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Israel's "Right to Exist"?

OK, so I've also read Hammond's opinion piece and noticed not a single citation for any of his "facts." Frankly, if a blogger - especially one who holds himself out to be an "investigative reporter" - doesn't support his conclusive "facts" with citations, he wasted his time writing at all. I'm certain Jeremy knew that when he blogged.
This is nothing more than an ad hominem. You've provided no reason to doubt what Hammond say's. You're just trying to discredit the source, because you have no valid argument against it.
The FACTS cited by islamo nazi propagandaists regarding "arab" ownership of land is based on semantics There is a true Fact----the true fact is that jews owned 7% of the land----by purchase------lands which jews were forced by massacres to abandon----which they also owned-----such as Hebron and Jerusalem were not included in the "jewish owned land" ALL of the rest of the land was assigned some kind of ownership-----if an arab pissed there----it was called "ARAB OWNED LAND" Since by 1948 all the jews had been throat slitted out of Hebron-----at that point ARABS OWNED HEBRON -----etc etc etc Land ownership by virtue of PURCHASE has been customary in Palestine for more than 3000 years with the sole exception of ARAB LAND OWNERSHIP------which simply happens by arab declaration
Are you mentally incapable of making a lucid point?
Hey, I understand your embarassment. Nobody likes to be called out for being a mindless hater. I just call 'em like I see 'em and I see you clearly, Princess.
That's all it is. You calling me a hater. It has nothing to do with me. The only way you can prove my statement wrong, is to explain why you think I'm a hater. And we both know, you can't do that!
The FACTS cited by islamo nazi propagandaists regarding "arab" ownership of land is based on semantics There is a true Fact----the true fact is that jews owned 7% of the land----by purchase------lands which jews were forced by massacres to abandon----which they also owned-----such as Hebron and Jerusalem were not included in the "jewish owned land" ALL of the rest of the land was assigned some kind of ownership-----if an arab pissed there----it was called "ARAB OWNED LAND" Since by 1948 all the jews had been throat slitted out of Hebron-----at that point ARABS OWNED HEBRON -----etc etc etc Land ownership by virtue of PURCHASE has been customary in Palestine for more than 3000 years with the sole exception of ARAB LAND OWNERSHIP------which simply happens by arab declaration
Are you mentally incapable of making a lucid point?
Pretty clear to everybody else. You still at happy hour?
OK, so I've also read Hammond's opinion piece and noticed not a single citation for any of his "facts." Frankly, if a blogger - especially one who holds himself out to be an "investigative reporter" - doesn't support his conclusive "facts" with citations, he wasted his time writing at all. I'm certain Jeremy knew that when he blogged.
This is nothing more than an ad hominem. You've provided no reason to doubt what Hammond say's.

Really? Hammond offers no reason to believe what he thinks. I will waste non of my time disproving what he failed to prove. However, you can waste yours trying to prove it, Princess.
Hey, I understand your embarassment. Nobody likes to be called out for being a mindless hater. I just call 'em like I see 'em and I see you clearly, Princess.
That's all it is. You calling me a hater. It has nothing to do with me. The only way you can prove my statement wrong, is to explain why you think I'm a hater. And we both know, you can't do that!

I called out GeorgePhillip as a hater here, Princess, and you got your thong in a bunch and squealed like a stuck pig. Clearly I've already made the case against you.
"Hasan's slaughter seems almost charitable by comparison."

It's too bad for you that Hasan didn't kill more people. You could feel better about yourself.
Nidal Malik Hasan was born in Virginia in 1970 to parents who fled the Israeli conquest and illegal occupation of their Palestinian town, Al-Bireh, in 1967. I can mourn Hasan's 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder without excusing how the US deliberately targeted the electrical power grids of Iraq in 1991.

I don't see how it's possible to feel bad about the former without feeling worse about the latter.

That's because you see the world through the "America and Americans are evil" prism.
As for your willingness to "mourn Hasan's 13 counts of premeditated murder," you must know that a normal person would mourn the victims of that slaughter, not the charges against the perp.
Finally, do you have a working link to the Air Force document which you claimed proves they deliberately targeted that electric grid to "deprive the Iraqis of fresh water?"
The link in your article doen't work.
My prism shows me that only one country since 1945 has murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated millions of civilians on the opposite side of the planet from Washington DC. Normal human beings would mourn that first and foremost.

The link in "Material Breach" is outdated:
Do you dispute its charges?

"Hard then to explain the 1991 US bombing of electrical grids that powered 1,410 water-treatment plants for Iraq's 22 million people. An excerpt from a 1998 US Air Force document, entitled 'Strategic Attack,' chillingly explains: 'The electrical attacks proved extremely effective ... The loss of electricity shut down the capital's water treatment plants and led to a public health crisis from raw sewage dumped in the Tigris River.'

"A second US Defense Intelligence Agency document, 1991's 'Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities,' predicted how sanctions would then be used to prevent Iraq from getting the equipment and chemicals necessary for water purification, which would result in 'a shortage of pure drinking water for much of the population" leading to "increased incidences, if not epidemics, of disease.'"

"So basically, in defiance of international law, the United States knowingly destroyed Iraq's water supply, then for the past eleven years has prevented the contaminated drinking water from being treated, even though it was obvious those most affected would be millions of citizens doomed to preventable disease and death. If that's not a material breach, what is?"

Material Breach: US Crimes in Iraq

Tell me if normal persons doubt the US deliberately targeted Iraq's electrical grid in 1991.
I called out GeorgePhillip as a hater here, Princess, and you got your thong in a bunch and squealed like a stuck pig. Clearly I've already made the case against you.
And I asked you to explain the same question about him, which you haven't.

In addition, you know full well you've labeled that claim against me in the past and I'm still waiting for answer on that one as well.
If you open your link you find an article from someone named Heather Wokusch at something called Dissident Voice. Her complaint, that the US Air Force destroyed Iraq's electric grid in an effort to deprive Iraqis of fresh drinking water, is based on what she claims to be an internal Air Force document but when you click the link provided (http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/pubs/speclist.asp?puborg=AFDC&series=dd), you find nothing at all.
Clicking on Heather's "Strategic Attack" link leads to an "Air Force e-Publishing" page with the following apology:

"Sorry, the page you tried to reach does not exist

"You may have used an outdated link or you may have typed the address (URL) incorrectly.
To find what you are looking for please use..."


No apologies for the 49,600 Iraqi children that the NEJM claims were victims of the USAF Strategic Attack and ensuing trade sanctions.

That link doesn't work, either. Have you read the Air Force document? Could you post a working link? Thanks.
Your welcome.

"During the Gulf War of 1991 aerial bombardment caused severe damage to the electric grid that operated the pumping stations and other facilities for potable water delivery and sewage treatment. The sanctions imposed by the UN at the conclusion of the Gulf War exacerbated these problems by banning the importation of spare parts for equipment and chemicals, such as chlorine, needed for disinfection."

Damage to Baghdad during the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Really? Hammond offers no reason to believe what he thinks. I will waste non of my time disproving what he failed to prove. However, you can waste yours trying to prove it, Princess.
Actually, he offered quite a few reasons. His report is nothing but reasons. It's pretty obvious you didn't even read what he said.
How is recalling history in the context from which it occured, making excuses?

Care to explain that one?
Some of these damn conservatives have real problems with cause and effect.
The greatest purveyor of violence on earth hasn't changed its stripes since MLK died...

Yeah, ok.
Your hate for the US has been duly noted. I wonder which came first: Your hate for America or your hate for Israel?
"Hate" isn't the right word.

I'm disgusted with pusillanimous slaves too brainwashed to hold Israel and the US to the same standards they apply to every other dollar-corrupted government on the planet.

do you have the names of each of the children who supposedly died because of SANCTIONS against the noble government of Saddam Hussein? Of what did they die? where they executed?
Why are you asking for the childrens' names, thinking of sending sympathy cards?
They died from the effects of drinking contaminated water ...

Could you offer some support for your claim that over 46,000 Iraqi children died as a direct result of drinking dirty water? It seems to me your hate for this country should motivate you to move somewhere you might feel more comfortable. There are millions who would gladly trade places with you.
Apparently your pusillanimous patriotism blinded you to this link the last time I posted it:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

MMS: Error
Your last sentence proves what I said earlier about apologizing for Muslim violence. Now you are under suspicion, Benedict.
I'm thinking Benedict was a better American than Dick the Draft Dodger, Hoss.

"Born in Connecticut, Arnold was a merchant operating ships on the Atlantic Ocean when the war broke out in 1775. After joining the growing army outside Boston, he distinguished himself through acts of intelligence and bravery..."

"Despite Arnold's successes, he was passed over for promotion by the Continental Congress while other officers claimed credit for some of his accomplishments.[3]

"Adversaries in military and political circles brought charges of corruption or other malfeasance, but most often he was acquitted in formal inquiries.

"Congress investigated his accounts and found he was indebted to Congress after spending much of his own money on the war effort. Frustrated and bitter, Arnold decided to change sides in 1779, and opened secret negotiations with the British."

Benedict Arnold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many $ do you suppose the Draft Dodger has earned from the deaths of those 46,900 Iraqi children?

While historians do indeed quibble over Arnold's legacy, the word "Benedict" has long meant "traitor" in this country. Are you new here?
Are you literate?

"traitor (plural traitors)

"One who violates his allegiance and betrays his/her country; one guilty of treason; one who, in breach of trust, delivers his country to an enemy, or yields up any fort or place intrusted to his defense, or surrenders an army or body of troops to the enemy, unless when vanquished; also, one who takes arms and levies war against his country; or one who aids an enemy in conquering his country.
Hence, one who betrays any confidence or trust; a betrayer.

traitor - Wiktionary

While historians quibble, Dick still has my vote for betraying the trust and confidence of his countrymen.
For one Israel has the right to be a state mainly because of its historical value. Israel was originally the holy land of the Hebrews. And what other reason would it need. Why shouldn't it be a state is one thing I would like to hear from somebody?
Why do Jews alone, among all the world's people, have a "right" to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago? What about the rights of the majority of the inhabitants of 1948 Mandate Palestine who were not Jewish?

"The history of the Palestinian exodus is closely tied to the events of the war in Palestine, which lasted from 1947 to 1949, and to the political events preceding it.

"In September 1949, the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine estimated 711,000 Palestinian refugees existed outside Israel,[25] with about one-quarter of the estimated 160,000 Palestinian Arabs remaining in Israel as 'internal refugees'".

"The Palestinians say they were evicted at bayonet-point and by panic deliberately incited by the Zionists.[26]"

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For one Israel has the right to be a state mainly because of its historical value. Israel was originally the holy land of the Hebrews. And what other reason would it need. Why shouldn't it be a state is one thing I would like to hear from somebody?
States don't have rights, people do!

And the Pals have just as much right to have a nation of their own.

You know, UN 181 offered the "Pals" the same opportunity for UN membership and international recognition that it offered the soon-to-be Israelis. Had the Arabs accepted and established their own state as the Israelis did in 1948 - rather than violently reject both UN 181 and Israel's existence - they would be celebrating their 64th independence day right about now.
"The Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity" - Abba Eban
"The Arab leadership (in and out of Palestine) opposed partition and claimed all of Palestine.[34] The Arabs argued that it violated the rights of the majority of the people in Palestine, which at the time was 67% non-Jewish (1,237,000) and 33% Jewish (608,000)."

Had a free election taken place in 1948 there would have been no need for a "two state solution."

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My question was obviously directed at GeorgePhillip but you can play too:
Fair enough. Explain why he would hate the US.

Why ask me to explain your hate, Princess?
That's not my question. I asking you to explain why "you think" I would hate the US? Or Israel? Or the jews? This is what you are claiming. I want to know what were the premises that led you to those conclusions. The question is not about me, it's about you. Are you going to answer the question?
People assume by reading your posts that you are a misanthropist. And they are right!
"A misanthrope; a person who hates all mankind; a person who hates the human species."

misanthropist - Wiktionary

Other people assume you hate Democracy:

"The Arab leadership (in and out of Palestine) opposed partition and claimed all of Palestine.[34] The Arabs argued that it violated the rights of the majority of the people in Palestine, which at the time was 67% non-Jewish (1,237,000) and 33% Jewish (608,000)."

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are they right?
Fair enough. Explain why he would hate the US.

That's not my question. I asking you to explain why "you think" I would hate the US? Or Israel? Or the jews? This is what you are claiming. I want to know what were the premises that led you to those conclusions. The question is not about me, it's about you. Are you going to answer the question?
People assume by reading your posts that you are a misanthropist. And they are right!
"A misanthrope; a person who hates all mankind; a person who hates the human species."

misanthropist - Wiktionary

Other people assume you hate Democracy:

"The Arab leadership (in and out of Palestine) opposed partition and claimed all of Palestine.[34] The Arabs argued that it violated the rights of the majority of the people in Palestine, which at the time was 67% non-Jewish (1,237,000) and 33% Jewish (608,000)."

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are they right?
Not deserving of comment.

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