Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust

This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.[/COLOR

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.

If you are not stupid, you already know the answer to the question and are only posting this nonsense as a pretext for attacking Israel. There are two issues here that you don't seem able to understand: is the massacre of Armenians by the Turks properly called a genocide; and should genocide and Holocaust be used interchangeably?

With regard to the first issue, historically, Israel has not wanted to offend an important ally, Turkey, which has never resolved its conflict with the Armenians, and currently Israel does not want to offend an important ally, Azerbaijan, which is currently involved in a conflict with Armenia. Facing a potentially existential threat from Iran, it would be irresponsible of the Israeli government not to place the welfare of the state and its citizens above labeling a massacre that occurred 100 years ago as a genocide.

With regard to the second issue, historically Holocaust has only been used in reference to the genocides perpetrated by nazi Germany. Especially with regard to the genocide of the Jews, Gypsies and some others, this genocide is different from all others in modern times, not only in scale and the level of organization dedicated to it, but also because, unlike all other genocides in modern times, the victims could not be reasonably said to have been in conflict or competition with the perpetrators. Since this genocide is so clearly different from all others in modern times, it is appropriate that its name should not be applied to other genocides even if this makes it harder for you to inspire hatred on Israel in others.

Thank You for answering my questions. I find the answers you provide to be unacceptable ! I find it hard to believe that Israel would be so influenced by Alliances that it would forgo the truth. Perhaps ( LOL ) I have a higher opinion of Israel than you do. I think that there must be some other deeper truth involved here perhaps it has something to do with Liberman's reluctance to apply the word Holocaust to any other genocides.

Historically you are wrong about the word Holocaust as you will see from the following Wiki article

Armenian Genocide
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Armenian genocide)
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Armenian Genocide origin of the word genocide and its connection to Armenia.

The Armenian Genocide[4] (Armenian: Հայոց Ցեղասպանություն, Armenian pronunciation: [hɑjotsʰ tsʰɛʁɑspɑnutʰjun]), also known as the Armenian Holocaust, the Armenian Massacres and, by Armenians, as the Great Crime (Մեծ Եղեռն, Armenian pronunciation: [mɛts jɛˈʁɛrn]) was the systematic killing of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during and just after World War I.[5] It was implemented through wholesale massacres and deportations, with the deportations consisting of forced marches under conditions designed to lead to the death of the deportees. The total number of resulting Armenian deaths is generally held to have been between 1 million and 1.5 million.[6][7][8][9][10] Other ethnic groups were similarly attacked by the Ottoman Empire during this period, including Assyrians and Greeks, and some scholars consider those events to be part of the same policy of extermination.[11][12][13]

It is widely acknowledged to have been one of the first modern genocides,[14][15]:177[16] as scholars point to the organized manner in which the killings were carried out to eliminate the Armenians,[17] and it is the second most-studied case of genocide after the Holocaust.[18] The word genocide[19] was coined in order to describe these events.[20][21]

Also, although I can not find it at this time, when I was researching this article for the ME Board I recall that both Wilson And Churchill referred to it as the Armenian Holocaust

I AM NOT TRYING TO INSPIRE HATRED OF ANYONE LET ALONE ISRAEL !!! I am at this point just trying to learn as much as I can
When will the turkeys quit denying their role in the Armenian genocide? Religion of peace?***
That doesn't matter to him. Patrick pretends to be fair and unbiased (note the placement of the word Holocaust in quotation) but is fixated with Israel.
He holds Israel accountable, even though he based his conclusion on an individual Israeli official while gives the perpetuator of Armenian genocide a pass.
Hey Pat, let me repeat what I told you on MED board, let the Jews mourn their own, and you mourn the death of those for whom you beat your chest. Even the most compassionate person cries harder for the loss of a family member than for a stranger.
Amir, I well remember the issue was discussed on the MED board and as far as I am concerned you were the clear winner, Patcat just won't give it up. He is a sore loser. As well as a paid poster.
When will the turkeys quit denying their role in the Armenian genocide? Religion of peace?***
That doesn't matter to him. Patrick pretends to be fair and unbiased (note the placement of the word Holocaust in quotation) but is fixated with Israel.
He holds Israel accountable, even though he based his conclusion on an individual Israeli official while gives the perpetuator of Armenian genocide a pass.
Hey Pat, let me repeat what I told you on MED board, let the Jews mourn their own, and you mourn the death of those for whom you beat your chest. Even the most compassionate person cries harder for the loss of a family member than for a stranger.
Amir, I well remember the issue was discussed on the MED board and as far as I am concerned you were the clear winner, Patcat just won't give it up. He is a sore loser. As well as a paid poster.

Paid poster?
You're mentally ill, using the genocide of 2 million Armenians as a pretext for bashing Israel.

Seek professional counseling.

When will the turkeys quit denying their role in the Armenian genocide? Religion of peace? :lol: :clap2:

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Here is the question again !

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.
02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.

Since the Turks are directly responsible for the Armenian genocide, provide for us links to your posts condemning Turkey's continued denial of the Armenian genocide.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Ok...... Jstone kicked ass in this thread.:lol:

If you are not stupid, you already know the answer to the question and are only posting this nonsense as a pretext for attacking Israel. There are two issues here that you don't seem able to understand: is the massacre of Armenians by the Turks properly called a genocide; and should genocide and Holocaust be used interchangeably?

With regard to the first issue, historically, Israel has not wanted to offend an important ally, Turkey, which has never resolved its conflict with the Armenians, and currently Israel does not want to offend an important ally, Azerbaijan, which is currently involved in a conflict with Armenia. Facing a potentially existential threat from Iran, it would be irresponsible of the Israeli government not to place the welfare of the state and its citizens above labeling a massacre that occurred 100 years ago as a genocide.

With regard to the second issue, historically Holocaust has only been used in reference to the genocides perpetrated by nazi Germany. Especially with regard to the genocide of the Jews, Gypsies and some others, this genocide is different from all others in modern times, not only in scale and the level of organization dedicated to it, but also because, unlike all other genocides in modern times, the victims could not be reasonably said to have been in conflict or competition with the perpetrators. Since this genocide is so clearly different from all others in modern times, it is appropriate that its name should not be applied to other genocides even if this makes it harder for you to inspire hatred on Israel in others.

Thank You for answering my questions. I find the answers you provide to be unacceptable ! I find it hard to believe that Israel would be so influenced by Alliances that it would forgo the truth. Perhaps ( LOL ) I have a higher opinion of Israel than you do. I think that there must be some other deeper truth involved here perhaps it has something to do with Liberman's reluctance to apply the word Holocaust to any other genocides.

You seem to be confused not only by my response but by your own post. Let me try help you clarify your thinking. You raised two distinct issues in your original post that you do not seem capable of separating in your mind: why doesn't Israel officially recognize the Turkish massacre of Armenians as a genocide; why doesn't Lieberman want to apply the term, Holocaust to other genocides?

Iran poses a potentially existential threat to Israel and Azerbaijan has a border with Iran and serves as a base for Israeli intelligence operations in Iran and it is reported will allow Israeli aircraft to use its airfields in the event of an Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear weapons and long range missile programs, so good relations with Azerbaijan is important to Israel's national security and to saving Israeli lives in a conflict with Iran. If you are unable to understand this, you are simply not competent to consider how the relationship with Azerbaijan influences public statements about the Armenian genocide.

Lieberman, like most people, reserves the term, Holocaust, for those genocides perpetrated by the nazis because those genocides were qualitatively different from all other genocides in modern times in that the victims were not in conflict or competition with with the perpetrators. You cannot say this about any of the other genocides in modern times. It is the fact that the nazi genocides arose from purely malevolent intent, much like your biases against Israel, and served no other purpose that makes them even more horrifying than other genocides in modern times, and that is why most people would reserve the term, Holocaust, to refer only to the nazi genocides.

Historically you are wrong about the word Holocaust as you will see from the following Wiki article
Armenian Genocide
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Armenian genocide)
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Armenian Genocide origin of the word genocide and its connection to Armenia.

The Armenian Genocide[4] (Armenian: Հայոց Ցեղասպանություն, Armenian pronunciation: [hɑjotsʰ tsʰɛʁɑspɑnutʰjun]), also known as the Armenian Holocaust, the Armenian Massacres and, by Armenians, as the Great Crime (Մեծ Եղեռն, Armenian pronunciation: [mɛts jɛˈʁɛrn]) was the systematic killing of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during and just after World War I.[5] It was implemented through wholesale massacres and deportations, with the deportations consisting of forced marches under conditions designed to lead to the death of the deportees. The total number of resulting Armenian deaths is generally held to have been between 1 million and 1.5 million.[6][7][8][9][10] Other ethnic groups were similarly attacked by the Ottoman Empire during this period, including Assyrians and Greeks, and some scholars consider those events to be part of the same policy of extermination.[11][12][13]

It is widely acknowledged to have been one of the first modern genocides,[14][15]:177[16] as scholars point to the organized manner in which the killings were carried out to eliminate the Armenians,[17] and it is the second most-studied case of genocide after the Holocaust.[18] The word genocide[19] was coined in order to describe these events.[20][21]

Also, although I can not find it at this time, when I was researching this article for the ME Board I recall that both Wilson And Churchill referred to it as the Armenian Holocaust

I AM NOT TRYING TO INSPIRE HATRED OF ANYONE LET ALONE ISRAEL !!! I am at this point just trying to learn as much as I can

I am not wrong about the use of the word, Holocaust. From Wikipedia:

The Holocaust

The Holocaust (from the Greek ὁλόκαυστος holókaustos: hólos, "whole" and kaustós, "burnt"),[2] also known as the Shoah (Hebrew: השואה, HaShoah, "catastrophe"; Yiddish: חורבן, Churben or Hurban,[3] from the Hebrew for "destruction"), was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, throughout Nazi-occupied territory.[4] Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds perished.[5] In particular, over one million Jewish children were killed in the Holocaust, as were approximately two million Jewish women and three million Jewish men.[6][7]

Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' genocide of millions of people in other groups, including Romani, Soviet prisoners of war, Polish and Soviet civilians, homosexuals, people with disabilities, Jehovah's Witnesses and other political and religious opponents, which occurred regardless of whether they were of German or non-German ethnic origin.[8] Using this definition, the total number of Holocaust victims is between 11 million and 17 million people.[9]

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some people who wish to emphasize the horror of other genocides use the word, holocaust to refer to them in order to conjure up the horror of the Holocaust, and some other people, such as yourself, who wish to minimize the significance and uniqueness of the Holocaust use the term interchangeably with genocide.
Here is the question again !

Since the Turks are directly responsible for the Armenian genocide, provide for us links to your posts condemning Turkey's continued denial of the Armenian genocide.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Ok...... Jstone kicked ass in this thread.:lol:


And there's a lot of ass to kick in here. :thup:
Here is the question again !

Israels refusal to recognize a Holocaust


This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.
Since the Turks are directly responsible for the Armenian genocide, provide for us links to your posts condemning Turkey's continued denial of the Armenian genocide.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Ok...... Jstone kicked ass in this thread.:lol:

How did Mr. Stone kick my ass ? He nevered answered my question !!! The only person who took a swing at answering my question was to much time, and I am grateful that she at least has the courage to do so. The rest of you people are just diverting and hurling insults.

Why don't you JRoc try answering the question or is it to much for you to handle ??? It is really a simple question, WHY DOES ISREAL REFUSE TO RECOGNIZE THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ( HOLOCAUST )

Amir, I well remember the issue was discussed on the MED board and as far as I am concerned you were the clear winner, Patcat just won't give it up. He is a sore loser. As well as a paid poster.

Hoss you know better than this. It is beneath you to resort to such tactics
Since the Turks are directly responsible for the Armenian genocide, provide for us links to your posts condemning Turkey's continued denial of the Armenian genocide.

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Ok...... Jstone kicked ass in this thread.:lol:


And there's a lot of ass to kick in here. :thup:

Israel was not responsible in any way with the Armenian genocide, so who the hell cares if they "recognize" it or not? The REAL question is if Turkey recognizes it or not, since THEY carried it out! So JStone and others DID win this debate simply by making that point.
Israel was not responsible in any way with the Armenian genocide, so who the hell cares if they "recognize" it or not? The REAL question is if Turkey recognizes it or not, since THEY carried it out! So JStone and others DID win this debate simply by making that point.

They did not win this debate because they refuse to engage in it by avoiding my questions. If you want to know who cares maybe you should ask the Armenians. Now why don't you take a swing at answering the questions
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Israel was not responsible in any way with the Armenian genocide, so who the hell cares if they "recognize" it or not? The REAL question is if Turkey recognizes it or not, since THEY carried it out! So JStone and others DID win this debate simply by making that point.

They did not win this debate because they refuse to encgage in it by avoiding my questions. If you want to know who cares maybe you should ask the Armenians. Now why don't you take a swing at answering the questions

The Armenians illegally blockaded by Turkey, which doesn't seem to like Armenia or Armenians very much.

You have any links to posts protesting this situation or are you clueless to this matter, too, champ?

Congressman Adam Schiff : 2008 : Schiff Introduces Bill Urging End to Turkish Blockade of Armenia
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They did not win this debate because they refuse to encgage in it by avoiding my questions. If you want to know who cares maybe you should ask the Armenians. Now why don't you take a swing at answering the questions

The Armenians illegally blockaded by Turkey, which doesn't seem to like Armenia or Armenians very much.

You have any links to posts protesting this situation or are you clueless to this matter, too, champ?

Congressman Adam Schiff : 2008 : Schiff Introduces Bill Urging End to Turkish Blockade of Armenia

To the people who are paying attention to this thread;

Please note that once again he ignores my questions and attempts to divert
The Armenians illegally blockaded by Turkey, which doesn't seem to like Armenia or Armenians very much.

You have any links to posts protesting this situation or are you clueless to this matter, too, champ?

Congressman Adam Schiff : 2008 : Schiff Introduces Bill Urging End to Turkish Blockade of Armenia

To the people who are paying attention to this thread;

Please note that once again he ignores my questions and attempts to divert

There are 5 people on this board, birdbrain. Good thing just a few people see what a total freak you are

You are out to lunch on turkey's 20 year blockade of Armenia, too. Maybe, ask your mommy to buy a newspaper for you?:badgrin:
Last edited:
The Armenians illegally blockaded by Turkey, which doesn't seem to like Armenia or Armenians very much.

You have any links to posts protesting this situation or are you clueless to this matter, too, champ?

Congressman Adam Schiff : 2008 : Schiff Introduces Bill Urging End to Turkish Blockade of Armenia

To the people who are paying attention to this thread;

Please note that once again he ignores my questions and attempts to divert
"It is better to be pissed off than pissed on"

Before you started this thread, did you digest Lieberman's statement?It's called "parsing."
Before you started this thread, did you digest Lieberman's statement?It's called "parsing."


patrickcaturday might be a bit parsed off. :razz:
This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.

The answer is politics and if Obama isnt mentioning it and Lieberman is trying to play it down obviously there is a reason. Timing is the answer everyone knows that the Turks did genocide on the armenians and that gave Hitler a go ahead It is timing. The turks are blackmailing them. It is not a denial it is self preservation for this time.
The answer is politics and if Obama isnt mentioning it and Lieberman is trying to play it down obviously there is a reason. Timing is the answer everyone knows that the Turks did genocide on the armenians and that gave Hitler a go ahead It is timing. The turks are blackmailing them. It is not a denial it is self preservation for this time.
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This really baffles me ! During WWII a Holocaust took place in it 6,000,000 Jews died, approximately 9,200,000 Slavs ( Russian and Polish ) died, 1,500,000 Romani died. The act itself is heinous and barbaric, the rationale behind it is beneath contempt and should be exorcised from humanity. The reason that we should study and remember it is so that we will move away from it in the future and never let it happen again. Unfortunately we do not seem to be learning as events after WWII seem to indicate that humanity is still willing to charge into that depravity again and again. Holocausts have occurred in the past, the native American Holocaust and the Irish Holocaust to name two. Since WWII there has been Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfor and others. More are planed for the future as is stated in the Charter of Hamas.

In order to understand the Holocausts we must first of all not fight over the name itself. If various ethnicities wish to commemorate their own deaths in these Holocausts they should follow the example of the Jewish People ( Shoah ) the Romani People ( Porajmos ), and the Irish ( the Starvation ) All attempts at genocide are Holocausts !!! All of the victims should be recognized and respected equally.

That is why Avigdor Lieberman's attitude, as expressed in the following article, and the refusal of the Jewish Government to recognize the Armenian Holocaust, baffle me. Would someone care to attempt to enlighten me.

02.06.2012 19:08

Israel Should Not Interfere and Not Recognize Armenian Genocide: Foreign Minister
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has made his first public comment on the French bill on criminalization of denial of the Armenian Genocide.

In an interview with television channel RTVi, Lieberman publicly spoke out against Israel recognizing the massacres of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide.

Furthermore, RTVi reported last week that Lieberman had been against the term “Holocaust” since the state was established. Attempts to turn conflicts and massacres in Africa, Asia and Balkans into another Holocaust are unacceptable, he says.

The foreign minister emphasized that history should not turn into a political dispute. Thus, Israel should not interfere, he said, Vestnik Kavkaza reported.

Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said in May 2011 that the Israeli parliament would never recognize the Armenian Genocide, so as not to spoil relations with old strategic partner Azerbaijan over history.

He said four months later that mass murders of Armenians during WWI had been a sensitive issue, but it had not become a political problem. Ayalon added that Israel had never denied the Armenian tragedy but would not want to join the Turkish-Armenian confrontation in the issue.

The answer is politics and if Obama isnt mentioning it and Lieberman is trying to play it down obviously there is a reason. Timing is the answer everyone knows that the Turks did genocide on the armenians and that gave Hitler a go ahead It is timing. The turks are blackmailing them. It is not a denial it is self preservation for this time.
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