said this

It is you without the MORAL HIGH GROUND after being caught in your constant LIES and LIBELS

Again you LIE as you have no Jewish friends, your Jew hatred seeps out of every pore and they woulld be able to smell it. But still you tell a good story and it is a pity that there is no call for islamonazi storybooks. But after 3 weeks in Israel you would come back hating the arab muslims as well after seeing them first hand inciting violenced and terrorism against children. Cant be much violence looking at the pictures tinny posted yesterday of gaza, quite some place where the hamas leadership lives.

Because there is nothing to complain about as Zionists are just a political movement like hamas or fatah

BULLSHIT now go and play with the red backs and funnel webs like a good boy
Eloy, et al,

In the absolute sense, this is true. "The Israeli" (the people) is not interchangeable with "The Jews" (the people).

Israeli --- is a political designation for a people; pinned to a bounded territory.
Jew --- is a religious designation for a people.

Resistance to Israelis is not resistance to Jews. Israeli and Jew are not interchangeable words.

The Arab Position:

The Arab Higher Committee Delegation wishes to reaffirm here that the Arabs of Palestine cannot recognize the Balfour Declaration, the Mandate of Palestine or any situation arising or derived therefrom. They consider that imposing international alien immigrants on their country by force is nothing but an act of aggression and invasion, whether made by Jews themselves, through Great Britain, or by the United Nations. The Arab Higher Committee Delegation therefore expects that the duty of the United Nations is to remove the said aggression and stop that invasion. The creation of any Jewish state in an Arab territory is more than invasion or aggression, it is something with no precedent in history. It is an act of wiping out the existence of an Arab country, violating its integrity, subjecting its land and people to foreign Jewish domination. “

In conclusion, the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) Delegation wishes to stress the following:

• The Arabs of Palestine will never recognise the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

• The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

• The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

I think there is an importance, relative to the "intent:"

• The intent of the Allied Powers was to allow for the creation of a Jewish Enclave referred to as a "National Home." This Enclave would serve as a refuge for Jewish populations to retreat in times of persecution. This Enclave was called "Israel" by those seeking to live in a place that provides shelter or protection.

• The intent of the AHC - Palestinians was a deliberate effort by AHC-Palestinian armed force to undermine the establishment or reconstitution of a Jewish National Home (JNH) (the refuge).

From the AHC/Palestinian perspective, the endgame is the destruction of the JNH. This is achieved by the elimination of all Jews (Article 4+6) who are willing to assist in the establishment of the JNH. And to get to the Jews (willing to assist in the establishment of the JNH), the AHC/Palestinian must attack the Israelis.

SO! The rise in populism around the world carries disturbing echoes of anti-Semitism and the fascism of the 1930s, Britain’s Prince Charles warned in a BBC Radio interview this week.

Most Respectfully,
I'm confused.
I thought that in 2014, when the Unity Government was formed, that President Mahmoud Abbas said the Unity Government was unable to operate in the Gaza Strip.
OK, you are getting close.

Why dont you just provide the link and then watch as it is taken apart strand by strand and proven to be just another tinmore LIE
I already have but they were not from so nobody looked at them.

Since I am never believed, I will let Rocco and others look it up themselves.
The declaration was made by a third party, the arab league, making it unlawful outside influence.
And Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization.

So, what is your point?
The Arab Position:

The Arab Higher Committee Delegation wishes to reaffirm here that the Arabs of Palestine cannot recognize the Balfour Declaration, the Mandate of Palestine or any situation arising or derived therefrom. They consider that imposing international alien immigrants on their country by force is nothing but an act of aggression and invasion, whether made by Jews themselves, through Great Britain, or by the United Nations. The Arab Higher Committee Delegation therefore expects that the duty of the United Nations is to remove the said aggression and stop that invasion. The creation of any Jewish state in an Arab territory is more than invasion or aggression, it is something with no precedent in history. It is an act of wiping out the existence of an Arab country, violating its integrity, subjecting its land and people to foreign Jewish domination. “
Thanks, Rocco. Every word is true.
• The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.
There is that external interference thing again.
• The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.
There is that external interference thing again.

It's been there before with the Arab-Moslem invaders to the geographic area of Pal'istan. It's obvious that you're just selective in your whining about external interference.
I'm confused.
I thought that in 2014, when the Unity Government was formed, that President Mahmoud Abbas said the Unity Government was unable to operate in the Gaza Strip.
OK, you are getting close.

Why dont you just provide the link and then watch as it is taken apart strand by strand and proven to be just another tinmore LIE
I already have but they were not from so nobody looked at them.

Since I am never believed, I will let Rocco and others look it up themselves.

No you never provided a valid link that was unbiased that said what you claim. All you produced was the usual and propaganda pieces.

We still wait for your proof of the palestinian state prior to 1988, why are you refusing to show your evidence from that says it was not a nation ?
The declaration was made by a third party, the arab league, making it unlawful outside influence.
And Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization.

So, what is your point?

That the Jewish Agency was accepted as the body representing the Jews by the League of Nations in 1923 when the Mandates were put into International law. The arab muslims were given the same opportunity as the Jews to make representation at the LoN and negotiate their position but they refused. This meant they lost any rights they might have had to any land they held that was given away by the Ottomans to the LoN. This means that the LoN was not duty bound by relevant international laws of that time to give anything to the arab muslims and so froze them out. They are their own worst enemies and never miss a chance to miss a chance and end up LOSERS as a result. And before you make false claims of rights they gave them up along with any claims of any lands when they refused to be party to any negotiations. So they have not had their rights taken away, they threw them away out of spite.
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,
I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world
The declaration was made by a third party, the arab league, making it unlawful outside influence.
And Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization.

So, what is your point?

That the Jewish Agency was accepted as the body representing the Jews by the League of Nations in 1923 when the Mandates were put into International law. The arab muslims were given the same opportunity as the Jews to make representation at the LoN and negotiate their position but they refused. This meant they lost any rights they might have had to any land they held that was given away by the Ottomans to the LoN. This means that the LoN was not duty bound by relevant international laws of that time to give anything to the arab muslims and so froze them out. They are their own worst enemies and never miss a chance to miss a chance and end up LOSERS as a result. And before you make false claims of rights they gave them up along with any claims of any lands when they refused to be party to any negotiations. So they have not had their rights taken away, they threw them away out of spite.
WOW, so many Israeli BS talking points.
The Arab Position:

The Arab Higher Committee Delegation wishes to reaffirm here that the Arabs of Palestine cannot recognize the Balfour Declaration, the Mandate of Palestine or any situation arising or derived therefrom. They consider that imposing international alien immigrants on their country by force is nothing but an act of aggression and invasion, whether made by Jews themselves, through Great Britain, or by the United Nations. The Arab Higher Committee Delegation therefore expects that the duty of the United Nations is to remove the said aggression and stop that invasion. The creation of any Jewish state in an Arab territory is more than invasion or aggression, it is something with no precedent in history. It is an act of wiping out the existence of an Arab country, violating its integrity, subjecting its land and people to foreign Jewish domination. “
Thanks, Rocco. Every word is true.

How can it be true if it is LIES. The land was owned by the LoN who held sovereignty over it, not the arab muslims so they lost when they refused to be part of the civilised world in 1923
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,
I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world
• The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.
There is that external interference thing again.

WRONG as this was before external influence became a buzz word for the arab muslims and their stooges. You cant backdate international laws or resolutions unless you want them to apply to you and your theft of lands in America
The declaration was made by a third party, the arab league, making it unlawful outside influence.
And Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization.

So, what is your point?

That the Jewish Agency was accepted as the body representing the Jews by the League of Nations in 1923 when the Mandates were put into International law. The arab muslims were given the same opportunity as the Jews to make representation at the LoN and negotiate their position but they refused. This meant they lost any rights they might have had to any land they held that was given away by the Ottomans to the LoN. This means that the LoN was not duty bound by relevant international laws of that time to give anything to the arab muslims and so froze them out. They are their own worst enemies and never miss a chance to miss a chance and end up LOSERS as a result. And before you make false claims of rights they gave them up along with any claims of any lands when they refused to be party to any negotiations. So they have not had their rights taken away, they threw them away out of spite.
WOW, so many Israeli BS talking points.

How is the truth anything but the truth, are you denying that the arab muslims refused to be part of the negotiations and so lost what few rights they had in 1923 for ever ?

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