Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[ They helped create the monsters, now are abandoning them ]

Leaders of the PA, Jordan and Egypt agree: We prefer dead Gazans to a single one on our territory

From the PA's official Wafa news agency:

Jordanian King Abdullah II, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and President Mahmoud Abbas affirmed today, Wednesday, their opposition to any Israeli plans to displace Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the need to condemn them internationally and confront them.

At their summit, which was held in the city of Aqaba to discuss the dangerous situation in Gaza, the leaders stressed their complete rejection of all attempts to liquidate the Palestinian issue and separate Gaza and the West Bank, which constitute an extension of the one Palestinian state.

They're getting better at their doubletalk. But they mean the same thing they have said since October 7: no Gazans will be allowed to flee to safety, no matter how much they want to.

The position of the United Nations is that freedom to emigrate is a human right, part of the right to freedom of movement. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country."

Travel bans are considered a major infringement of human rights.

By any sane metric, banning Gazans from leaving if they want to is a massive violation of their human rights. But the PA, Egypt and Jordan enthusiastically support such bans on travel, as do NGOs that otherwise are dead-set against it.

Amazingly, they all claim that this is for the Gazans' own good. Equally amazingly, no one is asking Gazans themselves what they want to do and what they think of these leaders who decide for them what they are allowed to do.

Even though there are articles showing that many Gazans are desperate to leave.

The only, and I mean only, reason why no one is concerned over this massive violation of Gazan human rights is because they hate Jews more than they hate Gazans, and they think Israel would benefit from this mass travel ban on 2 million people. That is enough to damn them all to potential death and injury as Israel fights a terrorist group that uses those same civilians as their main line of defense.

The world's hypocrisy knows no bounds.

According to MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) on December 18, 2023, Sick Kids Hospital Interfaith Chaplain Ayman Al Taher, spoke at Palestine House in Toronto. In a video posted to his YouTube page (41:09) Imam Ayman Al Taher encouraged the audience (and their children) to listen to a 1998 interview from the founder of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, in which Ahmed Yassin predicted that “by 2027 Israel will not exist”.

Along with this outrageous suggestion of listening to the original leader of a terrorist organization, Ayman Al Taher went further claiming that Allah gave Sheikh Ahmed Yassin an “Honourable Martyrdom”, saying “And as we know how Allah has honoured him…Four rockets – I’m not sure how many millions each rocket cost – to give him an honourable martyrdom”.

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[Journalists, trained to report only negative things about Israel and Zionism. Nothing ever changes ]

A CNN spokesperson responded to HonestReporting: “We were not aware of these posts and take what has been reported very seriously. We are now investigating the matter.”

Hours after we reached out to CNN, Abdelbary deleted his tweet in which he uses the phrase “Zionist entity” — a specific post that we flagged to CNN.

CNN’s reportage on the Israel-Hamas war has been uneven and the outlet has caught flak on several occasions for skewed and misleading pieces. This is in stark contrast to the network’s laudable and important coverage of October 7’s victims by journalists including Jake Tapper, Bianna Golodryga, and Dana Bash, who have highlighted Hamas’ rapes and the plight of Israeli hostages and their families.

But employing journalists who have a history of posting antisemitic and anti-Israel comments online and then giving them the responsibility for reporting accurately and fairly on Israel is unacceptable — and CNN should know this.

(full article online)


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