Israel's "Right to Exist"?

"The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy torpedo boats, on June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian), wounded 170 crew members, and severely damaged the ship."
The frequency with which the USS Liberty is keeping popping up through the waves makes one suspect arabski-talking money keeping that flying dutchman afloat, indeed.

you sure are crass and flippant regarding the deaths of 34 american sailors.

look, i don't give one good flying fook which side of this issue people are on regarding the reason for the attack, but if you are an american, you need to treat these men with the respect they deserve, if for nothing more than their willingness to serve there country alone. have you ever put yourself in harm's way? have you ever served your country?

nothing has made me more angry with american jews than when they go out of their way to smear these dead sailors and survivors. the protest by "american" jews against the opening of a USS Liberty memorial library in wisconsin was a disgraceful display, initiated by jews and participated in mainly by jews. what are they afraid of becaause it sure looks like you are afraid of something.

i suppose you will smear me as an "anti-semite" for this post, just as those good sailors have been smeared for seeking a full congressional investigation. good. i couldn't be more proud than to stand shoulder to shoulder with the surviving sailors of the USS Liberty as they continue to pursue the truth.

you should be ashamed..."flying dutchman" indeed.
Stephen Forslund was a USAF intelligence analysis on 8 June 1967:

"On the day of the attack on the Liberty, I read yellow teletype sheets that spewed from the machines in front of me all day. We obtained our input from a variety of sources including the NSA.

"The teletypes were raw translations of intercepts of Israeli air-to-air and air-to-ground communications between jet aircraft and their ground controller. I read page after page of these transcripts that day as it went on and on.

"The transcripts made specific reference to the efforts to direct the jets to the target which was identified as American numerous times by the ground controller. Upon arrival, the aircraft specifically identified the target and mentioned the American flag she was flying.

"There were frequent operational transmissions from the pilots to the ground base describing the strafing runs.

"The ground control began asking about the status of the target and whether it was sinking.

"They stressed that the target must be sunk and leave no trace. The pilots stated they had made several runs and the target was still floating.

"The ground control station re-iterated that it was urgent that the target be sunk, leaving no trace. There was a detectable level of frustration evident in the transmissions over the fact that the aircraft were unable to accomplish the mission quickly and totally."

Statement of Stephen Forslund

Americans should be willing ask themselves if Israel would have initiated such an attack in 1967 without US complicity at the highest level. Two Sixth Fleet rescue missions sent to aid Liberty were recalled, the first on authority of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamera and the second on the authority of the President of the United States:

"RADM Geis then said that he speculated that Washington may have suspected that the aircraft carried nuclear weapons so he put together another flight of conventional aircraft that had no capability of carrying nuclear weapons.

"These he launched to assist us and again notified Washington of his actions.

"Again McNamara ordered the aircraft recalled.

"He requested confirmation of the order being unable to believe that Washington would let us sink.

"This time President Johnson ordered the recall with the comment that he did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not embarrass his allies."

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The frequency with which the USS Liberty is keeping popping up through the waves makes one suspect arabski-talking money keeping that flying dutchman afloat, indeed.

you sure are crass and flippant regarding the deaths of 34 american sailors.

look, i don't give one good flying fook which side of this issue people are on regarding the reason for the attack, but if you are an american, you need to treat these men with the respect they deserve, if for nothing more than their willingness to serve there country alone. have you ever put yourself in harm's way? have you ever served your country?

nothing has made me more angry with american jews than when they go out of their way to smear these dead sailors and survivors. the protest by "american" jews against the opening of a USS Liberty memorial library in wisconsin was a disgraceful display, initiated by jews and participated in mainly by jews. what are they afraid of becaause it sure looks like you are afraid of something.

i suppose you will smear me as an "anti-semite" for this post, just as those good sailors have been smeared for seeking a full congressional investigation. good. i couldn't be more proud than to stand shoulder to shoulder with the surviving sailors of the USS Liberty as they continue to pursue the truth.

you should be ashamed..."flying dutchman" indeed.
Stephen Forslund was a USAF intelligence analysis on 8 June 1967:

"On the day of the attack on the Liberty, I read yellow teletype sheets that spewed from the machines in front of me all day. We obtained our input from a variety of sources including the NSA.

"The teletypes were raw translations of intercepts of Israeli air-to-air and air-to-ground communications between jet aircraft and their ground controller. I read page after page of these transcripts that day as it went on and on.

"The transcripts made specific reference to the efforts to direct the jets to the target which was identified as American numerous times by the ground controller. Upon arrival, the aircraft specifically identified the target and mentioned the American flag she was flying.

"There were frequent operational transmissions from the pilots to the ground base describing the strafing runs.

"The ground control began asking about the status of the target and whether it was sinking.

"They stressed that the target must be sunk and leave no trace. The pilots stated they had made several runs and the target was still floating.

"The ground control station re-iterated that it was urgent that the target be sunk, leaving no trace. There was a detectable level of frustration evident in the transmissions over the fact that the aircraft were unable to accomplish the mission quickly and totally."

Statement of Stephen Forslund

Americans should be willing ask themselves if Israel would have initiated such an attack in 1967 without US complicity at the highest level. Two Sixth Fleet rescue missions sent to aid Liberty were recalled, the first on authority of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamera and the second on the authority of the President of the United States:

"RADM Geis then said that he speculated that Washington may have suspected that the aircraft carried nuclear weapons so he put together another flight of conventional aircraft that had no capability of carrying nuclear weapons.

"These he launched to assist us and again notified Washington of his actions.

"Again McNamara ordered the aircraft recalled.

"He requested confirmation of the order being unable to believe that Washington would let us sink.

"This time President Johnson ordered the recall with the comment that he did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not embarrass his allies."

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I find it more than a bit suspect that Johnson would say that to a Navy Admiral. The only source of that third-hand comment:
Years ago, Cdr. David Lewis (USS Liberty survivor) stated that Adm. Geis told him in confidence that President Johnson said: "I do not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, we will not embarrass an ally."
war crimes |
"The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy torpedo boats, on June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian), wounded 170 crew members, and severely damaged the ship."
The frequency with which the USS Liberty is keeping popping up through the waves makes one suspect arabski-talking money keeping that flying dutchman afloat, indeed.
you sure are crass and flippant regarding the deaths of 34 american sailors. ...
Oh, bog off with all buckshot-ridden posts.
The frequency with which the USS Liberty is keeping popping up through the waves makes one suspect arabski-talking money keeping that flying dutchman afloat, indeed.
you sure are crass and flippant regarding the deaths of 34 american sailors. ...
Oh, bog off with all buckshot-ridden posts.

boy, you sure get pissy when someone steps in to defend the honour and integrity of american sailors.

look, no offense, but the way american jews have handled the USS Liberty incident is a lesson in sheer stupidity and unrivaled arrogance. you have taken a tragic incident (and i believe a deliberate attack on a vessel that was known to be an american naval vessel) that could have faded into the background and jews have turned it into a cause celebre.

my god, most americans had never even noticed the attack on the liberty at the time. i mean, vietnam was the story. we were escalating big time in '66, '67 and '68. people were protesting, the streets were a riot, the democratic convention was shutting down... and people were also committing the unforgiveable sin of ignoring the jews, so they had to make some sort of huge deal about "it was a mistaken identity." it was a blip on the radar screen off the american public.

jews fought against a full congressional investigation, and memorials, and on and on writing books and making claims when it would have faded into the background years ago if left alone. the first time i suspected something was amiss about the whole incident is because nobody fights that hard unless they have something to hide.

there is probably not one single objective person in the world who doesn't think the israelis knew it was an american ship during the attack. it would have been more believable if the israeli government would have actually claimed that the pilots were blind and were part of an experimental test program than the ridiculous story they weaved.
you sure are crass and flippant regarding the deaths of 34 american sailors. ...
Oh, bog off with all buckshot-ridden posts.

boy, you sure get pissy when someone steps in to defend the honour and integrity of american sailors.

look, no offense, but the way american jews have handled the USS Liberty incident is a lesson in sheer stupidity and unrivaled arrogance. you have taken a tragic incident (and i believe a deliberate attack on a vessel that was known to be an american naval vessel) that could have faded into the background and jews have turned it into a cause celebre.

my god, most americans had never even noticed the attack on the liberty at the time. i mean, vietnam was the story. we were escalating big time in '66, '67 and '68. people were protesting, the streets were a riot, the democratic convention was shutting down... and people were also committing the unforgiveable sin of ignoring the jews, so they had to make some sort of huge deal about "it was a mistaken identity." it was a blip on the radar screen off the american public.

jews fought against a full congressional investigation, and memorials, and on and on writing books and making claims when it would have faded into the background years ago if left alone. the first time i suspected something was amiss about the whole incident is because nobody fights that hard unless they have something to hide.

there is probably not one single objective person in the world who doesn't think the israelis knew it was an american ship during the attack. it would have been more believable if the israeli government would have actually claimed that the pilots were blind and were part of an experimental test program than the ridiculous story they weaved.
Jews fought against congressional investigations? Is this why it was ine of the most investigated incidents in history? But hey, let's not let Jew hating pigs like you stop repeating the same old tired lies.

Does raeabhoildeach mean "I shoved a whiskey bottle up my Muslim-fucked ass" in Irish?
Oh, bog off with all buckshot-ridden posts.

boy, you sure get pissy when someone steps in to defend the honour and integrity of american sailors.

look, no offense, but the way american jews have handled the USS Liberty incident is a lesson in sheer stupidity and unrivaled arrogance. you have taken a tragic incident (and i believe a deliberate attack on a vessel that was known to be an american naval vessel) that could have faded into the background and jews have turned it into a cause celebre.

my god, most americans had never even noticed the attack on the liberty at the time. i mean, vietnam was the story. we were escalating big time in '66, '67 and '68. people were protesting, the streets were a riot, the democratic convention was shutting down... and people were also committing the unforgiveable sin of ignoring the jews, so they had to make some sort of huge deal about "it was a mistaken identity." it was a blip on the radar screen off the american public.

jews fought against a full congressional investigation, and memorials, and on and on writing books and making claims when it would have faded into the background years ago if left alone. the first time i suspected something was amiss about the whole incident is because nobody fights that hard unless they have something to hide.

there is probably not one single objective person in the world who doesn't think the israelis knew it was an american ship during the attack. it would have been more believable if the israeli government would have actually claimed that the pilots were blind and were part of an experimental test program than the ridiculous story they weaved.
Jews fought against congressional investigations? Is this why it was ine of the most investigated incidents in history? But hey, let's not let Jew hating pigs like you stop repeating the same old tired lies.

Does raeabhoildeach mean "I shoved a whiskey bottle up my Muslim-fucked ass" in Irish?

this is the funny part. i am giving jews good advice and they won't take it because they are too stupid and arrogant. the wise thing to do about the USS Liberty is to let sleeping dogs lay. it is a no brainer, but jews like you and docdope will always need to be right and rise to the bait, even i there is no bait.

here is a clue. most americans value the sacrifice of our troops, even during the vietnam era. ask your buddy, hoss. you are talking about 34 dead sailors here who were killed by what some refer to as "friendly" fire. i refer to it as a deliberate attack. you are defending the killers of those dead american sailors and jews have smeared a congressional medal of honor recipient, bill mcgonagle. how smart is it to do that?

there has been no full congressional investigation into the incident. such an investigation has taken place in every such incident of a similar nature in our history of naval warfare, and yet, jews keep fighting the investigation. WHY? don't tell me it is a waste of taxpayers money. you guys would support a bill to build a state of the art monstrous ski lodge on the golan heights if it because it would benefit israel and if it ever came before congress. sheesh.

so what are we left with? well, somewhere we have to let some clear headed objective logic take place. on a clear june day on the mediterranean iraeli observation planes fly by and looked at and watched one of the most distinctive vessels on the high seas at the time...the goddamned think looked like a friggin' giant grey porcupine doing the breast strike for fooks sake...with humongous ID letter "GTR5" on the bow (and i won't even mention the huge tattered american flag that the israeli pilots say wasn't flying...what an insult to our sailors to say that they were derelict in their duty...but that flag was somehow bearing the scars of battle after the incident), and these pilots identify it as an egyptian freighter half the size. now, they say they suspect this scow is shelling israeli positions from miles away. believe me, if a vessel was lobbing rounds in from that range, it had to have some pretty friggin' big ship guns on deck, but somehow the pilots miss seeing those guns. maybe they blinked. so they call in crack israeli pilots to attack the very distinctive american ship for over an hour when, lo and behold, they realise american sailors are tougher than they think and the ship will not go down, even after torpedo boat attack it, again failing to see the big "GTR5" painted on the bow. they head home and give us the big "OOPS, SoRRY GUYS." and the end.

let me tell you something about bad guy identifiction, dipwad. i was in the U.S. Army field artillery, chief, and a big part of our job was telling the bad guys from the good guys out there and for those jet jocks to claim they mistook the USS Liberty for some worn out tub is laughable. that would be like a forward observer saying he mistook a 175 long tube ( ) for a mini cooper with its antenna up.

why the hell do you defend the killers of our sailors. right or wrong, accident or not, i sure as hell am going to take their side first and look at the evidence with an open mind. you, gowever, are foing to take the word of soe two bit no nothing judge from florida who has never flown a cobat mission in his life as far as i can tell and whose father or graandfaather was a rabbi in the palestine mandate.

stupid and arrogant...DO NOT POKE THE FREAKIN' BEAR!!!

christ, i could defend the attack on the liberty better than you clowns. you can;t even get out of the starting gate,
you sure are crass and flippant regarding the deaths of 34 american sailors. ...
Oh, bog off with all buckshot-ridden posts.

boy, you sure get pissy when someone steps in to defend the honour and integrity of american sailors.

look, no offense, but the way american jews have handled the USS Liberty incident is a lesson in sheer stupidity and unrivaled arrogance. you have taken a tragic incident (and i believe a deliberate attack on a vessel that was known to be an american naval vessel) that could have faded into the background and jews have turned it into a cause celebre.

my god, most americans had never even noticed the attack on the liberty at the time. i mean, vietnam was the story. we were escalating big time in '66, '67 and '68. people were protesting, the streets were a riot, the democratic convention was shutting down... and people were also committing the unforgiveable sin of ignoring the jews, so they had to make some sort of huge deal about "it was a mistaken identity." it was a blip on the radar screen off the american public.

jews fought against a full congressional investigation, and memorials, and on and on writing books and making claims when it would have faded into the background years ago if left alone. the first time i suspected something was amiss about the whole incident is because nobody fights that hard unless they have something to hide.

there is probably not one single objective person in the world who doesn't think the israelis knew it was an american ship during the attack. it would have been more believable if the israeli government would have actually claimed that the pilots were blind and were part of an experimental test program than the ridiculous story they weaved.

Oh ok you hate the Jews so everything you say is irrelevant, you are dismissed.
Oh, bog off with all buckshot-ridden posts.

boy, you sure get pissy when someone steps in to defend the honour and integrity of american sailors.

look, no offense, but the way american jews have handled the USS Liberty incident is a lesson in sheer stupidity and unrivaled arrogance. you have taken a tragic incident (and i believe a deliberate attack on a vessel that was known to be an american naval vessel) that could have faded into the background and jews have turned it into a cause celebre.

my god, most americans had never even noticed the attack on the liberty at the time. i mean, vietnam was the story. we were escalating big time in '66, '67 and '68. people were protesting, the streets were a riot, the democratic convention was shutting down... and people were also committing the unforgiveable sin of ignoring the jews, so they had to make some sort of huge deal about "it was a mistaken identity." it was a blip on the radar screen off the american public.

jews fought against a full congressional investigation, and memorials, and on and on writing books and making claims when it would have faded into the background years ago if left alone. the first time i suspected something was amiss about the whole incident is because nobody fights that hard unless they have something to hide.

there is probably not one single objective person in the world who doesn't think the israelis knew it was an american ship during the attack. it would have been more believable if the israeli government would have actually claimed that the pilots were blind and were part of an experimental test program than the ridiculous story they weaved.

Oh ok you hate the Jews so everything you say is irrelevant, you are dismissed.

i like america. my son is at navy boot camp right now. it is beyond me why anyone would equate defending the reputation of american sailors and demanding justice for them as anti-semitic, don't think we haven't noticed the new language..."jew hater"...since the foreign ministry put the kibosh on "anti-semitism" a while back because it was overused (gee...that was my advice to y'all years ago). no one is fooled by this new "jew hater" routine either.

but this is america, and it is your prerogative to be arrogant, stupid, and even disrespect our sailors and defend those who kill them. i don't see any muslis, especially american ones, defending the attack on the USS Cole.

do you know who the biggest "jew haters" are, or at least those who you so carelessly fling that term towards? the biggest "jew haters", in the estimation of you and those like you, are those whose arguments you can't counter and that express no jew hatred at all. the biggest "jew haters" are the ones you only know how to respond to with snide, vulgar, and impertinent. no answer, huh...let's call him/her a "jew hater." really? you don't think people are seeing through that after all these years?

and what is this "you are dismissed" stuff. are you taking lessons from that rather ample jewish dominatrix that lives out in colorado...i think her name is rose.
boy, you sure get pissy when someone steps in to defend the honour and integrity of american sailors.

look, no offense, but the way american jews have handled the USS Liberty incident is a lesson in sheer stupidity and unrivaled arrogance. you have taken a tragic incident (and i believe a deliberate attack on a vessel that was known to be an american naval vessel) that could have faded into the background and jews have turned it into a cause celebre.

my god, most americans had never even noticed the attack on the liberty at the time. i mean, vietnam was the story. we were escalating big time in '66, '67 and '68. people were protesting, the streets were a riot, the democratic convention was shutting down... and people were also committing the unforgiveable sin of ignoring the jews, so they had to make some sort of huge deal about "it was a mistaken identity." it was a blip on the radar screen off the american public.

jews fought against a full congressional investigation, and memorials, and on and on writing books and making claims when it would have faded into the background years ago if left alone. the first time i suspected something was amiss about the whole incident is because nobody fights that hard unless they have something to hide.

there is probably not one single objective person in the world who doesn't think the israelis knew it was an american ship during the attack. it would have been more believable if the israeli government would have actually claimed that the pilots were blind and were part of an experimental test program than the ridiculous story they weaved.

Oh ok you hate the Jews so everything you say is irrelevant, you are dismissed.

i like america. my son is at navy boot camp right now. it is beyond me why anyone would equate defending the reputation of american sailors and demanding justice for them as anti-semitic, don't think we haven't noticed the new language..."jew hater"...since the foreign ministry put the kibosh on "anti-semitism" a while back because it was overused (gee...that was my advice to y'all years ago). no one is fooled by this new "jew hater" routine either.

but this is america, and it is your prerogative to be arrogant, stupid, and even disrespect our sailors and defend those who kill them. i don't see any muslis, especially american ones, defending the attack on the USS Cole.

do you know who the biggest "jew haters" are, or at least those who you so carelessly fling that term towards? the biggest "jew haters", in the estimation of you and those like you, are those whose arguments you can't counter and that express no jew hatred at all. the biggest "jew haters" are the ones you only know how to respond to with snide, vulgar, and impertinent. no answer, huh...let's call him/her a "jew hater." really? you don't think people are seeing through that after all these years?

and what is this "you are dismissed" stuff. are you taking lessons from that rather ample jewish dominatrix that lives out in colorado...i think her name is rose.

I didn't say you hate America but you definently hate Jews, even Stevie Wonder can see that.
Oh ok you hate the Jews so everything you say is irrelevant, you are dismissed.

i like america. my son is at navy boot camp right now. it is beyond me why anyone would equate defending the reputation of american sailors and demanding justice for them as anti-semitic, don't think we haven't noticed the new language..."jew hater"...since the foreign ministry put the kibosh on "anti-semitism" a while back because it was overused (gee...that was my advice to y'all years ago). no one is fooled by this new "jew hater" routine either.

but this is america, and it is your prerogative to be arrogant, stupid, and even disrespect our sailors and defend those who kill them. i don't see any muslis, especially american ones, defending the attack on the USS Cole.

do you know who the biggest "jew haters" are, or at least those who you so carelessly fling that term towards? the biggest "jew haters", in the estimation of you and those like you, are those whose arguments you can't counter and that express no jew hatred at all. the biggest "jew haters" are the ones you only know how to respond to with snide, vulgar, and impertinent. no answer, huh...let's call him/her a "jew hater." really? you don't think people are seeing through that after all these years?

and what is this "you are dismissed" stuff. are you taking lessons from that rather ample jewish dominatrix that lives out in colorado...i think her name is rose.

I didn't say you hate America but you definently hate Jews, even Stevie Wonder can see that.

oh, that's it. make fun of the blind black man...racist...doesn't that white hood make it hard to see the keyboard, or did that cross burning last night affect your eyesight.

i never said you said i hated america. i said i liked america and added that it was your prerogative to be arrogant, stupid, and even disrespect our sailors and defend those who kill them...which kind of defines your loyalties.

looki...if you want to equate my asking for justice for our sailors as "jew hatred", that is your right.

if you want to equate my telling jews , and make no mistake about it that it is primarily and largely jews, that it is a bad idea to defend the killers of american servicemen with jew hatred, then you are proving my point...about stupidity and arrogance.

i don't have any beef with jews. my beef is with zionists, and i have a problem with people who colonise other's lands and commit acts of genocide and i have a problem with those who support those colonialists and acts of genocide and in this case it happens to be jews. do not equate my opposition to soething with your bling and raging hatred of muslis because they are muslims.

yeah, i hate jews. that is why i have said in the past that israel was a bad idea and we should get the jews out of there before the whole thing blows up and they would be welcomed, at least by me, here in america. yeah...every jew hater in america wants more jews flooding our shores...right?
i like america. my son is at navy boot camp right now. it is beyond me why anyone would equate defending the reputation of american sailors and demanding justice for them as anti-semitic, don't think we haven't noticed the new language..."jew hater"...since the foreign ministry put the kibosh on "anti-semitism" a while back because it was overused (gee...that was my advice to y'all years ago). no one is fooled by this new "jew hater" routine either.

but this is america, and it is your prerogative to be arrogant, stupid, and even disrespect our sailors and defend those who kill them. i don't see any muslis, especially american ones, defending the attack on the USS Cole.

do you know who the biggest "jew haters" are, or at least those who you so carelessly fling that term towards? the biggest "jew haters", in the estimation of you and those like you, are those whose arguments you can't counter and that express no jew hatred at all. the biggest "jew haters" are the ones you only know how to respond to with snide, vulgar, and impertinent. no answer, huh...let's call him/her a "jew hater." really? you don't think people are seeing through that after all these years?

and what is this "you are dismissed" stuff. are you taking lessons from that rather ample jewish dominatrix that lives out in colorado...i think her name is rose.

I didn't say you hate America but you definently hate Jews, even Stevie Wonder can see that.

oh, that's it. make fun of the blind black man...racist...doesn't that white hood make it hard to see the keyboard, or did that cross burning last night affect your eyesight.

i never said you said i hated america. i said i liked america and added that it was your prerogative to be arrogant, stupid, and even disrespect our sailors and defend those who kill them...which kind of defines your loyalties.

looki...if you want to equate my asking for justice for our sailors as "jew hatred", that is your right.

if you want to equate my telling jews , and make no mistake about it that it is primarily and largely jews, that it is a bad idea to defend the killers of american servicemen with jew hatred, then you are proving my point...about stupidity and arrogance.

i don't have any beef with jews. my beef is with zionists, and i have a problem with people who colonise other's lands and commit acts of genocide and i have a problem with those who support those colonialists and acts of genocide and in this case it happens to be jews. do not equate my opposition to soething with your bling and raging hatred of muslis because they are muslims.

yeah, i hate jews. that is why i have said in the past that israel was a bad idea and we should get the jews out of there before the whole thing blows up and they would be welcomed, at least by me, here in america. yeah...every jew hater in america wants more jews flooding our shores...right?

You are such a typical boring Jew hater, you will get lost in the shuffle here real quick. You can't even shine PF Tinmore or Imas shoes.
Oh ok you hate the Jews so everything you say is irrelevant, you are dismissed.

i like america. my son is at navy boot camp right now. it is beyond me why anyone would equate defending the reputation of american sailors and demanding justice for them as anti-semitic, don't think we haven't noticed the new language..."jew hater"...since the foreign ministry put the kibosh on "anti-semitism" a while back because it was overused (gee...that was my advice to y'all years ago). no one is fooled by this new "jew hater" routine either.

but this is america, and it is your prerogative to be arrogant, stupid, and even disrespect our sailors and defend those who kill them. i don't see any muslis, especially american ones, defending the attack on the USS Cole.

do you know who the biggest "jew haters" are, or at least those who you so carelessly fling that term towards? the biggest "jew haters", in the estimation of you and those like you, are those whose arguments you can't counter and that express no jew hatred at all. the biggest "jew haters" are the ones you only know how to respond to with snide, vulgar, and impertinent. no answer, huh...let's call him/her a "jew hater." really? you don't think people are seeing through that after all these years?

and what is this "you are dismissed" stuff. are you taking lessons from that rather ample jewish dominatrix that lives out in colorado...i think her name is rose.

I didn't say you hate America but you definently hate Jews, even Stevie Wonder can see that.
This wimp is a rabid Jew hater, not to mention that he whines and rambles a lot, as you can see. He thinks people actually read through all his garbage and lies.
I didn't say you hate America but you definently hate Jews, even Stevie Wonder can see that.

oh, that's it. make fun of the blind black man...racist...doesn't that white hood make it hard to see the keyboard, or did that cross burning last night affect your eyesight.

i never said you said i hated america. i said i liked america and added that it was your prerogative to be arrogant, stupid, and even disrespect our sailors and defend those who kill them...which kind of defines your loyalties.

looki...if you want to equate my asking for justice for our sailors as "jew hatred", that is your right.

if you want to equate my telling jews , and make no mistake about it that it is primarily and largely jews, that it is a bad idea to defend the killers of american servicemen with jew hatred, then you are proving my point...about stupidity and arrogance.

i don't have any beef with jews. my beef is with zionists, and i have a problem with people who colonise other's lands and commit acts of genocide and i have a problem with those who support those colonialists and acts of genocide and in this case it happens to be jews. do not equate my opposition to soething with your bling and raging hatred of muslis because they are muslims.

yeah, i hate jews. that is why i have said in the past that israel was a bad idea and we should get the jews out of there before the whole thing blows up and they would be welcomed, at least by me, here in america. yeah...every jew hater in america wants more jews flooding our shores...right?

You are such a typical boring Jew hater, you will get lost in the shuffle here real quick. You can't even shine PF Tinmore or Imas shoes.
i like america. my son is at navy boot camp right now. it is beyond me why anyone would equate defending the reputation of american sailors and demanding justice for them as anti-semitic, don't think we haven't noticed the new language..."jew hater"...since the foreign ministry put the kibosh on "anti-semitism" a while back because it was overused (gee...that was my advice to y'all years ago). no one is fooled by this new "jew hater" routine either.

but this is america, and it is your prerogative to be arrogant, stupid, and even disrespect our sailors and defend those who kill them. i don't see any muslis, especially american ones, defending the attack on the USS Cole.

do you know who the biggest "jew haters" are, or at least those who you so carelessly fling that term towards? the biggest "jew haters", in the estimation of you and those like you, are those whose arguments you can't counter and that express no jew hatred at all. the biggest "jew haters" are the ones you only know how to respond to with snide, vulgar, and impertinent. no answer, huh...let's call him/her a "jew hater." really? you don't think people are seeing through that after all these years?

and what is this "you are dismissed" stuff. are you taking lessons from that rather ample jewish dominatrix that lives out in colorado...i think her name is rose.

I didn't say you hate America but you definently hate Jews, even Stevie Wonder can see that.
This wimp is a rabid Jew hater, not to mention that he whines and rambles a lot, as you can see. He thinks people actually read through all his garbage and lies.

It also seems he struggles with the English language, the words the right to exist are not exactly nuclear physics.
I didn't say you hate America but you definently hate Jews, even Stevie Wonder can see that.
This wimp is a rabid Jew hater, not to mention that he whines and rambles a lot, as you can see. He thinks people actually read through all his garbage and lies.

It also seems he struggles with the English language, the words the right to exist are not exactly nuclear physics.
He a highly medicated, mentally ill Jew- hating drunkard. Perfect profile of a Pali supporter.
This wimp is a rabid Jew hater, not to mention that he whines and rambles a lot, as you can see. He thinks people actually read through all his garbage and lies.

It also seems he struggles with the English language, the words the right to exist are not exactly nuclear physics.
He a highly medicated, mentally ill Jew- hating drunkard. Perfect profile of a Pali supporter.

You pretty much nailed it.
It also seems he struggles with the English language, the words the right to exist are not exactly nuclear physics.
He a highly medicated, mentally ill Jew- hating drunkard. Perfect profile of a Pali supporter.

You pretty much nailed it.

lolol...ok...i am an illiterate, stupid, jew hating, drunken lunkhead.

now perhaps you two smart manly men can put your two noggins together and explain a states "right to exist" in the context of germany under the NAZIs, the soviet union under stalin, south africa during apartheid, and on and on.

and maybe you can also add on to that why whatever palestinian organisation at the moment that israel insists recognise israel's right to exist, in so doing must deny their own right to existence, not only in the present, but the past and future as well.

i recognise "israel's right to exist", but i recognise it or what it is. it is a stalling tool, a piece of propaganda, that israel utilises to avoid peace talks while they grab up is much of the west bank as possible and, in so doing, deny the palestinians their own right to exist.

i'm one o israel's and the jewish people's best friends and you don't even know it. the reason i am your best friends is because i am not fooled by the sweet talk and pretty lies that emanate from every pore of every zionist's being. my anger is more moderate, more even, just...but someday, the people who you have fooled are going to wake up, they are already beginning to do so, and when people begin to realise that they have been duped and lied to, well, that is when you will see a very explosive and directed anger.

there was a time when i might have stood in the way of those fooled ones' irrational anger...why...because it would be the right thing to do. that time has passed, i will stand back. why? because it is not a wrong thing to do.
you have said nothing. You have revealed that you know the jihadist pig lexicon. There once lived a man who was appointed by Saddam Hussein to be a DIPLOMAT FOR THE ARAB WORLD in the USA In fact he and his organization were involved in terrorism -----at that time, usually the killing of Israeli kids both in Israel and abroad He LOVED JEWS AND ISRAEL in fact my own hubby once met him at a social event and the slimey diplomatish pig offered to "kiss" hubby--------hubby escaped

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