Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Dogs are looked down upon in Palestinian culture, so it’s very rare to see a dog in that area.

"This is uncommon in Gaza. In general, there are almost no animals there. We saw cats here and there, but no dogs. He was really thin and weak and looked in bad shape. We let him drink and rest…

At one point, during the evacuation of a soldier, we seized the chance to also take the dog out of Gaza. When a tank arrived for the evacuation, we requested to include the dog. We arranged a travel bag for him, placed the dog inside with his head sticking out, and transported him to Israel."

The family of the medic who told the story has adopted the dog. He’s now living happily in Israel and is well cared for.


But to those who don’t have that clarity yet, I created you a nice guide with some questions to ask yourself if you care at all about your integrity…- Which side would Hitler side with if he was alive? The side that wants Jews to live in peace in their homeland or the side that wants to murder Jews wherever they are?

Hint: See the photo of Hitler and the Grand Mufti sitting together in 1941.

- Which side holds peaceful marches where they sing, pray, and hope for their innocent hostages to be freed and which side yells death chants?

- Which side is willing to accept the other living peacefully with them side by side and which side doesn’t believe the other side has a right to exist?

- Which side has a Declaration of Independence that states clearly that the country is democratic and which side has a charter (that’s available online it you wanna read it) calling for genocide of all infidels?

- Which side belongs to a religion that has been radicalized to commit the vast majority of global terror and which side prays for peace several times a day?

- Which side has been caught with their pants down (sorry, couldn’t help the pun) countless times with their lies and which side consistently tells the truth, even when inconvenient?

- Which side was dancing with a Torah scroll when they were viciously attacked, murdered, and raped and which side did the attacking and proudly live streamed it?

- Which side states clearly that they want world domination and which side has absolutely no interest in convincing the world that they are right?

- Which side drops pamphlets and sends SMS to minimize civilian death and which side uses civilian deaths on both sides as a PR tool?

- Which side has introduced the world to endless innovation and which side only invented terror tunnels?

- Which side has deep sadness from the terror inflicted upon them and which side is only angry they weren’t able to kill more innocent people?
This war, unlike other wars or conflicts, doesn’t have two equal sides. There is no equal sign. There aren’t two legitimate teams here.

There is one side that does everything humanly possible to minimize civilians deaths on both sides and there is another side that does everything humanly possible to maximize civilians deaths on both sides.

If you’re a moral person, you can’t sit this one out.

Choose wisely because history doesn’t forget.

Stand with Israel as it fights the forces of evil before they make it to your doorstep.

There is only one moral side here, one side that values life above all, one side that wants to live in peace, one side that cries over every innocent life that’s lost; the Israel side.

Israel will win this war, with or without your support.

Israel doesn’t need you. You need Israel.
The problem with all the surrendering is that Israel will now provide the with humane prisons paid for by Israel until their friends kidnap more Israeli s to leverage their release.
Oh it’s far worse than that. Israel actually saved the life of the Hamas leader by removing a brain tumor. And then there are those idiots who accuse Israel of genocide. :cuckoo:


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