Israel's Occupation Is Morally Indefensible

CMike, et al,

No, Palestine was not a part of the British Empire.

P F Tinmore, et al,

Now, did I say that? I did not.

"Delegation solemnly declares that it is the unflinching determination of every Arab in Palestine to defend his country against any power or group of powers or any force going to Palestine to partition the country.​

And you believe that self defense is illegal.

I said two very important things:

  • This was the equivalency of a declaration of war.
  • That the territory WAS NOT their country to defend.

Most Respectfully,
Palestine is a country defined by international borders. The Palestinians were the habitual residents of Palestine and they held Palestinian citizenship.

And you say That the territory WAS NOT their country to defend.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Rocco, you are a hoot.
You mean they were part of the British empire?

HM's Government was selected by the said Allied Powers to administer the territory of Palestine (one of several non-self-governing entities), which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by the Allied Powers. The Mandator was responsible (Article 5) for ensuring that the Palestine territory was not any way placed under the control of any foreign Power. Included in the Mandate (Article 17) the Mandatory of Palestine may organize, on a voluntary basis the forces, necessary for the preservation of peace and order, and also for the defense.

Under the Mandate, the defense of the territory was a function of the Mandatory selected by the said Allied Powers. The Arab Palestinian had no responsibility to defend the territory (because it was not their to defend); BUT the Palestinian could participate in the maintenance of peace and security, strictly on a voluntary basis under the authority and supervision of the HM's Government.

Most Respectfully,

Arab Christian and Muslims that live in Palestine are the native people of the area, by definition. They are the same people whose ancestors lived in the area since the bronze age, for the most part. You do realize that Arab is a cultural and linguistic distinction. The Jews that invaded Palestine were from Europe.[/QUOTE]

Actually Arab is nothing more than a language group. It in no way defines culture ,ethnicity or heritage. The area is North Africa which has many native groupings most of which have been nomadic over the centuries. The predominant tribal affiliation of what would become ancient Judea was the Hyksos. A rather primitive people who's ancestors eventually developed into several Bronze Age tribes. The Judaic people being the dominant lineage.

Modern archeology reveals that there was no invasion of the Hyksos and that they most likely developed as a people from pre bronze age man within the confines of North African area. It was the Egyptians who most likely abandoned the Cannon valley area rather than the ancient Jewish people who militarily conquered it. See Silberman and Finlkstein "The Bible Unearthed".

The Jewish people returning to Judea did so from all corners of the world including many local areas of Arab influence, so its a bit disingenuous to claim that the Jewish people who returned to Judea were European invaders. Its far more accurate to say that those returning to Judea were from all parts of the globe and returning to their ancestral lands.

On the other hand there is a more recent history of Arabic peoples from many North African areas migrating into ancient Judea. Some of who stayed for generations and some who didn't. In the most recent past ancient Judea was a caliphate of the Ottomans and much of the Arab population was itinerant farm workers as Jerusalem had not been a priority within the Ottoman empire and was not of economic importance.

So the argument as to who the native peoples are is actually quite straight forward. The Judaic people are the native people with "some" Arab individuals having ties to the land of an unknown number of generations although their cultural and ethnic backgrounds are generally fairly easily traced as these Arabic peoples in general have maintained their ethnic and cultural identities apart from the Judaic history of the area. Genetically, there is little difference between the areas various ethnic groups after so many years of intermarriage. However, specific genetic markers for Judaic lineage does exist and is a defining factor.

What it really boils down to is sharing. And we all can see how thats going.

Ancient Judea has been split about 80/20 with the Arabs receiving the lions share, yet still aggressively seeking more. It would seem that NO Jewish controlled area is acceptable to the local Arab populations. Which IMHO is blatant bigotry and racism.
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The question of the moral standing of Israel's use of this portion of the original British mandate to establish a national Jewish homeland seems beyond reproach. The only persons attempting this argument must be ignorant of the situation as a whole. Ignorance allows the revisionist historians to do their work and muddy the waters. The simple truth is that the disputed territories are well within the area designated as being set aside for the creation of a Jewish national homeland. So whats the problem ?
The question of the moral standing of Israel's use of this portion of the original British mandate to establish a national Jewish homeland seems beyond reproach. The only persons attempting this argument must be ignorant of the situation as a whole. Ignorance allows the revisionist historians to do their work and muddy the waters. The simple truth is that the disputed territories are well within the area designated as being set aside for the creation of a Jewish national homeland. So whats the problem ?
The simple truth is that the disputed territories are well within the area designated as being set aside for the creation of a Jewish national homeland. So whats the problem ?​

The problem is the definition of the Jewish homeland. The plan was to have Jews acquire Palestinian citizenship along with the other Palestinians. As Palestinians they could live anywhere in Palestine like the rest of the Palestinians. There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. The state of Israel was outside the scope of the Mandate.
The question of the moral standing of Israel's use of this portion of the original British mandate to establish a national Jewish homeland seems beyond reproach. The only persons attempting this argument must be ignorant of the situation as a whole. Ignorance allows the revisionist historians to do their work and muddy the waters. The simple truth is that the disputed territories are well within the area designated as being set aside for the creation of a Jewish national homeland. So whats the problem ?
The simple truth is that the disputed territories are well within the area designated as being set aside for the creation of a Jewish national homeland. So whats the problem ?​

The problem is the definition of the Jewish homeland. The plan was to have Jews acquire Palestinian citizenship along with the other Palestinians. As Palestinians they could live anywhere in Palestine like the rest of the Palestinians. There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. The state of Israel was outside the scope of the Mandate.

The "PLAN" whatever it was went out the window when the Arabs attacked the fledgling Jewish state.

I would be interested however in reading up on this plan for no Israeli state and instead an Arab state. I've studied middle east history for a very long time and this is the first I've ever heard of it. I suspect this is just more revisionist history but who knows, I'm always open to investigate the origins of any claims I've not heard before. So do please explain this one.
There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.

We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. Still isn't. Perfectly in evidence by the fact that there are plenty of Palestinian Muslim Arabs living in Israel as Israeli citizens with full equality under the law, and actually a little more equal than the Jewish people with respect to the Jewish holy sites.

But the geographical area (well, the 25% left of it after Jordan was created) formerly called Palestine was intended to become the national homeland for the Jewish people. Just as Jordan became the homeland of the Jordanians, despite their Jewish population. And Syria became the homeland of the Syrians, despite their Jewish populations. And Iraq became the homeland of the Iraqis, despite their Jewish population. And Lebanon became homeland to the Lebanese, despite their Jewish population. The entire intention of the Mandate was to create nations from the former Ottoman Empire. One for each of these groups of people, with no civil prejudice to the other groups living in those territories. Civil rights for the Jewish people in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. And civil rights for the Arabs in Palestine.

Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations, demanding that they and all their descendants be allowed to return and form governments for self-determination in those nations?

Sounds suspiciously like there is a different set of rules for the Jewish people. And there is a name for that.
There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.

We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. Still isn't. Perfectly in evidence by the fact that there are plenty of Palestinian Muslim Arabs living in Israel as Israeli citizens with full equality under the law, and actually a little more equal than the Jewish people with respect to the Jewish holy sites.

But the geographical area (well, the 25% left of it after Jordan was created) formerly called Palestine was intended to become the national homeland for the Jewish people. Just as Jordan became the homeland of the Jordanians, despite their Jewish population. And Syria became the homeland of the Syrians, despite their Jewish populations. And Iraq became the homeland of the Iraqis, despite their Jewish population. And Lebanon became homeland to the Lebanese, despite their Jewish population. The entire intention of the Mandate was to create nations from the former Ottoman Empire. One for each of these groups of people, with no civil prejudice to the other groups living in those territories. Civil rights for the Jewish people in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. And civil rights for the Arabs in Palestine.

Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations, demanding that they and all their descendants be allowed to return and form governments for self-determination in those nations?

Sounds suspiciously like there is a different set of rules for the Jewish people. And there is a name for that.
Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations,...​

The Palestinians are calling for their right to return.

The Jews are not.
There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.

We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. Still isn't. Perfectly in evidence by the fact that there are plenty of Palestinian Muslim Arabs living in Israel as Israeli citizens with full equality under the law, and actually a little more equal than the Jewish people with respect to the Jewish holy sites.

But the geographical area (well, the 25% left of it after Jordan was created) formerly called Palestine was intended to become the national homeland for the Jewish people. Just as Jordan became the homeland of the Jordanians, despite their Jewish population. And Syria became the homeland of the Syrians, despite their Jewish populations. And Iraq became the homeland of the Iraqis, despite their Jewish population. And Lebanon became homeland to the Lebanese, despite their Jewish population. The entire intention of the Mandate was to create nations from the former Ottoman Empire. One for each of these groups of people, with no civil prejudice to the other groups living in those territories. Civil rights for the Jewish people in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. And civil rights for the Arabs in Palestine.

Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations, demanding that they and all their descendants be allowed to return and form governments for self-determination in those nations?

Sounds suspiciously like there is a different set of rules for the Jewish people. And there is a name for that.
We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.​

It was the Mandate that did not plan to eliminate the Palestinians for a Jewish state. The Zionists did have that plan and they did it too.
There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.

We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. Still isn't. Perfectly in evidence by the fact that there are plenty of Palestinian Muslim Arabs living in Israel as Israeli citizens with full equality under the law, and actually a little more equal than the Jewish people with respect to the Jewish holy sites.

But the geographical area (well, the 25% left of it after Jordan was created) formerly called Palestine was intended to become the national homeland for the Jewish people. Just as Jordan became the homeland of the Jordanians, despite their Jewish population. And Syria became the homeland of the Syrians, despite their Jewish populations. And Iraq became the homeland of the Iraqis, despite their Jewish population. And Lebanon became homeland to the Lebanese, despite their Jewish population. The entire intention of the Mandate was to create nations from the former Ottoman Empire. One for each of these groups of people, with no civil prejudice to the other groups living in those territories. Civil rights for the Jewish people in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. And civil rights for the Arabs in Palestine.

Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations, demanding that they and all their descendants be allowed to return and form governments for self-determination in those nations?

Sounds suspiciously like there is a different set of rules for the Jewish people. And there is a name for that.
We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.​

It was the Mandate that did not plan to eliminate the Palestinians for a Jewish state. The Zionists did have that plan and they did it too.
The Pal'istanians were eliminated?

There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.

We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. Still isn't. Perfectly in evidence by the fact that there are plenty of Palestinian Muslim Arabs living in Israel as Israeli citizens with full equality under the law, and actually a little more equal than the Jewish people with respect to the Jewish holy sites.

But the geographical area (well, the 25% left of it after Jordan was created) formerly called Palestine was intended to become the national homeland for the Jewish people. Just as Jordan became the homeland of the Jordanians, despite their Jewish population. And Syria became the homeland of the Syrians, despite their Jewish populations. And Iraq became the homeland of the Iraqis, despite their Jewish population. And Lebanon became homeland to the Lebanese, despite their Jewish population. The entire intention of the Mandate was to create nations from the former Ottoman Empire. One for each of these groups of people, with no civil prejudice to the other groups living in those territories. Civil rights for the Jewish people in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. And civil rights for the Arabs in Palestine.

Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations, demanding that they and all their descendants be allowed to return and form governments for self-determination in those nations?

Sounds suspiciously like there is a different set of rules for the Jewish people. And there is a name for that.
We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.​

It was the Mandate that did not plan to eliminate the Palestinians for a Jewish state. The Zionists did have that plan and they did it too.

How many "Palestinians" in Israel?
There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.

We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. Still isn't. Perfectly in evidence by the fact that there are plenty of Palestinian Muslim Arabs living in Israel as Israeli citizens with full equality under the law, and actually a little more equal than the Jewish people with respect to the Jewish holy sites.

But the geographical area (well, the 25% left of it after Jordan was created) formerly called Palestine was intended to become the national homeland for the Jewish people. Just as Jordan became the homeland of the Jordanians, despite their Jewish population. And Syria became the homeland of the Syrians, despite their Jewish populations. And Iraq became the homeland of the Iraqis, despite their Jewish population. And Lebanon became homeland to the Lebanese, despite their Jewish population. The entire intention of the Mandate was to create nations from the former Ottoman Empire. One for each of these groups of people, with no civil prejudice to the other groups living in those territories. Civil rights for the Jewish people in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. And civil rights for the Arabs in Palestine.

Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations, demanding that they and all their descendants be allowed to return and form governments for self-determination in those nations?

Sounds suspiciously like there is a different set of rules for the Jewish people. And there is a name for that.
We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.​

It was the Mandate that did not plan to eliminate the Palestinians for a Jewish state. The Zionists did have that plan and they did it too.

How many "Palestinians" in Israel?
About 1/4 of them.
There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.

We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. Still isn't. Perfectly in evidence by the fact that there are plenty of Palestinian Muslim Arabs living in Israel as Israeli citizens with full equality under the law, and actually a little more equal than the Jewish people with respect to the Jewish holy sites.

But the geographical area (well, the 25% left of it after Jordan was created) formerly called Palestine was intended to become the national homeland for the Jewish people. Just as Jordan became the homeland of the Jordanians, despite their Jewish population. And Syria became the homeland of the Syrians, despite their Jewish populations. And Iraq became the homeland of the Iraqis, despite their Jewish population. And Lebanon became homeland to the Lebanese, despite their Jewish population. The entire intention of the Mandate was to create nations from the former Ottoman Empire. One for each of these groups of people, with no civil prejudice to the other groups living in those territories. Civil rights for the Jewish people in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. And civil rights for the Arabs in Palestine.

Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations, demanding that they and all their descendants be allowed to return and form governments for self-determination in those nations?

Sounds suspiciously like there is a different set of rules for the Jewish people. And there is a name for that.
We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.​

It was the Mandate that did not plan to eliminate the Palestinians for a Jewish state. The Zionists did have that plan and they did it too.

How many "Palestinians" in Israel?
About 1/4 of them.

How many?
The Palestinians are calling for their right to return.

The Jews are not.

We are smart enough to realize that there is nothing but swords and ovens waiting for us there. But that does not make it right. It only confirms the need for a safe place for the Jewish people.
There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.

We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. Still isn't. Perfectly in evidence by the fact that there are plenty of Palestinian Muslim Arabs living in Israel as Israeli citizens with full equality under the law, and actually a little more equal than the Jewish people with respect to the Jewish holy sites.

But the geographical area (well, the 25% left of it after Jordan was created) formerly called Palestine was intended to become the national homeland for the Jewish people. Just as Jordan became the homeland of the Jordanians, despite their Jewish population. And Syria became the homeland of the Syrians, despite their Jewish populations. And Iraq became the homeland of the Iraqis, despite their Jewish population. And Lebanon became homeland to the Lebanese, despite their Jewish population. The entire intention of the Mandate was to create nations from the former Ottoman Empire. One for each of these groups of people, with no civil prejudice to the other groups living in those territories. Civil rights for the Jewish people in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. And civil rights for the Arabs in Palestine.

Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations, demanding that they and all their descendants be allowed to return and form governments for self-determination in those nations?

Sounds suspiciously like there is a different set of rules for the Jewish people. And there is a name for that.
Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations,...​

The Palestinians are calling for their right to return.

The Jews are not.

The palestinians have a "right" to return. What makes you think that ? Not only have the Jewish people who fled countless nations NOT been offered to return and set up autonomous nations within each of their former places of residence, they have not been paid reparations for all they were forced to leave behind.

This mythical "right" of return is just another ploy to destabilize Israel. Noting more, nothing less.

When the worlds nations offer reparations to the Judaic people for what was lost in the process of their fleeing to Israel or when any of the other countless groups who've fled former homes get paid reparations then maybe we can discuss palestinian reparations.

Looks like once again the palestinian sympathizers want special considerations.
There was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.

We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state. Still isn't. Perfectly in evidence by the fact that there are plenty of Palestinian Muslim Arabs living in Israel as Israeli citizens with full equality under the law, and actually a little more equal than the Jewish people with respect to the Jewish holy sites.

But the geographical area (well, the 25% left of it after Jordan was created) formerly called Palestine was intended to become the national homeland for the Jewish people. Just as Jordan became the homeland of the Jordanians, despite their Jewish population. And Syria became the homeland of the Syrians, despite their Jewish populations. And Iraq became the homeland of the Iraqis, despite their Jewish population. And Lebanon became homeland to the Lebanese, despite their Jewish population. The entire intention of the Mandate was to create nations from the former Ottoman Empire. One for each of these groups of people, with no civil prejudice to the other groups living in those territories. Civil rights for the Jewish people in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. And civil rights for the Arabs in Palestine.

Why is it that the world isn't all up in arms about the forced exodus of the Jewish people from the surrounding Arab nations, demanding that they and all their descendants be allowed to return and form governments for self-determination in those nations?

Sounds suspiciously like there is a different set of rules for the Jewish people. And there is a name for that.
We agree, there was never a plan to eliminate the Palestinians to create an exclusive state.​

It was the Mandate that did not plan to eliminate the Palestinians for a Jewish state. The Zionists did have that plan and they did it too.

Nonsense, the Zionists were BUYING land in the British mandate just like I bought my house or anyone else theirs. Once again I'm not sure where all these mythologies about Zionism or stealing land originated but they are demonstrably pure revisionist history.
The Palestinians are calling for their right to return.

The Jews are not.

We are smart enough to realize that there is nothing but swords and ovens waiting for us there. But that does not make it right. It only confirms the need for a safe place for the Jewish people.
The Jewish People picked the worst place on Earth for a Safe-Haven now surrounded by bitter enemies...especially by force and money.

You reap what you sow. I don't see any peaceful days for Israel because she turned a Land War into a Religious War. Given the numbers involved even her nukes are useless in the end.
The Palestinians are calling for their right to return.

The Jews are not.

We are smart enough to realize that there is nothing but swords and ovens waiting for us there. But that does not make it right. It only confirms the need for a safe place for the Jewish people.
The Jewish People picked the worst place on Earth for a Safe-Haven now surrounded by bitter enemies...especially by force and money.

You reap what you sow. I don't see any peaceful days for Israel because she turned a Land War into a Religious War. Given the numbers involved even her nukes are useless in the end.
Pretty typical babbling from the convert wannabe. So the Jewish people picked their ancestral homeland as the worst place for a safe-haven? It's not the fault of the Jewish people that the inventor of Islamism crafted a virulently hateful and fascist ideology.

Any reference to a religious war is tied directly to your retrograde heroes in Hamas. You hope for war and antagonism while the nations neighboring Israel are seeing benefits to economic cooperation. At best, Egypt, Jordan, KSA are mostly ambivalent to a Jewish state. Otherwise, those very nations noted, certainly Jordan and Egypt, have their own simmering feud with the Pal'istanian terrorists.

If you want a good religious war to flail your Pom Poms at, cheer on your heroes from the ISIS franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. I believe the death toll is somewhere in the neighborhood of 300,00 dead Moslems, slaughtered at the hand of the more excitable Moslems.
The Palestinians are calling for their right to return.

The Jews are not.

We are smart enough to realize that there is nothing but swords and ovens waiting for us there. But that does not make it right. It only confirms the need for a safe place for the Jewish people.
The Jewish People picked the worst place on Earth for a Safe-Haven now surrounded by bitter enemies...especially by force and money.

You reap what you sow. I don't see any peaceful days for Israel because she turned a Land War into a Religious War. Given the numbers involved even her nukes are useless in the end.
Pretty typical babbling from the convert wannabe.

Any reference to a religious war is tied directly to your retrograde heroes in Hamas. You hope for war and antagonism while the nations neighboring Israel are seeing benefits to economic cooperation. At best, Egypt, Jordan, KSA are mostly ambivalent to a Jewish state. Otherwise, those very nations noted, certainly Jordan and Egypt, have their own simmering feud with the Pal'istanian terrorists.

If you want a good religious war to flail your Pom Poms at, cheer on your heroes from the ISIS franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc. I believe the death toll is somewhere in the neighborhood of 300,00 dead Moslems, slaughtered at the hand of the more excitable Moslems.
All I can say about your babbling analysis of a Hollow person trying to act intellectual is that you are leading your people into the abyss...Islam is going trough a blood-letting to cleanse out all vestiges of Western influence and Power in the ME. According to Al Baghmati Israel is a target. What ever happens when these Revolutions in the ME produce, they will be more Islamic and united.

You can try and phony up your knowledge with Zionist jingoisms, but you can't change the facts!
Zionism is Fascism according to Albert Einstein. I want a safe-haven for the Jews but how do you reconcile the immoral annexation of the indigenous people's homeland?

Alon Ben-Meir Become a fan

Senior Fellow, Center for Global Affairs, NYU

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I have long maintained that Israel's occupation of the West Bank defies the moral principle behind the creation of the state. Contrary to Prime Minister Netanyahu's assertion, the occupation erodes rather than buttresses Israel's national security and cannot be justified on either security or moral grounds. Unless Israel embraces a new moral path, no one can prevent it from unravelling from within only to become a pariah state that has lost its soul, wantonly abandoning the cherished dreams of its founding fathers.

There are four ethical theories--Kantian, utilitarian, virtue-based, and religious--that demonstrate the lack of moral foundation in the continuing occupation, which imposes upon Israelis the responsibility to bring it to a decisive end.
why dont the arabs grow some balls and retake their land are they afraid of another ass kicking
why dont the arabs grow some balls and retake their land are they afraid of another ass kicking
The Jewish People picked the worst place on Earth for a Safe-Haven now surrounded by bitter enemies...especially by force and money.

You reap what you sow. I don't see any peaceful days for Israel because she turned a Land War into a Religious War. Given the numbers involved even her nukes are useless in the end.
The Jews didn't pick it, God picked it.

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