Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


Active Member
Feb 25, 2012
This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.
When will the turkeys quit denying their role in the Armenian genocide? Religion of peace? :lol: :clap2:

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Here is the question again !

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.
02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.
When will the turkeys quit denying their role in the Armenian genocide? Religion of peace? :lol: :clap2:

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Here is the question again !

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.
02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.

Since the Turks are directly responsible for the Armenian genocide, provide for us links to your posts condemning Turkey's continued denial of the Armenian genocide.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
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When will the turkeys quit denying their role in the Armenian genocide? Religion of peace? :lol: :clap2:

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Here is the question again !

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.
02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.

Since the Turks are directly responsible for the Armenian genocide, provide for us links to your posts condemning Turkey's continued denial of the Armenian genocide.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

I do not beleive that I adressed the Issue of Turkeys refusal to acknowledge it's role in the Armenian Holocaust, they did have a role and I condemn it!!!Now stop acting like a turkey and adress the issue of Israel's refusal to recognize the Armenian Holocaust and their reluctance to call any other genocides Holocausts.
Since the Turks are directly responsible for the Armenian genocide, provide for us links to your posts condemning Turkey's continued denial of the Armenian genocide.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

I do not beleive that I adressed the Issue of Turkeys refusal to acknowledge it's role in the Armenian Holocaust, they did have a role and I condemn it!!!Now stop acting like a turkey and adress the issue of Israel's refusal to recognize the Armenian Holocaust and their reluctance to call any other genocides Holocausts.

Since you're so concerned about the Armenian genocide, there are ample avenues for you to express your grief and outrage over turks' continued denial of their role in it.

I do not beleive that I adressed the Issue of Turkeys refusal to acknowledge it's role in the Armenian Holocaust, they did have a role and I condemn it!!!Now stop acting like a turkey and adress the issue of Israel's refusal to recognize the Armenian Holocaust and their reluctance to call any other genocides Holocausts.

Since you're so concerned about the Armenian genocide, there are ample avenues for you to express your grief and outrage over turks' continued denial of their role in it.

If you are so protective of Israel and you are going to continue to divert and refuse to answer the question, please stop posting on this thread and let others have a chance.

For others here is the question again. Sorry for the run around

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.
Since you're so concerned about the Armenian genocide, there are ample avenues for you to express your grief and outrage over turks' continued denial of their role in it.

If you are so protective of Israel and you are going to continue to divert and refuse to answer the question, please stop posting on this thread and let others have a chance.

For others here is the question again. Sorry for the run around

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.

Barack Obama has refused to condemn turks' role in the Armenian genocide and turkey's denial of it.

Can you provide us with copies of your correspondence to President Obama expressing your dismay?

You wouldn't want everyone to think you're mentally ill, would you?
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To tell you the truth the only thing that is dismaying me at this point in time is your refusal to deal with the issues that my questions give rise to. I also have to admit that your constant attempts to divert are boring me. What is the problem with answering my questions, ARE YOU AFRAID THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ISRAEL !!!

As for being mentally ill I believe that to continue to engage in this conversation with you would prove that point. As for what everyone else thinks, Truly I could care less. I am comfortable in my own skin.

This is the last correspondence that I will have with you on this thread Mr. Stone, unless you try to reply to my questions.

Have a nice day !!!

If you are so protective of Israel and you are going to continue to divert and refuse to answer the question, please stop posting on this thread and let others have a chance.

For others here is the question again. Sorry for the run around

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.

Barack Obama has refused to condemn turks' role in the Armenian genocide and turkey's denial of it.

Can you provide us with copies of your correspondence to President Obama expressing your dismay?

You wouldn't want everyone to think you're mentally ill, would you?
To tell you the truth the only thing that is dismaying me at this point in time is your refusal to deal with the issues that my questions give rise to. I also have to admit that your constant attempts to divert are boring me. What is the problem with answering my questions, ARE YOU AFRAID THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ISRAEL !!!

Since the turks' were directly involved with perpetrating the Armenian Genocide and continue to deny the Armenian Genocide even happened, can you provide your correspondence to Erdogan of Turkey expressing your outrage over turkey's reprehensible behavior?

Otherwise, you'll need to be viewed as mentally ill. :cuckoo:

The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Genocide Museum | The Armenian Genocide Museum-institute

The atrocities committed against the Armenian people of the Ottoman Empire during WWI are defined as the Armenian Genocide.

Those massacres were perpetrated throughout different regions of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turkish Government which was in power at the time.

The first international reaction to the violence resulted in a joint statement by France, Russia and Great Britain, in May 1915, where the Turkish atrocities directed against the Armenian people was defined as “new crime against humanity and civilization” agreeing that the Turkish government must be punished for committing such crimes.

When WWI erupted, the Young Turk government, hoping to save the remains of the weakened Ottoman Empire, adopted a policy of Pan Turkism – the establishment of a mega Turkish empire comprising of all Turkic-speaking peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia extending to China, intending also to Turkify all ethnic minorities of the empire. The Armenian population became the main obstacle standing in the way of the realization of this policy.

Although the decision for the deportation of all Armenians from the Western Armenia (Eastern Turkey) was adopted in late 1911, the Young Turks used WWI as a suitable opportunity for its implementation.

There were an estimated two million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire on the eve of WWI. Approximately one and a half million Armenians perished between 1915 and 1923. Another half million found shelter abroad.

Genocide is the organized killing of a people for the express purpose of putting an end to their collective existence. Because of its scope, genocide requires central planning and an internal machinery to implement. This makes genocide the quintessential state crime, as only a government has the resources to carry out such a scheme of destruction.

On 24th of April in 1915, the first phase of the Armenian massacres began with the arrest and murder of nearly hundreds intellectuals, mainly from Constantinople, the capital of Ottoman Empire (now Istanbul in present day Turkey). Subsequently, Armenians worldwide commemorate the April 24th as a day that memorializes all the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

The second phase of the ‘final solution’ appeared with the conscription of some 60.000 Armenian men into the general Turkish army, who were later disarmed and killed by their Turkish fellowmen.

The third phase of the genocide comprised of massacres, deportations and death marches made up of women, children and the elderly into the Syrian deserts. During those marches hundreds of thousand were killed by Turkish soldiers, gendarmes and Kurdish mobs. Others died because of famine, epidemic diseases and exposure to the elements. Thousands of women and children were raped. Tens of thousands were forcibly converted to Islam.

Finally, the fourth phase of the Armenian genocide appeared with the total and utter denial by the Turkish government of the mass killings and elimination of the Armenian nation on its homeland. Despite the ongoing international recognition of the Armenian genocide, Turkey has consistently fought the acceptance of the Armenian Genocide by any means, including false scholarship, propaganda campaigns, lobbying, etc.
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To tell you the truth the only thing that is dismaying me at this point in time is your refusal to deal with the issues that my questions give rise to. I also have to admit that your constant attempts to divert are boring me. What is the problem with answering my questions, ARE YOU AFRAID THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ISRAEL !!!

Since the turks' were directly involved with perpetrating the Armenian Genocide and continue to deny the Armenian Genocide even happened, can you provide your correspondence to Erdogan of Turkey expressing your outrage over turkey's reprehensible behavior?

Otherwise, you'll need to be viewed as mentally ill. :cuckoo:

The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Genocide Museum | The Armenian Genocide Museum-institute

The atrocities committed against the Armenian people of the Ottoman Empire during WWI are defined as the Armenian Genocide.

Those massacres were perpetrated throughout different regions of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turkish Government which was in power at the time.

The first international reaction to the violence resulted in a joint statement by France, Russia and Great Britain, in May 1915, where the Turkish atrocities directed against the Armenian people was defined as “new crime against humanity and civilization” agreeing that the Turkish government must be punished for committing such crimes.

When WWI erupted, the Young Turk government, hoping to save the remains of the weakened Ottoman Empire, adopted a policy of Pan Turkism – the establishment of a mega Turkish empire comprising of all Turkic-speaking peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia extending to China, intending also to Turkify all ethnic minorities of the empire. The Armenian population became the main obstacle standing in the way of the realization of this policy.

Although the decision for the deportation of all Armenians from the Western Armenia (Eastern Turkey) was adopted in late 1911, the Young Turks used WWI as a suitable opportunity for its implementation.

There were an estimated two million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire on the eve of WWI. Approximately one and a half million Armenians perished between 1915 and 1923. Another half million found shelter abroad.

Genocide is the organized killing of a people for the express purpose of putting an end to their collective existence. Because of its scope, genocide requires central planning and an internal machinery to implement. This makes genocide the quintessential state crime, as only a government has the resources to carry out such a scheme of destruction.

On 24th of April in 1915, the first phase of the Armenian massacres began with the arrest and murder of nearly hundreds intellectuals, mainly from Constantinople, the capital of Ottoman Empire (now Istanbul in present day Turkey). Subsequently, Armenians worldwide commemorate the April 24th as a day that memorializes all the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

The second phase of the ‘final solution’ appeared with the conscription of some 60.000 Armenian men into the general Turkish army, who were later disarmed and killed by their Turkish fellowmen.

The third phase of the genocide comprised of massacres, deportations and death marches made up of women, children and the elderly into the Syrian deserts. During those marches hundreds of thousand were killed by Turkish soldiers, gendarmes and Kurdish mobs. Others died because of famine, epidemic diseases and exposure to the elements. Thousands of women and children were raped. Tens of thousands were forcibly converted to Islam.

Finally, the fourth phase of the Armenian genocide appeared with the total and utter denial by the Turkish government of the mass killings and elimination of the Armenian nation on its homeland. Despite the ongoing international recognition of the Armenian genocide, Turkey has consistently fought the acceptance of the Armenian Genocide by any means, including false scholarship, propaganda campaigns, lobbying, etc.

To other people who may view this thread another attempt to divert by Mr.Stone !!![quote]

To tell you the truth the only thing that is dismaying me at this point in time is your refusal to deal with the issues that my questions give rise to. I also have to admit that your constant attempts to divert are boring me. What is the problem with answering my questions, ARE YOU AFRAID THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ISRAEL !!!

As for being mentally ill I believe that to continue to engage in this conversation with you would prove that point. As for what everyone else thinks, Truly I could care less. I am comfortable in my own skin.

This is the last correspondence that I will have with you on this thread Mr. Stone, unless you try to reply to my questions.

Have a nice day !!!

If you are so protective of Israel and you are going to continue to divert and refuse to answer the question, please stop posting on this thread and let others have a chance.

For others here is the question again. Sorry for the run around !

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue
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To other people who may view this thread another attempt to divert by Mr.Stone !!![quote]

To tell you the truth the only thing that is dismaying me at this point in time is your refusal to deal with the issues that my questions give rise to. I also have to admit that your constant attempts to divert are boring me. What is the problem with answering my questions, ARE YOU AFRAID THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ISRAEL !!!

As for being mentally ill I believe that to continue to engage in this conversation with you would prove that point. As for what everyone else thinks, Truly I could care less. I am comfortable in my own skin.

This is the last correspondence that I will have with you on this thread Mr. Stone, unless you try to reply to my questions.

Have a nice day !!!

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue

You really don't give a fuck about the Armenian Genocide, psycho. You evidenced zero effort to protest turkey's continued denial of turks' role in the Armenian Genocide, as I have demonstrated throughout this thread.

You're mentally ill, using the genocide of 2 million Armenians as a pretext for bashing Israel.

Seek professional counseling.

You really don't give a fuck about the Armenian Genocide, psycho. You evidenced zero effort to protest turkey's continued denial of turks' role in the Armenian Genocide, as I have demonstrated throughout this thread.

You're mentally ill, using the genocide of 2 million Armenians as a pretext for bashing Israel.

Seek professional counseling.

To others who may view this thread;
He has of course demonstrated nothing except that he lives in a FANTSEY WORLD of his own making and that he is not a genteel ( sp ) person.

To tell you the truth the only thing that is dismaying me at this point in time is your refusal to deal with the issues that my questions give rise to. I also have to admit that your constant attempts to divert are boring me. What is the problem with answering my questions, ARE YOU AFRAID THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ISRAEL !!!

As for being mentally ill I believe that to continue to engage in this conversation with you would prove that point. As for what everyone else thinks, Truly I could care less. I am comfortable in my own skin.

This is the last correspondence that I will have with you on this thread Mr. Stone, unless you try to reply to my questions.

Have a nice day !!!
If you are so protective of Israel and you are going to continue to divert and refuse to answer the question, please stop posting on this thread and let others have a chance.

For others here is the question again. Sorry for the run around !

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.
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Psycho, when might you take your mental illness medication and express your outrage to the turkish government over turks committing the Armenian Genocide and denying it?:cuckoo:

The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute
Genocide Museum | The Armenian Genocide Museum-institute

The atrocities committed against the Armenian people of the Ottoman Empire during WWI are defined as the Armenian Genocide.

Those massacres were perpetrated throughout different regions of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turkish Government which was in power at the time.

The first international reaction to the violence resulted in a joint statement by France, Russia and Great Britain, in May 1915, where the Turkish atrocities directed against the Armenian people was defined as “new crime against humanity and civilization” agreeing that the Turkish government must be punished for committing such crimes.

When WWI erupted, the Young Turk government, hoping to save the remains of the weakened Ottoman Empire, adopted a policy of Pan Turkism – the establishment of a mega Turkish empire comprising of all Turkic-speaking peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia extending to China, intending also to Turkify all ethnic minorities of the empire. The Armenian population became the main obstacle standing in the way of the realization of this policy.

Although the decision for the deportation of all Armenians from the Western Armenia (Eastern Turkey) was adopted in late 1911, the Young Turks used WWI as a suitable opportunity for its implementation.

There were an estimated two million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire on the eve of WWI. Approximately one and a half million Armenians perished between 1915 and 1923. Another half million found shelter abroad.

Genocide is the organized killing of a people for the express purpose of putting an end to their collective existence. Because of its scope, genocide requires central planning and an internal machinery to implement. This makes genocide the quintessential state crime, as only a government has the resources to carry out such a scheme of destruction.

On 24th of April in 1915, the first phase of the Armenian massacres began with the arrest and murder of nearly hundreds intellectuals, mainly from Constantinople, the capital of Ottoman Empire (now Istanbul in present day Turkey). Subsequently, Armenians worldwide commemorate the April 24th as a day that memorializes all the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

The second phase of the ‘final solution’ appeared with the conscription of some 60.000 Armenian men into the general Turkish army, who were later disarmed and killed by their Turkish fellowmen.

The third phase of the genocide comprised of massacres, deportations and death marches made up of women, children and the elderly into the Syrian deserts. During those marches hundreds of thousand were killed by Turkish soldiers, gendarmes and Kurdish mobs. Others died because of famine, epidemic diseases and exposure to the elements. Thousands of women and children were raped. Tens of thousands were forcibly converted to Islam.

Finally, the fourth phase of the Armenian genocide appeared with the total and utter denial by the Turkish government of the mass killings and elimination of the Armenian nation on its homeland. Despite the ongoing international recognition of the Armenian genocide, Turkey has consistently fought the acceptance of the Armenian Genocide by any means, including false scholarship, propaganda campaigns, lobbying, etc.
Psycho, when might you take your mental illness medication and express your outrage to the turkish government over turks committing the Armenian Genocide and denying it?:cuckoo:

To the others who might view this thread;

Mr. Stone continues to ignore the questions that I have brought up. Instead he attempts to divert by insulting me and denying what I have quoted. Also please note in the article express;am that I have quoted below the section that I have highlighted in RED, that the Israeli Government is denying that the genocide of Armenians was a genocide at all. Seems to me that his beloved Israel is doing the same thing as Turkey and they are doing it for political reasons. Yet Mr. Stone gives them a pass, I guess it could be called selective condemnation
To tell you the truth the only thing that is dismaying me at this point in time is your refusal to deal with the issues that my questions give rise to. I also have to admit that your constant attempts to divert are boring me. What is the problem with answering my questions, ARE YOU AFRAID THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ISRAEL !!!

As for being mentally ill I believe that to continue to engage in this conversation with you would prove that point. As for what everyone else thinks, Truly I could care less. I am comfortable in my own skin.

This is the last correspondence that I will have with you on this thread Mr. Stone, unless you try to reply to my questions.

Have a nice day !!!

For others here is the question again. Sorry for the run around !

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.
02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.
Psycho, instead of ranting on a messageboard about Israel which was not involved with the Armenian genocide, go to turkey, which did perpetrate the Armenian genocide and demand that turks stop denying the Armenian genocide and apologize for it.

You'll be welcomed with open arms :badgrin:

The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Genocide Museum | The Armenian Genocide Museum-institute

The atrocities committed against the Armenian people of the Ottoman Empire during WWI are defined as the Armenian Genocide.

Those massacres were perpetrated throughout different regions of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turkish Government which was in power at the time.

The first international reaction to the violence resulted in a joint statement by France, Russia and Great Britain, in May 1915, where the Turkish atrocities directed against the Armenian people was defined as “new crime against humanity and civilization” agreeing that the Turkish government must be punished for committing such crimes.

When WWI erupted, the Young Turk government, hoping to save the remains of the weakened Ottoman Empire, adopted a policy of Pan Turkism – the establishment of a mega Turkish empire comprising of all Turkic-speaking peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia extending to China, intending also to Turkify all ethnic minorities of the empire. The Armenian population became the main obstacle standing in the way of the realization of this policy.

Although the decision for the deportation of all Armenians from the Western Armenia (Eastern Turkey) was adopted in late 1911, the Young Turks used WWI as a suitable opportunity for its implementation.

There were an estimated two million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire on the eve of WWI. Approximately one and a half million Armenians perished between 1915 and 1923. Another half million found shelter abroad.

Genocide is the organized killing of a people for the express purpose of putting an end to their collective existence. Because of its scope, genocide requires central planning and an internal machinery to implement. This makes genocide the quintessential state crime, as only a government has the resources to carry out such a scheme of destruction.

On 24th of April in 1915, the first phase of the Armenian massacres began with the arrest and murder of nearly hundreds intellectuals, mainly from Constantinople, the capital of Ottoman Empire (now Istanbul in present day Turkey). Subsequently, Armenians worldwide commemorate the April 24th as a day that memorializes all the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

The second phase of the ‘final solution’ appeared with the conscription of some 60.000 Armenian men into the general Turkish army, who were later disarmed and killed by their Turkish fellowmen.

The third phase of the genocide comprised of massacres, deportations and death marches made up of women, children and the elderly into the Syrian deserts. During those marches hundreds of thousand were killed by Turkish soldiers, gendarmes and Kurdish mobs. Others died because of famine, epidemic diseases and exposure to the elements. Thousands of women and children were raped. Tens of thousands were forcibly converted to Islam.

Finally, the fourth phase of the Armenian genocide appeared with the total and utter denial by the Turkish government of the mass killings and elimination of the Armenian nation on its homeland. Despite the ongoing international recognition of the Armenian genocide, Turkey has consistently fought the acceptance of the Armenian Genocide by any means, including false scholarship, propaganda campaigns, lobbying, etc.
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When will the turkeys quit denying their role in the Armenian genocide? Religion of peace?***
That doesn't matter to him. Patrick pretends to be fair and unbiased (note the placement of the word Holocaust in quotation) but is fixated with Israel.
He holds Israel accountable, even though he based his conclusion on an individual Israeli official while gives the perpetuator of Armenian genocide a pass.
Hey Pat, let me repeat what I told you on MED board, let the Jews mourn their own, and you mourn the death of those for whom you beat your chest. Even the most compassionate person cries harder for the loss of a family member than for a stranger.
When will the turkeys quit denying their role in the Armenian genocide? Religion of peace?***
That doesn't matter to him. Patrick pretends to be fair and unbiased (note the placement of the word Holocaust in quotation) but is fixated with Israel.
He holds Israel accountable, even though he based his conclusion on an individual Israeli official while gives the perpetuator of Armenian genocide a pass.
Hey Pat, let me repeat what I told you on MED board, let the Jews mourn their own, and you mourn the death of those for whom you beat your chest. Even the most compassionate person cries harder for the loss of a family member than for a stranger.

Amir please do not speak for me, I don't speak for you, I expect the same courtesy from you !

Evidently you are not reading carefully because in this thread I have condemned the Turks for their role in the Armenian Genocide, I do so again. It was a heinous and barbaric act and the fact that they refuse to acknowledge it only blackens them further ! I also condemned them on the Middle East Board when the subject was brought up.

I do not pretend to be " fair and unbiased ", in most respects I am. But I will admit that I am biased against Zionism. I find it to be a warped ideology that has tinges of racism. As for Israel I find most of their policies to be wrong, in some respects ( education, science, and their promotion of gay rights they are indeed an enlightened nation) ! But in other respects ( the Bedouins, their reliance on military force and their general treatment of non Jews ) does not put them in a good light

If you read the express;am article closely you will see that there are two members quoted and it seems to be the policy of Government. In my research of the matter I have found that the vast majority of Israelis including most Academics do recognize the Armenian Genocide as a genocide and for that I applaud them.

The original post on this thread was sincere I wish to know why the Israeli Government continues to deny that it was a genocide. It seems to me that in a very minor way they are putting themselves in the same position as the Iranian Government when it denies the Shoah !

As I said on the other board I WILL MOURN THEM ALL ! After all one of the basic tenets of Catholicism is that we are all brothers, something that I take very seriously.

I am at this point still waiting for someone to answer my questions ?
Quote: Originally Posted by JStone
Psycho, when might you take your mental illness medication and express your outrage to the turkish government over turks committing the Armenian Genocide and denying it?
To the others who might view this thread;

Mr. Stone continues to ignore the questions that I have brought up. Instead he attempts to divert by insulting me and denying what I have quoted. Also please note in the article express;am that I have quoted below the section that I have highlighted in RED, that the Israeli Government is denying that the genocide of Armenians was a genocide at all. Seems to me that his beloved Israel is doing the same thing as Turkey and they are doing it for political reasons. Yet Mr. Stone gives them a pass, I guess it could be called selective condemnationQuote:

To tell you the truth the only thing that is dismaying me at this point in time is your refusal to deal with the issues that my questions give rise to. I also have to admit that your constant attempts to divert are boring me. What is the problem with answering my questions, ARE YOU AFRAID THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ISRAEL !!!

As for being mentally ill I believe that to continue to engage in this conversation with you would prove that point. As for what everyone else thinks, Truly I could care less. I am comfortable in my own skin.

This is the last correspondence that I will have with you on this thread Mr. Stone, unless you try to reply to my questions.

Have a nice day !!!

For others here is the question again. Sorry for the run around !
Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust

This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.
02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.
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This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.

If you are not stupid, you already know the answer to the question and are only posting this nonsense as a pretext for attacking Israel. There are two issues here that you don't seem able to understand: is the massacre of Armenians by the Turks properly called a genocide; and should genocide and Holocaust be used interchangeably?

With regard to the first issue, historically, Israel has not wanted to offend an important ally, Turkey, which has never resolved its conflict with the Armenians, and currently Israel does not want to offend an important ally, Azerbaijan, which is currently involved in a conflict with Armenia. Facing a potentially existential threat from Iran, it would be irresponsible of the Israeli government not to place the welfare of the state and its citizens above labeling a massacre that occurred 100 years ago as a genocide.

With regard to the second issue, historically Holocaust has only been used in reference to the genocides perpetrated by nazi Germany. Especially with regard to the genocide of the Jews, Gypsies and some others, this genocide is different from all others in modern times, not only in scale and the level of organization dedicated to it, but also because, unlike all other genocides in modern times, the victims could not be reasonably said to have been in conflict or competition with the perpetrators. Since this genocide is so clearly different from all others in modern times, it is appropriate that its name should not be applied to other genocides even if this makes it harder for you to inspire hatred on Israel in others.

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