Israel's Legal Right To Exist

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

Funny how when Israel declares independence its just "Israeli say so". But when an Arab delegation with absolutely no actual control over territory declares independence its international law written in stone. Hmmmm?
Still ducking.

How is posting the truth "ducking", when you post your of topic video's that are of topic that is ducking
Recalling its resolutions of 29 November 1947 3/ and 11 December 1948 4/ and taking note of the declarations and explanations made by the representative of the Government of Israel 5/ before the ad hoc Political Committee in respect of the implementation of the said resolutions,
The General Assembly,
The resolution of 11 December 1948 is resolution 194.

A/RES/194 (III) of 11 December 1948

And what about it, did you read the full resolution and what this applies to. Or more precisely WHO it applies to
So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.
How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.

I didnt change the subject so how is it deflection, or are you losing the argument and want to get out of the hole you have dug ?
Phoenall said:
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,

I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

You are deflecting my post.

No as that was part of the thread, so no deflection

You have seen proof of it, just that you deny it because it destroys your POV.

Will a UN resolution do the trick for you, and an arab muslim source

UNITED NATIONS 0/83E8C29DB812A4E9852560E50067A5AC General Assembly A/RES/273 (III) 11 May 1949

273 (III). Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations

Having received the report of the Security Council on the application of Israel for membership in the United Nations,1/
Noting that, in the judgment of the Security Council, Israel is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter,
Noting that the Security Council has recommended to the General Assembly that it admit Israel to membership in the United Nations,
Noting furthermore the declaration by the State of Israel that it "unreservedly accepts the obligations of the United Nations Charter and undertakes to honour them from the day when it becomes a Member of the United Nations",2/
Recalling its resolutions of 29 November 1947 3/ and 11 December 1948 4/ and taking note of the declarations and explanations made by the representative of the Government of Israel 5/ before the ad hoc Political Committee in respect of the implementation of the said resolutions,
The General Assembly,
Acting in discharge of its functions under Article 4 of the Charter and rule 125 of its rules of procedure,
1. Decides that Israel is a peace-loving State which accepts the obligations contained in the Charter and is able and willing to carry out those obligations;
2. Decides to admit Israel to membership in the United Nations.

Does two things which you will hate, it makes Israel's existence legal and it shows that the UN had accepted the Jewish declaration making the arab league one null and void.
That wasn't the point.

Yes it was and now you have lost the argument on two counts that you cant refute. Singling out one sentence that is out of context and lacking in syntax shows that you are desperate
montelatici, et al,

Yes, yes ... we know.

Oh dear, Hoss doesn't know that hostile, murderous Jewish terrorists assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte. Now that's funny.

What is there to say about an unforgivable wrong.

One of the more thought provoking people I read is a guy named: Robert Merry, Political Editor of - The National Interest. Merry once said:

"First, we’re talking about presidential decision-making,
so we should concentrate on decisions that were volitional, matters of choice and not dictated by the force of events.
Second, the result must be significantly negative for the country in historical terms."

In contemporary times, we often associate the need for nation building with dysfunctional or unstable or failed states; with the 1988 State of Palestine as one of those States without the capacity to perform the simplest of tasks; taking such actions as to increasingly undermine the self-proclaimed state, retard the development of governmental infrastructure, embed barbarism into its declining civil society. In short, it has squandered the economic and political opportunities under two decades protected by the Hashemite Kingdom and half century under the protection of Israel. Since the 1920 Nebi Musa riots triggered by Islamic religious leaders during the festival, the first significant wave that ignited a long rippling cycle of anti-Semitic violence, the generationally transmitted proclivity for violence has spread like a plague.

Don't think for a moment that the wrong doings by Israel is in anyway unique; especially when compared to Arab and Islamic History. With few exceptions the G-8 Members (US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the UK) that account for half of the Globes GNP, all have blood in their past (admittedly Canada having the least). This is not a form of justification, merely a statement of fact. What is important, is that the State of Palestine is not yet successful and have no plan to become successful or sovereign. Its only plan is Jihad and Armed Struggle on the funding committed by the International Donors.

YES -- the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte was a huge mistake. An planned attempt to achieve independence and sovereignty gone unrestrained. But the Israeli of then (adoption of the Res 181 in 1947) and the Israeli of today (on the brink of 2017) are more evolved. Israel is not prefect and not infallible; but, a nation that has steadily evolved in a positive direction. The Arab Palestinians have absolutely no plan to even evolve; let alone, develop successful self-governing institutions that work towards the benefit of its citizens.

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinians have been blocked from creating self-governing institutions since the British conquered Palestine, first by the British, and now by the Israelis. Military occupation prevents civil self-governance, that's just a fact.
The Arab Palestinians have been blocked from creating self-governing institutions since the British conquered Palestine, first by the British, and now by the Israelis. Military occupation prevents civil self-governance, that's just a fact.
Your "phacts" tend to be a bit skewed from facts. The inability of Arabs-Moslems you call "Pal'istanians" and later, competing Islamist terrorist franchises to enable stable, productive self-government falls entirely to their ineptitude. Your silly excuses, the stereotypical "I blame the British" and "I blame the Jews" is nonsensical. The Pal'istanians share the same ideology that afflicts the entirety of the Islamist Middle East which, not surprisingly, is littered with dysfunctional societies and failed mini-caliphates changing hands among a series of Islamist thugs, Arab strongmen and social misfits.
montelatici, et al,

In the Discussion Thread Topic --- The Palestinian National Identity as it is: no lies, propaganda and hidden agendas allowed, I posted a number of examples that question the integrity and validity of this statement. You will find a half dozen of examples of opportunities (all before the 1948 War) that Arab Palestinians rejected. Most of the time it was rejected simply because they did not get everything they wanted, the way they wanted it, when they demanded it. See Posting #41...

I don't want to waste anyone's time or bandwidth trying to republish that which has already been said.

The Arab Palestinians have been blocked from creating self-governing institutions since the British conquered Palestine, first by the British, and now by the Israelis. Military occupation prevents civil self-governance, that's just a fact.

In the two decades that passed after the transition from the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration to the British Civil Administration, the Arab Palestinians (in various forms) --- demanding this and rejected that --- availed themselves of the integration into the government administration.

Like a stubborn child, it was Arab Palestinian wanted it: "my way or the highway." You can see how well that is working for them. Now they just whine about all the successive setbacks they have in their campaign by terror and fear.

Most Respectfully,
In the two decades that passed after the transition from the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration to the British Civil Administration, the Arab Palestinians (in various forms) --- demanding this and rejected that --- availed themselves of the integration into the government administration.
Indeed, they consistently rejected the colonial project on their land.
The Arab Palestinians have been blocked from creating self-governing institutions since the British conquered Palestine, first by the British, and now by the Israelis. Military occupation prevents civil self-governance, that's just a fact.

How do you block a people from saying we declare our intention to be a nation and to show free determination and govern ourselves. They were given this chance in 1999 in Oslo and threw it away because they prefer violence and terrorism to peace and tranquility
In the two decades that passed after the transition from the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration to the British Civil Administration, the Arab Palestinians (in various forms) --- demanding this and rejected that --- availed themselves of the integration into the government administration.
Indeed, they consistently rejected the colonial project on their land.

So cant come back and claim they were robbed, they were offered the chance and refused so giving up the chance at a later date. They had no rights to anything in 1917 and were offered rights that they turned down, their own stupid fault they now have less than nothing.
montelatici, et al,

In the Discussion Thread Topic --- The Palestinian National Identity as it is: no lies, propaganda and hidden agendas allowed, I posted a number of examples that question the integrity and validity of this statement. You will find a half dozen of examples of opportunities (all before the 1948 War) that Arab Palestinians rejected. Most of the time it was rejected simply because they did not get everything they wanted, the way they wanted it, when they demanded it. See Posting #41...

I don't want to waste anyone's time or bandwidth trying to republish that which has already been said.
The Arab Palestinians have been blocked from creating self-governing institutions since the British conquered Palestine, first by the British, and now by the Israelis. Military occupation prevents civil self-governance, that's just a fact.

In the two decades that passed after the transition from the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration to the British Civil Administration, the Arab Palestinians (in various forms) --- demanding this and rejected that --- availed themselves of the integration into the government administration.

Like a stubborn child, it was Arab Palestinian wanted it: "my way or the highway." You can see how well that is working for them. Now they just whine about all the successive setbacks they have in their campaign by terror and fear.

Most Respectfully,
If you mean that they have consistently rejected an agreement that would put them permanently under Jew sovreignty with no chance of true independence ever, you would be right. Israel is behaving like the bullying child.
montelatici, et al,

In the Discussion Thread Topic --- The Palestinian National Identity as it is: no lies, propaganda and hidden agendas allowed, I posted a number of examples that question the integrity and validity of this statement. You will find a half dozen of examples of opportunities (all before the 1948 War) that Arab Palestinians rejected. Most of the time it was rejected simply because they did not get everything they wanted, the way they wanted it, when they demanded it. See Posting #41...

I don't want to waste anyone's time or bandwidth trying to republish that which has already been said.
The Arab Palestinians have been blocked from creating self-governing institutions since the British conquered Palestine, first by the British, and now by the Israelis. Military occupation prevents civil self-governance, that's just a fact.

In the two decades that passed after the transition from the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration to the British Civil Administration, the Arab Palestinians (in various forms) --- demanding this and rejected that --- availed themselves of the integration into the government administration.

Like a stubborn child, it was Arab Palestinian wanted it: "my way or the highway." You can see how well that is working for them. Now they just whine about all the successive setbacks they have in their campaign by terror and fear.

Most Respectfully,
If you mean that they have consistently rejected an agreement that would put them permanently under Jew sovreignty with no chance of true independence ever, you would be right. Israel is behaving like the bullying child.
Of course, we know that is false as the Arabs were allotted land as were the Jews. That separation was necessary as Arabs-Moslems have a history of antagonism and hostility toward competing religions / cultures.
P F Tinmore, montelatici, et al,

I think that is the point. Using your words, the Arab Palestinian consistently rejected the colonial project on their land. Yes, this is one-half of the problem.

In the two decades that passed after the transition from the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration to the British Civil Administration, the Arab Palestinians (in various forms) --- demanding this and rejected that --- availed themselves of the integration into the government administration.
Indeed, they consistently rejected the colonial project on their land.

Given the Mandate (the Principal Allied Powers having agreed that the Mandatory should put into effect the Balfour Declaration "originally made on November 2nd, 1917" --- "in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people") the British found themselves entangled in a cultural dilemma; and an unsolvable political problem. The paradox being that the:

• Arab Palestinian demand the entire expanse of the territory, West of the Jordan River. (TiTLE and Rights, Sovereignty and Independents) The Arab Palestinians reject the presence of Jewish Immigrants with political aspirations to rebuild their the Jewish National Home.
• The Jewish Community has a political aspirations to rebuild their the Jewish National Home; necessary to protect and preserve the culture from the abuses of a majority on the minority.

Effectively, there was no solution that could have been implemented that could have answered all three challenges.

Most Respectfully,
the British found themselves entangled in a cultural dilemma; and an unsolvable political problem.
Unsolvable? It was their stupid program. They knew their stupid program could not work but refused to address it. It was only unsolvable because they were stupid. The solution was presented to them many times.

So they started a hundred year (and counting) war then cut and ran.
the British found themselves entangled in a cultural dilemma; and an unsolvable political problem.
Unsolvable? It was their stupid program. They knew their stupid program could not work but refused to address it. It was only unsolvable because they were stupid. The solution was presented to them many times.

So they started a hundred year (and counting) war then cut and ran.
"They" started no war. Arabs-Moslems are the entity perpetually at war with each other or with those who reject Arab-Moslem fascism.

It's just a shame that you and others are unable to accept responsibility for the conditions you create.
And, the UN knew full well that the plan was actually unworkable. In effect, adding the Bedouins (the real Arabians) non-Jews were a majority in the Jewish part of the partition. How could have a plan where a minority from overseas was to rule over a majority possibly work?

"The Arab State will organize the substantial majority of Arabs in Palestine into a political body containing an insignificant minority of Jews; but in the Jewish State there will be a considerable minority of Arabs. That is the demerit of the scheme. "

Jews Arabs and others total
The Jewish State 498,000 407,000 905,000
The Arab State 10,000 725,000 735,000
City of Jerusalem 100,000 105,000 205,000

In addition there will be in the Jewish State about 90,000 Bedouins..."

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