Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Really? You somehow doubt that zionists don't teach their kids they have god given right to expel Pales from the WB and land abutting Israel's legal Northern borders?

What Hamas did in November in inexcusable, and I don't see Israel having a real option but to do what it is doing in Gaza, all wars have all participants causing civilian deaths, but Hamas went way beyond that. Still, that doesn't excuse Likud's ethnic cleansing.

I'd like to see all govt and private US aid to either side END. ANd we can make it illegal.
The only ethnic cleansing going on is the Palestinians' 100 year old ambition to ethnically cleanse all the Jews from Israel. As for the West Bank, Israeli settlements and outposts occupy only about 3.6% of the land, so it is ridiculous to bizarre to claim Israel is trying to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from Judea and Samaria.

"In 2022, the West Bank had about 199 settlements and 220 outposts, and as of 2021, the area of the Israeli settlements was about 201.1 square kilometers, representing 3.6 percent of the total area of the West Bank. "

Why do you persist in telling these ridiculous lies?
Really? You somehow doubt that zionists don't teach their kids they have god given right to expel Pales from the WB and land abutting Israel's legal Northern borders?
Your double negative makes parsing this difficult. Speaking as a Zionist, and one whose kids went to school in Israel and one who knows many other kids in Israeli school, I can say that the education system doesn't teach anything about expeling people. What's your experiential base?
[ Hezbollah thinks the outcome this time will be different ]

Salvo of more than 40 missiles sets of alarms in 90 Israeli communities; no injuries reported in strikes that targeted Mount Meron area; IDF hits terror infrastructure in response​

(full article online)

[ And to think that these barbarians would have been living a non murderous life had Islam never happened and those clans had remained pagan]


Some days later she joined 300 journalists, writers, activist from the Arab world to see videos recorded by Hamas on that day."

I saw the horrors in these videos, I was angry at the Egyptian media, and specifically the Arab media, because of the volume of lies they were spreading about what happened that day.

They were trying to portray the situation as if Israeli soldiers were fighting Hamas and did not explain that Hamas assaulted civilians on the morning of their holiday and inside their homes.
What is even worse is that the videos prove that people were tortured before they were killed. Civilians, children, infants in their beds were tortured and cut to pieces, and women were raped."

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