Israel's Occupation Is Morally Indefensible

pbel, et al,

The Palestinians have more contributions, from more Donor Nations, made for a longer time, then any single forum of people in the world.

Honestly your constant bullshit analysis is that of an idiot because the Palestinians are the most educated and secular of all the Arabs, Creating an economy with the boot of Israel crushing their necks to the ground and yet surviving under these conditions is a miracle while Israel's success can be traced to the incredible flow of American/Jewish money.

You have no point.

No one is hold down the Arab Palestinians; except themselves.

Most Respectfully,
personally, I think you're full of bull, but I will give you a chance to prove your numbers by some documentation with verifiable numbers per capita contributions to Israel's and Palestine's Economies from outside sources.
Of course it does not help that Israel has fleets of equipment and bombs and missiles for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian.

P F Tinmore, et al,

Damn, this (for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian) is 100% wrong.

Of course it does not help that Israel has fleets of equipment and bombs and missiles for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian.

The mission of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is just what the name implies. The IDF defends Israel from any aspect that threatens the State, its citizens or its sovereignty.

Most Respectfully,
Zionism is Fascism according to Albert Einstein. I want a safe-haven for the Jews but how do you reconcile the immoral annexation of the indigenous people's homeland?

Alon Ben-Meir Become a fan

Senior Fellow, Center for Global Affairs, NYU

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I have long maintained that Israel's occupation of the West Bank defies the moral principle behind the creation of the state. Contrary to Prime Minister Netanyahu's assertion, the occupation erodes rather than buttresses Israel's national security and cannot be justified on either security or moral grounds. Unless Israel embraces a new moral path, no one can prevent it from unravelling from within only to become a pariah state that has lost its soul, wantonly abandoning the cherished dreams of its founding fathers.

There are four ethical theories--Kantian, utilitarian, virtue-based, and religious--that demonstrate the lack of moral foundation in the continuing occupation, which imposes upon Israelis the responsibility to bring it to a decisive end.

Your problem is that that area belonged to Israel long before any Arabs ever made it their home.

When did the area belong to Israel?

"When did the area belong to Israel?"

Forget that….where in the Quran does it say I have to look like some black-blob zombie.

Or a walking sack of potatoes, or a relative of Cousin It??

Where ?

i bet it's
P F Tinmore, et al,

Damn, this (for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian) is 100% wrong.

Of course it does not help that Israel has fleets of equipment and bombs and missiles for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian.

The mission of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is just what the name implies. The IDF defends Israel from any aspect that threatens the State, its citizens or its sovereignty.

Most Respectfully,

Israel destroys homes by the thousands, businesses, crops and farmland, water sources...

That is colonization not security.
Formulation No.1:
"Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." In short, never do anything that you couldn't will everybody else do at the same time.

I believe Israel's actions are morally defensible based on this principle.

1. The Jewish people, as do all other peoples with a distinct ethnic or cultural identity tied to an ancestral land, have the right to self-determination and sovereignty over territory.

2. Israel's sovereignty over territory is based on universal legal principles and treaties.

3. Israel has a right (obligation) to defend its nation and its citizens from belligerent attacks.

4. Holy sites which are revered by more than one religious faith must be equally and fairly accessible to all of those faiths.

Actually, there are some arguments frequently made on the Palestinian side which fail to live up to this principle.
Wrong again
Prove that Einstein did not say those words, Phoney.

It is up to you to prove he did from more than one source, if one source is all you have then you have proven that he didn't
You clearly sound pretty delusional if you need more than Einstein's written words, since when does one need more than once source to create a fact?

Is this asylum protocol?


It is simple if you only have the one source then the veracity of the source is questionable, more so if the source is anti Jewish. I could claim that Abu mazen said that he would buy a nuke from the Russian mafia and explode it in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem, without verification it would not be true
Well then neuron-nut peruse these links:

Einstein: The 1948 Letter to New York Times condemning the ... - Similarto Einstein: The 1948 Letter to New York Times condemning the ...

Was Einstein a political Zionist? Supported Israel? Read: Einstein, Zionism and Israel: ... political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.

Look at your sources for his claims and you will see that you are using false premise. You use the same material more than once and that is not just his words but the words of others.

Once again you fail to grasp the need to be transparent in your attacks on the Jews. Want to try again and this time produce verifiable words from the great man, and not conjecture.
That's like saying that Italian Catholics are indigenous to Mexico

You are confusing religion and people again Phoney...

Same thing in this case as the arabs mentioned are arab muslims, as you don't get arab anything else because of the Islamic laws that prohibit other religions.

You are so dumb it's scary Phoney!

No Arab Christians...
No Arab Jews...
No Arab Drues....
No Arab Baha'i
No Arab Gnostics
No Arab Yazidi

There are many more....

That's why you need to differentiate between people and religion...

You might get it one day!

YOU MIGHT,but that is questionable. Now about the occupation can you produce any evidence your ramblings have anything to do with it ?

Still ONLY Arab Muslims then Phoney :cuckoo:

The occupation of Gaza via the blockade, as stated by UNSC, UNGA, Humanitarian Organisations and several countries...

Want to argue against the UN Phoney?

Yes, I know, they are "anti-semite", in your opinion...

If that's the case then you need to stop using the UN as a source to back up your inane BS!

So produce the links that state the occupation is illegal from the UN, and not the ones that say the separation barrier is illegal. NGO's do not count as they are just Points of View and not legally enforceable.
Billo_Really, et al,

I tend to think of an "Occupation" as the final phase (post-War Phase) of a conflict. Almost all conflict/wars come to an end; and one of the options available to the Victor at the conclusion of a war/conflict is an "occupation." This is the decision to temporarily hold former enemy controlled territory. This is true of an Armistice, in that an armistice is an announced end to open hostilities, but not an end to the war/conflict culminating in a Treaty of Peace. An Armistice (like that of Lebanon and Syria) does not achieve national political objectives in the same way as a Peace Treaty (like that of Jordan and Egypt).

The last decades of the 20th Century and the first few decades of the 21st Century marks warfare (the core combat phase) as a rapid development. Often less than a years. Wars/conflicts of short durations are characterized by a very short preparedness and planning period that follows war/conflict; and allows for the assumption of responsibility in the post-War/Conflict Phase. Similarly long wars/conflicts that have an exceptionally long Armistice period (long cessation of hostilities with no progress for a lasting peace) set a new set of conditions that will have an impact on the achievement of the national political objectives, that will leave the temporarily held enemy controlled territory in limbo. This is what the conditions are in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

On 6 February 1948, a communication to the Secretary-General, United Nations (UN) by Mr. Isa Nakhleh, Representative of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) which made it clear that the AHC "Delegation solemnly declares that it is the unflinching determination of every Arab in Palestine to defend his country against any power or group of powers or any force going to Palestine to partition the country. The Arabs are in duty and honor bound to defend their country to the last man." (A/AC.21/10) This is essentially a declaration of war between the AHC (representing the Arab Palestinians) and the State of Israel. This was articulated in the 1968 Palestinian National Charter AND again reemphasized in the 2005 Palestinian Charter of Honor, (contained in the DCAFPublications › Towards Palestinian National Reconciliation).
Third: External Relations

All confirm the following principles:
4. To confirm the legitimacy of the armed resistance, political strife, and all means of Jihad and struggle which the Palestinian people has exercised and is exercising to attain freedom and independence, and to lobby all powers to denounce all forms of occupation and tyranny in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and each span occupied by the foreigner.

Abeer Ayyoub in Gaza City and Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem
Tens of thousands celebrate Hamas 'victory' rally as exiled leader returns
Saturday 8 December 2012

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal vowed Gaza's rulers would never give up "an inch of the land" to Israel in an uncompromising speech before tens of thousands of cheering supporters at a triumphalist "victory" rally in Gaza City.

"Palestine is ours, from the river to the sea and from the south to the north. There will be no concession on an inch of the land," he told the crowd on his first visit toGaza. "We will never recognise the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation and therefore there is no legitimacy for Israel, no matter how long it will take."​
Israel's occupation is morally defensible

There is a special connection between War/Conflict and Morality. It is akin to the Theory of Self-Defense. In war/conflict we say: Just War Theory. Prussian General Karl von Clausewitz, is known to have written: "war is the continuation of politics by other means." Clearly, this is quite suitable for the Arab-Israeli Conflict. This is where the UN Palestine Commission said: "Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein." Politics!

In the case of the Israelis, it is simplified: The need to defend the Jewish National Home is a matter of survival. And the Arab-Palestinians pose a threat to the battlefield conditions that permit an opportunity for the Israel to mount a reasonable defense. Sometimes, it is heard to be said: "indefensible borders." This is a variation on the theme that there are two moral approaches for consideration: (i) one for Israel (based on a strict moral code); (ii) and one for the Arab-Palestinians (based on sympathetic understanding).

Central to the issue of statehood is the understanding that all warfare is precisely and ultimately, about sovereignty and its health and protection. When there is a dispute that impacts the safety and sovereignty of a nation, then Armed Conflict (War) becomes the method of dispute resolution. (Note: It can be said that the reverse is true. This is call a commutative political property.)

Because there are, in higher forms of logic and philosophy, mathematical properties that are used to determine outcomes, these properties have have correlative dual use in both studies.
Yes, war/conflict is a violent way for determining outcomes (who gets to say what goes) on in a given territory, for example, regarding: who gets power, who gets wealth and resources, whose ideals prevail, and so on.

Morality is a social accepted definition based on the distinction between "right and wrong" - or - "good and evil." We determine what the proper political property is (politically) correct. There is no true definition to morally correct; except within the social norm of the ethnic group. Within some ethnic groups, cutting off hands, stoning, and honor killing are perfectly acceptable punishments and within the moral values of the society. Where in other societies, this would be considered barbaric.

THUS, if you come from a society that is willing to take certain risks with the safety and security of its national sovereignty and citizens, then the continued occupation necessary to insure that outcome is morally UN-acceptable.

If you come from a society that is NOT willing to take certain risks with the safety and security of its national sovereignty and citizens, then the continued occupation necessary to insure that outcome is morally acceptable.

This is an embedded concept to this oath.
"I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me,
according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice."​

If the leadership of the United States came to the conclusion that "security the territory, establish occupation, and neutralizing the threat to America in Territory "X", and that the accomplishment of that mission was essential to our nation Nation, our continued survival, and our way of life; then it will be done. The war/conflict will be consider "JUST" and the occupation will be considered "moral."

Most Respectfully,
"Delegation solemnly declares that it is the unflinching determination of every Arab in Palestine to defend his country against any power or group of powers or any force going to Palestine to partition the country.​

And you believe that self defense is illegal.

So by which treaty did the disenfranchised ottoman arab muslims gain sovereignty over Palestine. Can you give dates and names of the signatories of these treaties saying that the arab muslims who were former Ottoman soldiers will be given the 22% of Jewish Palestine as their homeland ?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Now, did I say that? I did not.

"Delegation solemnly declares that it is the unflinching determination of every Arab in Palestine to defend his country against any power or group of powers or any force going to Palestine to partition the country.​

And you believe that self defense is illegal.

I said two very important things:

  • This was the equivalency of a declaration of war.
  • That the territory WAS NOT their country to defend.

Most Respectfully,
Palestine is a country defined by international borders. The Palestinians were the habitual residents of Palestine and they held Palestinian citizenship.

And you say That the territory WAS NOT their country to defend.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Rocco, you are a hoot.

Treaty defining Palestine as a country, and not defining Jewish Palestine as a mandate. This is where you get confused as there is no defined Palestinian country other than Jordan
P F Tinmore, et al,

Damn, this (for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian) is 100% wrong.

Of course it does not help that Israel has fleets of equipment and bombs and missiles for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian.

The mission of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is just what the name implies. The IDF defends Israel from any aspect that threatens the State, its citizens or its sovereignty.

Most Respectfully,

Israel destroys homes by the thousands, businesses, crops and farmland, water sources...

That is colonization not security.

No it is response to attacks and declarations of war, so blame the arab league for their stupidity and lack of intelligence when they thought they could destroy Israel and wipe out the Jews. Attack a military nation and you can expect to be hit ten times harder in reply.
P F Tinmore, pbel, Billo_Really, et al,

Actually, you are wrong.

P F Tinmore, et al,

Now, did I say that? I did not.

"Delegation solemnly declares that it is the unflinching determination of every Arab in Palestine to defend his country against any power or group of powers or any force going to Palestine to partition the country.​

And you believe that self defense is illegal.

I said two very important things:
  • This was the equivalency of a declaration of war.
  • That the territory WAS NOT their country to defend.
Most Respectfully,
Palestine is a country defined by international borders. The Palestinians were the habitual residents of Palestine and they held Palestinian citizenship.

And you say That the territory WAS NOT their country to defend.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Rocco, you are a hoot.
  • Palestine was a 'legal entity' but it is not a "sovereign state."
  • Citizenship was to the Mandate Territory, not a sovereign country. From 1922 to 1948, Palestine was defined by the Palestine Order in Council as the "territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine."
  • International Borders for Territory formerly under Mandate were relevant to the Allied Power and used for their administration.
  • The Citizenship was to the "Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the date of commencement of this Order. It was not to some undefined Arab State.
  • The "territory of Palestine" was an entity "within such boundaries as may be fixed by" the Allied Powers and NOT by a self-determination of any Arab people.
As linked, the "legal entity" status was opened and publicly explained by the Mandatory and the UN in a joint Release (Press Release PAL/138) on the Successor Government.

When the Jewish People Declared Independence, the remainder of the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied would have been a UN legal entity. However, the pol-mil error of the Arab League changed the plan thru Arab interference. The West Bank fell under Jordanian authority and the Gaza Strip fell under Egyptian authority. The remainder fell under Israeli control as outline by the multiple Armistice agreements.

If there is a hoot; it flew by me.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, pbel, Billo_Really, et al,

Actually, you are wrong.

P F Tinmore, et al,

Now, did I say that? I did not.

"Delegation solemnly declares that it is the unflinching determination of every Arab in Palestine to defend his country against any power or group of powers or any force going to Palestine to partition the country.​

And you believe that self defense is illegal.

I said two very important things:
  • This was the equivalency of a declaration of war.
  • That the territory WAS NOT their country to defend.
Most Respectfully,
Palestine is a country defined by international borders. The Palestinians were the habitual residents of Palestine and they held Palestinian citizenship.

And you say That the territory WAS NOT their country to defend.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Rocco, you are a hoot.
  • Palestine was a 'legal entity' but it is not a "sovereign state."
  • Citizenship was to the Mandate Territory, not a sovereign country. From 1922 to 1948, Palestine was defined by the Palestine Order in Council as the "territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine."
  • International Borders for Territory formerly under Mandate were relevant to the Allied Power and used for their administration.
  • The Citizenship was to the "Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine at the date of commencement of this Order. It was not to some undefined Arab State.
  • The "territory of Palestine" was an entity "within such boundaries as may be fixed by" the Allied Powers and NOT by a self-determination of any Arab people.
As linked, the "legal entity" status was opened and publicly explained by the Mandatory and the UN in a joint Release (Press Release PAL/138) on the Successor Government.

When the Jewish People Declared Independence, the remainder of the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applied would have been a UN legal entity. However, the pol-mil error of the Arab League changed the plan thru Arab interference. The West Bank fell under Jordanian authority and the Gaza Strip fell under Egyptian authority. The remainder fell under Israeli control as outline by the multiple Armistice agreements.

If there is a hoot; it flew by me.

Most Respectfully,
That is quite a song and dance there, Rocco.

Palestine is a non self governing territory under foreign rule and always has been.

5. Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.

The United Nations and Decolonization - Declaration

Which is a recommendation and did not exist in 1917, 1923 or 1948. So has no bearing on the P/I conflict. Also the land was governed by the Jordanians until 1967 again making it null and void. Want to use laws retrospectively then remember that you are a colonist and invader with no right to any of the land in America and those same laws will be used against you.
You are confusing religion and people again Phoney...

Same thing in this case as the arabs mentioned are arab muslims, as you don't get arab anything else because of the Islamic laws that prohibit other religions.

You are so dumb it's scary Phoney!

No Arab Christians...
No Arab Jews...
No Arab Drues....
No Arab Baha'i
No Arab Gnostics
No Arab Yazidi

There are many more....

That's why you need to differentiate between people and religion...

You might get it one day!

YOU MIGHT,but that is questionable. Now about the occupation can you produce any evidence your ramblings have anything to do with it ?

Still ONLY Arab Muslims then Phoney :cuckoo:

The occupation of Gaza via the blockade, as stated by UNSC, UNGA, Humanitarian Organisations and several countries...

Want to argue against the UN Phoney?

Yes, I know, they are "anti-semite", in your opinion...

If that's the case then you need to stop using the UN as a source to back up your inane BS!

So produce the links that state the occupation is illegal from the UN, and not the ones that say the separation barrier is illegal. NGO's do not count as they are just Points of View and not legally enforceable.

Already done a 100 times Phoney... I won't pander to your ignorance!
pbel, et al,

The Palestinians have more contributions, from more Donor Nations, made for a longer time, then any single forum of people in the world.

Honestly your constant bullshit analysis is that of an idiot because the Palestinians are the most educated and secular of all the Arabs, Creating an economy with the boot of Israel crushing their necks to the ground and yet surviving under these conditions is a miracle while Israel's success can be traced to the incredible flow of American/Jewish money.

You have no point.

No one is hold down the Arab Palestinians; except themselves.

Most Respectfully,
personally, I think you're full of bull, but I will give you a chance to prove your numbers by some documentation with verifiable numbers per capita contributions to Israel's and Palestine's Economies from outside sources.
Of course it does not help that Israel has fleets of equipment and bombs and missiles for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian.

When up to your neck in crocodiles you don't throw raw meat to induce a feeding frenzy. When surround by a heavily armed military you don't fire pop guns.
If the Palestinians were not so hell bent on destroying Israel and wiping out the Jews then Israel would not need all that military hardware, simples isn't it.
I want a safe-haven for the Jews but how do you reconcile the immoral annexation of the indigenous people's homeland?

Arabs are indigenous to Israel? LOL!
1) it wasn't imoral

2) It wasn't their homeland. Their homeland is either Jordan or Egypt.

It wasn't their homeland. Their homeland is either Jordan or Egypt.

Or even further away.

Here you go, Sparky.

Teachers Guide - Muslims | Teacher Center | FRONTLINE | PBS
This is not a religious conflict.

Then why do the Palestinians invoke their religion all the time ?
Same thing in this case as the arabs mentioned are arab muslims, as you don't get arab anything else because of the Islamic laws that prohibit other religions.

You are so dumb it's scary Phoney!

No Arab Christians...
No Arab Jews...
No Arab Drues....
No Arab Baha'i
No Arab Gnostics
No Arab Yazidi

There are many more....

That's why you need to differentiate between people and religion...

You might get it one day!

YOU MIGHT,but that is questionable. Now about the occupation can you produce any evidence your ramblings have anything to do with it ?

Still ONLY Arab Muslims then Phoney :cuckoo:

The occupation of Gaza via the blockade, as stated by UNSC, UNGA, Humanitarian Organisations and several countries...

Want to argue against the UN Phoney?

Yes, I know, they are "anti-semite", in your opinion...

If that's the case then you need to stop using the UN as a source to back up your inane BS!

So produce the links that state the occupation is illegal from the UN, and not the ones that say the separation barrier is illegal. NGO's do not count as they are just Points of View and not legally enforceable.

Already done a 100 times Phoney... I won't pander to your ignorance!

NOPE you have produced reports that claim the separation barrier is illegal, not the occupation.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Damn, this (for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian) is 100% wrong.

Of course it does not help that Israel has fleets of equipment and bombs and missiles for the purpose of destroying anything and everything Palestinian.

The mission of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is just what the name implies. The IDF defends Israel from any aspect that threatens the State, its citizens or its sovereignty.

Most Respectfully,

Sorry Rocco, that simply does not stand up does it!
You are so dumb it's scary Phoney!

No Arab Christians...
No Arab Jews...
No Arab Drues....
No Arab Baha'i
No Arab Gnostics
No Arab Yazidi

There are many more....

That's why you need to differentiate between people and religion...

You might get it one day!

YOU MIGHT,but that is questionable. Now about the occupation can you produce any evidence your ramblings have anything to do with it ?

Still ONLY Arab Muslims then Phoney :cuckoo:

The occupation of Gaza via the blockade, as stated by UNSC, UNGA, Humanitarian Organisations and several countries...

Want to argue against the UN Phoney?

Yes, I know, they are "anti-semite", in your opinion...

If that's the case then you need to stop using the UN as a source to back up your inane BS!

So produce the links that state the occupation is illegal from the UN, and not the ones that say the separation barrier is illegal. NGO's do not count as they are just Points of View and not legally enforceable.

Already done a 100 times Phoney... I won't pander to your ignorance!

NOPE you have produced reports that claim the separation barrier is illegal, not the occupation.

Show's hope pointless it is to try and communicate with you Phoney...

I have NEVER posted a link about the illegal barrier... What would the point be in that?

Everyone knows it illegal you idiot!
YOU MIGHT,but that is questionable. Now about the occupation can you produce any evidence your ramblings have anything to do with it ?

Still ONLY Arab Muslims then Phoney :cuckoo:

The occupation of Gaza via the blockade, as stated by UNSC, UNGA, Humanitarian Organisations and several countries...

Want to argue against the UN Phoney?

Yes, I know, they are "anti-semite", in your opinion...

If that's the case then you need to stop using the UN as a source to back up your inane BS!

So produce the links that state the occupation is illegal from the UN, and not the ones that say the separation barrier is illegal. NGO's do not count as they are just Points of View and not legally enforceable.

Already done a 100 times Phoney... I won't pander to your ignorance!

NOPE you have produced reports that claim the separation barrier is illegal, not the occupation.

Show's hope pointless it is to try and communicate with you Phoney...

I have NEVER posted a link about the illegal barrier... What would the point be in that?

Everyone knows it illegal you idiot!
YOU MIGHT,but that is questionable. Now about the occupation can you produce any evidence your ramblings have anything to do with it ?

Still ONLY Arab Muslims then Phoney :cuckoo:

The occupation of Gaza via the blockade, as stated by UNSC, UNGA, Humanitarian Organisations and several countries...

Want to argue against the UN Phoney?

Yes, I know, they are "anti-semite", in your opinion...

If that's the case then you need to stop using the UN as a source to back up your inane BS!

So produce the links that state the occupation is illegal from the UN, and not the ones that say the separation barrier is illegal. NGO's do not count as they are just Points of View and not legally enforceable.

Already done a 100 times Phoney... I won't pander to your ignorance!

NOPE you have produced reports that claim the separation barrier is illegal, not the occupation.

Show's hope pointless it is to try and communicate with you Phoney...

I have NEVER posted a link about the illegal barrier... What would the point be in that?

Everyone knows it illegal you idiot!

Do they really, then why hasn't the UN sent in an armed force to remove it if it is illegal. Could it be that they know they would be in breach of International law and their own charter if they did. Being a security measure that has reduced the numbers of suicide bombers to virtually nil is the reason the UN flap their gums while sitting on their hands.

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