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Israel's "Right to Exist"?

you have said nothing. You have revealed that you know the jihadist pig lexicon. There once lived a man who was appointed by Saddam Hussein to be a DIPLOMAT FOR THE ARAB WORLD in the USA In fact he and his organization were involved in terrorism -----at that time, usually the killing of Israeli kids both in Israel and abroad He LOVED JEWS AND ISRAEL in fact my own hubby once met him at a social event and the slimey diplomatish pig offered to "kiss" hubby--------hubby escaped

Jews fought against congressional investigations? Is this why it was ine of the most investigated incidents in history? But hey, let's not let Jew hating pigs like you stop repeating the same old tired lies.
Does raeabhoildeach mean "I shoved a whiskey bottle up my Muslim-fucked ass" in Irish?

From Roudy

He sure rambles a lot and none of it makes any sense.

Also from Roudy

reabhloideach is on here making a fool of herself again, some things never change.

From High Gravity

Oh ok you hate the Jews so everything you say is irrelevant, you are dismissed.

Also from High Gravity

I didn't say you hate America but you definently hate Jews, even Stevie Wonder can see that.

Also from High Gravity

You are such a typical boring Jew hater, you will get lost in the shuffle here real quick. You can't even shine PF Tinmore or Imas shoes.

Also from High Gravity

This wimp is a rabid Jew hater, not to mention that he whines and rambles a lot, as you can see. He thinks people actually read through all his garbage and lies.

From Roudy

It also seems he struggles with the English language, the words the right to exist are not exactly nuclear physics.

From High Gravity

He a highly medicated, mentally ill Jew- hating drunkard. Perfect profile of a Pali supporter.

From Roudy

These are several of the more cogent responses that Reabhloideach has received for his patient attempts to feed these people the answer to the questions that he poses. Reabhloideach give it a break these people are incapable of answering any questions other then what is 1+1, and every other day they get that one wrong. The only mistake that you made ( one that I make almost every day) is that you try to talk to them in a rational manner. They are so threatened by reasoned discourse that their only response is to fall back on their own failed ideology and this usually results in insults and pornographic references and even those show a complete lack of creativity. Let me see if I can dumb it down for them;

1 ) who gives nations a right to exist ?

2 ) where is this right stated in law ?

3 ) does one nations right to exist trump other nations right to exist ?

4 ) how long does this right last and when does it start ?

These are open honest questions and I am looking for original ideas not old shop worn ideology. Thank You.
you have said nothing. You have revealed that you know the jihadist pig lexicon. There once lived a man who was appointed by Saddam Hussein to be a DIPLOMAT FOR THE ARAB WORLD in the USA In fact he and his organization were involved in terrorism -----at that time, usually the killing of Israeli kids both in Israel and abroad He LOVED JEWS AND ISRAEL in fact my own hubby once met him at a social event and the slimey diplomatish pig offered to "kiss" hubby--------hubby escaped

It also seems he struggles with the English language, the words the right to exist are not exactly nuclear physics.

From High Gravity

He a highly medicated, mentally ill Jew- hating drunkard. Perfect profile of a Pali supporter.

From Roudy

These are several of the more cogent responses that Reabhloideach has received for his patient attempts to feed these people the answer to the questions that he poses. Reabhloideach give it a break these people are incapable of answering any questions other then what is 1+1, and every other day they get that one wrong. The only mistake that you made ( one that I make almost every day) is that you try to talk to them in a rational manner. They are so threatened by reasoned discourse that their only response is to fall back on their own failed ideology and this usually results in insults and pornographic references and even those show a complete lack of creativity. Let me see if I can dumb it down for them;

1 ) who gives nations a right to exist ?

2 ) where is this right stated in law ?

3 ) does one nations right to exist trump other nations right to exist ?

4 ) how long does this right last and when does it start ?

These are open honest questions and I am looking for original ideas not old shop worn ideology. Thank You.
"Cogito ergo sum."
~Rene Descartes.
you sure are crass and flippant regarding the deaths of 34 american sailors.

look, i don't give one good flying fook which side of this issue people are on regarding the reason for the attack, but if you are an american, you need to treat these men with the respect they deserve, if for nothing more than their willingness to serve there country alone. have you ever put yourself in harm's way? have you ever served your country?

nothing has made me more angry with american jews than when they go out of their way to smear these dead sailors and survivors. the protest by "american" jews against the opening of a USS Liberty memorial library in wisconsin was a disgraceful display, initiated by jews and participated in mainly by jews. what are they afraid of becaause it sure looks like you are afraid of something.

i suppose you will smear me as an "anti-semite" for this post, just as those good sailors have been smeared for seeking a full congressional investigation. good. i couldn't be more proud than to stand shoulder to shoulder with the surviving sailors of the USS Liberty as they continue to pursue the truth.

you should be ashamed..."flying dutchman" indeed.
Stephen Forslund was a USAF intelligence analysis on 8 June 1967:

"On the day of the attack on the Liberty, I read yellow teletype sheets that spewed from the machines in front of me all day. We obtained our input from a variety of sources including the NSA.

"The teletypes were raw translations of intercepts of Israeli air-to-air and air-to-ground communications between jet aircraft and their ground controller. I read page after page of these transcripts that day as it went on and on.

"The transcripts made specific reference to the efforts to direct the jets to the target which was identified as American numerous times by the ground controller. Upon arrival, the aircraft specifically identified the target and mentioned the American flag she was flying.

"There were frequent operational transmissions from the pilots to the ground base describing the strafing runs.

"The ground control began asking about the status of the target and whether it was sinking.

"They stressed that the target must be sunk and leave no trace. The pilots stated they had made several runs and the target was still floating.

"The ground control station re-iterated that it was urgent that the target be sunk, leaving no trace. There was a detectable level of frustration evident in the transmissions over the fact that the aircraft were unable to accomplish the mission quickly and totally."

Statement of Stephen Forslund

Americans should be willing ask themselves if Israel would have initiated such an attack in 1967 without US complicity at the highest level. Two Sixth Fleet rescue missions sent to aid Liberty were recalled, the first on authority of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamera and the second on the authority of the President of the United States:

"RADM Geis then said that he speculated that Washington may have suspected that the aircraft carried nuclear weapons so he put together another flight of conventional aircraft that had no capability of carrying nuclear weapons.

"These he launched to assist us and again notified Washington of his actions.

"Again McNamara ordered the aircraft recalled.

"He requested confirmation of the order being unable to believe that Washington would let us sink.

"This time President Johnson ordered the recall with the comment that he did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not embarrass his allies."

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I find it more than a bit suspect that Johnson would say that to a Navy Admiral. The only source of that third-hand comment:
Years ago, Cdr. David Lewis (USS Liberty survivor) stated that Adm. Geis told him in confidence that President Johnson said: "I do not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, we will not embarrass an ally."
war crimes | Examiner.com
Reference #70:

"Several Liberty crew members testified that they had briefly seen a periscope during the attack.

"In 1988, the Lyndon Johnson Library declassified and released a document from the USS Liberty archive with the 'Top Secret—Eyes Only' security caveat (Document #12C sanitized and released 21DEC88 under review case 86–199).

"This 'Memorandum for the Record' dated 10 April 1967 reported a briefing of the '303 Committee' by General Ralph D. Steakley. According to the memo, General Steakley 'briefed the committee on a sensitive DOD project known as FRONTLET 615,' which is identified in a handwritten note on the original memorandum as 'submarine within U.A.R. waters.' Further Freedom of Information Act requests returned no existence of a project called 'FRONTLET 615'.

"In February 1997, a senior member of the crew of the submarine USS Amberjack told James Ennes that he had watched the attack through the periscope and took pictures.

"According to the official ship's history from the Department of Defense, Amberjack's mission between 23 April and 24 July was reconnaissance within U.A.R. When contacted, four crewmen stated that they were so close to USS Liberty when it came under attack that some of the crew believed Amberjack itself was under depth charge attack."

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LBJ downplayed the attack in his memoir, possibly for a very good reason.
you have said nothing. You have revealed that you know the jihadist pig lexicon. There once lived a man who was appointed by Saddam Hussein to be a DIPLOMAT FOR THE ARAB WORLD in the USA In fact he and his organization were involved in terrorism -----at that time, usually the killing of Israeli kids both in Israel and abroad He LOVED JEWS AND ISRAEL in fact my own hubby once met him at a social event and the slimey diplomatish pig offered to "kiss" hubby--------hubby escaped

It also seems he struggles with the English language, the words the right to exist are not exactly nuclear physics.

From High Gravity

He a highly medicated, mentally ill Jew- hating drunkard. Perfect profile of a Pali supporter.

From Roudy

These are several of the more cogent responses that Reabhloideach has received for his patient attempts to feed these people the answer to the questions that he poses. Reabhloideach give it a break these people are incapable of answering any questions other then what is 1+1, and every other day they get that one wrong. The only mistake that you made ( one that I make almost every day) is that you try to talk to them in a rational manner. They are so threatened by reasoned discourse that their only response is to fall back on their own failed ideology and this usually results in insults and pornographic references and even those show a complete lack of creativity. Let me see if I can dumb it down for them;

1 ) who gives nations a right to exist ?

2 ) where is this right stated in law ?

3 ) does one nations right to exist trump other nations right to exist ?

4 ) how long does this right last and when does it start ?

These are open honest questions and I am looking for original ideas not old shop worn ideology. Thank You.
Apply the same questions to any country and the answer to those would be the same as Israel's. Except Israel's case is ten times stronger, since it never invaded or occupied another nation. It merely re established a homeland for the Jewish people in the land of its ancestors, from the remains of a fallen Ottoman Empire, 99% of the land going to Arabs and Muslims.

Muslims and anti Semites have a problem with a Jewish state being established in the ancient homeland of the Jews, in an all Muslim region? TOUGH SHIT.
Several Liberty crew members testified that they had briefly seen a periscope during the attack
The Loch Ness monster, no doubt.
Nessie from the bog?

"The 1981 book Weapons by Russell Warren Howe asserts that Liberty was accompanied by the Polaris armed Lafayette-class submarine USS Andrew Jackson, which filmed the entire episode through its periscope but was unable to provide assistance.

"According to Howe: 'Two hundred feet below the ship, on a parallel course, was its 'shadow'—the Polaris strategic submarine Andrew Jackson, whose job was to take out all the Israeli long-range missile sites in the Negev if Tel Aviv decided to attack Cairo, Damascus or Baghdad. This was in order that Moscow would not have to perform this task itself and thus trigger World War Three.'"

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Several Liberty crew members testified that they had briefly seen a periscope during the attack
The Loch Ness monster, no doubt.
Nessie from the bog?

"The 1981 book Weapons by Russell Warren Howe asserts that Liberty was accompanied by the Polaris armed Lafayette-class submarine USS Andrew Jackson, which filmed the entire episode through its periscope but was unable to provide assistance.

"According to Howe: 'Two hundred feet below the ship, on a parallel course, was its 'shadow'—the Polaris strategic submarine Andrew Jackson, whose job was to take out all the Israeli long-range missile sites in the Negev if Tel Aviv decided to attack Cairo, Damascus or Baghdad. This was in order that Moscow would not have to perform this task itself and thus trigger World War Three.'"

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Over 16,000 incidents of Islamic terrorism and counting since 9-11, but the garbage of humanity IslamoNazis only want to talk about the USS Liberty. They have NOTHING:

Official reports related to the Liberty incident (a sampling, selected from A. Jay Cristol's book The Liberty Incident - uncited statements in quotation marks are from the reports)
U.S. Reports U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry, June 18, 1967 " Available evidence combines to indicate the attack on the Liberty on 8 June was in fact a case of mistaken identity." CIA Report, June 13, 1967 The attack was a mistake. In 1978, in a response to an inquiry, Director of Central Intelligence Stansfield Turner wrote: "It remains our best judgment that the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty was not made in malice toward the United States and was a mistake."

Joint Chiefs of Staff, Russ Report, June 9-20, 1967 General Russ did not make any findings about the actual attack. The report compiled all message traffic and contains no evidence that the attack was not a mistake. Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Clifford Report, July 18, 1967 "The information thus far available does not reflect that the Israeli high command made a premeditated attack on a ship known to be American…. "

National Security Agency, 1981 "Liberty was mistaken for an Egyptian ship as a result of miscalculation and egregious errors." Israeli Report Ram Ron Commission of Inquiry, June 16, 1967 "[T]he attack on the ship by the Israeli Defense Forces was made neither maliciously nor in gross negligence, but as a result of a bona fide mistake."

A. Jay Cristol, The Liberty Incident: The 1967 Israeli Attack on the U.S. Navy Spy Ship, 2002, Cristol's is the most extensive research of the attack on the Liberty; it includes not just research into the incident itself, but also a very effective analysis of the various conspiracy theories regarding the incident. The Web site is also updated with comments on Ward Boston's affidavit.

National Security Agency Web site:

Michael B. Oren, "Unfriendly Fire: Why did Israeli troops attack the USS Liberty?" The New Republic, July 23, 2001.

In 1999, moreover, a National Security Agency report from 1981 was released claiming that "the tragedy resulted not only from Israeli miscalculation but also from faulty U.S. communications practices." Since July 2003, this report has been available on the NSA Web site accompanied by a recording of radio communications between Israeli pilots made by a U.S. spy plane on the scene throughout the episode. The NSA report and other documents declassified since the incident - including a trove of government materials released in January 2004 - support findings that the bombing was a case of mistaken identity. Some of the different investigations and their conclusions are listed below. The most thorough non-governmental treatment of the bombing is A. Jay Cristol's The Liberty Incident (2002). Cristol, a U.S. bankruptcy judge and former U.S. Navy lawyer, concludes that "the totality of evidence establishes that the attack on the USS Liberty was a tragic case of mistaken identity that resulted from a compounding of bad mistakes perpetrated by both the United States and Israel, and nothing more." He analyzes, and meticulously debunks, previous books, articles and TV productions that argue that the attack was intentional and government investigations only cover-ups.

Michael B. Oren, "The USS Liberty: Case Closed," Azure, Spring 5760/2000. http://www.azure.org.il/9-Oren.htm.
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He a highly medicated, mentally ill Jew- hating drunkard. Perfect profile of a Pali supporter.

From Roudy

These are several of the more cogent responses that Reabhloideach has received for his patient attempts to feed these people the answer to the questions that he poses. Reabhloideach give it a break these people are incapable of answering any questions other then what is 1+1, and every other day they get that one wrong. The only mistake that you made ( one that I make almost every day) is that you try to talk to them in a rational manner. They are so threatened by reasoned discourse that their only response is to fall back on their own failed ideology and this usually results in insults and pornographic references and even those show a complete lack of creativity. Let me see if I can dumb it down for them;

1 ) who gives nations a right to exist ?

2 ) where is this right stated in law ?

3 ) does one nations right to exist trump other nations right to exist ?

4 ) how long does this right last and when does it start ?

These are open honest questions and I am looking for original ideas not old shop worn ideology. Thank You.
Apply the same questions to any country and the answer to those would be the same as Israel's. Except Israel's case is ten times stronger, since it never invaded or occupied another nation. It merely re established a homeland for the Jewish people in the land of its ancestors, from the remains of a fallen Ottoman Empire, 99% of the land going to Arabs and Muslims.

Muslims and anti Semites have a problem with a Jewish state being established in the ancient homeland of the Jews, in an all Muslim region? TOUGH SHIT.

i did ask the initial question generally and asked for an answer that would include all states.

so you believe NAZI germany, apartheid south africa, the confederate states of america, stalinist russia all had the right to exist.

the jews are indigenous to northern iraq.

ancient homelands, especially those a people have abandoned for millenia, mean nothing. the ancient homeland of the celts extended from ireland all the way across southern europe with the exception o the boot of italy. do you actually think the remaing celts, mainly in ireland and the highkands of scotland and the diaspora, have a right to occupy that land. splendid...
The Provisional IRA thanks you for your support.
signed: P O'Neill

not one single jew, who claim that israel has the right to exist, can explain what that concept entails.

you are not special to me. your people are not special to me. i was raised on anti-colonialism and told stories about how native peoples gained their freedoms from a very early age...why in the world do you think i should treat israel any differently. it is a state that has not yet gelled and it is a remnant o european colonialism

why are you so consumately arrogant that you think i should bow down and treat you differently than any other people. some colonisations can't be undone...those in the western hemisphere and australia, but israel can be and should be ondone and it is happening. it was doomed from the start. your people cannot even live with each other in peace. don't you think israel's neighbours see that.

so, if i don't treat jews as special people, i am an anti-semite. yrah. sure. guess what...don't care anymore. you guys call everyone an anti-semite if they don't agree with every little thing that israel or the jews say.
Let's get one thing straight in regards to the OP,

"Nations don't have rights,
people do!"​


Rights are vested in the people not political entities. Most rights are hinged on the basic right to self determination. Who has these rights? The people inside a defined territory have the right to self determination. These people are said to be natives, indigenous, permanent populations, or normal residents. Nowhere is it mentioned that foreigners have the right to self determination.

The only mention of foreigners is that foreign intervention that denies the people their rights is illegal.

The creation of a state is the realization of the right to self determination. It predates statehood. It exists in the absence of a state.
Right Israel exists as an assertion of the RIGHTS OF THE JEWS LIVING IN THE LAND MASS CALLED PALESTINE and the ESCAPEES FROM THE FILTH OF SHARIAH OPPRESSION in the neighboring shariah cesspits SOUTHERN SUDAN EXISTS in sudan as an assertion of the rights of non muslims living in the land called Sudan Hopefully----someday there will be a country in the middle east which exists for the rights of christian who have survived the filth of shariah ------and a country for the people called KURDS who have the right to exist free of the filth of arab oppression
Right Israel exists as an assertion of the RIGHTS OF THE JEWS LIVING IN THE LAND MASS CALLED PALESTINE and the ESCAPEES FROM THE FILTH OF SHARIAH OPPRESSION in the neighboring shariah cesspits SOUTHERN SUDAN EXISTS in sudan as an assertion of the rights of non muslims living in the land called Sudan Hopefully----someday there will be a country in the middle east which exists for the rights of christian who have survived the filth of shariah ------and a country for the people called KURDS who have the right to exist free of the filth of arab oppression

Whatever, Israel is an illegal foreign intervention.

Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.
Right Israel exists as an assertion of the RIGHTS OF THE JEWS LIVING IN THE LAND MASS CALLED PALESTINE and the ESCAPEES FROM THE FILTH OF SHARIAH OPPRESSION in the neighboring shariah cesspits SOUTHERN SUDAN EXISTS in sudan as an assertion of the rights of non muslims living in the land called Sudan Hopefully----someday there will be a country in the middle east which exists for the rights of christian who have survived the filth of shariah ------and a country for the people called KURDS who have the right to exist free of the filth of arab oppression

Whatever, Israel is an illegal foreign intervention.

Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

So? all the people who signed the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in Philadelphia in 1776 were BORN BRITISH SUBJECTS The people who signed for Israel's independence did so in the ONLY EXTANT LANGUAGE native to palestine ie HEBREW-----arabic was foisted on the area by invading dogs from arabia You made not point-----no ---not true you opened the conversation to the fact that ARABIC DOES NOT BELONG IN PALESTINE
Right Israel exists as an assertion of the RIGHTS OF THE JEWS LIVING IN THE LAND MASS CALLED PALESTINE and the ESCAPEES FROM THE FILTH OF SHARIAH OPPRESSION in the neighboring shariah cesspits SOUTHERN SUDAN EXISTS in sudan as an assertion of the rights of non muslims living in the land called Sudan Hopefully----someday there will be a country in the middle east which exists for the rights of christian who have survived the filth of shariah ------and a country for the people called KURDS who have the right to exist free of the filth of arab oppression

Whatever, Israel is an illegal foreign intervention.

Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

So? all the people who signed the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in Philadelphia in 1776 were BORN BRITISH SUBJECTS The people who signed for Israel's independence did so in the ONLY EXTANT LANGUAGE native to palestine ie HEBREW-----arabic was foisted on the area by invading dogs from arabia You made not point-----no ---not true you opened the conversation to the fact that ARABIC DOES NOT BELONG IN PALESTINE

Nice song and dance, but irrelevant.
Right Israel exists as an assertion of the RIGHTS OF THE JEWS LIVING IN THE LAND MASS CALLED PALESTINE and the ESCAPEES FROM THE FILTH OF SHARIAH OPPRESSION in the neighboring shariah cesspits SOUTHERN SUDAN EXISTS in sudan as an assertion of the rights of non muslims living in the land called Sudan Hopefully----someday there will be a country in the middle east which exists for the rights of christian who have survived the filth of shariah ------and a country for the people called KURDS who have the right to exist free of the filth of arab oppression

Whatever, Israel is an illegal foreign intervention.

Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

An "illegal foreign intervention" is primarily an Arab/Moslem invention. They view the land as an entitlement and wish to eliminate all competing religions. Islamism is based upon creed that it shall govern all men in all places.
Right Israel exists as an assertion of the RIGHTS OF THE JEWS LIVING IN THE LAND MASS CALLED PALESTINE and the ESCAPEES FROM THE FILTH OF SHARIAH OPPRESSION in the neighboring shariah cesspits SOUTHERN SUDAN EXISTS in sudan as an assertion of the rights of non muslims living in the land called Sudan Hopefully----someday there will be a country in the middle east which exists for the rights of christian who have survived the filth of shariah ------and a country for the people called KURDS who have the right to exist free of the filth of arab oppression

Whatever, Israel is an illegal foreign intervention.

Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

An "illegal foreign intervention" is primarily an Arab/Moslem invention. They view the land as an entitlement and wish to eliminate all competing religions. Islamism is based upon creed that it shall govern all men in all places.

You are grasping at straws. None of that means anything.
Whatever, Israel is an illegal foreign intervention.

Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence, only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

So? all the people who signed the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in Philadelphia in 1776 were BORN BRITISH SUBJECTS The people who signed for Israel's independence did so in the ONLY EXTANT LANGUAGE native to palestine ie HEBREW-----arabic was foisted on the area by invading dogs from arabia You made not point-----no ---not true you opened the conversation to the fact that ARABIC DOES NOT BELONG IN PALESTINE

Nice song and dance, but irrelevant.

try again what was IRRELEVANT was your post regarding the birth places of the people who fought for the independence of Israel and the right of jews to live free of the oppression you support Here is a bit of news for you-----Israel exists on the backs of the jews who escaped MUSLIM OPPRESSION Some of the earliers cities of MODERN ISRAEL were founded by those escapees ----look to the history of RISHON Le TZION 1882 (translatation----"at the first---those who arrived in zion") Try to keep in mind---palestine was INVADED BY THE DOGS OF ARABIA only a few centuries earlier
So? all the people who signed the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in Philadelphia in 1776 were BORN BRITISH SUBJECTS The people who signed for Israel's independence did so in the ONLY EXTANT LANGUAGE native to palestine ie HEBREW-----arabic was foisted on the area by invading dogs from arabia You made not point-----no ---not true you opened the conversation to the fact that ARABIC DOES NOT BELONG IN PALESTINE

Nice song and dance, but irrelevant.

try again what was IRRELEVANT was your post regarding the birth places of the people who fought for the independence of Israel and the right of jews to live free of the oppression you support Here is a bit of news for you-----Israel exists on the backs of the jews who escaped MUSLIM OPPRESSION Some of the earliers cities of MODERN ISRAEL were founded by those escapees ----look to the history of RISHON Le TZION 1882 (translatation----"at the first---those who arrived in zion") Try to keep in mind---palestine was INVADED BY THE DOGS OF ARABIA only a few centuries earlier

Foreigners do not have rights.

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