Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

, so they had no choice but to surrender. The IDF recognizes damage to the axes of command and control of Hamas following the entry of IDF forces into Khan Yunis.

Surrender incidents of terrorists in recent days were not only in Jabaliya in the north of the Gaza Strip, but also in the Khan Yunis area in the south. The IDF recognizes changes in the behavior patterns of the leadership - which according to estimates is still in Khan Yunis. This may perhaps explain the testimonies of the terrorists who surrendered about "losing contact with the leadership".

Security sources say: "This indicates that the senior leadership of Hamas in Khan Yunis prefers its personal survival over command and control."

Of the hundreds of Gazans who were detained by IDF forces in the various incidents in recent days, many dozens were identified as terrorists and were transferred to IDF and Shin Bet facilities for further investigation.
The problem with all the surrendering is that Israel will now provide the with humane prisons paid for by Israel until their friends kidnap more Israeli s to leverage their release.
The problem with all the surrendering is that Israel will now provide the with humane prisons paid for by Israel until their friends kidnap more Israeli s to leverage their release.
It is not over, yet. It is war. That is how wars happen. Better than what ISIS and others do with their prisoners. It is the right thing to do for now.

The goal is for there to be no more Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza. PA is next.
Unconfirmed Report: 48 Hour Ultimatum To Lebanese Govt

Low expectation in Israel, US and France for a political resolution.


"If Not for Iran's Support, We Would Not Have Our Missile Capabilities".

While millions of children in the suburbs of Iran are starving, the Ayatollah terrorist regime exploits Iran's wealth to destabilize the Middle East and promote the murder of Jews.

Please retweet if you support Israel's right to exist and defend itself!

It was 2 am and IDF soldiers noticed some suspicious movements in the horizon. In a time of war, that would generally mean to open fire. But the IDF, being the IDF, waited and then noticed it was a kid, a 4 year old girl.

She was walking around aimlessly without shoes and with multiple wounds.

The IDF soldiers took her to the field doctor, they treated her wounds and helped her in every way they could.

After they treated her, they brought her to the humanitarian corridor so they can try to locate her family and care for her.

Turns out, the child was sent by Hamas into the heart of a war zone to see if the Israeli soldiers were up and alert.

Their cruelty knows no bounds.

Why don’t you see this story in the press? Good question.

If there was ever a story that illustrates the endlessly savage nature of Hamas and the deeply compassionate nature of the IDF, this is it.

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