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Israel's "Right to Exist"?

Right to exist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

thought i would get the link out of the way so as to avoid copyright infringement for copying your copyright infringement. you do realise, i hope, that each time you quote something on a new post, especially if it is new material, that you have to acknowledge the source again. some of the mods are pretty arbitrary on their rulings so i kinda figured they could ding me but let you slide. life's like that.

ok. try to keep up. i can read quite well and we have moved on beyond that. we are at the point where israel is still asking for the PA to acknowledge israels right to exist...when the PA has already acknowledged such in 1993 in an official latter by abu ammar, i sometimes like to use the nom de guerre but if you prefer, yasser arafat.

what the hell exactly do you want me to read, Common Sense. Agrarian Justice, what's that other one, The Age of Reason...it has been a long time since i read those.

sorry, chief, you lost me. say it in your own words instead of cutting and pasting something that actually proves one of my contentions, that you guys have no clue whatsoever what israel's "right to exist" means. posting a blurb about how some of the great thinkers thought, discussed, and disagreed on the issue proves nothing...well, except that maybe that my dear friend, high gravity, has know idea what he is talking about and that his constant "you're ann idiot. everybody knows what it means." is just a cover for his own ignorance and, perhaps, actual stupidity. lolol...the boyo probably has one of the penis envy things going on too. faux tough guys like him usually do, but he'll probably deny it.

anyway, everybody from here and heading west to timbuktu has recognised israels right to exist, many implicity...but some very explicity to include the arab states, so why is israel continuing to insist on that recognition before they enter into negotiations?

(hint: i have answered that question at least a couple of times in prior posts.)
Donkey, if you had the ability to understand what you are reading, instead of posting all this nonsense and blabber, you would conclude that it is the Arabs and Muslims that have beought forth Israel's right to exist and challenged Israel's legitimacy from the beginning, and attacked her many times due to this very reason. Hence Israel will obviously enter into peace negotiations with those that accept her right to exist, such as Egypt and Jordan, and refuses to deal with those entities that call for her destruction. Such as Hamas.

Arabs and Muslims that have beought forth Israel's right to exist and challenged Israel's legitimacy from the beginning...

Why would that be?
Muslim hatred and intolerance. Where was all the outrage when the Ottoman Turks ruled for 600 years? Where was it when Jordan and Egypt ruled West Bank and Gaza for 20 years? Nobody even brought up or mentioned the word "Palestine". Why? it's a bogus, fictional newly invented term. "Palestine" was divided into Jordan as the Arab state and Israel as the Jewish state. The Palestinians got their Arab state and they along with 5 other Arab countries attacked the Jewish state in order to destroy it. Things didn't work out as planned? Tough shit.
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It doesn't matter. The right to self determination exists separate from statehood.
A little tidbit of background information to help you out, Tinny.

The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study - Foreword, table of contents (30 June 1990)

Thanks for the link.

This validates what I have been saying all along. Particularly part I.

The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)

The fundamental question of the rights of the Palestinians themselves did not enter into the picture.

One is that evidently it was not in accordance with the spirit of the pledges of independence given to the Arabs both before and after it was issued. The second is that the disposition of Palestine was determined in close consultation with a political organization whose declared aim was to settle non-Palestinians in Palestine. Not only did this ignore the interests of the native Palestinians, but it was a deliberate violation of their rights (see sect. IV below). The third is that through the Declaration the British Government made commitments to the Zionist Organization regarding the land of the Palestinians at a moment when it was still formally part of the Ottoman Empire.

One authority writes:

"The most significant and incontrovertible fact is, however, that by itself the Declaration was legally impotent. For Great Britain had no sovereign rights over Palestine, it had no proprietary interest, it had no authority to dispose of the land. The Declaration was merely a statement of British intentions and no more".

The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)
Israel has every right to exist, but it really needs to deal with all the facists that are infilirating Israel. I lived in Israel and you have no clue what kind of facism I saw there. It needs to stop.
yes, you did miss soething. you missed answering the question.

and, it is actually more complicated than rocket science, but you wouldn't understand that.

ya know, if someone asks me what 2+2 is, i am going to say 4. you, on the other hand with all your self proclaimed intelligence, go on post after post not answering a question that you claim has a simple answer.

kinda makes you look like the stupid one, what with all your tough guy bellowing and all.

and it is your boyos blatherinng about the "right to exist." they don't even know what it means, but you do? their "right to exist" changes on their whim. lookie here...ow the hell do you think a jew would feel if tomorrow, all new jewish immigrants, as a condition of their immigration, if they had to recognise america's right to exist as a christian state and that all jews currently living here do so also.

hell, we may as well go for recognition as a right to exist as a catholic state, what with all my brown skinned brothers and sisters coming up from the south...lol.

Blah blah blah, you are such a boring dull poster and English doesn't seem to be your first language. Google up the words "Right to exist" and have someone translate them to you in your native tongue and stop wasting bandwidth with your bullshit. You are dismissed.
Exactly. He makes it sound like its a new or foreign term, or somehow vague. It's like asking "what are women's rights"? The phrase "right to exist" is pretty self explanatory.

Yup, racist faggots usually do the same thing and ask questions like what are equal rights, and than ask don't civil rights have to be earned? usually these questions are just ways to be racist fucking douche bags and get a reaction out of people.
Blah blah blah, you are such a boring dull poster and English doesn't seem to be your first language. Google up the words "Right to exist" and have someone translate them to you in your native tongue and stop wasting bandwidth with your bullshit. You are dismissed.
Exactly. He makes it sound like its a new or foreign term, or somehow vague. It's like asking "what are women's rights"? The phrase "right to exist" is pretty self explanatory.

Yup, racist faggots usually do the same thing and ask questions like what are equal rights, and than ask don't civil rights have to be earned? usually these questions are just ways to be racist fucking douche bags and get a reaction out of people.
Haters use different methods to justify their hatred and this is one that is often used. They frequently question the obvious, such as "did Iran's president call for the destruction of Israel?" or "did the Holocaust really happen?"
Exactly. He makes it sound like its a new or foreign term, or somehow vague. It's like asking "what are women's rights"? The phrase "right to exist" is pretty self explanatory.

Yup, racist faggots usually do the same thing and ask questions like what are equal rights, and than ask don't civil rights have to be earned? usually these questions are just ways to be racist fucking douche bags and get a reaction out of people.
Haters use different methods to justify their hatred and this is one that is often used. They frequently question the obvious, such as "did Iran's president call for the destruction of Israel?" or "did the Holocaust really happen?"

You labeling someone a hater is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, you hypocrite!
No, Ahmadinejad did not call for the destruction of Israel, but it serves Israel and it's minions to perpetuate this lie. The Holocaust of WW2 is also another lie and yes I'm a holocaust denier because I've studied it for a long time and discovered through my extensive research that the gas chambers were a lie and the mass burning of bodies was also another lie. The Zionist Jews have hijacked WW2 history to serve their agenda...The Zionist Talmudic Supremacist Jews have used the holohoax as a tool in to justify the theft of Palestine and to deflect criticisms of it's atrocious acts.
Chimp can't even read.

In 1947, the United Nations affirmed the right of an "Arab State" and a "Jewish State" to exist within Palestine. The Jewish Agency, precursor to the Israeli government, agreed to the plan, but several Arab states rejected it and attacked Israel after its May 14, 1948 declaration of independence, escalating a civil war into the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The legal and territorial status of Israel and Palestine is still hotly disputed in the region and within the international community. In the 1950s and 1960s Arab leaders did not acknowledge that Israel had a right to exist.[13] The issue was described as the central one between Israel and the Arabs, by James Farell Thomas, the Trotskyist American novelist.[14] After the June 1967 war, Egyptian spokesman Mohammed H. el-Zayyat stated that Cairo had accepted Israel's right to exist since the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli armistice in 1949.[15] He added that this did not imply recognition of Israel.[15] In September, the Arab leaders adopted a hardline "three no's" position in the Khartoum Resolution: No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel.[16] But in November, Egypt accepted UN Security Council Resolution 242, which implied acceptance of Israel's right to exist. King Hussein of Jordan also acknowledged that Israel had a right to exist at this time.

Right to exist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

thought i would get the link out of the way so as to avoid copyright infringement for copying your copyright infringement. you do realise, i hope, that each time you quote something on a new post, especially if it is new material, that you have to acknowledge the source again. some of the mods are pretty arbitrary on their rulings so i kinda figured they could ding me but let you slide. life's like that.

ok. try to keep up. i can read quite well and we have moved on beyond that. we are at the point where israel is still asking for the PA to acknowledge israels right to exist...when the PA has already acknowledged such in 1993 in an official latter by abu ammar, i sometimes like to use the nom de guerre but if you prefer, yasser arafat.

what the hell exactly do you want me to read, Common Sense. Agrarian Justice, what's that other one, The Age of Reason...it has been a long time since i read those.

sorry, chief, you lost me. say it in your own words instead of cutting and pasting something that actually proves one of my contentions, that you guys have no clue whatsoever what israel's "right to exist" means. posting a blurb about how some of the great thinkers thought, discussed, and disagreed on the issue proves nothing...well, except that maybe that my dear friend, high gravity, has know idea what he is talking about and that his constant "you're ann idiot. everybody knows what it means." is just a cover for his own ignorance and, perhaps, actual stupidity. lolol...the boyo probably has one of the penis envy things going on too. faux tough guys like him usually do, but he'll probably deny it.

anyway, everybody from here and heading west to timbuktu has recognised israels right to exist, many implicity...but some very explicity to include the arab states, so why is israel continuing to insist on that recognition before they enter into negotiations?

(hint: i have answered that question at least a couple of times in prior posts.)
Donkey, if you had the ability to understand what you are reading, instead of posting all this nonsense and blabber, you would conclude that it is the Arabs and Muslims that have beought forth Israel's right to exist and challenged Israel's legitimacy from the beginning, and attacked her many times due to this very reason. Hence Israel will obviously enter into peace negotiations with those that accept her right to exist, such as Egypt and Jordan, and refuses to deal with those entities that call for her destruction. Such as Hamas.

i understand exactly what i am reading, and the PA has recognised israels right to exist, no matter what part HAMAS plays in the PA. dfurthermore, israel doesn't recognise HAMAS' right to exist either.

besides, haniyah said he didn't oppose abbas negotiating with israel and gas said the charter, the HAMAZ charter was pretty much void re the destruction of israel.

i don't know how to maake it any more clear. in 1993 at oslo, the what was to become the PA, recognised israels right to exist in a letter of principle. HAMAS has nothing to do with it any more than the democrats have when the US negotiates with a foreign state, sure, we have a president who is a democrat but foreign powers negotiate with the united states.

also, and this brings it home despite all your diversion...from wiki...

In a 2001 video, Netanyahu, reportedly unaware he was being recorded, said: "They asked me before the election if I'd honor [the Oslo accords]... I said I would, but [that] I'm going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the '67 borders. How did we do it? Nobody said what defined military zones were. Defined military zones are security zones; as far as I'm concerned, the entire Jordan Valley is a defined military zone. Go argue."[15][16] Netanyahu then explained how he conditioned his signing of the 1997 Hebron agreement on American consent that there be no withdrawals from "specified military locations", and insisted he be allowed to specify which areas constituted a "military location"—such as the whole of the Jordan Valley. "Why is that important? Because from that moment on I stopped the Oslo Accords," Netanyahu affirmed.[17]

Oslo Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

boy, and you actually wonder why jews are negatively stereotyped when the man who leads what is touted as the jewish state, israel, says something as shifty as that. that is an insult to americans, and you and i are both americans. i'm angry, but american jews should be furious because one man, benjamin netanyahu has just reinforced a very negative stereotype, a classic but unfair stereotype, of the jewish people as no account, underhanded schemers.

you're not even a little bit angry that you, as an american, have been stabbed in the back like this, especially after all the preaching about the oslo accords that you and others have been doing?
Are these filthy anti semites really sitting here blathering on about the words right to exist? is this fucking rocket science? did I miss something?

yes, you did miss soething. you missed answering the question.

and, it is actually more complicated than rocket science, but you wouldn't understand that.

ya know, if someone asks me what 2+2 is, i am going to say 4. you, on the other hand with all your self proclaimed intelligence, go on post after post not answering a question that you claim has a simple answer.

kinda makes you look like the stupid one, what with all your tough guy bellowing and all.

and it is your boyos blatherinng about the "right to exist." they don't even know what it means, but you do? their "right to exist" changes on their whim. lookie here...ow the hell do you think a jew would feel if tomorrow, all new jewish immigrants, as a condition of their immigration, if they had to recognise america's right to exist as a christian state and that all jews currently living here do so also.

hell, we may as well go for recognition as a right to exist as a catholic state, what with all my brown skinned brothers and sisters coming up from the south...lol.

Blah blah blah, you are such a boring dull poster and English doesn't seem to be your first language. Google up the words "Right to exist" and have someone translate them to you in your native tongue and stop wasting bandwidth with your bullshit. You are dismissed.

dude, you keep following me around like a little kap dog whose only purpose, as far as i can tell, is to dismiss me. wouldn't be easier just not to read my posts.

as for boring and dull, you really haven't deviated much from this post in your ten prior posts. i hope i haven't broken your brain or further exacerbated your penis envy.

Right to exist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thomas Paine used the phrase "right to exist" to refer to forms of government, arguing that representative government has a right to exist, but that hereditary government does not.[3] In 1823, Sir Walter Scott argued for the "right to exist in the Greek people".[4] (The Greeks were then revolting against Turkish rule.) According to Renan's "What is a Nation?" (1882), "A state has the right to exist when it gives proof of its strength by the sacrifices which demand the abdication of the individual."[5] Existence is not a historical right, but "a daily plebiscite, just as an individual's existence is a perpetual affirmation of life," Renan said.[5] The phrase gained enormous usage in reference to the breakup of the Ottoman Empire in 1918. "If Turkey has a right to exist – and the Powers are very prompt to assert that she has – she possesses an equally good right to defend herself against all attempts to imperil her political existence," wrote Eliakim and Robert Littell in 1903.[6] In many cases, a nation's right to exist is not questioned, and is therefore not asserted, for example in the case of India.[7]

so, we have this vague concept, but at least we are getting somewhere. sorta noticed, by the way, that the states used as examples were states in revolt.

whatever it is, abu ammar as head of the PLO acknowledged in writing that israel has a right to exist to yitzak shamir, and there was also acknowledgement at the time that the PLO would go on to become the PA. abu ammar himself said "the PLO affirms that those articles of the Palestinian Covenant which deny Israel's right to exist, and the provisions of the Covenant which are inconsistent with the commitments of this letter are now inoperative and no longer valid."

so, this was done in oslo in 1993 and all israel has done is stall and stall and keep on insisting upon (?something/someone?) to recognise israel's right to exist before israel sit down to negotiate...and israel uses this stall to continue settlement building (thanks , georgephilips, for the link and area C) and palestine comes closer and closer to not existing, which, if that happens, will be genocide according to international law.

so what is the freaking problem over there. seriously, you got what you want. sometimes i almost think the palestinians agree to almost everything you ask for just to see how big of a fool israel is going to make of herself next.

dude, you better abandon that snip snip ritual cause you are gonna need as much of mr. dangle as you can get if you keep on stepping on it this way

Chimp can't even read.

In 1947, the United Nations affirmed the right of an "Arab State" and a "Jewish State" to exist within Palestine. The Jewish Agency, precursor to the Israeli government, agreed to the plan, but several Arab states rejected it and attacked Israel after its May 14, 1948 declaration of independence, escalating a civil war into the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The legal and territorial status of Israel and Palestine is still hotly disputed in the region and within the international community. In the 1950s and 1960s Arab leaders did not acknowledge that Israel had a right to exist.[13] The issue was described as the central one between Israel and the Arabs, by James Farell Thomas, the Trotskyist American novelist.[14] After the June 1967 war, Egyptian spokesman Mohammed H. el-Zayyat stated that Cairo had accepted Israel's right to exist since the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli armistice in 1949.[15] He added that this did not imply recognition of Israel.[15] In September, the Arab leaders adopted a hardline "three no's" position in the Khartoum Resolution: No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel.[16] But in November, Egypt accepted UN Security Council Resolution 242, which implied acceptance of Israel's right to exist. King Hussein of Jordan also acknowledged that Israel had a right to exist at this time.

When Ben Gurion spoke to the World Council of Poale Zion in 1938, he said, "The boundaries of Zionist aspiration include southern Lebanon, southern Syria, today’s Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan, and the Sinai."
In 1947 the United Nations attempted to partition Palestine between Jews and Arabs. The partition was unacceptable to everyone. On the one hand, it would have given far more land to Jews than they were living on. At the time, Jewish land owners held only 6 percent of the land. On the other hand, the Zionist movement sought to claim far more land for itself and would not settle for the partition.
In 1948, war broke out between the Zionist forces and the Arab countries surrounding Palestine. Before the war there were about 950,000 Palestinians in the land that became Israel. The Zionist forces drove out or killed between 700,000 and 800,000 of the 950,000 Palestinians.
In the past, Zionists have hidden the role Zionist forces played in ethnically cleansing the land of its Palestinian inhabitants, but such denial is pretty futile by now. Even right-wing historians like Benny Morris have heavily documented the atrocities committed by Zionist troops and their intent to drive out the native inhabitants. Morris’s only problem with the operations is that they did not do a thorough enough job in expelling the Arabs.
We have, for instance, accounts such as that of Zvi Ankori, commander of the Haganah, who said, "I saw cut off genitalia and women’s crushed stomachs. … It was direct murder."
Menachem Begin, a former prime minister of Israel, expressed great pride in the terrifying effects of the Zionist operations. On the massacre of 254 men, women, and children in Deir-Yasin, Begin said, "A legend of terror spread amongst Arabs who were seized with panic at the mention of our Irgun soldiers. It was worth half a dozen battalions to the forces of Israel. Arabs throughout the country … were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede.
"Of the 800,000 Arabs who lived on the present territory of the State of Israel, only some 165,000 are still there. The political and economic significance of this development can hardly be overstated."
The 700,000 Palestinians who fled their homes in 1948 have not been able to return since. They and their children now number 4 or 5 million people. Many of them are huddled in the same refugee camps they entered when they first fled. They are one of the largest and longest running refugee populations in the world.
Israel could not have become a Jewish state without forcibly expelling the majority of indigenous population. It cannot remain a Jewish state without forcibly preventing the re-entry of the expelled indigenous population and without forcibly preventing immigration of non-Jews into Israel.

It cannot remain a Jewish state without denying the rights or even existence of the remaining indigenous population within Israel.

Israel was created on stolen Palestinian land

so, we have this vague concept, but at least we are getting somewhere. sorta noticed, by the way, that the states used as examples were states in revolt.

whatever it is, abu ammar as head of the PLO acknowledged in writing that israel has a right to exist to yitzak shamir, and there was also acknowledgement at the time that the PLO would go on to become the PA. abu ammar himself said "the PLO affirms that those articles of the Palestinian Covenant which deny Israel's right to exist, and the provisions of the Covenant which are inconsistent with the commitments of this letter are now inoperative and no longer valid."

so, this was done in oslo in 1993 and all israel has done is stall and stall and keep on insisting upon (?something/someone?) to recognise israel's right to exist before israel sit down to negotiate...and israel uses this stall to continue settlement building (thanks , georgephilips, for the link and area C) and palestine comes closer and closer to not existing, which, if that happens, will be genocide according to international law.

so what is the freaking problem over there. seriously, you got what you want. sometimes i almost think the palestinians agree to almost everything you ask for just to see how big of a fool israel is going to make of herself next.

dude, you better abandon that snip snip ritual cause you are gonna need as much of mr. dangle as you can get if you keep on stepping on it this way

Chimp can't even read.

In 1947, the United Nations affirmed the right of an "Arab State" and a "Jewish State" to exist within Palestine. The Jewish Agency, precursor to the Israeli government, agreed to the plan, but several Arab states rejected it and attacked Israel after its May 14, 1948 declaration of independence, escalating a civil war into the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The legal and territorial status of Israel and Palestine is still hotly disputed in the region and within the international community. In the 1950s and 1960s Arab leaders did not acknowledge that Israel had a right to exist.[13] The issue was described as the central one between Israel and the Arabs, by James Farell Thomas, the Trotskyist American novelist.[14] After the June 1967 war, Egyptian spokesman Mohammed H. el-Zayyat stated that Cairo had accepted Israel's right to exist since the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli armistice in 1949.[15] He added that this did not imply recognition of Israel.[15] In September, the Arab leaders adopted a hardline "three no's" position in the Khartoum Resolution: No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel.[16] But in November, Egypt accepted UN Security Council Resolution 242, which implied acceptance of Israel's right to exist. King Hussein of Jordan also acknowledged that Israel had a right to exist at this time.

When Ben Gurion spoke to the World Council of Poale Zion in 1938, he said, "The boundaries of Zionist aspiration include southern Lebanon, southern Syria, today’s Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan, and the Sinai."
In 1947 the United Nations attempted to partition Palestine between Jews and Arabs. The partition was unacceptable to everyone. On the one hand, it would have given far more land to Jews than they were living on. At the time, Jewish land owners held only 6 percent of the land. On the other hand, the Zionist movement sought to claim far more land for itself and would not settle for the partition.
In 1948, war broke out between the Zionist forces and the Arab countries surrounding Palestine. Before the war there were about 950,000 Palestinians in the land that became Israel. The Zionist forces drove out or killed between 700,000 and 800,000 of the 950,000 Palestinians.
In the past, Zionists have hidden the role Zionist forces played in ethnically cleansing the land of its Palestinian inhabitants, but such denial is pretty futile by now. Even right-wing historians like Benny Morris have heavily documented the atrocities committed by Zionist troops and their intent to drive out the native inhabitants. Morris’s only problem with the operations is that they did not do a thorough enough job in expelling the Arabs.
We have, for instance, accounts such as that of Zvi Ankori, commander of the Haganah, who said, "I saw cut off genitalia and women’s crushed stomachs. … It was direct murder."
Menachem Begin, a former prime minister of Israel, expressed great pride in the terrifying effects of the Zionist operations. On the massacre of 254 men, women, and children in Deir-Yasin, Begin said, "A legend of terror spread amongst Arabs who were seized with panic at the mention of our Irgun soldiers. It was worth half a dozen battalions to the forces of Israel. Arabs throughout the country … were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede.
"Of the 800,000 Arabs who lived on the present territory of the State of Israel, only some 165,000 are still there. The political and economic significance of this development can hardly be overstated."
The 700,000 Palestinians who fled their homes in 1948 have not been able to return since. They and their children now number 4 or 5 million people. Many of them are huddled in the same refugee camps they entered when they first fled. They are one of the largest and longest running refugee populations in the world.
Israel could not have become a Jewish state without forcibly expelling the majority of indigenous population. It cannot remain a Jewish state without forcibly preventing the re-entry of the expelled indigenous population and without forcibly preventing immigration of non-Jews into Israel.

It cannot remain a Jewish state without denying the rights or even existence of the remaining indigenous population within Israel.

Israel was created on stolen Palestinian land


Israel was created and exists by crimes against another people.

Where is there a "right" to do that?
yes, you did miss soething. you missed answering the question.

and, it is actually more complicated than rocket science, but you wouldn't understand that.

ya know, if someone asks me what 2+2 is, i am going to say 4. you, on the other hand with all your self proclaimed intelligence, go on post after post not answering a question that you claim has a simple answer.

kinda makes you look like the stupid one, what with all your tough guy bellowing and all.

and it is your boyos blatherinng about the "right to exist." they don't even know what it means, but you do? their "right to exist" changes on their whim. lookie here...ow the hell do you think a jew would feel if tomorrow, all new jewish immigrants, as a condition of their immigration, if they had to recognise america's right to exist as a christian state and that all jews currently living here do so also.

hell, we may as well go for recognition as a right to exist as a catholic state, what with all my brown skinned brothers and sisters coming up from the south...lol.

Blah blah blah, you are such a boring dull poster and English doesn't seem to be your first language. Google up the words "Right to exist" and have someone translate them to you in your native tongue and stop wasting bandwidth with your bullshit. You are dismissed.

dude, you keep following me around like a little kap dog whose only purpose, as far as i can tell, is to dismiss me. wouldn't be easier just not to read my posts.

as for boring and dull, you really haven't deviated much from this post in your ten prior posts. i hope i haven't broken your brain or further exacerbated your penis envy.

Yup, racist faggots usually do the same thing and ask questions like what are equal rights, and than ask don't civil rights have to be earned? usually these questions are just ways to be racist fucking douche bags and get a reaction out of people.
Haters use different methods to justify their hatred and this is one that is often used. They frequently question the obvious, such as "did Iran's president call for the destruction of Israel?" or "did the Holocaust really happen?"

You labeling someone a hater is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, you hypocrite!
No, Ahmadinejad did not call for the destruction of Israel, but it serves Israel and it's minions to perpetuate this lie. The Holocaust of WW2 is also another lie and yes I'm a holocaust denier because I've studied it for a long time and discovered through my extensive research that the gas chambers were a lie and the mass burning of bodies was also another lie. The Zionist Jews have hijacked WW2 history to serve their agenda...The Zionist Talmudic Supremacist Jews have used the holohoax as a tool in to justify the theft of Palestine and to deflect criticisms of it's atrocious acts.

You just proved our point, thanks for being you.
Chimp can't even read.

In 1947, the United Nations affirmed the right of an "Arab State" and a "Jewish State" to exist within Palestine. The Jewish Agency, precursor to the Israeli government, agreed to the plan, but several Arab states rejected it and attacked Israel after its May 14, 1948 declaration of independence, escalating a civil war into the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The legal and territorial status of Israel and Palestine is still hotly disputed in the region and within the international community. In the 1950s and 1960s Arab leaders did not acknowledge that Israel had a right to exist.[13] The issue was described as the central one between Israel and the Arabs, by James Farell Thomas, the Trotskyist American novelist.[14] After the June 1967 war, Egyptian spokesman Mohammed H. el-Zayyat stated that Cairo had accepted Israel's right to exist since the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli armistice in 1949.[15] He added that this did not imply recognition of Israel.[15] In September, the Arab leaders adopted a hardline "three no's" position in the Khartoum Resolution: No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel.[16] But in November, Egypt accepted UN Security Council Resolution 242, which implied acceptance of Israel's right to exist. King Hussein of Jordan also acknowledged that Israel had a right to exist at this time.

When Ben Gurion spoke to the World Council of Poale Zion in 1938, he said, "The boundaries of Zionist aspiration include southern Lebanon, southern Syria, today’s Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan, and the Sinai."
In 1947 the United Nations attempted to partition Palestine between Jews and Arabs. The partition was unacceptable to everyone. On the one hand, it would have given far more land to Jews than they were living on. At the time, Jewish land owners held only 6 percent of the land. On the other hand, the Zionist movement sought to claim far more land for itself and would not settle for the partition.
In 1948, war broke out between the Zionist forces and the Arab countries surrounding Palestine. Before the war there were about 950,000 Palestinians in the land that became Israel. The Zionist forces drove out or killed between 700,000 and 800,000 of the 950,000 Palestinians.
In the past, Zionists have hidden the role Zionist forces played in ethnically cleansing the land of its Palestinian inhabitants, but such denial is pretty futile by now. Even right-wing historians like Benny Morris have heavily documented the atrocities committed by Zionist troops and their intent to drive out the native inhabitants. Morris’s only problem with the operations is that they did not do a thorough enough job in expelling the Arabs.
We have, for instance, accounts such as that of Zvi Ankori, commander of the Haganah, who said, "I saw cut off genitalia and women’s crushed stomachs. … It was direct murder."
Menachem Begin, a former prime minister of Israel, expressed great pride in the terrifying effects of the Zionist operations. On the massacre of 254 men, women, and children in Deir-Yasin, Begin said, "A legend of terror spread amongst Arabs who were seized with panic at the mention of our Irgun soldiers. It was worth half a dozen battalions to the forces of Israel. Arabs throughout the country … were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede.
"Of the 800,000 Arabs who lived on the present territory of the State of Israel, only some 165,000 are still there. The political and economic significance of this development can hardly be overstated."
The 700,000 Palestinians who fled their homes in 1948 have not been able to return since. They and their children now number 4 or 5 million people. Many of them are huddled in the same refugee camps they entered when they first fled. They are one of the largest and longest running refugee populations in the world.
Israel could not have become a Jewish state without forcibly expelling the majority of indigenous population. It cannot remain a Jewish state without forcibly preventing the re-entry of the expelled indigenous population and without forcibly preventing immigration of non-Jews into Israel.

It cannot remain a Jewish state without denying the rights or even existence of the remaining indigenous population within Israel.

Israel was created on stolen Palestinian land


Israel was created and exists by crimes against another people.

Where is there a "right" to do that?

Tinmore, Here are some more of those crimes being committed by a psychopathic Israeli government.
Also, I believe in the future that this tribe in Israel that is beholden to this ancient ethnocentric supremacist racial creed is going find it disconcerting as it gets it's comeuppance.

Israel orders demolition of 8 Palestinian villages, claims need for IDF training land
Residents of targeted villages will be moved to the West Bank town of Yatta and its environs; state claims that most of those evacuated have permanent homes in the area.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered the demolition of eight Palestinian villages in the South Hebron Hills because the territory is needed for Israel Defense Forces training exercises, the state told the High Court of Justice on Sunday.

Israel orders demolition of 8 Palestinian villages, claims need for IDF training land - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Post comment..."We just can't send our precious children to train in that empty land around Dimona because our bomb factory ... I mean, our peaceful research reactor, yeah, sure, that's it, our peaceful research reactor is leaking radiation and we don't want our precious children to get sick!" -- Nodding Yahoo
Yup, racist faggots usually do the same thing and ask questions like what are equal rights, and than ask don't civil rights have to be earned? usually these questions are just ways to be racist fucking douche bags and get a reaction out of people.
Haters use different methods to justify their hatred and this is one that is often used. They frequently question the obvious, such as "did Iran's president call for the destruction of Israel?" or "did the Holocaust really happen?"

You labeling someone a hater is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, you hypocrite!
No, Ahmadinejad did not call for the destruction of Israel, but it serves Israel and it's minions to perpetuate this lie. The Holocaust of WW2 is also another lie and yes I'm a holocaust denier because I've studied it for a long time and discovered through my extensive research that the gas chambers were a lie and the mass burning of bodies was also another lie. The Zionist Jews have hijacked WW2 history to serve their agenda...The Zionist Talmudic Supremacist Jews have used the holohoax as a tool in to justify the theft of Palestine and to deflect criticisms of it's atrocious acts.
When did you stop taking your medication?
Haters use different methods to justify their hatred and this is one that is often used. They frequently question the obvious, such as "did Iran's president call for the destruction of Israel?" or "did the Holocaust really happen?"

You labeling someone a hater is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, you hypocrite!
No, Ahmadinejad did not call for the destruction of Israel, but it serves Israel and it's minions to perpetuate this lie. The Holocaust of WW2 is also another lie and yes I'm a holocaust denier because I've studied it for a long time and discovered through my extensive research that the gas chambers were a lie and the mass burning of bodies was also another lie. The Zionist Jews have hijacked WW2 history to serve their agenda...The Zionist Talmudic Supremacist Jews have used the holohoax as a tool in to justify the theft of Palestine and to deflect criticisms of it's atrocious acts.

You just proved our point, thanks for being you.
Must be foot in mouth disease.
When Ben Gurion spoke to the World Council of Poale Zion in 1938, he said, "The boundaries of Zionist aspiration include southern Lebanon, southern Syria, today’s Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan, and the Sinai."
In 1947 the United Nations attempted to partition Palestine between Jews and Arabs. The partition was unacceptable to everyone. On the one hand, it would have given far more land to Jews than they were living on. At the time, Jewish land owners held only 6 percent of the land. On the other hand, the Zionist movement sought to claim far more land for itself and would not settle for the partition.
In 1948, war broke out between the Zionist forces and the Arab countries surrounding Palestine. Before the war there were about 950,000 Palestinians in the land that became Israel. The Zionist forces drove out or killed between 700,000 and 800,000 of the 950,000 Palestinians.
In the past, Zionists have hidden the role Zionist forces played in ethnically cleansing the land of its Palestinian inhabitants, but such denial is pretty futile by now. Even right-wing historians like Benny Morris have heavily documented the atrocities committed by Zionist troops and their intent to drive out the native inhabitants. Morris’s only problem with the operations is that they did not do a thorough enough job in expelling the Arabs.
We have, for instance, accounts such as that of Zvi Ankori, commander of the Haganah, who said, "I saw cut off genitalia and women’s crushed stomachs. … It was direct murder."
Menachem Begin, a former prime minister of Israel, expressed great pride in the terrifying effects of the Zionist operations. On the massacre of 254 men, women, and children in Deir-Yasin, Begin said, "A legend of terror spread amongst Arabs who were seized with panic at the mention of our Irgun soldiers. It was worth half a dozen battalions to the forces of Israel. Arabs throughout the country … were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede.
"Of the 800,000 Arabs who lived on the present territory of the State of Israel, only some 165,000 are still there. The political and economic significance of this development can hardly be overstated."
The 700,000 Palestinians who fled their homes in 1948 have not been able to return since. They and their children now number 4 or 5 million people. Many of them are huddled in the same refugee camps they entered when they first fled. They are one of the largest and longest running refugee populations in the world.
Israel could not have become a Jewish state without forcibly expelling the majority of indigenous population. It cannot remain a Jewish state without forcibly preventing the re-entry of the expelled indigenous population and without forcibly preventing immigration of non-Jews into Israel.

It cannot remain a Jewish state without denying the rights or even existence of the remaining indigenous population within Israel.

Israel was created on stolen Palestinian land


Israel was created and exists by crimes against another people.

Where is there a "right" to do that?

Tinmore, Here are some more of those crimes being committed by a psychopathic Israeli government.
Also, I believe in the future that this tribe in Israel that is beholden to this ancient ethnocentric supremacist racial creed is going find it disconcerting as it gets it's comeuppance.

Israel orders demolition of 8 Palestinian villages, claims need for IDF training land
Residents of targeted villages will be moved to the West Bank town of Yatta and its environs; state claims that most of those evacuated have permanent homes in the area.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered the demolition of eight Palestinian villages in the South Hebron Hills because the territory is needed for Israel Defense Forces training exercises, the state told the High Court of Justice on Sunday.

Israel orders demolition of 8 Palestinian villages, claims need for IDF training land - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Post comment..."We just can't send our precious children to train in that empty land around Dimona because our bomb factory ... I mean, our peaceful research reactor, yeah, sure, that's it, our peaceful research reactor is leaking radiation and we don't want our precious children to get sick!" -- Nodding Yahoo
Yeah and? These are conquered lands. Israel can do as it pleases, including ANNEXING it entirely.
Haters use different methods to justify their hatred and this is one that is often used. They frequently question the obvious, such as "did Iran's president call for the destruction of Israel?" or "did the Holocaust really happen?"

You labeling someone a hater is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, you hypocrite!
No, Ahmadinejad did not call for the destruction of Israel, but it serves Israel and it's minions to perpetuate this lie. The Holocaust of WW2 is also another lie and yes I'm a holocaust denier because I've studied it for a long time and discovered through my extensive research that the gas chambers were a lie and the mass burning of bodies was also another lie. The Zionist Jews have hijacked WW2 history to serve their agenda...The Zionist Talmudic Supremacist Jews have used the holohoax as a tool in to justify the theft of Palestine and to deflect criticisms of it's atrocious acts.
When did you stop taking your medication?

I don't think she ever started.

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