Israel's Legal Right To Exist

So cant come back and claim they were robbed, they were offered the chance and refused so giving up the chance at a later date.
They were offered the chance to allow foreigners to colonize their country?

Such a deal!

When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors
The British wrote the Balfour Declaration, which ipso facto doomed the native Muslims and Christians of Palestine. The framers intended to transfer a large number of Europeans to Palestine who were to rule over the native people in a colonial project. The framers had no intention of safeguarding the civil rights of the native people, regardless of what was stated.

The descendants of the same Jews that you Catholics transferred to Europe all those years ago. Then you turned on them and evicted them from your lands because they refused to convert. Now what civil rights did the illegal immigrants have, as the evidence proves that they were illegal immigrants, as shown by your link A/36a. They had only one hope and that was the Jewish national home in palestine, so they left Europe and traveled to the M.E.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is really a tear jerker! I'm tearing up with sympathy.

The Arab Palestinians of today, would be in a much more influential, economically prosperous and developmentally beneficial position if they had NOT been so confrontational at the turn of the century.
And every Palestinian in the world would be a refugee.

I don't see that as a benefit.

The Arab Palestinians love to use that word "refugee." As if they understand what a real refugee is.

Most Respectfully,

Rocco loves to spout bullshit. What is a refugee Rocco? Why are Palestinians not refugees? The UN established the criteria for Palestinian refugees as a result of the UN's complicity in facilitating the eviction and dispossession of the native Muslims and Christians of Palestine. Everyone involved in the crime knew they were screwing the native people.

And there is your answer, the UN had to make special criteria for the arab league deserters as they did not meet with the criteria already laid down for refugee's.

The only crime was when you Catholics stole the Jews as your slaves and forcibly detained them in Europe
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, it depends on the clarity of vision one has on causal effects and ramifications.

Well, there were multiple contributing factors and the assignment of blame cannot rest on anyone's particular shoulder.
Oh really. Without Britain's stupid policy there would be no war. Period.

The Jewish Community (World-Wide) came to understand that they would not be safe anywhere but in a domain to which they were not the minority --- and --- being totally dependent on the rule of the majority to which there was no justice. The Dreyfus Affair (1894) made it absolutely clear that the mob mentality of anti-Semitism ruled and Jews were expendable. And while the educated elite did not want to recognize it and agree, they knew deep down it was true. Both the non-Jewish Ruling Elite (to their shame) and the Jewish People came to realize that Jewish People (everywhere) would not be safe from arbitrary antisemitism under the color of law, unless the Jewish People had their own country. While the French government, with the shame of the Dreyfus Affair still fresh, even with a 1906 civilian court that overturned the conviction, the French Army did not renounce the conviction until 1995 --- a century later. This, coincidentally, was about the time of the Oslo Accords.

When the Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic - surrendered, it was to the Allied Powers...

The Armistice of Mudros, which was concluded on 30 October 1918; Clause 16 --- Surrender of all garrisons in Hejaz, Assir, Yemen, Syria, and Mesopotamia to the nearest Allied commander; and the withdrawal of troops from Cilicia, except those necessary to maintain order, as will be determined under Clause 5.
The Treaty of Sevres, which was concluded on 10 August 1920; Article 132 --- Outside her frontiers as fixed by the present Treaty Turkey hereby renounces in favour of the Principal Allied Powers all rights and title which she could claim on any ground over or concerning any territories outside Europe which are not otherwise disposed of by the present Treaty.
The Treaty of Lausanne, which was concluded 24 July 1924 (into force between the High Contracting Parties who have thus ratified it), Article I6 --- Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

IT WAS NOT BRITAN's MISTAKE ALONE. If indeed there was a mistake made.

There is no mistake. The intention was replicated three times, in three different instruments. Britain's Policy not withstanding, the San Remo Agreement between post-World War I Allied Powers was adopted on April 25, 1920 during the San Remo Conference. The Mandate for Palestine was based on this resolution; it incorporated the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the Covenant of the League of Nation's Article 22. Britain was charged with establishing a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine (territorial boundaries were not decided until four years after).

The emphasis is on the fact that the ALLIED POWERS agreed, as a collectively body, that it was in the best interest of the world community and humanity that some portion of the captured territory be allotted to the establishment of the Jewish National Home; under the legal authority of the Allied Powers as exercising customary law for territory that the Allied Powers have the Title and Right.

With all Muslim and Christian countries in the world, who would begrudge the Jewish People a sliver of territory to establish their enclave? (RHETORICAL) Only the Arabs.

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, Britain and the Zionists worked together to pull off this heist.

Without that there would not be war.

And once again you spout this LIE that you have no evidence for, only islamonazi propaganda and lies
The British wrote the Balfour Declaration, which ipso facto doomed the native Muslims and Christians of Palestine. The framers intended to transfer a large number of Europeans to Palestine who were to rule over the native people in a colonial project. The framers had no intention of safeguarding the civil rights of the native people, regardless of what was stated.
Indeed, the British had never given a rat's ass about any of the native it had been screwing over the last few centuries.

It was just SOP.

Maybe you can explain to monte that they had no rights back in 1917, so could not claim the land being illegal immigrants
So cant come back and claim they were robbed, they were offered the chance and refused so giving up the chance at a later date.
They were offered the chance to allow foreigners to colonize their country?

Such a deal!

When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?
So cant come back and claim they were robbed, they were offered the chance and refused so giving up the chance at a later date.
They were offered the chance to allow foreigners to colonize their country?

Such a deal!

When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

Hardly a valid source of information as a child of 10 can answer the questions posed.
So cant come back and claim they were robbed, they were offered the chance and refused so giving up the chance at a later date.
They were offered the chance to allow foreigners to colonize their country?

Such a deal!

When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

History is written by everyone. Each of us in our own way. And we all have a combined effect on world history. However, very few of us ever have ours published.
They were offered the chance to allow foreigners to colonize their country?

Such a deal!

When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

Hardly a valid source of information as a child of 10 can answer the questions posed.

Your the one who quoted the myth. :)
When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

Hardly a valid source of information as a child of 10 can answer the questions posed.

Your the one who quoted the myth. :)

All history evolves from ancient history. Today's world would not be what it is without it.
They were offered the chance to allow foreigners to colonize their country?

Such a deal!

When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

History is written by everyone. Each of us in our own way. And we all have a combined effect on world history. However, very few of us ever have ours published.

What have you written that has been published?
When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

Hardly a valid source of information as a child of 10 can answer the questions posed.

Your the one who quoted the myth. :)

What myth is that then ?
When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

History is written by everyone. Each of us in our own way. And we all have a combined effect on world history. However, very few of us ever have ours published.

What have you written that has been published?

Quite a lot, but not to be seen outside of specialised circles
When was it ever their country as the Ottomans and LoN never granted them any sovereignty. Every other part of the Ottoman empire was named as a nation by 1923, but Palestine which was partitioned into trans Jordan and the Jewish national home. Could this be because the LoN knew that the arab muslims were mostly foreigners to the land and so had no legal rights to any lands.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

History is written by everyone. Each of us in our own way. And we all have a combined effect on world history. However, very few of us ever have ours published.

What have you written that has been published?

I said we are all a part of history. Even though hardly any of us has our role in history published. And I sad that history would not be what it is today without evolving since antiquity.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, it depends on the clarity of vision one has on causal effects and ramifications.

Well, there were multiple contributing factors and the assignment of blame cannot rest on anyone's particular shoulder.
Oh really. Without Britain's stupid policy there would be no war. Period.

The Jewish Community (World-Wide) came to understand that they would not be safe anywhere but in a domain to which they were not the minority --- and --- being totally dependent on the rule of the majority to which there was no justice. The Dreyfus Affair (1894) made it absolutely clear that the mob mentality of anti-Semitism ruled and Jews were expendable. And while the educated elite did not want to recognize it and agree, they knew deep down it was true. Both the non-Jewish Ruling Elite (to their shame) and the Jewish People came to realize that Jewish People (everywhere) would not be safe from arbitrary antisemitism under the color of law, unless the Jewish People had their own country. While the French government, with the shame of the Dreyfus Affair still fresh, even with a 1906 civilian court that overturned the conviction, the French Army did not renounce the conviction until 1995 --- a century later. This, coincidentally, was about the time of the Oslo Accords.

When the Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic - surrendered, it was to the Allied Powers...

The Armistice of Mudros, which was concluded on 30 October 1918; Clause 16 --- Surrender of all garrisons in Hejaz, Assir, Yemen, Syria, and Mesopotamia to the nearest Allied commander; and the withdrawal of troops from Cilicia, except those necessary to maintain order, as will be determined under Clause 5.
The Treaty of Sevres, which was concluded on 10 August 1920; Article 132 --- Outside her frontiers as fixed by the present Treaty Turkey hereby renounces in favour of the Principal Allied Powers all rights and title which she could claim on any ground over or concerning any territories outside Europe which are not otherwise disposed of by the present Treaty.
The Treaty of Lausanne, which was concluded 24 July 1924 (into force between the High Contracting Parties who have thus ratified it), Article I6 --- Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

IT WAS NOT BRITAN's MISTAKE ALONE. If indeed there was a mistake made.

There is no mistake. The intention was replicated three times, in three different instruments. Britain's Policy not withstanding, the San Remo Agreement between post-World War I Allied Powers was adopted on April 25, 1920 during the San Remo Conference. The Mandate for Palestine was based on this resolution; it incorporated the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the Covenant of the League of Nation's Article 22. Britain was charged with establishing a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine (territorial boundaries were not decided until four years after).

The emphasis is on the fact that the ALLIED POWERS agreed, as a collectively body, that it was in the best interest of the world community and humanity that some portion of the captured territory be allotted to the establishment of the Jewish National Home; under the legal authority of the Allied Powers as exercising customary law for territory that the Allied Powers have the Title and Right.

With all Muslim and Christian countries in the world, who would begrudge the Jewish People a sliver of territory to establish their enclave? (RHETORICAL) Only the Arabs.

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, Britain and the Zionists worked together to pull off this heist.

Without that there would not be war.

And once again you spout this LIE that you have no evidence for, only islamonazi propaganda and lies
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

Hardly a valid source of information as a child of 10 can answer the questions posed.

Your the one who quoted the myth. :)

What myth is that then ?

So you didn't read the link.
I need these for your post.


Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

History is written by everyone. Each of us in our own way. And we all have a combined effect on world history. However, very few of us ever have ours published.

What have you written that has been published?

Quite a lot, but not to be seen outside of specialised circles

Ah- The inner circle of the academia world. :biggrin:
I got away from that ruthless dog, eat dog ,world over 35 years ago. :)
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, it depends on the clarity of vision one has on causal effects and ramifications.

Well, there were multiple contributing factors and the assignment of blame cannot rest on anyone's particular shoulder.
Oh really. Without Britain's stupid policy there would be no war. Period.

The Jewish Community (World-Wide) came to understand that they would not be safe anywhere but in a domain to which they were not the minority --- and --- being totally dependent on the rule of the majority to which there was no justice. The Dreyfus Affair (1894) made it absolutely clear that the mob mentality of anti-Semitism ruled and Jews were expendable. And while the educated elite did not want to recognize it and agree, they knew deep down it was true. Both the non-Jewish Ruling Elite (to their shame) and the Jewish People came to realize that Jewish People (everywhere) would not be safe from arbitrary antisemitism under the color of law, unless the Jewish People had their own country. While the French government, with the shame of the Dreyfus Affair still fresh, even with a 1906 civilian court that overturned the conviction, the French Army did not renounce the conviction until 1995 --- a century later. This, coincidentally, was about the time of the Oslo Accords.

When the Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic - surrendered, it was to the Allied Powers...

The Armistice of Mudros, which was concluded on 30 October 1918; Clause 16 --- Surrender of all garrisons in Hejaz, Assir, Yemen, Syria, and Mesopotamia to the nearest Allied commander; and the withdrawal of troops from Cilicia, except those necessary to maintain order, as will be determined under Clause 5.
The Treaty of Sevres, which was concluded on 10 August 1920; Article 132 --- Outside her frontiers as fixed by the present Treaty Turkey hereby renounces in favour of the Principal Allied Powers all rights and title which she could claim on any ground over or concerning any territories outside Europe which are not otherwise disposed of by the present Treaty.
The Treaty of Lausanne, which was concluded 24 July 1924 (into force between the High Contracting Parties who have thus ratified it), Article I6 --- Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognised by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

IT WAS NOT BRITAN's MISTAKE ALONE. If indeed there was a mistake made.

There is no mistake. The intention was replicated three times, in three different instruments. Britain's Policy not withstanding, the San Remo Agreement between post-World War I Allied Powers was adopted on April 25, 1920 during the San Remo Conference. The Mandate for Palestine was based on this resolution; it incorporated the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the Covenant of the League of Nation's Article 22. Britain was charged with establishing a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine (territorial boundaries were not decided until four years after).

The emphasis is on the fact that the ALLIED POWERS agreed, as a collectively body, that it was in the best interest of the world community and humanity that some portion of the captured territory be allotted to the establishment of the Jewish National Home; under the legal authority of the Allied Powers as exercising customary law for territory that the Allied Powers have the Title and Right.

With all Muslim and Christian countries in the world, who would begrudge the Jewish People a sliver of territory to establish their enclave? (RHETORICAL) Only the Arabs.

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, Britain and the Zionists worked together to pull off this heist.

Without that there would not be war.

And once again you spout this LIE that you have no evidence for, only islamonazi propaganda and lies

Just your usual islamonazi talking points and palestinian propaganda from a palestinian no less
Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

Hardly a valid source of information as a child of 10 can answer the questions posed.

Your the one who quoted the myth. :)

What myth is that then ?

So you didn't read the link.

As I said anyone can post an answer there, making them meaningless
Why has the truth caused a slight accident and you have no clean trousers left. Dont forget that history was not written by the haters, it was written by the victors

It was?

History is written by everyone. Each of us in our own way. And we all have a combined effect on world history. However, very few of us ever have ours published.

What have you written that has been published?

Quite a lot, but not to be seen outside of specialised circles

Ah- The inner circle of the academia world. :biggrin:
I got away from that ruthless dog, eat dog ,world over 35 years ago. :)

Actually nowhere near, I am talking laypeople of a certain discipline that invent new methods all the time that are taken up by industry. Many defence contractors use our findings to make the last link between concept and reality

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