Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

But to those who don’t have that clarity yet, I created you a nice guide with some questions to ask yourself if you care at all about your integrity…- Which side would Hitler side with if he was alive? The side that wants Jews to live in peace in their homeland or the side that wants to murder Jews wherever they are?

Hint: See the photo of Hitler and the Grand Mufti sitting together in 1941.

- Which side holds peaceful marches where they sing, pray, and hope for their innocent hostages to be freed and which side yells death chants?

- Which side is willing to accept the other living peacefully with them side by side and which side doesn’t believe the other side has a right to exist?

- Which side has a Declaration of Independence that states clearly that the country is democratic and which side has a charter (that’s available online it you wanna read it) calling for genocide of all infidels?

- Which side belongs to a religion that has been radicalized to commit the vast majority of global terror and which side prays for peace several times a day?

- Which side has been caught with their pants down (sorry, couldn’t help the pun) countless times with their lies and which side consistently tells the truth, even when inconvenient?

- Which side was dancing with a Torah scroll when they were viciously attacked, murdered, and raped and which side did the attacking and proudly live streamed it?

- Which side states clearly that they want world domination and which side has absolutely no interest in convincing the world that they are right?

- Which side drops pamphlets and sends SMS to minimize civilian death and which side uses civilian deaths on both sides as a PR tool?

- Which side has introduced the world to endless innovation and which side only invented terror tunnels?

- Which side has deep sadness from the terror inflicted upon them and which side is only angry they weren’t able to kill more innocent people?
This war, unlike other wars or conflicts, doesn’t have two equal sides. There is no equal sign. There aren’t two legitimate teams here.

There is one side that does everything humanly possible to minimize civilians deaths on both sides and there is another side that does everything humanly possible to maximize civilians deaths on both sides.

If you’re a moral person, you can’t sit this one out.

Choose wisely because history doesn’t forget.

Stand with Israel as it fights the forces of evil before they make it to your doorstep.

There is only one moral side here, one side that values life above all, one side that wants to live in peace, one side that cries over every innocent life that’s lost; the Israel side.

Israel will win this war, with or without your support.

Israel doesn’t need you. You need Israel.

On November 8, Christiane Amanpour said on CNN that “over 4,300 children have been killed” during Israel’s military operations in Gaza. She admitted that this figure was “according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah”. But the numbers were, in fact, issued by the ministry’s Gaza branch, which is run by Hamas. Like countless other journalists, Amanpour failed to note that Hamas never acknowledged a single terrorist among these fatalities, and that the designation “children” includes its many teenage terrorists.

These media outlets never give up on their determination to paint Israel falsely as a mendacious and bloodthirsty aggressor.

Journalists sneered at Israel’s repeated claims of Hamas command tunnels beneath Gaza’s al Shifa hospital. Even as the IDF started to produce videos of these tunnels, showing their arched roofs, toilets and rooms using electricity sourced from the hospital, The New York Times continued falsely to assert that the Israelis “have not shown conclusive evidence of a vast network of tunnels”.

When the Israeli hostages started to be released, Sky’s international editor, Dominic Waghorn, reported that they had been “held in reasonable condition reportedly, though those held above ground lived with the fear of being killed in Israel’s bombardment”.

Yet we now know that some of the Jewish hostages were beaten with electric cables, the elderly hostages were suffering from malnutrition, and one of them, who hadn’t been given the medication she needed, was airlifted to an Israeli hospital in critical condition.

The child hostages were treated with unspeakable cruelty and sadism from which they have already displayed lasting ill effects. They were instructed to speak in whispers and told they would be shot if they made a noise. One child was beaten, kept in solitary confinement for 16 days and forced to watch videos of the October 7 massacre. When he cried, he was threatened at gunpoint.

Yet Waghorn actually suggested that Israel was to blame for the worst the hostages had suffered through fear of being killed in its air raids. :cool-45:
It seems Gazan residents may have had it with Hamas’ leadership, if the resident in the video above represents a growing sentiment in the Strip. In an interview with Hebron radio station Al-Alam reporter in the Gaza Strip Muhammad Mansour, a man damned Hamas leaders Yahya Al-Sinwar and Muhammad Deif for “destroying us.” He also cursed Al-Sinwar as a “son of a dog,” calling on Allah to “take revenge” on him:

Gaza Strip resident: “I want to convey my message to the Hamas government. May Allah take revenge on you, [and] curse your forefathers… May Allah curse you, O Al-Sinwar (i.e., Hamas terror leader), you son of a dog, may Allah take revenge on you, you’ve destroyed us… We migrated from Gaza [City] to Khan Yunis, and from Khan Yunis to Rafah. We were scattered, us and our family, our wives, our children. Give the [Israeli] prisoners [back to Israel], these dogs who are in your possession… Al-Sinwar is underground, hiding together with Deif (i.e., Hamas terror leader) and all the disgusting ones like him.”
[Hebron radio station Al-Alam, on “Ohad,” X (Twitter) account, Dec. 6, 2023]​
Palestinian Media Watch has exposed additional criticism of Hamas leaders by Gazan citizens who are fed up with their leaders sitting comfortably abroad or underground, while they are being used as human shields.

This little girl told the truth: Hamas is “underneath, in tunnels, and we – the victims who are dying – are civilians”:

Click to play

This unfortunate truth has been corroborated openly by Hamas leaders, saying they “need the blood of the children” to make Palestinians willing to fight Israel.

Yahya Al-Sinwar - Palestinian terrorist and senior member of the Hamas terror organization. Al-Sinwar was involved in the kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldier Nachshon Wachsman in October 1994. Israeli soldier Nir Poraz was murdered during Israel's attempt to rescue Wachsman. Al-Sinwar was sentenced to 4 life sentences, but was released in the exchange deal for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011.

Muhammad Deif – Palestinian terrorist and chief commander of the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas' military wing). He organized several terror attacks, including the first Jaffa Street suicide bombing in Jerusalem (27 murdered, 35 wounded, Feb. 25, 1996), the second Jaffa Street suicide bombing in Jerusalem (18 murdered, over 40 wounded, March 3, 1996), the Ashkelon Junction suicide bombing (1 murdered, 35 wounded, March 3, 1996), the Elei Sinai shooting attack (2 murdered, 15 wounded, Oct. 2, 2001 and the Atzmona shooting attack (5 murdered, 15 wounded, March 7, 2002). He also led the cell that kidnapped and murdered 3 Israeli soldiers: Shahar Simani (April 20, 1994), Aryeh Frankental (July 7, 1994), and Nachshon Wachsman (Oct. 9, 1994).

It seems Gazan residents may have had it with Hamas’ leadership, if the resident in the video above represents a growing sentiment in the Strip. In an interview with Hebron radio station Al-Alam reporter in the Gaza Strip Muhammad Mansour, a man damned Hamas leaders Yahya Al-Sinwar and Muhammad Deif for “destroying us.” He also cursed Al-Sinwar as a “son of a dog,” calling on Allah to “take revenge” on him:

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed additional criticism of Hamas leaders by Gazan citizens who are fed up with their leaders sitting comfortably abroad or underground, while they are being used as human shields.

This little girl told the truth: Hamas is “underneath, in tunnels, and we – the victims who are dying – are civilians”:

Click to play

This unfortunate truth has been corroborated openly by Hamas leaders, saying they “need the blood of the children” to make Palestinians willing to fight Israel.

Yahya Al-Sinwar - Palestinian terrorist and senior member of the Hamas terror organization. Al-Sinwar was involved in the kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldier Nachshon Wachsman in October 1994. Israeli soldier Nir Poraz was murdered during Israel's attempt to rescue Wachsman. Al-Sinwar was sentenced to 4 life sentences, but was released in the exchange deal for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011.

Muhammad Deif – Palestinian terrorist and chief commander of the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas' military wing). He organized several terror attacks, including the first Jaffa Street suicide bombing in Jerusalem (27 murdered, 35 wounded, Feb. 25, 1996), the second Jaffa Street suicide bombing in Jerusalem (18 murdered, over 40 wounded, March 3, 1996), the Ashkelon Junction suicide bombing (1 murdered, 35 wounded, March 3, 1996), the Elei Sinai shooting attack (2 murdered, 15 wounded, Oct. 2, 2001 and the Atzmona shooting attack (5 murdered, 15 wounded, March 7, 2002). He also led the cell that kidnapped and murdered 3 Israeli soldiers: Shahar Simani (April 20, 1994), Aryeh Frankental (July 7, 1994), and Nachshon Wachsman (Oct. 9, 1994).

Support for Hamas was low prior to Israeli bombing of Gaza. They were interviewing some Palestinians on Oct 7, who were cursing Hamas because they knew it would bring Israel down on them and they would pay the price.
A lot of this war is also playing out in a more subtle battle in social media and propaganda. It is interesting because with a ban on international journalists entering Gaza unless the embed with the Israeli journalists (and 56 have killed so far ) it is hard to get a factual and fair accounting of what is happening through traditional news outlets.

What is interesting here is how it is playing out in social media with young Gen Z “citizen journalists” taking on the task of recording and reporting. TikTok seems to be surpassing X/Twitter as medium of choice. The upside is itis out there often as a record of daily life, including before the war that is often ignored in the larger narratives focused on demonizing. The downside is it is difficult to independently verify claims something traditional journalism is required to do or state they can.


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