Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

"We will dance again"

Mia Schem was kidnapped on 7/10 by #Hamas terrorists while she was at a music festival in southern Israel.

Upon returning home, after 7 weeks in captivity, Mia tattooed the phrase "we will dance again" on her arm.

In a post on Instagram she wrote:

"We will never forget 7.10.23.

The pain and fear, the difficult images, the friends who will not return and those we must bring back.
But we will win.
We will dance again!"

Hamas terrorists want to extinguish our light.
But they will never succeed.
We will rise from the ashes.
We will live.
This is the history of our people.

The people of Israel live. Am Israel Chai.

On July 20, 1974 at 5am, Turkey did almost the same to Cyprus but tenfold. Many Turkish Cypriots rejoiced.

Turkey stole the homes of 200,000 Cypriots and gave them to Turkish settlers, violating the fourth Geneva Convention. Where was the UN?Since 1974 tens of UNSC resolutions have been violated by Turkey without consequences.

Since 1974 Turkey illegally occupies the northern part of Cyprus but for the UN it’s just another day, they only respond when it has to do with @israel.

Turkey doesn’t regard Hamas a terrorist organization and has ties with them

Nobody wants you back. You can hear the bombs all around. All they want to do is kill you and us together.”

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