Israel's Legal Right To Exist

Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,
I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,
I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,
I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.

I didnt change the subject so how is it deflection, or are you losing the argument and want to get out of the hole you have dug ?
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,
I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.
I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.

I didnt change the subject so how is it deflection, or are you losing the argument and want to get out of the hole you have dug ?
Phoenall said:
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,

I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

You are deflecting my post.
P F Tinmore, Phoenall, et al,

This is getting confusing...

I think this technique used by our friend "P F Tinmore" calling everything a "deflection" and "denying the matter of record" is merely a preprogrammed response to anything that the anti- Semitic and pro-Palestinian activist do not want to recognize.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

By a cablegram dated May 15 1948 (S/747) the Foreign Minister of the Provisional Government of Israel had informed the Security Council of the Proclamation of an independent State of Israel in Palestine.

I fully am cognizant that the representative of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) claimed the Jewish Agency/Provision Government of Israel had no right to address the Arab League Military Forces as the Aggressor. The AHC Representative defended its position by stating the AHC had "invited" to maintain law and order. The AHC put forth the counter-claim that on termination of the Mandate, --- Palestine became an independent nation; --- and the Jews constituted a defiant faction and a "rebellious minority."

The Egyptian Government claimed that it was intervening in Palestine solely to preserve law and order. Egypt also agreed that with the termination of the Mandate, Palestine had regained complete independence and sovereignty.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

Well, not everything that has been done, is available ob the internet. Having said that, I would point-out that on Page 304 of the UN Yearbook 1947-1948, the account of the 16 September 1948 Reports of the United Nations Mediator (UNMed) on Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, begins. In the Conclusions to Count Folke Bernadotte's report, found on Page 305, are the "Seven Basic Premises." Now the Mediator's Conclusions are quite extensive; and if you want to read them all, follow the link and page numbers. But this "absolute nonsense" that it "Israeli say so," is so intentionally misleading. I give you two of the Mediator's premises:

The Jewish State "
(b) A Jewish State called Israel exists in Palestine and there are no sound reasons for assuming that it will not continue to do so.

Boundary determination "
(c) The boundaries of this new State must finally be fixed either by formal agreement between the parties concerned or failing that, by the United Nations.
On Page 280 of the UN Yearbook 1947-1948, you will see an excerpt from the representative of the United States presented to the General Assembly. The first one statement is the one we are concerned with:

From the President of the United States and read:

"This Government has been informed that a Jewish State has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the Provisional Government thereof. The United States recognizes the Provisional Government as the de facto authority of the new State of Israel."​

Now I assume it will put this non-sense and intentionally misleading comment about it being only "Israel's say so --- to rest. Now, we can argue about whether or not the newly established state was recognized as a "Jewish State" or the "Government of Israel;" but not whether it made a declaration on the concepts of "Self-determination."

As to the matter of the "deflection," the issue is relative to UN Security Council Resolution 69, and what is considered "legal."

S/RES/69 (1949) S/1277 Israel membership in the UN - SecCo resolution
The Security Council,

Having received and considered the application of Israel for membership in the United Nations,1/

1. Decides in its judgement that Israel is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter, and accordingly,

2. Recommends to the General Assembly that it admit Israel to membership in the United Nations.

Adopted at the 414th meeting by 9 votes to 1 (Egypt), with 1 abstention (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

I think this is pretty definitive. I don't expect it to be the answer you want, but as Count Folke Bernadotte said in 1948, "A Jewish State called Israel exists in Palestine and there are no sound reasons for assuming that it will not continue to do so." And this has proven true since that time.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, Phoenall, et al,

This is getting confusing...

I think this technique used by our friend "P F Tinmore" calling everything a "deflection" and "denying the matter of record" is merely a preprogrammed response to anything that the anti- Semitic and pro-Palestinian activist do not want to recognize.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

By a cablegram dated May 15 1948 (S/747) the Foreign Minister of the Provisional Government of Israel had informed the Security Council of the Proclamation of an independent State of Israel in Palestine.

I fully am cognizant that the representative of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) claimed the Jewish Agency/Provision Government of Israel had no right to address the Arab League Military Forces as the Aggressor. The AHC Representative defended its position by stating the AHC had "invited" to maintain law and order. The AHC put forth the counter-claim that on termination of the Mandate, --- Palestine became an independent nation; --- and the Jews constituted a defiant faction and a "rebellious minority."

The Egyptian Government claimed that it was intervening in Palestine solely to preserve law and order. Egypt also agreed that with the termination of the Mandate, Palestine had regained complete independence and sovereignty.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

Well, not everything that has been done, is available ob the internet. Having said that, I would point-out that on Page 304 of the UN Yearbook 1947-1948, the account of the 16 September 1948 Reports of the United Nations Mediator (UNMed) on Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, begins. In the Conclusions to Count Folke Bernadotte's report, found on Page 305, are the "Seven Basic Premises." Now the Mediator's Conclusions are quite extensive; and if you want to read them all, follow the link and page numbers. But this "absolute nonsense" that it "Israeli say so," is so intentionally misleading. I give you two of the Mediator's premises:

The Jewish State "
(b) A Jewish State called Israel exists in Palestine and there are no sound reasons for assuming that it will not continue to do so.

Boundary determination "
(c) The boundaries of this new State must finally be fixed either by formal agreement between the parties concerned or failing that, by the United Nations.
On Page 280 of the UN Yearbook 1947-1948, you will see an excerpt from the representative of the United States presented to the General Assembly. The first one statement is the one we are concerned with:

From the President of the United States and read:

"This Government has been informed that a Jewish State has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the Provisional Government thereof. The United States recognizes the Provisional Government as the de facto authority of the new State of Israel."​

Now I assume it will put this non-sense and intentionally misleading comment about it being only "Israel's say so --- to rest. Now, we can argue about whether or not the newly established state was recognized as a "Jewish State" or the "Government of Israel;" but not whether it made a declaration on the concepts of "Self-determination."

As to the matter of the "deflection," the issue is relative to UN Security Council Resolution 69, and what is considered "legal."

S/RES/69 (1949) S/1277 Israel membership in the UN - SecCo resolution
The Security Council,

Having received and considered the application of Israel for membership in the United Nations,1/

1. Decides in its judgement that Israel is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter, and accordingly,

2. Recommends to the General Assembly that it admit Israel to membership in the United Nations.

Adopted at the 414th meeting by 9 votes to 1 (Egypt), with 1 abstention (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

I think this is pretty definitive. I don't expect it to be the answer you want, but as Count Folke Bernadotte said in 1948, "A Jewish State called Israel exists in Palestine and there are no sound reasons for assuming that it will not continue to do so." And this has proven true since that time.

Most Respectfully,

But hostile, murderous Jewish terrorists assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte. Israel is a hostile warlike state and so are its Jews.
P F Tinmore, Phoenall, et al,

This is getting confusing...

I think this technique used by our friend "P F Tinmore" calling everything a "deflection" and "denying the matter of record" is merely a preprogrammed response to anything that the anti- Semitic and pro-Palestinian activist do not want to recognize.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

By a cablegram dated May 15 1948 (S/747) the Foreign Minister of the Provisional Government of Israel had informed the Security Council of the Proclamation of an independent State of Israel in Palestine.

I fully am cognizant that the representative of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) claimed the Jewish Agency/Provision Government of Israel had no right to address the Arab League Military Forces as the Aggressor. The AHC Representative defended its position by stating the AHC had "invited" to maintain law and order. The AHC put forth the counter-claim that on termination of the Mandate, --- Palestine became an independent nation; --- and the Jews constituted a defiant faction and a "rebellious minority."

The Egyptian Government claimed that it was intervening in Palestine solely to preserve law and order. Egypt also agreed that with the termination of the Mandate, Palestine had regained complete independence and sovereignty.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

Well, not everything that has been done, is available ob the internet. Having said that, I would point-out that on Page 304 of the UN Yearbook 1947-1948, the account of the 16 September 1948 Reports of the United Nations Mediator (UNMed) on Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, begins. In the Conclusions to Count Folke Bernadotte's report, found on Page 305, are the "Seven Basic Premises." Now the Mediator's Conclusions are quite extensive; and if you want to read them all, follow the link and page numbers. But this "absolute nonsense" that it "Israeli say so," is so intentionally misleading. I give you two of the Mediator's premises:

The Jewish State "
(b) A Jewish State called Israel exists in Palestine and there are no sound reasons for assuming that it will not continue to do so.

Boundary determination "
(c) The boundaries of this new State must finally be fixed either by formal agreement between the parties concerned or failing that, by the United Nations.
On Page 280 of the UN Yearbook 1947-1948, you will see an excerpt from the representative of the United States presented to the General Assembly. The first one statement is the one we are concerned with:

From the President of the United States and read:

"This Government has been informed that a Jewish State has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the Provisional Government thereof. The United States recognizes the Provisional Government as the de facto authority of the new State of Israel."​

Now I assume it will put this non-sense and intentionally misleading comment about it being only "Israel's say so --- to rest. Now, we can argue about whether or not the newly established state was recognized as a "Jewish State" or the "Government of Israel;" but not whether it made a declaration on the concepts of "Self-determination."

As to the matter of the "deflection," the issue is relative to UN Security Council Resolution 69, and what is considered "legal."

S/RES/69 (1949) S/1277 Israel membership in the UN - SecCo resolution
The Security Council,

Having received and considered the application of Israel for membership in the United Nations,1/

1. Decides in its judgement that Israel is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter, and accordingly,

2. Recommends to the General Assembly that it admit Israel to membership in the United Nations.

Adopted at the 414th meeting by 9 votes to 1 (Egypt), with 1 abstention (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

I think this is pretty definitive. I don't expect it to be the answer you want, but as Count Folke Bernadotte said in 1948, "A Jewish State called Israel exists in Palestine and there are no sound reasons for assuming that it will not continue to do so." And this has proven true since that time.

Most Respectfully,

But hostile, murderous Jewish terrorists assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte. Israel is a hostile warlike state and so are its Jews.

One has to laugh at Monte. Here he is on this forum from morning to night demonizing the Jews while his Muslim friends (maybe Monte is even a convert to Islam the way he carries on) are busy murdering each other in other Middle East areas (to which he closes his eyes because it is more important to demonize Israel) and has the audacity to say:

"But'. Israel is a hostile warlike state and so are its Jews>".

Meanwhile Israel has helped other unfortunates around the world and now they are helping Syrians.

Benjamin Netanyahu: Bring wounded Syrians to Israel for treatment
Oh dear, Hoss doesn't know that hostile, murderous Jewish terrorists assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte. Now that's funny.
I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

Funny how when Israel declares independence its just "Israeli say so". But when an Arab delegation with absolutely no actual control over territory declares independence its international law written in stone. Hmmmm?
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,
I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.
So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.

I didnt change the subject so how is it deflection, or are you losing the argument and want to get out of the hole you have dug ?
Phoenall said:
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,

I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

You are deflecting my post.

No as that was part of the thread, so no deflection

You have seen proof of it, just that you deny it because it destroys your POV.

Will a UN resolution do the trick for you, and an arab muslim source

UNITED NATIONS 0/83E8C29DB812A4E9852560E50067A5AC General Assembly A/RES/273 (III) 11 May 1949

273 (III). Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations

Having received the report of the Security Council on the application of Israel for membership in the United Nations,1/
Noting that, in the judgment of the Security Council, Israel is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter,
Noting that the Security Council has recommended to the General Assembly that it admit Israel to membership in the United Nations,
Noting furthermore the declaration by the State of Israel that it "unreservedly accepts the obligations of the United Nations Charter and undertakes to honour them from the day when it becomes a Member of the United Nations",2/
Recalling its resolutions of 29 November 1947 3/ and 11 December 1948 4/ and taking note of the declarations and explanations made by the representative of the Government of Israel 5/ before the ad hoc Political Committee in respect of the implementation of the said resolutions,
The General Assembly,
Acting in discharge of its functions under Article 4 of the Charter and rule 125 of its rules of procedure,
1. Decides that Israel is a peace-loving State which accepts the obligations contained in the Charter and is able and willing to carry out those obligations;
2. Decides to admit Israel to membership in the United Nations.

Does two things which you will hate, it makes Israel's existence legal and it shows that the UN had accepted the Jewish declaration making the arab league one null and void.
Oh dear, Hoss doesn't know that hostile, murderous Jewish terrorists assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte. Now that's funny.

And how many people have the islamonazi, extremist, terrorist mass murdering palestinians assassinated over the years
The only basis for the state of Israel is sympathy for the Zionist movement. Sympathy is fine and very human; nothing wrong with it. Stating the fact for the sake of clarity and honesty would be a good thing. History is no basis at all as everyone knows, since very few countries are currently held by the 'indigenous' people. For that matter, there were people in the area before the Semites arrived.
A problem facing the U.S. position is using public funds to support a religion.
I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

So the UN accepting the declaration from the Jews in may 1948 is just Israeli say so.

See my other reply regarding the arab muslims refusal to be part of the LoN mandate system and so throwing away their rights to be part of the civilised world

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.

How is it deflection ? it answers your claim and proves you wrong

Getting monotonous now proving you a LIAR and a moron
Changing the subject is deflection.

I didnt change the subject so how is it deflection, or are you losing the argument and want to get out of the hole you have dug ?
Phoenall said:
Apart from it claimed land that was already claimed by the Jews,

I've heard that a Gazillion times.

I've never seen any proof of it. It is just Israeli say so.

You are deflecting my post.

No as that was part of the thread, so no deflection

You have seen proof of it, just that you deny it because it destroys your POV.

Will a UN resolution do the trick for you, and an arab muslim source

UNITED NATIONS 0/83E8C29DB812A4E9852560E50067A5AC General Assembly A/RES/273 (III) 11 May 1949

273 (III). Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations

Having received the report of the Security Council on the application of Israel for membership in the United Nations,1/
Noting that, in the judgment of the Security Council, Israel is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter,
Noting that the Security Council has recommended to the General Assembly that it admit Israel to membership in the United Nations,
Noting furthermore the declaration by the State of Israel that it "unreservedly accepts the obligations of the United Nations Charter and undertakes to honour them from the day when it becomes a Member of the United Nations",2/
Recalling its resolutions of 29 November 1947 3/ and 11 December 1948 4/ and taking note of the declarations and explanations made by the representative of the Government of Israel 5/ before the ad hoc Political Committee in respect of the implementation of the said resolutions,
The General Assembly,
Acting in discharge of its functions under Article 4 of the Charter and rule 125 of its rules of procedure,
1. Decides that Israel is a peace-loving State which accepts the obligations contained in the Charter and is able and willing to carry out those obligations;
2. Decides to admit Israel to membership in the United Nations.

Does two things which you will hate, it makes Israel's existence legal and it shows that the UN had accepted the Jewish declaration making the arab league one null and void.
That wasn't the point.
The only basis for the state of Israel is sympathy for the Zionist movement. Sympathy is fine and very human; nothing wrong with it. Stating the fact for the sake of clarity and honesty would be a good thing. History is no basis at all as everyone knows, since very few countries are currently held by the 'indigenous' people. For that matter, there were people in the area before the Semites arrived.
A problem facing the U.S. position is using public funds to support a religion.

BULLSHIT there is no sympathy at all, anti Zionism is the new anti Semitism and has been burst wide open. The only basis for the state of Israel was because the people saw what they were doing and were ashamed. They realised that they were being what they despised and so tried to make amends with the Jews and muslims by giving them national homes. But you nazi's gained power and started to wipe out the Jews

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